Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rachael Ray Fat

As a fat man I don't want some fat woman cooking or serving me my food! Fat women are often unsanitary and they also snack while cooking.

Today one of my main sources of masturbatory fantasies, Rachael Ray, is now a fatling and a huge boner buzz kill. When Rachael was basting the turkey I would be vigorously choking the chicken but now when I see Rachael Ray I wouldn't get it up even if I had a crane!

Rachael Ray in the midst of a foodgasm!

Sandra Lee To the Rescue!

Sure she's really fucking hot but can she cook? YES SHE CAN! This hottie can cook! Not only can she put a kink in your dink she can make your tummy rumble with anticipation.

Sandra Lee is the exception that proves the rule, "Never trust a skinny Chef."

Sandra Lee is now my Rachael Ray alternative!

Start wanking fat boys!
To see more of Sandra Lee... CLICK HERE!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Study Proves: Fat Girls ARE Sluts! More Proof: Fat Girls ARE Sluts!

Super Size Seductress won't let this fat admirer up until he sires a pup!

Study Proves: Fat Girls ARE Sluts!

More Proof: Fat Girls ARE Sluts!

I may add more to this article after I talk to The Dean of Feederism AKA Proud FA and Coach Gains. As you know Coach Gains and our own Proud FA have both porked herds of fat sluts. Here are some excerpts from a CBS News article that documents the known sluttiness of fat girls.

Study: Obese Women Have Less Sex, More Babies

Obese Women Have Four Times as Many Unplanned Pregnancies, Men 10 Times More Likely to Get Disease From Them!

(CBS/AP)  Obese women are having less sex and more unwanted pregnancies, according to a study released today.

Sounds like a contradiction, but French researchers in the British Medical Journal explain that obese women - those with a body mass index greater than 30 - report having fewer sexual partners and less sex in general, but were less inclined to seek out contraception or talk to their doctors about reproductive health. Editorial comment by Bigger Fatter Blog:
(That is because fat girls want to trap a man. For all you fat admirers out their, when in doubt pull out or just let them blow you.)

The study found obese women were less likely to use oral contraception, and more likely to rely on less effective birth control methods, such as withdrawal. Not surprisingly, the obese women surveyed had four times as many unplanned pregnancies.
Editorial comment by Bigger Fatter Blog: (Again, when in doubt, PULL OUT!)

Dr. Sandy Goldbeck-Wood, a specialist in psychosexual medicine at a London sexual health clinic, said physicians must talk to obese women about birth control. "Doctors need to get over their own embarrassment and ask the difficult questions," she said.

Goldbeck-Wood was not involved in the study but wrote an accompanying editorial in the British Medical Journal.

Researchers found that obese men didn't do well either. During five years of the study, they were 10 times more likely to catch a sexually transmitted disease from an obese woman than their thinner counterparts and more than twice as likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction with an obese woman.
Editorial comment by Bigger Fatter Blog: (Again, go for a blow job!)

Nasty NAAFA nymphos ganf rape another Fat admirer! 

 WARNING! If a fat girl is on top you won't be able to pull out! Be CAREFUL! 

Fat girls give the best head because they are always hungry!*a*WaGZ9p-Vanq7c9WRjEppTSYmAI-tkvr/fat_girl_g8vXn5WjNj5I.jpg

To get their results, experts interviewed nearly 10,000 French men and women aged 18 to 69 about their sexual experiences and analyzed the results based on their Body Mass Index (BMI). Editorial comment by Bigger Fatter Blog: (We all know the French are a bunch of sluts but they invented the blow job.)

 People with a BMI of 18-24 are considered to have a healthy weight. Those with a BMI of 25 or above are considered overweight, and people with a BMI of 30 or more are classified as obese. 

Editorial comment from Proud FA: Fat girls are like the fast food of sex, the are cheap, and easily attainable. The reason they have less sex than normal women is due to several factors. The first is one of numbers. Most men are not fat admirers and most guys who would pork fat girls are also fat and we all know the difficulties fat guys have porking fat girls. 

The second reason is a bit more complex. A lot of men marry a chubby girl and during the courting and honeymoon phase she stays plump but once she is sure of herself and has a couple of kids she will blimp out. That also explains why fat girls have less sex.

You may be wondering why fat girls are 10 times more likely to have an STD. Fat Bastard explained that one. "It's because they are sluts. Not only are they food sluts, they are sluts for sex too. Fat admirers need to take the good with the bad."

Put a helmet on that soldier! Proud FA warns! Not only will using a condom protect you from getting an STD, condoms also prevent pregnancies.  Trapping a man by getting knocked up is the oldest trick in the book. As our readers know, my days of porking fat girls is over. While it maybe that most men like sluts there comes a time when we all must grow up. Like most men I want kids and I want those kids to have every advantage. Growing in the yeasty maw of a fat girl and having a waddling obese mama simply is something I don't want for my kids and that is one reason I am with my fiance Thinnette. I no longer pork fat sluts.

Editorial comment by Fat Bastard: Thank Belly God for all the FREE internet porn. We fat boys appreciate it and when you go an unfiltered google image search with words like Fat, SSBBW, BBW, Plumper, ect.. all you get is really slutty looking pictures of fat girls. When you use terms like skinny, slender, pro ana, ect.. you find almost nothing pornographic. Fat girls are the sluttiest by far! 

More shocking news! 

Obesity Increases Unplanned Pregnancies and STDs - iVillage
Jun 16, 2010 - A new study links being overweight to sexual health risks.

Obesity Increases STDs | STD Answers - Identigene
Nov 8, 2010 - British Medical Journal report shows that obese and women are more likely to have sexually transmitted diseases than people of normal weights.



Friday, August 30, 2013

Obesity Decreases Crime!

As Obesity Increases Crime Decreases!

Fat people are too lazy and slothful and too content to commit crimes. If every American was fat there would be no crime!
Be a good citizen and EAT!

New Report Discussed in TIME

>PRWEB.COM Newswire
Vienna, VA (PRWEB) August 30, 2013

According to the latest publication of the “F as in Fat” public health report from the Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a forty year old philanthropy devoted to health care concerns, obesity levels may be flattening out despite the fact that they are more dangerous than ever, says an article reviewing the report in TIME, entitled “The Good News and Bad Good News About Obesity: It’s No Longer Rising, But It’s More Dangerous FUN Than Ever,” (, published August 16, 2013.

Obesity rates have been rising every year for several decades but the “F as in Fat” report shows that this is the first year in the last 30 that obesity rates have not increased. Yet, according to TIME’s article, they have reached a steady point at a dangerous level. In 2000, no state had more than 25% of its residents obese. Now, no state has less than 20% of its residents obese. The state with the lowest rate of obesity, Colorado, still has over 20% of its residents declared obese. Every other state in the study has even higher levels of obesity. Unfortunately, the study found that 13 states have levels of obesity that top 30%, according to TIME. In addition, rates of extreme obesity, which the “F as in Fat” report defines as individuals who have a BMI over 40, have increased 350%.

The study’s authors, however, believe that it may be possible to really change the obesity problem joy now that rates are finally reaching a stable point. According to the “F as in Fat” authors, quoted in the TIME article, “We honestly believe real and lasting progress is being made in the nation’s effort to turn back the obesity epidemic.”

Read more:

It's simple. Fat people mean less crime!

Any questions?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Referrer Spam and Vampire Stats

Referrer spam sucks and it fucks with your real stats. It's a scam and VampireStats is one of the worse.

Here is where they are: Here is how to contact them: 

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Apple Helps Cops Hide Police Brutality


You may be asking what does this have to do with fatness. Apple, unless they are caramel apples are what thinlings eat.

New Zealand's solution for rising health costs? Deport fat people

At the end of this article i Fat Bastard will point out the folly of New Zealand's anti fat policy.

Albert Buitenhuis and his wife, Marthie, 47, moved to Christchurch, New Zealand from South Africa six years ago. They are now facing deportation after their work visas were declined because of his weight. New Zealand immigration authorities cited the demands his obesity could place on New Zealand’s health services in terms of cost.

When Albert, 5’ 8”, arrived to take a job as a chef, he topped 350 pounds. Yet he has worked, as has his waitress wife, paid taxes and managed to lose more than 60 pounds, according to The Press of New Zealand. His doctor says Buitenhuis, who has a chronic knee condition, is on his way to getting his blood pressure down and his weight under control.

For the first five years, no one seemed to think that Albert could not fit in New Zealand. But, suddenly, the authorities have decided he must leave. His wife, who is not obese, is on his work visa, so she must follow him to the loading dock.

The associate immigration minister of New Zealand is expected to decide on the case in the next week. 

Albert is appealing his deportation. And he should. While some nations such as the U.S. tried to prevent immigration for those who were HIV positive that was mainly due to worries about contagion. Obesity, while recently categorized by the American Medical Association as a disease, is not contagious. New Zealand, as far as is known, is not trying to get rid of smokers -- who are both costly to care for and can harm others -- or those who have herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases.  

New Zealand immigration laws don't specifically mention weight as cause for deportation, but list medical conditions such as HIV, hepatitis B or cardiac diseases "deemed to impose significant costs and/or demands" on the country's health or education services. New Zealand's health care system, funded through general taxes, provides free medical care to all permanent residents

Some think New Zealand is on the right track. New Zealand may believe publicly shaming the bloated is a solution to the obesity epidemic or escalation of health care costs. But deporting Albert, especially while he is losing weight, looks for all the world like a sudden attack of unbridled prejudice.

Fat Bastardo's Comment:

Here is why New Zealand is stupid and wrong. In the short term we fatlings do increase health care costs but because we fattlings die sooner so we actually cost the health care system less in the long term. Our initial high use of health care resources actually simulates the economy due to the influx of money the government spends on our behalf. - i Fat Bastardo -

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Miami Beach Thug Cops Taser Teen To Death

Miami and Miami Beach are shit holes and shit holes attract shitty people. Cops everywhere in the US are out of control and their corporate masters are using them as tools to enforce the police state corpocracy.

Please sign the following petition.

ACLU Action

Click here to sign the petition

Israel never should have been tased in the chest - and now he's dead. Demand changes to the Miami Beach Police Department's Taser policy.


Do not forward: The links will open a page with your information already filled in.

Dear ACLU Supporter,

Eighteen-year-old Israel Hernandez-Llach was an award-winning artist in Miami, Florida - a painter, sculptor, photographer and graffiti artist.

He was armed with nothing more than a can of spray paint, threatening nothing but the wall of an abandoned McDonald's, when the cops chased him down, tased him, and allegedly laughed and high-fived as he lay motionless and dying on the ground.

This is not an isolated incident. The Miami Beach Police Department has an appalling record of excessive force, including firing over 100 bullets at a man in his car just for not following orders to stop and falsely arresting a witness who called 911 to report police beating a handcuffed gay man. On top of that, Florida has the 2nd largest number of deaths by Taser in the country.

The events of Israel's tragic death have devastated his family and sparked national outrage over this use of lethal force to deal with a youthful indiscretion.

The Miami Beach Police are currently under investigation, but without better policies and training for the use of Tasers, there's sure to be more needless deaths. That's why we need to act now, while Israel's story is in the spotlight, and call for change.

Sign the petition urging the Mayor of Miami Beach to order a change in the police department's Taser policy - to prevent any more needless deaths.

Tasers are supposedly "non-lethal" tools for law enforcement, but Israel is just one of around 500 people who have died after being shot by police Tasers since 2001 - clearly, these tools have the potential to be deadly.

Part of the tragedy is that police never should have tased Israel in the chest. A recent study found that sending shocks to the chest-such as the one Israel received-can cause cardiac arrest and sudden death.

That's why we need to demand that the Miami Beach Police Department make real changes to prevent this type of tragedy from happening again. For example, ensuring that Tasers are only used when a person is attempting to harm officers or the public, and when other, less potentially-dangerous types of force will not be sufficient to bring the situation under control.

Sign the petition urging the Mayor of Miami Beach to order a change in the police department's Taser policy - to prevent any more needless deaths.

We all want safety for our communities and families - but that also means not worrying that our children could end up dead for minor indiscretions. We must ensure that there are clear guidelines and training to prevent future tragedies.

Thank you,
Anthony for the ACLU Action team

"Friends who witnessed Tasering of Beach teen offer disturbing details" Miami Herald, Aug. 8, 2013
"Amnesty International Urges Stricter Limits on Police Taser Use as U.S. Death Toll Reaches 500", Feb. 15, 2012

If for some reason you must go to Miami you would be wise to read Miami: A Survivior's Tale by Frank Abrams.

"OK Fat Bastard, where is the fat angle here", you ask? If you are a kid or a thinling without a thick protective layer of blubber Taser probes can easily penetrate the heart and cause it to stop beating. Cop to test the Taser on themselves but most cops are fat so none of them die when they get a jolt from a Taser and when cops Taser each other during training they take it easy on each other because most cops are pussies.

Pigs go wild with their Tasers!

When police found a confused and naked 11-year-old girl wandering a stretch of highway along the I-5 corridor in Oregon, they didn’t exactly offer her a ride home. Instead the responding officer determined the best course of action would be to Taser her. Read more here! 

Deadly Heart Stopping Taser Probes are a favorite torture device of the corporate police state enforcers.