Friday, September 18, 2015

Fat Girls With Swamp Crotch

Fat Girls With Smelly Crotches Ask Fat Bastardo For Help

Fat Becky asks: Fat Bastardo, why do us fat women still smell after taking a shower, and soaping their curly cues, and but, and it still stinks after you put panties on. And no I'm not talking about infection or anything.

I think it's the way we are designed to smell down there, right?

Fat Bastardo: WRONG! I am not going to sugar coat this because you will end up trying to eat that too. You have Swamp Crotch! Like a lot of fat girls you probably can't reach your crotch and your panniculus aka meat skirt is blocking access and it is also stopping the water from your shower head from reaching it and washing away all that fromunda cheese. That is what is causing the foul odor.

Slender women rarely have this problem.

Showers don't work well for fat girls. You have two or three options:

Dogs like stinky things: See if you can find a hungry skinny dog (I'm not talking about a fat admirer) to lick you clean and adopt it as a pet. Dogs have cleaner mouths than humans. DO NOT over feed that dog because then he will prefer Dortios and cheese dip to your crotch. Only a hungry dog or a fat admirer will lick a stinky crotch.

Get a hot tub and add some extra disinfectant. Many feeders and fat admirers have their BBW's soak in a hot tub and allow the anti microbial water to clean things up before they pork them.

Try a bidet. That funky smell is caused by your inability to wipe your butt after you take a crap. feces are getting into you vagina and causing a real stink.

As a preventative measure you need to get air circulation down there. Since you spend most of your time sitting there is no air getting to that yeasty maw of yours. Spend time sitting on the toilet so that air can circulate like the lovely BBW in the above Youtube clip.

Slender women give a dog a bone!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fat Lives Matter

Fuck the food police!

Fat people are dropping like flies. If it is not diabetes and heart disease then it's a stroke. Fat people are victims. How can fat people live to eat if the vary thing they love so much FOOD glorious food is killing them?

And.. food is matter!
If more people were fat these two cops would not have to risk having a heart attack running after a fleeing suspect.

Gravity sucks and it is the enemy of fat people. Somebody need to change the gravitational constant of the universe!

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Hypocrisy, Ignorance, and Stupidity of the Religious Right

When right wing Christians are not calling Michelle Obama a man, loathing facts, denying scientific reality, hating educated people, raping their own children, being latent homosexuals, hating government, gormandizing at church events or teabagging each other, they are trying to shove their false doctrines down the throats of everyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do. Right winger are naturally stupid because if they were not stupid they would not be right wingers.

First their stupidity: They base their beliefs on the Bible and the Bible, or should I say BuyBull is mostly BULLSHIT. Only a stupid person would rely solely on such a stupid collection of stupid books for guidance and morality and claim it is the final authority on everything.

Now their ignorance: Nearly all Christians ignore most of what is written in the books of the Bible. Most Christians are cafeteria Christians in that they pick and choose from the Buy Bull what fits their world view and ignore the rest. Remember I said that they are busy hating government. They are busy hating government to the point that they are at time terrorists, law breakers and subversives and by hating government they are contrary and openly defying their god and the following scripture demonstrates.

In their defiance of the rule of law and the authority of government these false Christian like that harlot Kim Davis are defying God as defined by Romans 13:1-2.

Now for their hypocrisy:  Kim Davis is a shining example of hypocrisy as is that charlatan Mike Huckabee and here's why. Let's say that Kim Davis was a Muslim clerk and fat Mike and his wife waddled in to get a drivers license and the Muslim Kim Davis broke the law and refused to give fat Mike's wife a drivers license based on her Muslim beliefs. Do you think Mike the huckster Huckabee would be defending her religious liberty and defending her breaking of the law then? Of course he wouldn't.

Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) | Twitter

Mike Huckabee 2016 (@MikeHuckabeeGOP) | Twitter

Say hello to fat boy Mike and let him know what you think.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

One-third of Nursing Home Patients Suffer From Medical Errors

One-third of Nursing Home Patients Suffer From Medical Errors

Medicare patients suffer from widespread medical mistakes at nursing homes

One-third of all Medicare patients treated at skilled nursing facilities suffered some form of harm from medication errors, medical mistakes or infections, according to a government investigation that raises red flags about the quality of America’s health care as the industry transitions to Obamacare.
The investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services inspector general found that 59 percent of the adverse patient events were preventable and that more than half required patients to be admitted to care at a hospital or other facility.

Numerous patients — about 1.5 percent of those exposed to harm — died as a result of the mistakes, the report found.
The adverse events are harmful to taxpayers as well, costing an estimated $2.8 billion a year in additional hospitalizations, the report found.
Nursing homes are the most common type of skilled nursing facilities or SNFs, which are a growing part of America’s medical system as the baby-boomer generation ages. President Obama’s health care law envisions them continuing to play an important role going forward, raising the stakes for the problems unmasked in the investigation.
“Because many of the events that we identified were preventable, our study confirms the need and opportunity for SNFs to significantly reduce the incidence of resident-harm events,” the inspector general concluded.

Click HERE to read more
Investigators said 22 percent of Medicare patients developed serious medical problems as a result of their stay, many of which required hospitalization to treat.
The most common mistake investigators found had to do with medication, usually with nursing staff giving patients the wrong kind or wrong dosages, or patients having an allergic reaction to the meds.
Medicare, one of the largest government programs in terms of spending, has often drawn criticism from Capitol Hill lawmakers who say the program isn’t doing enough to combat waste or isn’t transparent.
“Taxpayers have a right to see how their dollars are being spent,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, a leading advocate for spending reform, last year. “There shouldn’t be a special exception for hard-earned dollars that happen to be spent through Medicare.”
Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, said at a committee hearing last year that the government must be mindful of the cost of the program and how much mistakes can not only hurt patients, but cost taxpayers.
“As more and more baby boomers retire and health care costs continue to rise, Medicare spending could reach $1 trillion by 2023,” he said.  “Reducing hospital readmissions will not only save the Medicare program billions, it will save beneficiaries from potential infection and further out-of-pocket expense.”
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said they are compiling lists of the most common medical mistakes, and preparing better training for doctors on how to avoid the mishaps.
“CMS fully concurs with [the inspector general] on the importance of identifying avoidable adverse events among nursing-home residents and improving the quality of life and care for nursing-home residents,” a response from the agency said.
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, will require nursing homes and similar facilities to report their safety records to federal watchdogs. The inspector general said it’s too soon to tell if this will have a noticeable impact on reducing medical mistakes.
In addition to the harm done to patients, inspectors said, the mistakes were a large financial burden on Medicare for having to pay for hospital treatment.
“Most of these residents died at hospitals rather than in the SNFs where the harm occurred, having been transferred back to the hospitals for higher-level treatment as a result of the event,” the inspector general said.

Hospital trips owning to mistakes by medical staff cost taxpayers $2.8 billion in a single year, according to the report. But, the inspector general warned, “the full costs associated with these events are likely greater than our estimate.”

Friday, September 4, 2015

Religious Liberty

Shills - Demotivational Poster

Huckabee is the epitome of a Republican. He's a likely pedophile who lies his pious hypocritical ass off and he hangs out with draft dodger and pedophile Ted Nugent.

If you are a right wing gay hating birther please die ASAP and take your corporate masters with you.