Thursday, March 21, 2019

Trump And His Supporters Defined

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You are probably dumbfounded trying to figure out why so many people still support Trump. There is no complex explanation. Trump supporters are like Trump, they are simply no damn good. There are some diagnostic criteria that fit Trump and his MAGAts but it is important to remember that just because these disorder and in a diagnostic manual it doesn't change the fact that these are the qualities of evil people. Trump and his supporters may be mentally ill but they are definitely morally ill. 

Trump and his MAGAt have some of the Cluster A personality disorders.

Fanatic paranoid (including narcissistic features)Grandiose delusions are irrational and flimsy; pretentious, expensive supercilious contempt and arrogance toward others; lost pride reestablished with extravagant claims and fantasies.

Malignant paranoid(including sadistic features)Belligerent, cantankerous, intimidating, vengeful, callous, and tyrannical; hostility vented primarily in fantasy; projects own venomous outlook onto others; persecutory delusions.

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior and interactions with others. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
The British National Health Service has described those with this disorder as someone who, "struggles to relate to others. As a result, they show patterns of behaviour most would regard as dramatic, erratic and threatening or disturbing."

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There are four recognized Cluster B personality disorders and Trump and his MAGAt fit them all.

  • Antisocial personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.7): a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others. This explains Trump and the MAGAt's hatred for laws especially the gun laws. Like the childish tyrants that they are they don't consider the rights or the welfare of others.

  • Borderline personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.83): extreme "black and white" thinking, chronic feelings of emptiness, instability in relationships, self-image, identity and behavior disturbances often leading to self-harm and impulsivity. Like Trump, the MAGAts have trouble with personal relationships, self-image and the inability to control their emotions. When the post here they often use all caps and they use excessive punctuation.

  • Histrionic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.50): pervasive attention-seeking behavior including inappropriately seductive behavior and shallow or exaggerated emotions. This explains Trump perfectly. He is an attention whore.

  • Narcissistic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.81): a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. This explains Trump very well. His statements, "I alone can fix this and "I know more than the generals." come from the sick mind of a malignant narcissist. 

Trump's Downfall: A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens ...

The escalating danger of Trump’s narcissistic rage

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If you support Trump know that he is an evil son of a bitch you are an evil son of a bitch.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Trump Supporters To Boycott Girl Scout Cookies Because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Was a Girl Scout

In order to be in the Scouts one must recite, believe in and understand the oath.  Recently the trash on the right are calling for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies. MAGAt shill Jane Chastain  found out that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was a Girl Scout and now she is calling for the boycott of Girl Scout cookies.  The GSA relies on the sale of cookies for most of their funding.

The BSA and the GSA are patriotic and pro-America institutions. Many of our greatest leaders were Scouts and now the MAGAts are attacking another pro American institution. Smearing our dying American hero John McCain was not enough for them. Now they sink to an even lower low by trying to destroy the Girl Scouts of America simply because they hate Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. MAGAts are twisted and dangerous.

The MAGAts and their spokesdroids are now calling the GSA and BSA leftists. It's another sad day for our beloved country.


Conservative calls for cookie boycott because AOC used to ...

Conservative Columnist Wants to Boycott Girl Scout Cookies ...

AOC clapback at veteran broadcaster in Girl Scout cookie row

See the source image

Help out our Girl Scouts of America and buy a few extra boxes of cookies!!!

Below is the Boy Scouts pledge. I placed in red the reasons why MAGAts can never be part of the Boy Scouts of America.

On my honor . . . . . . There is a problem right there with the MAGAts. They have no honor because if the did the would not lie nor would they support and defend liars.

 I will do my best . . . MAGAts are slackers so their best sucks.  . . .

To do my duty to God . . . . . MAGAts hate God and worship the orange anti-Christ 

and my country . . .. . .  MAGAts  are partisans and they have no loyalty to God or country and are loyal to Trump the anti-Christ? MAGAts are unpatriotic.

and to obey the Scout Law; . . . . . . MAGAts have disdain for the rule of law and they prove it by supporting law breakers like Trump and his corrupt family.

To help other people at all times; . . .. . . MAGAts believe in social Darwinism. Helping people is something that which there Satanic goddess Ayn Rand would not approve. To the MAGAts now think scouting is socialism.

To keep myself physically strong, . . .. . . MAGAts are generally fat, lazy, and out of shape same as fat lazy Trump.

mentally awake, . . .  This would be impossible for them. They are intellectually lazy and thinking is something that they rarely do. Their diets and drug use make them easily led dullards.

and morally straight. Moral people would not support Trump. Moral people would not wear MAGA hats because MAGA hats are a lie. America never stopped being the greatest country on heart. 

Moral people would not support a man who has lied to them nearly 8000 times. Moral people would not support a man who swindles people. Moral people would not support a man who cheated on all his wives. Moral people would not support a traitor. Moral people would not support a racist. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit and So Are His Supporters


Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit and So Are His Supporters

Donald Trump is a piece of shit and so are his supporters.
Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters.
so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is a piece of shit and so are his supporters.

Donald Trump is a big fat traitor and so are his supporters.
Donald Trump is a masturbater and so are his supporters.
so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is a big fat traitor and so are his supporters.

Donald Trump hates the rule of law and so do his supporters
Donald Trump blows Rush Limbaugh and so do his supporters.
so do his supporters so do his supporters
Donald Trump blows Rush Limbaugh and so do his supporters.

Donald Trump is going to hell and so do his supporters
He belongs in a prison cell and so do his supporters.
 so do his supporters so do his supporters
He belongs in a prison cell and so do his supporters.

Donald Trump is Moscow mule and so are his supporters.
Donald Trump is a big fat fool and so are his supporters.
 so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is a Moscow mule and so are his supporters.

Donald Trump is a rootin and a tootin and so are his supporters.
Donald Trump blows Vladimir Putin and so do his supporters.
 so do his supporters so do his supporters
Donald Trump blows Vladimir Putin and so do his supporters.

Donald Trump has a tiny brain and so do his supporters
Donald Trump is quite insane and so are his supporters.
 so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is quite insane and so are his supporters.

Donald Trump cheats on his wives and so do his supporters
Donald Trump is a waste of life and so are his supporters.
 so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is a waste of life and so are his supporters.

Donald Trump is a girly man and so are his supporters
Donald Trump is a Hitler fan and so are his supporters.
 so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is a Hitler fan and so are his supporters.

Donald Trump eats junk food and so do his supporters.
Donald Trump is rude and crude and so are his supporters.
 so are his supporters so are his supporters
Donald Trump is rude and crude and so are his supporters.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

America Defined

It is what it is. At least vote you fucking lemmings.

Patriots don't vote for Republicans. Patriots are critical thinkers who defend their country. Partisans support trash like Trump.

We are living in a kleptocratic state that really is a nation of sheeple lemmings who are ruled by wolves and owned by pigs.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Call Flood These Crooked Senators

Most politicians lie and take bribes. Republican lie more an take bribes far more than Democrats. We have come to expect lying from our elected officials but never were so many of our elected officials traitors. Anyone who supports Trump is a traitor but when they are in a position of power they become very dangerous traitors.

I will be updating this article with all the scandal and lies of the trash below. If you have dirt on these traitors please live links in the comment section.

Treasonous Senator                Phone Number

Richard Shelby (R-AL)................................. (202) 224-5744 Read Here About Richard Shelby's Bribery Scandal

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)............................... (202) 224-6665

Dan Sullivan (R-AK)..................................... (202) 224-3004

John Boozman (R-AR).................................. (202) 224-4843 BLATANT LIAR

Tom Cotton (R-AR)....................................... (202) 224-2353  Tom Cotton's Treason CLICK HERE  Why Tom Cotton is Dangerous CLICK HERE

Cory Gardner (R-CO).................................... (202) 224-5941

Marco Rubio (R-FL)..................................... (202) 224-3041 TRAITOR AND BRIBE TAKER Marco Rubio Hit With Career-Altering Scandal; $1M Russian ...

Johnny Isakson (R-GA)................................. (202) 224-3643 True Patriot who defends vets and attacks treasonous Trump 

Isakson: Whoever smears McCain deserves whipping - CNN Video

David Perdue (R-GA).................................... (202) 224-3521

Mike Crapo (R-ID)........................................ (202) 224-6142 DRUNK Click HERE to read about his law breaking.

Jim Risch (R-ID)..........................................  (202) 224-2752  Read about Jim Risch acts of treason, lies and ties to Russian spies.  Read more about his bribe taking.

Steve Daines (R-MT).................................... (202) 224-2651

On Whitefish Energy Scandal, Steve Daines is either lying ...

Todd Young (R-IN)....................................... (202) 224-5623

Rep. Todd Young’s moral compass sure is broken - IndyStar Truth Squad: Is Todd Young a 'sellout politician' doing ...

Joni Ernst (R-IA)........................................... (202) 224-3254 Took a $3,124, 273 bribe from the NRA She probably cheats on her husband. Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst is getting divorced

Chuck Grassley (R-IA).................................. (202) 224-3744 Liar and Prevaricator 

Jerry Moran (R-KS)....................................... (202) 224-6521 Jerry Moran is a traitor OWNED BY RUSSIA The entire GOP are traitors. It's that simple. -

Vetting these scumbags is a long and tedious process. I will continue to up date.

Pat Roberts (R-KS) ........................................(202) 224-4774
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)............................. (202) 224-2541
Rand Paul (R-KY)......................................... (202) 224-4343
Bill Cassidy (R-LA)...................................... (202) 224-5824
John Kennedy (R-LA)................................... (202) 224-4623
Susan Collins (R-ME)................................... (202) 224-2523
Thad Cochran (R-MS)................................... (202) 224-5054
Roger Wicker (R-MS)................................... (202) 224-6253
Roy Blunt (R-MO)........................................ (202) 224-5721
Deb Fischer (R-NE)....................................... (202) 224-6551
Ben Sasse (R-NE).......................................... (202) 224-4224
Dean Heller (R-NV)...................................... (202) 224-6244
Richard Burr (R-NC)..................................... (202) 224-3154
Thom Tillis (R-NC)....................................... (202) 224-6342
John Hoeven (R-ND)..................................... (202) 224-2551
Rob Portman (R-OH).................................... (202) 224-3353
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)........................................ (202) 224-4721
James Lankford (R-OK)................................ (202) 224-5754
Pat Toomey (R-PA)....................................... (202) 224-4254
Rob Portman (R-OH).................................... (202) 224-3353
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)........................................ (202) 224-4721
James Lankford (R-OK)................................ (202) 224-5754
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)................................ (202) 224-5972
Tim Scott (R-SC)........................................... (202) 224-6121
Mike Rounds (R-SD)..................................... (202) 224-5842
John Thune (R-SD)....................................... (202) 224-2321
Lamar Alexander (R-TN).............................. (202) 224-4944
John Cornyn (R-TX)..................................... (202) 224-2934
Ted Cruz (R-TX)........................................... (202) 224-5922
Orrin Hatch (R-UT)....................................... (202) 224-5251
Mike Lee (R-UT)........................................... (202) 224-5444
Ron Johnson (R-WI)..................................... (202) 224-5323
John Barrasso (R-WY).................................. (202) 224-6441
Mike Enzi (R-WY)........................................ (202) 224-3424

Trump and His Nazis

Synagogue Shooter Robert Bowers And The Trump Connection: What We Know So Far

Image result for synagogue shooting
He blamed Jews for helping migrant caravans
On his account, Bowers claimed Jews were helping transport members of the migrant caravans. He shared a video that another user posted, purportedly of a Jewish refugee advocacy group HIAS on the US-Mexico border. Another post that Bowers commented on described HIAS' overall efforts as "sugar-coated evil."
Seventeen days before the attack, Bowers posted a web page from HIAS that listed a number of Shabbats that were being held on behalf of refugees, an official said. On that list was a Shabbat address that is less than a mile away from the Tree of Life Synagogue. (The chief executive officer of HIAS, Mark Hetfield, said Bowers is not known to the group.)
He called those in migrant caravans 'invaders'
According to his posts, Bowers believed that those in the migrant caravans were violent because they were attempting to leave countries that had high levels of violence. And Bowers repeatedly called them "invaders" on his Gab posts. "I have noticed a change in people saying 'illegals' that now say 'invaders'," read one post, six days before the shooting. "I like this."
A law enforcement source confirmed to CNN that investigators believe the social media postings belong to Bowers and that the language on his account matches the suspected motivation behind the shootings.
Some people will say that it is the times we live and that Trump is the main catalyst for why these treasonous terrorists exist. Like Hitler, Trump unearthed a maniacal hatred and paranoia that has existed in the hearts of righties for centuries.  General Eisenhower understood this so during the occupation at the end of WW-2 and for sake of future generations he had millions of Nazis in France and Germany executed. 
A Nazi's main intent is to exterminate anyone who is not White and Christian. They make no bones about it. There very existence is hate speech with the intention of fulfilling their goals to a Whites only world. It becomes much more than what they believe. It really is what they are. They are the dangerous feral dogs that were not culled from the pack by man. Evil is in their DNA. Even if you don't agree with me and would like to believe they are merely misguided or a product of nurture, will you still justify their existence knowing that their reason for existence is to exterminate all non whites? When a cop shoots an unmedicated crazy man with a knife that cop has no choice and you would not condemn his actions? If Antifa starts preemptively executing Nazis you would be hypocritical to condemn their actions. They are less human than a nest of angry hornets. Would you have a problem exterminating dangerous soulless hornets? I hope not. Nazis are far more deadly and far less reasonable. There needs to be a bounty on them. 
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How To Deal With Trump Supporters

A Teaching Moment For Trump Supporters

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The Nazis' sole purpose of existence is to create an Aryan world and their means to achieve it is by the extermination of a all non White. Perhaps it is time for another Nuremberg?

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Bring on the Bear Jew!

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Patriots have no tolerance for Nazis.

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