Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Miley Cyrus, Corporate Pimps and Music Industry Whores

Miley (who will probably get the AIDS virus) Cyrus and her retarded fans symbolize everything that is wrong the the music industry and the moral fiber of America. I'd have more respect for her if she simply made porn and fucked dogs on film even though that would be cruelty to animals.

The biggest and most despicable whores in this whole sordid thing are her no talent father Billy Ray, the parents of her little fans, her greedy record label and the greedy concert promoters, pimps that they are.

Gloria Steinem On Miley Cyrus

I, Fat Bastard, do not have much use for feminists but in this case I think that Gloria Steinem got it partially right. Next to her Miley's parents the biggest whores are the media and the promoters who use sex to sell her horrible music and her parents of her fans who allow their kids to be exposed to such utter trash. As a fat man, I have low standards when it comes to women but not even I, Fat Bastard would fuck Miley Cyrus.

I wish we didn’t have to be nude to be noticed ... But given the game as it exists, women make decisions. For instance, the Miss America contest is in all of its states ... the single greatest source of scholarship money for women in the United States. If a contest based only on appearance was the single greatest source of scholarship money for men, we would be saying, "This is why China wins." You know? It’s ridiculous. But that’s the way the culture is. I think that we need to change the culture, not blame the people that are playing the only game that exists. -Gloria Steinem-

I believe that Miley is currently with RCA records,  the corporate gangsters behind her promotion. Folks, if you like music and if you care about the people who make it, please buy your music from Band Camp. Record companies historically have fucked artists. John Fogerty and Little Richard  are two American icons and national treasures that were raped royally by the corporate criminals in the recording industry.

As to you Billy Ray Cyrus you no talent has been...

Ranky Skanky Tart

You can tell the world I pimp my little girl
You can take her clothes off when I'm gone
Or you can tell your friends just what a creep I've been
And laugh and joke about me on the phone

You can tell my arms, go back onto the phone
You can tell me I'm a fucking whore 
Or you can tell my lips to suck my daughter's tits 
The way my inbred kin all done before

She's just a tart, a rank and skanky tart.
I just don't think you understand
And if you fuck my tart, my rank and skanky tart.
Her STDs might kill ya man

I used to fuck my Ma when I lived in Arkansas
I did it while the dog would hump my leg
And with your brother Cliff who's butt I love to sniff
He fucked my ass until it turned me gay

Miley's just a tart, a rank and skanky tart.
I just don't think you understand
And if you fuck this tart, this rank and skanky tart.
Her STDs might kill ya man

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ted Cruz's Alternative to Obamacare

Ted Cruz is emerging as one of the GOP’s most vocal opponents of Obamacare.

He’s particularly worried that Americans will get “addicted” to healthcare that’s actually affordable, coverage for pre-existing conditions, preventive screenings, vision and dental care for children, better care and protection for seniors, combined with no annual limits on coverage, and the fact that insurance companies can no longer drop you when you’re sick.

This kind of dangerous socialism is something Cruz has seen first hand, following his safe and healthy birth in a socialist Canadian hospital in 1970.

According to Cruz, just a taste of better, lower-cost healthcare will get Americans “addicted” to the sugary sweetness of not watching your child die of an otherwise treatable disease. He’s scared that once Americans realize that their risk of medical bankruptcy has diminished, they may never want to go back to the good old days of worrying that insurance company “Death Panels” will deny their claims or drop their coverage.

To stop this, Cruz is willing to shut down the US government, throw the economy into a tailspin and say a prayer that there won’t be any new pandemics overwhelming the nation’s Emergency Rooms anytime in the future. In his mind, Emergency Rooms are where 30 million Americans should be camped out each day getting their cancer treatments, mammograms and colonoscopies or something.

Or maybe he just doesn’t want Americans to enjoy the kind of quality healthcare he and the Palin family know is available when they need it up in Canada, eh?

Full story:

Koch Brothers To Manufacture Gigantic Needles

Any Christian will tell you that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than is is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven as described in Mark 10:25.  Since filthy rich Christians are always hedging their bets i.e. Pascal's Wager, the Koch brothers will be manufacturing and selling great big giant needles with eyes large enough for a camel to easily pass through the eye.

Stock will be selling like hot cakes! Ground floor opportunity click here!

God vs Hitler: The Other Nazis and Obama

Neoconservatives often invoke God and Adolf Hitler in their poorly formed and dishonest arguments and diatribes against the president. They love to drop the Hitler card and the God card. These filthy rotten Christian conservative cock suckers have now resorted to calling Pres. Obama Hitler. If it were 1930 the same Conservative Christian Cocksuckers who are comparing Obama to Hitler would be Hitler's biggest supporters.

The following graphic compares the Christian God with Adolf Hitler. You decide if there any similarities between their God and Adolf Hitler. The way I see it they are comparing Pres. Obama to their God when they compare him to adult Hitler. What do you think?

The fact of the matter is, conservative Christian cock suckers are quite godly and if you don't believe me just ask them. They will even tell you that GOP stands for God's only party.

Nobody knows for sure who killed more people, God and his worshipers  or Adolph Hitler and his disciples. History tells us that Hitler killed in excess of 6 million people. The estimates I have seen when God's killing sprees are totaled are 33 million but no one actually knows the population of the earth at the time of God's many hissy fits but mass genocide is mass genocide.

It's easy to blame and of Hitler for the death of the Jews, Gypsies, the disabled and homosexuals but Hitler could not of done it without the help of people i.e. the ones who love God and hate just about everything else. I am referring to conservative Christian cock suckers. Hitler had plenty of help yet out of political correctness we blame him for all of it. Germany is a progressive and peaceful country today. Germany will probably remain a progressive and peaceful country for generations to come. If you push a conservative a few more degrees to the right you end up with a fascist or a Nazi. During the Allied occupation of Germany Nazis at all levels tried to melt into the woodwork but fortunately Russian, Americans and British forces found Nazis and executed them on the spot.

Some people, the decent ones are incapable of becoming Nazis. Some people were born to be Nazis and it's not just a small percentage of people. Germany was loaded with Nazis and the British more than anyone knew this. Perhaps the greatest Nazi of all times is the God of Abraham and perhaps this is where the evil of fascism and Nazi-ism emanates.

President Obama is between a rock and a hard place in this current political atmosphere. The whack jobs on the right combined with the truly evil corporations who own most of the American government are making it impossible for a president to govern. The fact that he is 50% black, for lack of a better word, only fuels the evil that exists in the hearts and souls of people like Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Congressman Mark Meadows, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Dick Morris, and the criminal elite corporations that own our government and who are dismantling our Constitution.

One cannot reason with Nazis just as one cannot reason with a conservative Christian cock sucker aka Christio-Fascist because they believe their own lies while they are spouting them. Since it is illegal to kill American Nazis the best we can do as civilians is to mock them and expose their many lies and evil quotes. Below are links to the lies of some of today's leading so-called conservatives.

Evil needs to be confronted so we best confront these evil leaders and their followers with truth and logic and expose them to the naive and semi evil for exactly what they are.

For now let the CCC's Conservative Christian Cocksuckers run their lying mouths like when president Obama told Mitt Romney to "continue" one of his lies during the debate. We progressives, liberals, moderates and paleo-conservatives are so much smarter than the tea bagging racists and haters and while it would be a good idea to arm ourselves against them odds are these criminals will self destruct the same as Joe McCarthy but that does not mean that we should not be vigilant in their destruction. Since the corporate media will not aggressively confront their insanity, lies and distortions it has become our duty as Americans to do so.

Lies of Sarah Palin

  1. Sarah Palin Lies - Huffington Post
    Geoffrey Dunn. Contrary to what she has promulgated afterwards about believing in victory until the end in 2008, Sarah Palin, according to John McCain ...

  2. The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin: A Summary Before The Next Round ...
    Nov 15, 2009 - On the eve of Palin's latest version of reality, the Dish offers a recap of all the…

  3. The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless ... › ... › Leaders & Notable PeoplePolitical
    The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power [Geoffrey Dunn] on *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying ...
    1. Palinisms - Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes Gaffes and Lies › ... › Political HumorFunny Political Quotes
      Read a compilation of dumb quotes, gaffes, and lies by Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, updated frequently.

    2. Leonard Pitts Jr.: On facts, lies and Sarah Palin - Baltimore Sun
      Jul 1, 2012 - "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death ...

    3. Sarah Palin Slams Democratic 'Buffoons,' Obama's NSA Lies, And ...
      Aug 10, 2013 - Sarah Palin took a mini-victory lap over some Democrats embracing her health care death panels argument and bashed Obama for lying about ...

    4. Fox's Palin Continues to Lie About 'Evil' 'Death Panels' in ... › BlogsHeather's blog
      Aug 10, 2013 - This was a lie, and Palin got called out on it, earning herself Politifact's ... Everything Sarah Palin has said about "death panels" and the health ...

    5. 'The Lies of Sarah Palin,' by Geoffrey Dunn - SFGate
      May 13, 2011 - Palin has made something of a career out of presenting herself as a plainspoken, everyday hockey mom who cuts through the doublespeak of ...
Lies Of Shawn Hannity

  1. 10 biggest lies spewed by Sean Hannity -
    Feb 28, 2013 - On Tuesday, Rep. Keith Ellison accused the Fox News host of telling "mistruths." He was speaking euphemistically.

  2. Sean Hannity - TV News Lies
    Who: Sean Hannity: The Bully. Sean Hannity is the typical bully. ... There is a never ending list of examples but all you have to do to witness this is watch or listen ...

  3. Daily Kos: Must-see: Jon Stewart's takedown of Sean Hannity for ...
    Jun 20, 2012 - SEAN HANNITY (6/18/2012): Let me play this for our audience so they understand and ..... How to debunk the Right's lies on global warming.

  4. The Document Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You To Read | Center for ... › IssuesMedia
    Jun 16, 2004 - Related: The Doctored Clip Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You to ... Apparently he struck a nerve with Fox News' Sean Hannity.

  5. The BRAD BLOG : The Many Lies of Sean Hannity
    The Many Lies of Sean Hannity. ... Crown Prince, Sean Hannity. The Center for American Progress, has put together a swell list of just 15 of his greatest "hits".
Lies of Dick Morris

  1. | Rush Limbaugh Lies about Gay Marriage
    Floundering right wing radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh continues to make an ass of himself despite his regular claims to have "talent on loan from God.".

  2. The Rush Limbaugh Diet Rush Limbaugh used to be a big fat lying ...
    2 days ago - The Rush Limbaugh Diet Rush Limbaugh used to be a big fat lying drug addicted criminal pedophile but now he's a skinny lying drug addicted criminal pedophile. The Rush Limbaugh Diet

  3. Rush, I'm Sorry I Believed All the Lies About You ... - Rush Limbaugh › Archives (Aug 2, 2013)
    Aug 2, 2013 - RUSH: How did you think of...? Oh, I think I probably know. You're a liberal; you probably thought that I was all the things that you heard about ...

  4. Daily Kos: Rush Limbaugh's Pants are on Fire!
    Jan 12, 2013 - Rush Limbaugh lies so much his pants are a smoldering ruin. But these are not harmless little half truths. Limbaugh lies about homosexuals, ...

  5. PolitiFact | Rush Limbaugh's file
    Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio talk show host. ... Mitt Romney's campaign falsehood about Jeep moving production to China is PolitiFact's Lie of the ...

  6. PolitiFact | Lie of the Year: Readers' Poll Results
    Dec 12, 2012 - We offered readers 10 Lie of the Year finalists that we fact-checked over ... First place went to Rush Limbaugh, for his comments on health care ...

  7. Rush Limbaugh - Wikiquote
    The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh's Reign of Error. New Press. p. ... The worst of all of this is the lie that condoms really protect against AIDS. The condom ...

  8. Rush Limbaugh: Limbaugh's Lies of the Week - LimbaughBook
    Mar 11, 2011 - Here is a summary of a few of this week's lies, distortions, and radio atrocities by Rush Limbaugh, the subject of my new book, The Most ...

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Lies of Ted Cruz
We all know that when it comes to lying Republicans win the bronze, silver and gold medals. John McCain, Paul Ryan, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Mitt Romney consummate liars and Newt Gingrich was one of the greatest prevaricators American politics has ever seen but these criminal errand boys are rank amateurs when it comes to outright lying. Today's liar extraordinaire is to lying of Mark Spitz and Michael Phelps are to swimming. United States Sen. Ted Cruz from the corrupt state of Texas has surpassed every single champion Republican liar. Not even that child molesting drug addict Rush Limbaugh comes close. Ted Cruz's lying eclipses the lying of Joe Isuzu and Tommy Flanagan.

Since being tracked by PoliticaFact and fact check, out of 23 statement Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has only told the complete truth one time. Even by Texas standards Ted Cruz is a big liar. He lies more than criminal Tom Delay, war criminal George W. Bush and criminal Gov. Rick Perry.

When I Googled "Ted Cruz Lies" here is the first page that came up in the in the Google search. Search Results About 3,520,000 results (0.34 seconds) This even has the likes of Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney beat. Ted Cruz lies so flagrantly and so profusely that even Republicans are embarrassed by the lies of Ted Cruz.
  1. News for ted cruz liar

    1. Beaumont Enterprise (blog) ‎- 5 days ago
      He accuses Texas Senator Ted Cruz of lying. But he has his own problem with the truth. Devin Nunes, a Republican Congressman from ...
  2. PolitiFact | Ted Cruz's file
    Fact-checking of statements by the Texas politician. A project of the Tampa Bay Times.
  3. College Student Attacks Ted Cruz For Lying About Him In Faux ... › BlogsJohn Amato's blog
    Sep 29, 2013 - College Student Attacks Ted Cruz For Lying About Him In his Obamacare faux filibuster Speech.
  4. Ted Cruz Lies About Obamacare Killing Jobs ... - Crooks and Liars › Blogskaroli's blog
    Sep 25, 2013 - Ted Cruz tried to position himself as the populist champion of all in the early hours of his fake filibuster, but he actually made the case for ...
  5. Ted Cruz for President in 2016? | Crooks and Liars › BlogsSusie Sampson's blog
    Sep 28, 2013 - Get excited folks. Look who's runnin' for President...
  6. GOP Strategist To MSNBC: Ted Cruz Is 'Lying to the ... -
    Aug 21, 2013 - GOP strategist Nicolle Wallace told a Morning Joe panel that Ted Cruz was being intellectually dishonest about defunding Obamacare.
  7. O'Donnell Obliterates 'Liar From Texas' Ted Cruz For 'Embarrassing ...
    Mar 14, 2013 - In his Rewrite segment Thursday night, Lawrence O'Donnell took on this morning's confrontation between Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) ...
  8. O'Reilly Exposes Ted Cruz' Dishonesty - NewsHounds
    Oct 2, 2013 - But in a discussion with the Tea Party shutdown "it" guy, Ted Cruz, O'Reilly ... to health insurance is looking out for them – or he's a skilled liar.
  9. BOR: It's Official: Ted Cruz is One of America's Biggest Liars
    Apr 9, 2013 - A full 54 percent of Ted Cruz's statements have been rated "false" or "pants on fire" by PolitiFact. Another 20 percent are only "half true." That's ...
  10. O'Donnell: "Liar" Ted Cruz "Embarrassed Himself" Questioning ...
    Mar 15, 2013
    Lawrence O'Donnell takes us through his view of the heated exchange between Sens. Feinstein and Cruz ...

Obamacare and the Medical Device Tax

You read that right. Give the Republicans the medical device tax during these hostage negotiations. The medical device tax will not increase tax revenue and here's why. Corporations don't pay taxes. Corporate taxes are passed along to the consumer so the medical device tax will be just another pass along and it'll probably be used as some sort of a write off for the corporation. It will eventually end up costing consumers more.
Unfortunately for American taxpayers America is no longer a democracy. America really is a corpocracy. Corporations run America and most of the world but of all the corporations in the various industries medical corporations are the most sinister and do the most harm to humanity. Corporations are untaxable. Corporations for all practical purposes tax exempt. With that being the case we may as well eliminate the corporate tax entirely.

Corporations are in truth evil entities. Some behave ethically and lawfully but many don't. Medical corporations e.g. the pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, medical testing laboratories and corporate hospitals are responsible for more death and injury than all the other corporations combined. 

Mitt Romney once said that corporations are people so if that's the case and people corporations. The Supreme Court pretty much ruled that corporations have the constitutional protection for free speech which is allowing them to finance political campaigns and run political advertising. Corporations have constitutionally protected rights but they are immune from prosecution. When the actions of the corporation kill and maim like in the case of medical corporations that kill about 2 million Americans each year; the corporation cannot be sent to jail or put to death. About all that happens is they get fined. If corporations are people that would follow that people are also corporations. Just file the paperwork and you to can become corporation and exempt from the rule of law and will also be for all practical purposes tax exempt.

The Republicans or should I say today's Republicans simply hate the very idea of government and the rule of law. That is probably why the Republican brain and the criminal brain are pretty much identical. Criminals hate the law and do everything they can to thwart the law. Criminals will twist the law and completely ignore the spirit of the law. So in thought and deed today's Republicans criminals because they have minds of criminals. If we had a justice system that pure and immune from corruption the heads of these criminal corporations would be brought to justice but typical of organized crime these corporations own the justice system just like the Mafia owned police forces and the Mexican drug cartels own most of the Mexican criminal justice system. In an ideal world with people who are above reproach corporate gangsters would be thrown in jail but we're living in the real world where money and threats control nearly everyone. Even the most well-meaning public servant is not immune to the power of the corporate gangster. The corporate gangsters and banksters held American taxpayers hostage in 2008 when they crashed the economy and drained trillions of dollars from the pensions of hard-working Americans. That's how it works when you own the best government money can buy.

Now do you see why the medical device tax is really a bad idea? Very little of what has been going on for the past 20 years has been about political ideology. When you don't know the why of something simply follow the money and then you'll know why.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why Texas Should Secede

Texas sucks! Look at the fact that they elected GW Bush and Rick Perry as governors and elected slime like Tom Delay, Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert to congress and the senate.

Texans are assholes and since everything is big in Texas, Texans are the biggest assholes. Texans are always threatening to secede and decent Americans would like to see these turds that dropped out of a tall cows as to GET THE FUCK OUT OF AMERICA!

I wrote this because Houston Texans fans cheered the injury of their own QB Matt Schaub. In typical Texas style they are more concerned about winning their illegal bets than they are about the well being of another human being.

It angered his teammates.

Linebacker Brian Cushing called it "barbaric." Backup quarterback T.J. Yates' face darkened immediately when asked about it. Left tackle Duane Brown called certain fans' behavior "disgusting." Receiver Andre Johnson said it was a sign of "no class."

Texas, we don't want it and we don't it!

Read more HERE.

  1. 36 reasons why Texas sucks - PWCToday › ForumOff TopicOff TopicPolitics Only!
    Sep 4, 2009 - 1. Texans. Socially retarded acts of bravado. Lack of self awareness. Isolationistic in thought. Kind of like someone who was raised under a ...

  2. Texas
    Well, many of you may have noticed that Maddog left me (in Texas)(We're not THAT close a friends)(IloveUMaddog), a while back. In fact, he was only in Texas ...

  3. Daily Kos: Top Ten Reasons Why Texas Sucks
    Sep 10, 2011 - 7: Pro-Texan bumper stickers like, “I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as quickly as I could.” Yeah? Well isn't that enlightening? I wasn't born ...