Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What If The Jews In Nazi Germany Were Armed?

The Jews in Israel know how to defend themselves against the Muslims and as any honest person would admit, Islam and Nazism have a lot in common.

See the source image

Had the Jews in Nazi been armed or been skilled snipers, they could have in the beginning picked off 1000's of brown shirts and other top Nazis and maybe even Hitler himself. The type of people who gravitate to cults and fascist racist ideologies are everywhere. It is more than beliefs with them, it is what they are and what they are is subhuman.

In the movie Inglorious Basterds the Bear Jew knew how to deal with Nazis. The Bear Jew took a good old fashioned American baseball bat and used it to bash the brains out of Nazis. The Bear Jew along with Lt Aldo Raine and the other Jewish commandos under his command terrorized the Nazis. Had the Jews in Nazi Germany terrorized the Nazis and killed off their leadership, world war two would not and could not have happened. Even today, the population of Jews is lower than it was in 1930 and that's a shame and a crime against humanity on many many levels.

Anyone who saluted, Hitler flew the swastika, denied the holocaust and fought for Hitler's regime deserved death. There is no excuse for their behavior. Don't say they were brainwashed or conned and even if they were fooled tough shit for them. They pose too much of a threat to allow them to live.

Next time you are feeling charitable towards treasonous Trump and his deplorable supporters consider the words of Robespierre.

1 comment:

  1. The similarities of the Trump mob and the brown shirts is frightening. They are a clear and present danger.


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