Monday, November 20, 2017

Beating Trump and Putin's Trolls

Russian trolls are all over social media. Whenever you read any racist propaganda, right wing propaganda, anti-liberal propaganda or pro Trump propaganda address the poster as a Russian troll.

Things to Say To a Trumproid or Russian Troll

1. Why is your IP address coming from Moscow?

2. Putin and Trump are gay lovers.

3. What is it like living is a loser country like Russia?

4. Are all Russians as stupid as you? Все ли россияне такие же глупы, как и вы?

5. The United State is great. Russia stinks. Соединенные Штаты велики. Россия воняет.

Chances are the Russian trolls are not reading reactions but their fellow travelers aka useful idiots aka Trump supporters are. Discrediting them is your duty and responsibility Democracy is under attack and you can fight it. Accuse all righties of disloyalty to the US because they are even if they don't know it. Accuse them of being enemies of democracy because they are. Accuse them of working for Putin because in reality they are.

Think up your own witty remarks.

Patriotic Americans could flood social media with tens of millions of anti-Trump and anti-Russian messages every day. Get to work patriots

RELATED: Here's How to Deal with Russian Propaganda - Atlantic Council

RELATED: Russian Propaganda - StopFake

RELATED: Estonia's lessons for fighting Russian disinformation -

A guide to Russian propaganda. Part 2: Whataboutism

Euromaidan Press presents its second video dealing with Russia’s propaganda tactics. Find the first video here: A guide to Russian propaganda. Part 1: Propaganda prepares Russia for war. The Russian propaganda machine produces endless streams of fakes and manipulative stories. While at times they may seem outrageous or silly, they are far from being random. Russian propaganda for both domestic and foreign audiences follows techniques that stem from Goebbel’s times. Ultimately,

North Carolina A Blue State

North Carolina Turning Blue

That's right Nazis and traitors. You losers need to accept the fact that the good guys won the war. Yep, the war is over and you lost.

Your filthy flag should be used to scrub toilets. You assholes who say the confederate battle flag is about heritage may be right. Southern heritage is slavery and treason. I piss on you, Trump and your filthy rag.

Punching Nazis Is Patriotic

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Image result for Punch a Nazi

Image result for Punch a Nazi

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Image result for Punch a Nazi

Image result for nazi lives don't matter

Monday, October 23, 2017

Common Sense Gun Control

Adam Lanza

Gun deaths are a public health issue first and foremost. The simple truth is, there are a lot of crazy people with guns. Gun ownership is a right but rights come with responsibilities and a responsible society would keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. This responsibility falls on society and government.

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church ...

There are less gun owners today than in anytime in our history but more gun violence.  The solution should be; if anyone has been prescribed psychiatric medication or has been diagnosed with ANY mental illness NO GUNS! Doctors and family members need to be held responsible.

Eric Harris
Columbine Shooter Eric Harris

If you do even a little research you will find that most mass shooting have involved the use of psychiatric medication.  I would bet dollars to donuts that the Las Vegas shooter was or had been on psychiatric medication but the big pharma funded media will not report it. They never do.  Adam Lanza was on psychiatric drugs.  Before the wide spread use of modern psychiatric drugs mass shootings were rare. 

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James Holmes Aurora Theater Shooter

I have studied this issue and I am certain that psychiatric drugs are the main cause.  Dr Peter Breggin would agree.

The time has come to craft legislation that will work and have a chance of passing.  This will work and could pass if all the members of congress who are mobbed up with the medical industry are exposed as  people who want crazy people to have guns.  The filth at the NRA will push back only to look more ridiculous than they already are. Set this trap for the filth on the right.  Please have the courage to fight big pharma and call out their sinister ways.

protect the second amendment - big pharma causes mass shootings

Banning guns will do little if anything to stem this epidemic. CRAZY PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER HAVE GUNS!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Punch a Nazi #PunchaNazi

I have met holocaust survivors. I have spoken with WW-2 vets who liberated the death camps. Holocaust deniers, Trump supporters, racists and birthers are ALL Nazis. Nazism is more than a political philosophy. Nazism is a genetic disorder that in my erudite and considered opinion needs to be exterminated and hopefully the day will come when fetuses carrying the Nazi gene will be aborted leading to the eradication of Nazism from the gene pool. Until that happens Nazis need to be put in check before the final checkmate.

Should patriots be literally punching Nazis?

This is a question that Patriots need to decide for themselves. Before you decide if you think you should haul off and unleash a bone crushing knockout punch on the pig face of a Nazi thug you may want to consider the consequences. If you get caught you will be arrested and you will be facing criminal charges. Is that worth it? Is a charge of felony assault worth you being taken out of the fight? Think long and hard before punching a Nazi. I am not condemning nor am I condoning the practice but if I were on the jury of a Nazi puncher I would vote not guilty. If I saw a Nazi getting knocked the fuck out, I would love it so long as the puncher did not get caught and the punch did damage.

Be Creative. There are a lot of ways to deal with Nazis. 

While it would be very satisfying to burn them out of their homes, break the bones, poison them, or shoot them it can also be satisfying to frustrate and ridicule them. Get involved in the information wars and get involved in the political system to make sure no far rightie becomes part of the American government. America is under attack by sophisticated Russian disinformation agents. You can help stop them by flagging their comments and videos. Employ dirty tricks. The fact is, nearly every pedophile is a registered Republican. Accuse all righties of being pedophiles. Use tricks from the Republican play book and keep them on the defensive. It takes a few seconds to tell a lie and years to debunk it. Swing voters probably would not vote for a pedophile.

Phish.Net: Study: 97% of pedophiles are republicans

If I Were to Punch a Nazi in Self Defense

I'd punch him hard and I would break bones if I punched his face. Hopefully I would be wearing gloves with lead in them.  I might hit one with a sap hatI might hit him on the side of the neck with a karate chop just below his ear so that the strike would drive the first vertebra known as the atlas into his spinal cord leaving him a quadriplegic. I might give his a thumb strike to the eye hard enough to destroy his eye. 

I may give the Nazis some elbow or forearm strikes or a knee strike to the balls followed by an uppercut. I would show a Nazi no mercy. 

Here are some dirty tricks I have heard about.

Call child protective services and ask them to do a well check on Nazi parents. Do it late late on a Friday afternoon so that they will stew in their juices over the weekend.

Spam their email and snail mail. Be creative. 

If they are a known drinker alert the police that they drink and drive.

Get a pretty female decoy to flirt with them and record them coming on to her. Send the evidence to his wife. 

Image result for keyed car

There are a lot of things you can do to their cars. Leave suggestions in the comment section.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

To Trump and His Trumproids: PAYBACK'S A BITCH!

Pay Back's A Bitch from The Hound on Vimeo.
To all you filthy ignorant treasonous Trump supporting trash, he's going to fuck you over more than you pea brained assholes can even fathom. Just like he fucked over all the suckers who attended Trump University you morons are going to get fucked way worse than the rest of us.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Open Letter Medical Quack Dr Oz

Fraudsters! - Demotivational Poster

I Fat Bastardo, of Bigger Fatter Politics contacted SEO specialist El and asked him to put the boots to that sleazy bastard Dr Memet Oz. Memet Oz is a giant turd in a cesspool of corruption like the world has never seen.

A little background: Oprah Winfrey's flunky Memet Oz MD got called in front of congress for lying and lying and lying and lying and lying about phony weight loss products. This created something called the Oz effect. When Memet Oz lied and said green coffee been extract was a miracle weight loss product, the sales of that snake oil went through the roof over night.  Oz has done this with other scam products.

Lies, fraud, conflicts of interest, and bogus science: The real Dr. Oz effect

I Fat Bastardo, sent the Dr Oz show the following message.


I have a blog called bigger fatter politics and I posted a story about Memet Oz's weight loss scamming.

As of today, this article has been read 1,172,954 times and I am not even promoting it. It has been quoted by many other news outlets. 

As we all know, the biggest thieves, killers and fraudsters are members of the American medical industry. Oz's industry, the medical industry kills more American in one year than were killed in all the combat deaths, in all of our combat deaths in all of our wars combined.

American health care costs 3 times the world average yet the US is ranked 37th for quality. 

I would be willing to remove my article exposing Memet Oz's criminal activity if he does a 1/2 hour segment on every episode exposing the criminality that is the American medical industry while providing me funding for me to continue my crusade.

Memet Oz will push my proposal for health care reform which includes single payer, free medical school, extra long prison terms for corporate medical fraudsters.

If my terms are not met, the article will stay up and it will get re-posted on every manner of social media there is. Do the right thing Memet and honor your oath. 

Image result for Doctor Oz lies

Contact Dr Oz Show By Clicking HERE

I Fat Bastardo, need your help in exposing the criminality that is the American Medical Industrial Complex and charlatans like Memet Oz. Same as other doctors, Memet Oz is a greedy and dangerous QUACK!

Half of Dr. Oz's medical advice is baseless or wrong, study says - The ...

Image result for Doctor Oz Quack

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Join A Weight Loss Support Group and Stay Fat

Image result for glutton gif

1. People in weight loss support groups are not experts. In fact, most of them don't have a clue because if they did they would not be fat in the first place.

Image result for glutton gif

2. Sabotage: I see it all the time. Fat people like drug addicts and drunks are bad company to keep. Recovering addicts are told to lose their druggie "friends" for good reasons. They will bring you down.

If you are serious about losing weight and never being fat again, you would be wise to get rid of all the fat people you hang out with. Just like a drunk want's a drinking buddy, fat people want a pig out buddy.

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3. You have what some people describe as a disorder and others call it gluttony. Regardless of the label that it applied to it no support and cheer leading is going to help you. All the atta girls in the world are not going to help you. I mean if you did something remarkable like made the honor roll or something like that you have earned some praise. Doing the right thing such as eating responsibly is not praise worthy. It is unremarkable. You are simply  not that special.

When a person loses weight they have actually done almost nothing. They are merely stopped eating in an irresponsible manner. Do not praise these people and do not accept that praise. Show some humility like the fireman who runs into a burning building and save a child. He is rejects being called a hero. That's humility. You don't see too many fat firefighters but you see a lot of fat and out of shape cops who think they are something special.

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4. Group Pride and Ego Centrists:

Pride is never a good thing if you want to lose weight. I ran a study and we found that fat people love the words I, me, my, and mine. In fact, we found that fat people use personal pronouns more than twice as much as normal people in normal conversation.

We also found that the people who lose weight and keep it off do it for altruistic reason such as being healthy for their kids, attractive to their spouse and for good citizenship. Who wants that crap!

You are not hurting yourself by your overeating. You are constantly salving yourself with food. You are hurting your loved ones. It would seem that your, "addiction to" or "lust for" food far exceed your regard for your role as a citizen and the people in your life. GOOD FOR YOU!

Image result for glutton

Go to the Low Carber Forum and tell them that low carb diets suck.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Google Fines 2.7 Billion For It Criminal Fuckery

Google Fined Record $2.7 Billion in E.U. Antitrust Ruling - The New ...

I am about to switch blog platforms. The views for Bigger Fatter Politics were huge until recently. Google wanted me to monetize Bigger Fatter Politics but I declined because I would have no control of the ad content and I will not be part of promoting criminal companies.

Google is in the business of censoring. The have instituted a censorship program that allows free speech hating Nazi weasels to mass flag video they don't like. Google pretty much destroyed Bigger Fatter Blog because a bunch of angry jealous fat girls organized a flagging campaign and Google removed BFB and I was able to get it back after a letter from the ACLU but they de-indexed it.

What can you do about this fuckery? That's simple. Switch to another search engine. I like Bing and Duck Duck Go. 

CLICK  Low Carber Forum and tell them that low carb diets suck.

The Republican Healthcare Bill May Kill You

Republicans are today's Nazis and the Trump supporter are the most rabid of the bunch. The Republican play will cause people to die because it prevents them from getting basic healthcare. The health care industry does't give a shit because they will make it up when the seriously ill end up at emergency rooms and end up in the poor house paying inflated costs imposed by the emergency room price gouging scams and for those who are too poor to pay the hospitals will apply it to there Hill-Burton obligations.

Free Obamacare Sticker
Obamacare needs improvement and the improvement it needs come in the form of putting healthcare industry criminals in prison of in front of firing squads for their deadly fuckery. That said, Obamacare is better than what we had and it is better than what the Republicans and their corporate masters want. The Republican plan will leave at least 22 million Americans with no health care.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

WhyThe Red States Suck

It's the people who live in the red states who make the red states suck.

People in the red states are stupid, ignorant and lazy. Why are they stupid, ignorant and lazy? It's genetic.

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states? | PolitiFact 

The Human Development Index

The first map is color-coded based on a meta-measure of a society called the “human development index.” This index was created by the Social Science Research Council as a composite measure of the health, education and income levels within each state—the higher the number (or darker-colored the state on the map), the more developed the state.

Not only are Republican voters morally depraved, they are incredibly stupid and anti-education. They love ignorance.

Corporal Punishment in Primary Schools
And because people in the red states are stupid and evil they beat their kids. It's pathetic but stupid people do stupid things.

In addition to having lower levels of educational achievement, right-leaning states in the south and Midwest account for virtually all instances of corporal punishment (hitting students) in the United States—this is simply because these states are the ones that have refused to ban the practices.

People In The Red States Die Sooner! 


Life Expectancy

Healthy years of life beyond age 65

Overall this is a  good thing but they still suck up a lot of valuable medical resources as they eat and smoke themselves to death. 

As the previous map illustrates, the right wing’s southern stronghold is composed of states that have, far and away, the worst life expectancies in the United States. This isn’t a purely a partisan issue, and involves a mixture of culture and bad policy.
The south is home to extreme poverty, a lack of accessible health care (ex. Texas leads the nation with 25% uninsurance), lax worker/environmental protections, and a culture that consumes massive amounts of fatty fried foods. These factors create a perfect storm of bad health that severely erodes the life expectancy of huge portions of the southern population.
Given the lower life expectancies in the south, the trend in the following map, illustrating state-level death rates, is unsurprising.

Obesity, Diabetes, Stroke, and Heart Disease:

One of the primary reasons why the south has a lower life expectancy than the rest of the United States is that its people suffer from a variety of chronic illnesses. Rates of obesity, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease are far higher in these states than the national average, and people have often lacked the ability to access care.
The following map gives an overview of preventable deaths from medical conditions, color-coded by state.
When those morons start talking about secession encourage them. The red states are a drain on America and the world. After Lincoln freed the slaves he should have armed them with the latest weaponry and put a bounty on the slave owners and anyone who fought for the confederacy. Had he done that, America would be better off today. We didn't need the Red States then and we don't need them now. Right wing racist types have defective DNA. Killing them off would have purged the American gene pool the same way the Germany's gene pool was purged of Nazi DNA during the occupation. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Threat Worse Than Trump

You can stick a fork in Trump, because he's done.

The Real Threat
Image result for Dangerous Greedy Doctors

The biggest thief and the biggest killer and the greatest threat to our national security is the American Health Care Industrial Complex.

American health care is capitalism and immorality run amok. What is eviler than exploiting human suffering for obscene profits? It gets worse. Google healthcare fraud and google iatrogenic death then medical errors and then health care acquired infections and then google death from adverse drug reactions and google wrong site surgeries.

The American medical industry makes the oil and financial industries look like Boy Scouts.  This vile industry is 18% of the US GDP and growing. They own the FDA and many politicians. 

You may not like the solution but the solution is government run health care using the VA model. Corporate health care is a disaster and it is too far gone to fix it.

We start by confiscating their ill-gotten wealth using forfeiture laws.  I would take over the drug companies, jail their top and middle management, and put in decent people in their positions. 

I would direct pharma research to actually create cures and safe treatments. 

When I find that the criminal actions of the medical industry resulted in the death of any Americans the people involved will be executed publicly. 

Health care would be free for all Americans and that would reduce a huge burden on businesses that are now required to provide employees with health care coverage. That greatly reduce the cost of goods and services and create jobs.  Currently Americans pay 3 times the world average for health care.  18% of our GDP  is health care and the US has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. 

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Italy is ranked number 2 for health care quality and they spend 2/3 less than the US spends for health care and the US is ranked 38th for quality.

Trump is DONE! The time has come to put every criminal health care executive in prison.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Karen Handel Is Living Proof That Republicans Are Getting Meaner and Dumber


Georgia GOP Candidate For U.S. House: 'I Do Not Support A Livable Wage'

Chris D'Angelo,HuffPost Tue, Jun 6 10:20 PM EDT 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Those Deplorable Trump Supporters








The red states went for Trump and as you can plainly see, people who live in red states are FAT, STUPID, LUSTFUL, SHAMEFUL and IGNORANT!

You tRumpers can't lie your way out of it. All you can do is attack the messenger. That's pathetic. tRumpers are pathetic.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Fattest President

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It pains me to see Trump next to a great president like William Howard Taft and it also pains me, Fat Bastardo, that Trump has beaten out William Howard Taft as America's fattest president. America has only had two fat presidents Bill Bubba Clinton, Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft who were arguably the greatest presidents. Now it is no longer the case that the fattest presidents are our best presidents. Trump has ruined that too.

Pope Francis Asks Melania What She Feeds President Trump

President Trump and Pope Francis put aside their differences for their first face-to-face meeting Wednesday morning, but not before the pontiff cracked a joke about the commander in chief's waistline.

Melania, who speaks fluent Italian, laughed and replied, "Potica," a high-calorie pastry from her home country of Slovenia that is traditionally served on Christmas and Easter.

Image result for teddy roosevelt william howard taft

Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft lived in a time when Republican didn't suck. They would have knocked the crap out of Trump both literally and figuratively. Big Bill Taft would have sat on Trump and TR would have punched him while shouting, "BULLY! BULLY!"

Stop by to read: Trump and the Seven Deadly Sins

Why Melania Is Repulsed By Trump

She knew he was a flaming asshole when she met him but she let him fuck her anyway. Things have changed. Not only is Trump incompetent, his dementia has made him incontinent. He now shits his pants without know it.


From here on Trump shall be known as President Shit Stain.

The Real Meaning of Covfefe

Image result for Prison fefe

Trump will be grabbing a lot of CovFeFe soon.

covfefe: cov-fee fee  Prevalent among treasonous death row inmates, a hands-free masturbation device made up of a dirty sock, vaseline (or toothpaste, if not available) a toilet paper tube (if available), wedged firmly between a matress.

See also fefe or fifi.

The New York Times, Washington Post, CNBC and CNN are not the only ones who have Trump Whitehouse staffers leaking to them. Unlike them, the sources that leak to us wear wires and we here at Bigger Fatter Politics have actual audio recordings of Trump and Sean Spicer discussing the covfefe situation but until we hear from our legal department we can only show you, our readers the transcript.

Covfefe is prison slang for a DIY pussy convicts make to help them masturbate. It's also called a fefe or Covfefe which is short for convict's fefe or prison pussy.  A fefe is a homemade sex toy that resembles a vagina kinda like a poor man's fleshlight.  Trump is merely preparing for prison life. Covfefe is a term used mostly in federal prisons.I guess because it sounds so continental.  

Review – Prison Fefe | Build a Vagina

Full build instructions – Prison Fefe | Build a Vagina

Trump will be grabbing a lot of CovFeFe soon.  I can see Alec Baldwin doing Trump behind bars asking his flunky cohorts to fetch his covfefe so that he can wank his little orange wee wee.  They will be able to go word for word like when Tina Fey became Sarah Palin. 

The conversation was between President Trump and his abused flunky Whitehouse Press Secretary Sean Spicer while prepping the Whitehouse staff for prison.

Here is what was said word for word.

Trump, Hey Sean, fetch me a covfefe!

Spicer, Which one Mr. President sir?

Trump, The one that smells like my daughter Ivanka. That's my favorite.

Spicer: Mr. President sir, Jeff Sessions is using that one right now. You know what a jerk off he is.

Trump: Fire him. And get me the one that smells like Melania

Spicer: Mr. Prsident, Jared is using that covfefe right now and you know how hung those Jews are. It will be all stretched out after he's done with it. The Kellyanne Conway covfefe is available sir.

Trump: NOOOO! Not that one. It's YUGE! It's all worn out and wrinkled and it smells like Putin taking a crap on shrimp boat. Just take your teeth out Sean and give me a MOAB.

Spicer: What's that Mr President?

Trump: The Mother Of All Blowjobs STUPID Like the kind I give to Putin!

Spicer: Oh, kinda like how I've been jerking off the Whitehouse press corps?

Trump: Kinda only wetter.