Friday, June 12, 2015

Liar Sean Hannity


False statements involving Sean Hannity


Lots of criticism when it happened

A valid concern, incorrectly described

You have to have been driving the clunker for a year
Sean Hannity
— PolitiFact National   You have to have been driving the clunker for a year













  • Sean Hannity's Big Ethics Failure Makes A Liar Out Of Fox ...

    Media Matters for America
    Sep 10, 2014 - Sean Hannity used his Fox News program to promote the fundraising efforts of a paid sponsor of his radio show. Hannity read an advertisement ...
  • 10 Examples Of Sean Hannity Saying Things That Aren't True

    Media Matters for America
    Feb 28, 2013 - Fox News' Sean Hannity brushed aside Rep. Keith Ellison's (D-MN) assertion that Hannity was "immoral" for "saying things that aren't true.
  • Dem Congressman Gets Thrown Off After Calling Hannity A ...

    Feb 26, 2013 - Dem Congressman Gets Thrown Off After Calling Hannity A Liar, Immoral: You're 'The Worse Excuse For A Journalist'. by Josh Feldman | 9:33 ...
  • Jon Stewart Demolishes 'The Arby's Of News' Sean Hannity ...

    Crooks and Liars
    reddit. Share on sharethis. 4/23/14 9:29pm. Jon Stewart Explains Why He's 'Obsessed' With Sean Hannity. 10:56 ... Crooks and Liars Premium. Advertise here.
  • Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity

    Oct 18, 2013 - I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the ...
  • Sean Hannity - A perpetual liar at Foxnews - YouTube

    Mar 23, 2013 - Uploaded by Askeptic Askeptic
    Rachel Maddow exposed Sean Hannity's lies when Israel honors Obama with highest award.

  • Wednesday, June 3, 2015

    Mike Huckabee and His Voyeuristic Pedophile Fantasies

    Mike the Huckster Huckabee is openly fantasizing about watching naked girls showering.

    Huckabee: I wish I could've identified as female in high school gym  "Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE," Huckabee said.

    "I'm pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, 'Coach, I think I'd rather shower with the girls today.' You're laughing because it sounds so ridiculous doesn't it?"
    Huckabee is nothing special when it comes to Republicans as nearly every convicted pedophile is a Republican. Huckabee thought he was bashing trangendered kids but what he was really doing was unconsciously revealing his not so latent voyeuristic pedophile fantasies. He was a minister and he is a right wingnut so the odds that he's a child molester like his gay pedophile buddy Dennis Hastert.
    Dennis Hastert: Closet Gay - Demotivational Poster
    Huckabee may not have molested children but he fits the profile. He's far right, highly religious, Christian, homophobic, cowardly and a lying sack of shit.
    Mike Huckabee False Christian - Demotivational Poster

    Tuesday, June 2, 2015

    Koch Whores

    Koch Whore! - Demotivational PosterThom Tillis: Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    Koch Whore! - Demotivational Poster

    Koch Whore! - Demotivational Poster

    Scott Walker Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    Marco Rubio Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    Paul Ryan Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    Drunken Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    Florida Koch Whore - Demotivational Poster

    More Koch Whores

    • George Allen (R-VA)- $45,000 
    • Connie Mack (R-FL)- $33,500 
    • Denny Rehberg (R-MT)- $29,000 
    • Richard Mourdock (R-IN)- $28,500 
    • Rick Berg (R-ND)- $26,500 - See more at:

    • Mike Pompeo (R-KS)- $48,900 
    • John Boehner (R-OH)- $20,200 
    • John Cornyn (R-TX)- $17,900 
    • Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)- $15,000 
    • Bill Flores (R-TX)- $13,000 
    • Fred Upton (R-MI)- $10,500 - See more at:

    Koch brothers

    What You Need To Know About The Criminal Koch Brothers

    Click on the links below to get the answers.

    Monday, May 25, 2015

    Vulture Capitalism Explained

    Wake up peasants! Vulture capitalism in not like flipping a house. It is about treasonous trash like Mitt Romney flipping lives of hard working people upside down.

    Get educated and then do something about these enemies of the American way. I'm through trying to spoon feed you sheeple lemmings and personally I don't care what you losers do about it. You can sit around a bitch about it or you can do something about it. Sitting around and bitching and hoping that the criminals in congress will do the right thing is easy and foolish. People like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are anomalies and they are the exceptions that prove members of congress are nothing more than filthy amoral high paid whores. The alternative is Jeffersonian and ugly.

    Enjoy your continued ass-fucking by the 1% you pathetic peasants as you pathetically whine to the filthy whores in congress for mercy while they raid your pensions. That's right wage slaves, work yourselves to death to make the 1% even richer. The people leeching of you are not the poor. The people leeching off you are the criminal 1%.

    Think about this losers. What would you do if a robber came into your home and there were no cops to call? Why are you treating these slime any better than a common thief?

    1. Vulture capitalist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Vulture capitalists are investors that acquire distressed firms in the hopes of making them more profitable and selling them for a profit, or purchase discounted ...
    2. Vulture Capitalist Definition | Investopedia

      A venture capitalist who invests in floundering firms in the hopes that the firms ... Like them or not, many vulture capitalists make more money than the venture ...
    3. Vulture Capitalism - Huffington Post

      The Huffington Post
      At this moment, the U.S. economy is probably most properly described as a classic example of "crony capitalism." And if we are going anywhere new as an ...
    4. Vulture capitalists are picking us dry: Why consumer debt ...

      Mar 22, 2015 - This boom in vulture capitalism is disgusting — but, worse, it's subsidized by us taxpayers! We pay for the judicial system — the judges, ...
    5. vulture capitalist financial definition of vulture capitalist

      Definition of vulture capitalist in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is vulture capitalist? Meaning of vulture ...
    6. 'Vulture Capitalism'? How Private Equity Firms Work : NPR › News › Business

      Jan 19, 2012 - GOP candidates have attacked Mitt Romney as a "vulture capitalist" who destroyed jobs. The charges center on his 15 years at the private ...
    7. Vulture Capitalist: Avoid That Box IPO! - Valleywag - Gawker

      Jan 23, 2015 - My friend the Vulture is a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. He recently wrote a piece for us and I've been hoping he would do another one.
    8. Romney's Vulture Capitalist Problem - Forbes

      Jan 12, 2012 - Image by Getty Images via @daylife Mitt Romney has a problem. He has lived the American dream. Why is that a problem? Because it's no ...
    9. Rick Perry doubles down on 'vulture capitalist' criticism of ...

      The Washington Post
      Jan 11, 2012 - When it comes to the GOP battle over Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital, it appears New Hampshire was only the beginning.
    10. Urban Dictionary: Vulture Capitalist

      Urban Dictionary
      Vulture Capitalist. A businessman who is looking to buy companies at giveaway prices, as opposed to venture capitalists. "It's well known that the business is ...

    Sunday, May 24, 2015

    Pope Francis Sticking It to Republicans

    Not an Asshole!
    The Catholic church along with other Christian churches has been a shit stain on humanity for centuries but that may be changing. The Bible is bullshit but sometimes bullshit can be the fertilizer for good things to grow. Thomas Jefferson was faced with a world of brainwashed and delusional Christians so he created what is known as the Jefferson Bible. Jefferson took it upon himself to remove all the poison and he wrote a book called the Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. (CLICK HERE for free PDF) Based on what is in the Bible Jesus Christ was quite immoral himself but the popular notion of Jesus is that of the Prince of Peace, sacrificial lamb and the redeemer of souls. That's all bullshit but being as it may it's a good thing for the lemmings to believe. In other words be nice to people let them know that they are fixable and try not to be an asshole which is something of which most Republicans are incapable.

    Pope Francis is giving the conservative Catholics fuck wads like Pat Buchanan constipation. Now they are seeing what it's like having something shoved up your ass that you can't shit out like so many young boys who get molested by Catholic priests and Republicans. Unlike other leaders in the Roman Catholic Church this pope is neither a pedophile or a pedophile enabler.

    Pope Francis is a "blessed are the meek and poor" sort of pope and not some corporate Nazi like Pope Ratty Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict.

    From Politico:

    Catholic Republicans are developing a pope problem. Earlier this month, Francis recognized Palestinian statehood. This summer, he’s going to issue an encyclical condemning environmental degradation. And in September, just as the GOP primary race heats up, Francis will travel to Washington to address Congress on climate change.
    Francis may be popular with the general public, but key Republican primary constituencies — hawks, climate-change skeptics and religious conservatives, including some Catholics, are wary of the pope’s progressivism. Some, pronouncing themselves “Republicans first and Jesus second,” even say they would look askance at a candidate perceived to hew too closely to the bishop of Rome. This internal conflict flips a familiar script, in which Democrats like John Kerry and Joe Biden were labeled “cafeteria Catholics” when their stances on social issues like abortion and gay marriage differed from those of the church.
    “In northwest Iowa, we are discussing this a great deal, and sometimes it’s hard for us to reconcile the pronouncements we read from the Holy Father with our conservative principles,” said Sam Clovis, a Catholic and political activist who’s run for U.S. Senate and state treasurer in Iowa.

    Story Continued Below
    Jeb Bush — who praised the pontiff in a commencement speech at Liberty University this month — could lose out in the Iowa caucus, said Clovis. “It’s going to cause a lot of problems for Jeb Bush, because Republicans are simply not going to take him seriously,” he said.
    Bush declined to address whether his admiration for the pope might affect how religious conservatives view him. In his speech at Liberty he said, “I cannot think of any more subversive moral idea ever loosed on the world than ‘the last shall be first, and the first last.’
    “It’s a voice like no other,” he continued, “seen in the example of Francis the saint, or of Francis the pope.”

    The other Catholic Republicans in the presidential conversation have taken their own wary approaches to Francis.

    Read more:

    Thursday, May 21, 2015

    Transgender Data

    With the media frenzy over Bruce Jenner becoming a woman I thought it might me a good idea to present some factual information.


    Numbers: An estimated 2 to 5% of the population is transgender (i.e., experience some degree of gender dysphoria). The number of people who identify as transsexual and undergo sex-resassignment is smaller.

    Recent statistics from the Netherlands indicate that about 1 in 12,000 natal males undergo sex-reassignment and about 1 in 34,000 natal females. Over time, the gap between the reported numbers of MTF and FTM transsexuals is closing.

    1 Hate Violence A nationwide survey of bias-motivated violence against LGBT people from 1985 to 1998 found that incidents targeting transgender people accounted for 20% of all murders and about 40% of all police-initiated violence.

    2 Jurisdictions with Transgender Explicit Non-Discrimination Laws States: 16 + D.C. (California, Colorado, Connecticut, D.C., Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington) Cities and Counties: 143 Numbers of people protected: 119,041,592 (about 44% of the population)

    3 San Francisco Dep. of Public Health Study – A Snapshot of Discrimination In 1997, the SF Dept. of Public Health surveyed 392 MTF and 123 FTM transgender people.

    Here are some of the results:4 MTF FTM Median Age 34 (range: 19-67 years) 36 (range: 19-61 years)

    Race 25% African-American, 27% Latina, 27% White, 13% API, 6% Native American 67% White, 12% Latino, 10% African-American, 7% API, 3% Native American Sexual Orientation 67% Heterosexual, 21% Bisexual 35% Heterosexual, 33% Bisexual, 18% Gay, 12% Lesbian Median

    Monthly Income $744 (range: $55-7,436) $1,100 (range: $100-6,000) HIV Status 35% tested HIV+ Less than 2% tested HIV+ Health Insurance 52% without insurance 41% without insurance Housing 20% without stable housing or homeless 15% without stable housing or homeless

    Abuse/Discrimination 83% reported verbal abuse because of their gender identity or gender presentation 37% reported physical abuse 46% reported employment discrimination 37% reported housing discrimination 85% reported verbal abuse because of their gender identity or gender presentation 30% reported physical abuse 57% reported employment discrimination 20% reported housing discrimination 1 Van Kesteren, et al., An epidemiological and demographic study of transsexuals in the Netherlands, 25(6) Archives of Sexual Behavior 589 (1996). 2 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Violence in 1998. A report of the National Coalition of AntiViolence Programs (1999).

    Available online at 3 Jurisdictions with Explicitly Transgender-Inclusive Nondiscrimination Laws, available online at (last updated 10/2011). 4 The Transgender Community Health Project (1999). Available at


    It’s a fact. Trannies are in. We here at TheLuxurySpot have been plugged into this for a while now, since we had tranny mermaids at a Fashion Week event we threw last year, but I hate to gloat. I know some people have a problem with the word tranny, but in this instance I am using it as a totes abbreve for the word transgender, so take your issues with diction elsewhere.
    carmen carrera
    Carmen Carerra, US
    As the political climate of the world (and our ass-backwards country) shifts to a more liberal lean, transgender rights and issues are becoming much more of a hot topic. Transgender models have taken a front seat in this battle for equality, because their beauty is something undeniable, and easy to understand even for hillbillies who fuck their sisters. The movement of major companies using transgender models in their advertising is making great strides in regards to gender equality, and changing the conversation of what gender really is, and how it is understood.  To celebrate this shift I tracked down the five hottest transgender models from around the globe. Feel free to be a little understandably jealous and even confused.
    transgender models
    Valentijn De Hingh, Netherlands
    transgender models
    Amiyah Scott, US
    transgender models
    Jenna Talackova, Canada
    transgender models
    Amelia Maltepe, Bangaladesh