Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Women Are Fucking Crazy

Can't Understand Normal Thinking

One thing you won't find at Bigger Fatter Politics is political correctness so let's just tell it like it is. WOMEN ARE FUCKING BAT SHIT CRAZY.  Think that this is just some rant? Consider the following.

1. Women are far more likely to be on a psych med.

2. Women are far more likely to need a shrink.

3. Women with the Cluster B personalities cannot be cured.

4. Most women are hormonally unstable and therefore emotionally unstable.

5. Women are held to a lower standard of conduct than men.

1 comment:

  1. Rotunda HindinbergApril 13, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    Marilyn Monroe's Real Measurements

    How Fat People Wipe Their Butts

    We Fat girls have a very tough time wiping our ample butts because they can't reach back there. If we go in from the front we get poop in our vaginas. This is one more example of thin privilege


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