Friday, August 21, 2020

Troll Hunters

If you've never been on reddit you will find that it's the biggest propaganda site on the net. It's infested with your usual idiot Trolls For Trump, very transparent Russian trolls (they're the one who can spell and know the rules of grammar) and then there are assorted pathetic losers, criminals and sociopaths. This is why our network feed is putting out alerts to all our members and interested investigators. It looks like the folks at Treasonous Trump have struck gold during a routine investigation and audit. After engaging one troll he unwittingly provided a treasure trove of information.

Below is an example of an investigation.

You've Just Been F*cked By Psyops Because Physical Wounds Heal ...


We found another one. This wanker is a primarily disinformation troll. Send any additional intel to dagger 1. Dr Bear is quarterbacking this one. Cain and Able was successful. 

UPDATE: Things have worked out better than we expected. When you go hunting for one rat bastard you often end up finding a giant nest of rat bastards and it seems Correcting_theRecord's rat bastard's cousin's took the bait and got trapped. It gets better. Fat Bastard's people at Ethical Hacker have traced 3 IP addresses so far to emails belonging to known disinformation trolls. It gets even better. Some of  them have criminal records. Fat Bastard is about to take it to the next level. One of them has cracked like an egg. We are seeing how closely associated they are.

This is gonna get good! Hey CorrectingTheRecord, when you fuck with the bull, you get the horns!

Correcting_theRecord via /r/conspiracy Show Parent dangerous reddit troll under investigation, notify dagger 1.  


  1. The Trupanzees make the Russians look smart.

  2. Reddit is prime hunting ground. After those liars got booted from other platform the flocked to reddit. They are much easier to corral now. It's like one of Donald Trump Jr's canned hunts.

  3. Reddit is easy to hack. There are huge lists now. At first I was against it for privacy reasons but now after reading the lies those tRumproids are spreading I get it.


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