Wednesday, December 9, 2015

When It Comes To Islam: Ask a Hindu

In 1971, Muslims murdered 2.4 million Hindus and raped 200,000 Hindu women.

Will the Muslim violence against the Indian people, and the contamination of barbaric Islamic ideals blended into their culture, ever end? The Israeli’s and Hindus are the largest victims of perpetural Islamic invasions and violence lasting for more than 1,000 years. Muhammad Ali Jinna, a member of the Indian National Congress and later of the All-India Muslim League (a Khilafat movement that also germinated the Palestine conflict), demanded a two-state partition, creating the Lahore Resolution, which formed the separate creation of Pakistan.
This partition of people created a domin effect of other tensions and problems spreading from Khalistan to Bangladesh, to Kashmir, to Balochistan and to continued terrorism and tension existing even today. The British tried to discourage Muhammad Ali Jinna against rallying for the partition and warned against it many times, which ended in riots, mass exodus, clashes and deaths of millions. The article covers a poorly exposed incident of Muslim massacres of Hindus that we never hear about. It’s a pity the article forms a common Hindu anti-Western mindset, and fails to acknowledge any attention to the simple fact that Britain saved India from Muslim rule. India would bend to Mecca today had it not been for the clever rulers of South India who formed an alliance with Britain for exclusive trade agreements which developed into British rule and the expulsion of Muslim rule and Sharia law. You never hear Indian people admit to this fact. Instead they are focused purely on anti-Western rhetorics. It’s not Britain who destroyed India. It’s Islam that looted, massacred and destroyed Indian culture from within. Muslim terrorism, attacks, tensions continue in India to this day.
.Understanding Islamic violence; how to defend our freedoms
Interview by People of Shambhala.
In the wake of renewed violence against Hindus in Pakistan, and with more than 100 Hindu families seeking asylum in India, Director of the Canadian Hindu Advocacy group spoke to People of Shambhala. Mr. Banerjee talks about the background to the conflict, and why Pakistan was created in 1947. Why the West should include Hinduism, not just the “Judeo-Christian” tradition. And he also discusses Islam and violence against Hindus and the West, and how we can defend our values and freedoms.
PoS: At the moment about 100 Hindu families are seeking asylum in India, from Pakistan, and are claiming discrimination and violence. There were four doctors murdered on the first day of Eid, and, I think, a Sikh was stabbed as well. Can you tell us a little about that situation?
RB: Sure. The situation is very natural. Most people don’t understand what Pakistan is. Pakistan is a country that was formed for the Muslims. India is a multi-ethnic country for everybody. So Pakistan was formed with the very idea that the only people that should be in Pakistan are Muslims. There is nothing strange about what’s going on in Pakistan today. It’s being going on for a long time.
At independence Pakistan’s population was about ten percent Hindu and Sikh. Now it’s less than one percent. So the question is where did that nine percent go? Well, they were either ethnically cleansed, driven away, or slaughtered in large numbers in the 1971 war between India and Pakistan. In East Pakistan an estimated 2.4 million Hindus were slaughtered in just one year, and hundreds of thousands of Hindu women were raped.
There is nothing surprising about any of this because Islam was introduced into the Asian subcontinent with the objective of occupying and exterminating the Hindus. According to the historian William Durant, and other historians, an estimated 80 million Hindus were killed, were slaughtered, and thousands and thousands of Hindu temples were smashed, and mosques were built on top of them. The Muslims of India tried very hard over the period of their 700 years [of occupation] to wipe out the Hindus. But there was resistance from some of the Hindu kingdoms. They never had full control over India so they were unable to achieve that goal. But that’s the eternal goal. According to Islam, Hinduism is the lowest form of life on the planet. Because Hindus, according to them, they’re polytheistic, they believe in multiple gods. They believe we worship idols, and idol worship is a sin in Islam.  
PoS: One thing that has struck me is just the extent of the attacks on Hindus, Buddhists, Yezidis, Zoroastrians, Kalash. Yet we don’t hear anything about this. You mentioned the war of 71; 2.4 million dead, 200,000 Hindu women raped, but we don’t hear anything about that in the West.
RB: No you don’t, because there’s a systematic effort by Muslims and petrodollars to cover it up. The reason you don’t hear about it is because they make tremendous effort to silence it.
PoS: In all fairness, some Middle Eastern newspapers that probably cater mostly to Muslims have covered some of it, but you don’t seem to find it in the West, which is even more incredible. Why do you think Western journalists won’t cover something like that? The West always portrays itself as caring about minorities and being the people that always stand up to stop genocide, and that are always campaigning against violence against minorities. But nothing.
RB: This may offend you a little bit.
PoS: It won’t [laughs].
RB: It probably will [laughs]. But, it’s because the West have been hypocrites.
PoS: Yeah.
RB: If you look at Britain, for example, when they went to India they did not stop genocide or massacres, they expedited them. They actually supported the Muslims against the Hindus, helped them to perpetrate massacres. In terms of the establishment of the state of Pakistan, if you read people like William Dalrymple, a British historian, it becomes quite clear that the British encouraged the creation of Pakistan in order to divide the [anti-colonial] independence movement. [*Dalrymple’s theories are inaccurate and merely theories. The Britain discouraged against the partition of India, but the decision was created by Indian-Muslim voters themselves spearheaded by Muhammad Ali Jinna]
PoS: Do you think there is still a kind of colonial residue in the atmosphere. Do you think there is some kind of patronizing attitude in the media? Is that why we don’t see atrocities reported?
I’ve heard this question before. That it’s a form of racism that they don’t condemn Muslims for their human rights violations is because they are non-Western and [therefore] they are expected to be barbaric. There might be some of that, but these days it’s rather more a culture of fear. I mean, if you publish a cartoon of Mohammed, even if you’re in the West, you get threatened, and you possibly get killed, and you have riots going on. So now it’s more of a culture of fear.
PoS: On that note, Subramanian Swamy, the Hindu professor at Harvard, was fired because he wrote an article on how to wipe out Islamic terror [in India]. I read it. I didn’t find it shocking… I suppose [at the most controversial point] he’s saying that non-Hindus would have to appreciate their Hindu roots or they wouldn’t be allowed to vote. What was your take on his article and on his being fired?
RB: The article was a hundred percent correct. He did not say – as has been claimed – that all non-Hindus should be forced to convert to Hinduism or anything like that. He didn’t even say that non-Hindus should be oppressed or treated badly within India. He just said they should have a respect for Hinduism, and that they should acknowledge the proper history, especially the history of the Muslims in India. There was no such thing as Islam in India before about 1,000 AD. Muslims invaded and forcibly converted millions of Hindus to Islam. That’s just a historical fact. And that they should acknowledge that historical fact.
PoS: Why is it when it comes to Islam, we don’t stick for minorities? We don’t stick up for women’s rights? We don’t stick up for gay rights? All the things that we would stand up for at any other time.
RB: It’s a combination of different things. Political correctness is part of it, but it’s not the whole explanation. It’s more a simple combination of fear and bribery. In many cases it’s just the money and influence pouring in from the Middle East demanding that no negative aspects of Islam be spoken about. It’s the carrot and the stick, the carrot being the money being the money flowing in from petrodollars, and the stick being [the fear of] rioting and beheading over a cartoon or any slight to Islam.
PoS: In 2008, there was the Mumbai attacks. A couple of things about that were striking. One thing was the way the Western media covered it. If memory serves me correctly – and I think it does – it was implied that the attacks in Mumbai were against essentially Western targets, such as the Taj Mahal Hotel. Do you think they were going after Western targets or do you think there was another incentive?
RB: Well, most of the people that were killed were Hindus. So, I wouldn’t call them Western targets… again it’s the stupidity of the West, reporting it in this way… It’s not necessarily the case that they [the terrorists] were trying to kill as many White people, or White tourists, as possible. They just wanted to attack the most visible, or the wealthiest, or the most high profile, targets. Those aren’t Western targets. The only target that they went out of their way to attack that was not related to Hinduism was the synagogue, the Jewish target.
PoS: You probably follow what is going on in Europe, where we hear a lot of calls for sharia. And some people are trying to defend liberal democracy, but they don’t always seem to know what they’re defending. You believe that Hindu values and the values of liberal democracy and modernity are the same. Can you tell me what those would be?
RB: The one mistake that Westerners all make – including conservatives – is that they define Western values and the values of liberal democracy strictly as Judeo-Christian. And I don’t think that’s the case. I believe Hindu values have to be included in that as well because India is the world’s largest democracy and it’s 80 percent Hindu, so how can it just be Judeo-Christian. Most people will tell you that it [democracy] comes from the British, which is obnoxious and insulting and racist. I would think that you should want to give credit to the people of that country rather than to an invasive force a hundred years ago.
The values of democracy are more in tune with Hinduism than with many, many, many other faith traditions, because if you look at Hinduism there was an openness – the ability of people within Hinduism to have different gods, multiple deities, and to worship as they please… The ability to allow this freedom, to worship as one pleased without being excommunicated or called a heretic, that’s one of the factors that makes Hinduism a more democratic religion than many others.
When people say that the West is a result of Judeo-Christian civilization, it’s also a combination of that and Socrates, Aristotle, and others, and they were in pre-Christian times, and they were not Jewish either. They were part of a faith that was somewhat similar to Hinduism in the sense that it had multiple gods. I think, on the one hand, it’s difficult because, it [the conception of democracy and the West] has to be more inclusive; it can’t be just Judeo-Christian. You’ve got to embrace some of those other traditions as well. On the other hand let’s not start saying Islam had something to do with it as well; [because] no it didn’t.
PoS: Are there historical links between the ancient Greeks and Hinduism?
RB: I’m not a historian, so I’m not a hundred percent certain, but some of the words and names… Sanskrit is the original Indo-European language… so there are some similarities between ancient Greek and Sanskrit.
PoS: Yes, that’s from Indo-European. Proto-Indo-European is the root of many European languages and Indian as well. And some of the ancient Greeks were influenced by Buddhism(1) as well, so there must be some links [to Hinduism].(2)
RB: Yeah, yeah, I understand there were. There must be some linkages.
PoS: That would be pretty interesting [to research into]. Sort of on that note, today we have a lot of Christian groups that embrace interfaith dialogue with Islam, and they have imams up on stage, and it’s all very lovey-dovey. Yet they react hysterically to New Age spirituality – which is a very pacifistic form of spirituality – but they are extraordinary hysterical about that and think it’s all Satan. It strikes me, whether you like it or not, New Ageism is a big part of Western culture and has been for some time. They’re obviously frightened by it, and think it’s going to destroy civilization. But, I don’t know if you know this, but Hindu nationalism and Buddhist nationalism [and anti-colonialism] were partly revived – or were encouraged to be revived – through a couple of Western proto-New Age people of the Theosophical Society.(3)
RB: Yes, I heard about that… the Theosophical Society in Calcutta.
PoS: Related to that, do you think we should be forming alliances between Hindus, and people who practice Yoga, and spiritual people, and then Christians and Jews and Zoroastrians?
RB: Yes, I think Hinduism, and Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism, are a better fit for Western democracy and liberalism than Islam. I think maybe why some Christians feel kinship with Islam is that – for example, with the Inquisition – Christianity has behaved more like Islam than the peaceful, tolerant, Hindus and the Buddhists…[*this is a lack of historic accuracy. Christian history is filled with battles against Islamic invasions and barbarity]. I think you need a combination of tolerance and as strength. You shouldn’t tolerate the intolerant.
PoS: No.
RB: Maybe if you could meld together the toughness of Christianity with some of the tolerance of Hinduism and Buddhism, and form an alliance, you may be able to get the elusive Holy Grail that everyone seems to be looking for, which is how to be strong enough to deter [political] Islam, while not sacrificing our values and principles of liberalism and human rights and democracy.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The War On Christmas

The slime on the right has been using the same war on Christmas narrative for years. Trash like Bill O'Reily and Megyn Kelly have been telling the their brain dead viewers that there is a war on Christmas.

RELATED: Origins of the Christmas Holiday - Infoplease

The trash on the Christian right objects to the use of the phrase happy holidays but what those dumb fucks don't know is that that word holiday means holy day.  The word holiday comes from the Old English word hāligdæg (hālig "holy" + dæg "day").

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Cancer More Evil Than ISIS

ISIS kills and plunders for their prophet. Big Pharma kills and plunders for their profits. The biggest evil in the history of mankind is the American medical industrial complex. We are spending billions of dollars fighting members of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups who kill people for their prophet Mohammad while we ignore a the medical industry that is the leading cause of death and the biggest thief in the US. Google it. Well I did.

I military solution will not work to defeat ISIS but military solution could within a day defeat an enemy like big pharma.

    UPDATED: Merck's melanoma 'game-changer' Keytruda ...
    Sep 5, 2014 - Then came this news: Merck said Keytruda (pembrolizumab) would cost$12,500 per patient per month, or $150,000 per year. Keytruda is the latest in a string of breakthrough cancer therapies that are helping push the overall market for oncology drugs to $100 billion a year.

    As PD-1 costs emerge, nivo looks to be twice the price
    Sep 5, 2014 - Analysts assume that in practice pembrolizumab could cost patients$12,500 a month – more than in the above scenarios because of wastage of drug due to the amount remaining in a vial being discarded. Either way, the same argument could be made with nivolumab, so the comparison between the drugs holds.

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    Review the eligibility requirements for the Merck Co-Pay Assistance Program to learn if your patient may be eligible for co-pay assistance for KEYTRUDA® ...

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    Jun 1, 2015 - CHICAGO — One of the new immunotherapies would cost more than $1 million per patient per year at the higher dose currently being studied ...

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    Price of a year's treatment for 10 cancer drugs. The following ... Drug: Keytruda (Pembrolizumab)Cost: $132,000Date: Approved in 2014 for melanomaRead.

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Know Your Muslim: Sunni vs Shia

There are many sects and sub-sects within the cult of Islam. The two biggest ones and Sunnis and the Shiites. Let's take a look at the loony Sunnis vs the shitty Shiites

1. Which Muslim sect is larger demographically?

Roughly 87 percent of the world's approximately 1.6 billion Muslims are Sunni. The remaining 13 percent are Shiite.

2. Which sect believes that Muhammad explicitly named Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin and son-in-law, as his successor?

Shias regard Ali as the first Imam after the prophet and therefore his rightful successor, while Sunnis recognize him as the last of the first four caliphs (known collectively as the Rashidun). They believe that Muhammad made no official appointment of a successor. This disagreement split the Muslim community into the Shia and Sunni branches.

3. Which sect is more hierarchical in structure?

Almost all religious Shiites follow an Ayatollah, a senior Islamic scholar, who issues edicts on how the laity should incorporate Islamic doctrine into everyday life. Sunni Islam is far less formal and centralized, and is "flatter" in its organization.

4. Which sect observes the holy month of Ramadan?

Both sects observe Ramadan, the ninth month of Islam's calendar. Ramadan is observed through fasting and prayer, in order to promote self-sacrifice and spirituality among the faithful.

5. Which sect observes Ashura as a holy day of mourning that can include displays of self-flagellation?

While Ashura is a minor day of fasting for some Sunnis, for Shiites it marks the martyrdom of Muhammad's grandson, Hussain ibn Ali, whose death was a key event in the Shiite movement's founding. Although Shiite scholars are divided on the practice, many Shiites beat or cut themselves to mourn Hussain's death.

6. Which sect recognizes Mecca as a holy city?

Though located in predominately Sunni Saudi Arabia, both Shiites and Sunnis recognize it as Islam's holiest city. It is believed to be the birthplace of Muhammad, and is the destination of the Hajj pilgrimage.

7. Saddam Hussein, who oppressed Iraq's majority sect, was himself a member of which sect?

Hussein was a Sunni. Despite being only 20 percent of the population of Iraq, Sunnis controlled the government and oppressed Iraq's Shiite majority until Hussein's regime was overthrown during the US invasion in 2003.

8. Osama bin Laden was an adherent of which sect?

Bin Laden was a Sunni, as is his terrorist organization, Al Qaeda. While bin Laden was militantly anti-West, he was equally anti-Shiite, calling Shiites "heretics" and "enemies of Islam."

9. Saudi Arabia is the most powerful country of which sect?

Saudi Arabia is home to the two holiest cities in Islam, Mecca and Medina. Both Sunnis and Shiites consider it a religious duty to make a pilgrimage, or hajj, to Mecca at least once in their lives.

10. Which branch of Islam did Syria's Alawites come from?

Alawites split from Shiite Islam more than 1,000 years ago, and have developed beliefs sharply at odds with mainstream Sunni and Shiite teachings. Among them is an expanded roster of prophets that includes Greek philosophers and a belief that only children whose parents are both Alawites can join the faith, often leading to intense disdain of the “other.”

11. The title Sayyid is used by members of which sect?

The title of Sayyid is used by both Shiite and Sunni males who are direct descendants of the prophet Muhammad, through his daughter Fatimah.

12. The name for which sect is believed to come from an Arabic term that refers to the sayings and actions of Muhammad?

Sunni is a broad term derived from the Arabic word sunnah, meaning "habit", "custom", and "tradition".

13. The Islamist militant group Hezbollah adheres to which branch of Islam?

The Lebanon-based organization has close ties with Shiite Iran. Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Taliban are all Sunni.

14. Which sect considers members of the other to be apostates?

Most mainstream clerics recognize adherents of the other side as “legitimate” Muslims. But more-radical leaders denounce them as apostates.

15. What is the majority sect in the most populous Muslim country?

The most populous Muslim country is Indonesia, with more than 200 million Muslims. Shiites make up only a tiny minority.

16. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is most closely associated with which sect?

Assad is a member of the Alawite sect, which broke off from Shiite Islam a millennium ago. Assad and his Alawite regime retain close ties with other Shiite powers in the region, like Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah.

17. The name for which sect comes from the Arabic word for partisans?

Those who favored Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali became known as Shiat-Ali (partisans of Ali). They became known as Shia or Shiites.

19. Which sect is ISIS Sunni or Shia?

ISIS believes that the Shias are apostates and must die in order to forge a pure form of Islam.

20. What Muslims In America really think.

51% of US Muslims Want Sharia Law – 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels 

Who’s More Dangerous: Sunni or Shia Islamists? CLICK HERE

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Ted Cruz's Misogynistic Tweet

We're ready for Hillary. Women, by nature, are unpredictable, but we've kept a close watch on this one and we know exactly what to expect.

While I am anti feminism I will not deny that there are still are some men who are misogynists. Ted Cruz is one of them.

Senator Ted Cruz: Demagogue Or Just Serial Liar | Marvin ...

An Alarming Breakdown Showing Just How Much Of A Liar ...
May 2, 2015 - More proof that Ted Cruz is one of the most dishonest politicians this country has ever seen.