Sunday, September 4, 2016

An Archive Of Trump's Lies

Trump lies more than any other politician in history and it is tough for the fact checkers to document all his lies. Someone has taken on the Herculean task of documenting all of his lies so far.

Click on the red and white lie categories and it takes you to Trump's Tower Of Lies where you can see a list of Trump's lies! Trump is a liar!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Blacks and Violent Crime

While it is true that Blacks commit most of the violent crime, violent crime has been declining in both the Black and White populations. I used this title to get the CON scum to this article and beat the shit out of them because the words Blacks and Crime are Republican dog whistles (when they are not playing each other's meat whistle.)

Who or what is responsible for this decline? Mostly Bill Clinton and his improving the economy and putting more cops on the street. That said, fuck you CON slime.


As you can see by the chart below CON scum, crime is dropping equally in both Black and White communities.

That said, eat shit and die CON scum and take your false narrative and choke to death on it like you choke to on Trump's cock. :D  

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Trump Lies the Most!

Hillary Lies. Oh really?

The lying righties hate facts and fact haters are evil and deserve cancer.

Be careful who you lie to righties because some of us are beyond fed up with you. Lying may be hazardous to your health. Karma kills liars.

Why Trump Is Orange


According to his gastroenterologist, it's actually a colon problem. Most people have relatively short colons that empty via the anus. Like many Republicans, Trump's YUGE mega-colon empties directly into his skull. His shit is brownish orange in color and that explains his strange orange complexion and why that rat-like creature sitting on his head orange as well.    

Trump being orange will assure him the Umpa Lumpa vote. I think he hires Umpa Lumpas but doesn't pay them but they are happy to swallow his shit. 

Florida voters may think he's a giant orange.

Black Republicans

Looks like the Black Republicans in this picture are quite anemic.

Republicans really need to go fuck themselves.