Monday, April 29, 2019

Bing Is Better Than Google and So Is Duck Duck Go

Three years ago, I switched from Google search to Bing. There, I said it. No longer do I Google something; I Bing it. And I haven’t looked back since.
Maybe you’re considering doing the same, either over ire about the recent diversity-memo controversy, or some other aspect of the search giant that has rubbed you the wrong way. Here are some points to consider.
The move away from Google wasn’t easy. Sometime in the late 1990s, I was invited to test out Google’s search engine. I moved from poring though filing cabinets to typing queries in a search box. If it was out there on the web, Google promised that it would find it. 
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Over the years, Google became smarter and more responsive. Google Instant auto-suggested search results before I finished typing them. “Google it” became part of my vernacular.
Meanwhile, Microsoft’s Bing search engine was getting no respect. Bing it? Please.
But Bing doggedly continued to improve. It added social connections and “cards” identifying key topics and related searches. It improved speed and reliability. Then one day, when I wanted to dig up older stories I had written using Google’s search engine, I found I had better luck finding them using Bing.
So I switched. 
Switching from Google to Bing search is easily done in just a few seconds. I provide instructions at the bottom of this story. But before that, here are some of my favorite (and yes, even bizarre) reasons to switch to Bing.

Number one? Because Microsoft will pay you.

1. Search and make money with Microsoft Rewards

I’m cheap. I’ll generally pass up a $12 artisanal beef slider at the food trucks near my office in favor of a less expensive salad that could stuff a throw pillow. I often wear the same pants two days in a row to save on my water bill. I use coupons.
So if Microsoft wants to pay me about $5 a month to do what I normally do? Sign me up.

The concept behind Microsoft Rewards (formerly Bing Rewards) is simple: As you search, Microsoft gives you points.

If you have a Microsoft account (you do have a free Microsoft account, right?) you can earn five points per Bing search on a desktop PC, up to 150 points per day. In the same way, you can earn up to 100 points per day on mobile, with five points credited to you per search. (Don’t worry if these numbers don’t quite match up to what you see, as Microsoft tends to vary the values every so often.) Bing searches are automatically triggered via Cortana on a Windows Phone, or the Bing Search app for Android or iOS. 
If that isn’t enough, you’ll automatically accumulate points by using the Windows 10 Edge browser, up to 900 points per month. And if that isn’t enough, you’ll get a point for every dollar you spend on the Microsoft Windows and Xbox online stores, or in a brick-and-mortar Microsoft Store location. 
The best part? The points can be redeemed for things you’ll actually use.

microsoft rewards challenges
If you want even more points, take five minutes out of your day to check out the rewards and quizzes Microsoft Rewards offers.

For roughly 475 credits—again, the value varies—Microsoft will give you $5 to spend at Amazon, or Target, Burger King, Starbucks, or other merchants. You can also redeem your rewards for a nice 5% coupon at the Microsoft Store, discounts on Windows apps, or even a free month of Xbox Live Gold. Use Bing frequently enough, and you can climb your way up to Silver or Gold status, which confers a “discount” on points redemptions.
And this is all for simply using Bing during the course of your day. And if you want even more points, you can visit or click the Microsoft Rewards “medallion” icon for quick quizzes and suggested searches. It all adds up quickly.

2. Search results: As good or better than Google’s

I wouldn’t even mention Bing Rewards if Bing itself wasn’t worthwhile. But it is. My personal belief is that Bing delivers slightly more useful information than Google in general search. (To be fair, I’ll emphasize general: Sometimes I’ll try a search in Google if I can’t find what I’m looking for in Bing. As of August 2017, I’d say Bing’s ability to find an old news story of mine is slightly worse than it used to be, though it’s still very good.)
And don’t worry: Using Bing doesn’t prevent you from using other Google services, like Gmail, as often as you’d like.

bing notre dame football
Mark Hachman
Context is key, and Microsoft has made this a priority with Bing.

If I search for a term like “Notre Dame football,” Bing makes better use of that vast, white space on the right side, displaying contextual information about the school, its history, news, and more. (Both engines show me the recent scores, but Google’s card displays a more complete upcoming schedule.)
Bing’s lead widens when you search for celebrities, as it includes videos as well as images and biographical information. And though Microsoft could do a better job of highlighting this information, Bing provides one-click links to a celeb’s social media pages for what they’re thinking about, right now.

bing ashton kutcher
Mark Hachman
Bing includes social media links, too.

There are exceptions, of course. But, in general, Bing performs as well as Google on most of my common, day-to-day searches.

3. Bing has image chops

That goes for image searches, too. Bing was first to implement the “infinite scroll” in Bing Images, where users could simply scroll and scroll and never reach the “end” of their search results. Today, Bing’s image search adds an extra layer of search filters that Google users must drill down to find, including options to show only pictures with faces, for example, or display images in a particular layout. And if you need to find a licensed photo to illustrate a newsletter, Bing makes that information more easily accessible than Google does.

bing image search san francisco
Mark Hachman
Bing’s Image Search page is attractively formatted, with lots of jumping-off points for further exploration.

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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Televangelists Agents of Satan Fleecing the Flock

There probably isn't a televangelists that isn't a low life piece of shit scumbag who needs to die of  terminal and agonizing and terrifying rectal cancer. A lot of fools and suckers are cruelly exploited by these vile charlatans.  Anyone who does business with one of those crooks is every bit as deserving of agonizing death and the charlatans who con people.

If you buy into these con men you have already been deceived and are deservedly hell bound.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

STDs and Trump Country Depravity


It's a well known fact that fat girls are sluts and since most fat girls live in red states it would follow that the red states have the most highest rates of venereal disease. 

Slutty Sarah Palin's Alaska leads the country in sexually transmitted disease. Is anyone surprised?  This is just one more example of red state depravity. Liberal New England is the most moral. Is anyone surprised. 

By every measure of depravity the red states are the most depraved so it comes as no surprise that the red states are worst in that category as well.

The Bible Belt as usual shows its false Christian depravity.  Girls raised in the South are pigs!

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VD is nothing to clap about folks! 

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The take away here for all you fat admirers is, when hogging in the Bible belt wear a condemn! Put a helmet on that soldier!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Trump's Lies In His Own Words

Hey MAGAts, This is Trump in his own words. Of course you traitors will deny it. Trump denies his connections and loans from Russian banks and his money laundering. The more you MAGAts lie for Trump the more you put yourselves at risk for arrest and worse.

Monday, April 1, 2019

123urout Outed

123urout is an internet troll working for Putin and Trump's Russia. In addition to being a propaganda troll he's a dangerous parasite with delusions of grandeur. He's very much like that other criminal and psychotic troll Charlie Zelenoff who claims to be the greatest boxer of all time. 123urout makes delusional claims as well but unlike Charlie Z, 123urout is even more dangerous and a threat to national security so I am asking my readers to locate this criminal troll so that we can turn him over to the authorities.

Zelenoff is a Russian and 123urout is working on behalf of Russia. We have his IP and he is not using a proxy server.  Let us know anonymously in the comment section if you have his 20. Dr Bear will be doing a public records request as soon as we verify his identity.

We got your IP now asshole.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Is Trump The Anti Christ? Is Trump An Anti-Christ

Image result for Trump anti christ

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ...

Like his MAGAts, Trump is the opposite of Jesus in every way, and that is what the term Anti-Christ means. How can a man who gold-plates his toilets claim to be a follower of Christ, when the Bible clearly says that a man cannot serve God and Mammon? Trump's real allegiance is to Mammon, and thus according to the Bible, he must hate God.

Trump is an antichrist because he wants others to worship the same system that he worships. He wants you to think that you can worship both God and mammon. He doesn’t care to lead you directly away from Christ, because he doesn’t care about Christ.


Trump is Antichrist - RedState

The Anti-Christ

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. Little children, it is the last hour, and, according as ye have heard that antichrist comes, even now there have come many antichrists, whence we know that it is the last hour.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Trump And His Supporters Defined

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You are probably dumbfounded trying to figure out why so many people still support Trump. There is no complex explanation. Trump supporters are like Trump, they are simply no damn good. There are some diagnostic criteria that fit Trump and his MAGAts but it is important to remember that just because these disorder and in a diagnostic manual it doesn't change the fact that these are the qualities of evil people. Trump and his supporters may be mentally ill but they are definitely morally ill. 

Trump and his MAGAt have some of the Cluster A personality disorders.

Fanatic paranoid (including narcissistic features)Grandiose delusions are irrational and flimsy; pretentious, expensive supercilious contempt and arrogance toward others; lost pride reestablished with extravagant claims and fantasies.

Malignant paranoid(including sadistic features)Belligerent, cantankerous, intimidating, vengeful, callous, and tyrannical; hostility vented primarily in fantasy; projects own venomous outlook onto others; persecutory delusions.

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior and interactions with others. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
The British National Health Service has described those with this disorder as someone who, "struggles to relate to others. As a result, they show patterns of behaviour most would regard as dramatic, erratic and threatening or disturbing."

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There are four recognized Cluster B personality disorders and Trump and his MAGAt fit them all.

  • Antisocial personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.7): a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others. This explains Trump and the MAGAt's hatred for laws especially the gun laws. Like the childish tyrants that they are they don't consider the rights or the welfare of others.

  • Borderline personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.83): extreme "black and white" thinking, chronic feelings of emptiness, instability in relationships, self-image, identity and behavior disturbances often leading to self-harm and impulsivity. Like Trump, the MAGAts have trouble with personal relationships, self-image and the inability to control their emotions. When the post here they often use all caps and they use excessive punctuation.

  • Histrionic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.50): pervasive attention-seeking behavior including inappropriately seductive behavior and shallow or exaggerated emotions. This explains Trump perfectly. He is an attention whore.

  • Narcissistic personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.81): a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. This explains Trump very well. His statements, "I alone can fix this and "I know more than the generals." come from the sick mind of a malignant narcissist. 

Trump's Downfall: A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens ...

The escalating danger of Trump’s narcissistic rage

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If you support Trump know that he is an evil son of a bitch you are an evil son of a bitch.