For some reason #Leningrad Lindsey Graham did a complete about face on Trump. At one time Lindsey told the truth about Trump and called his a religious bigot, a racist and a zenophobe and now he can't get Trump's dick far enough down his throat so he can lick his balls. With the help of Putin,Trump is probably blackmailing Lindsey with the help of Lindsey. They probably have videos of Lindsey molesting boys. Trump had the clout to and Mafia ties to knock off Epstein but compared to a criminal like Trump, #LeningradLindsey is a lightweight.
Here is a message to Lindsey regarding the Senate trial of Donald Trump.
I know the MAGAts better than you do and I know the MAGAts better than the experts. Back when all the experts were saying Trump didn't stand a chance of winning the primary. I knew they were wrong. Why? Because I know MAGAts. I also know what the long term outcome will be if the results of the Senate trial will be on the future of the GOP. No matter what happens the GOP will be fucked. How do I know this? I know MAGAts. Just think for a minute. Mike Pence was a bigger Trump lackey than you are and had the MAGAts gotten his hands on him the would have killed him. Why would they have done that? MAGAts are MAGAts are MAGAts.
You don't have a clue what's going to happen if Trump is convicted in the Senate trial or acquitted. I do. Why? Because I know MAGAts.
The GOP will be fucked either way and permanently splintered. If the FCC institutes truth in advertising for political ads the GOP will be extra extra fucked. How do I know this? I know MAGAts and the GOP.
The worse part is what's going to happen legally and politically to Republicans who don't convict the criminal former President. (They are fucked either way.) How do I know this? I studied the law regarding this and I know MAGAts and I know Republicans.
You are a special case Lindsey. You are trying to play both ends against the middle. Some people are speculating that Trump may be blackmailing you in a Hastert kinda way and that is why you did a 180. Trump sucks at keeping secrets and if it is true Trump will sell that information simply for the money. That's the least of your worries.
There are certain nuances in the law regarding what will be going on in the Senate trial that you and other lawyers probably can't fully comprehend or simply don't know about.
As corny as it sounds Lindsey, honesty will work out best for you in the long run. Yes Lindsey, the truth may set you free as long as you go to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US.
Whatever you Trump loyalists do is fine with me. If he's convicted and sentenced for his crimes quickly the country will heal more quickly... out of site out of mind. If you loyalists are stupd and do the wrong thing and the criminal is allowed to walk, the healing will be slower but more thorough. Your obtuse and depraved base will splinter. Even know the sane moral Kasich type conservatives are leaving the GOP. That's maybe 5% of the GOP base.
The thing for you to consider is how fucked do you want to be. You are probably fucked politically but you had a good run and you got rich so why lose it all on legal bills? I think you'd be smart to step down, denounce the GOP in general and the ultra kooks and deplorables specifically and become an ex-pat. You'll have your wealth, and sanity.
Donald Trump Is ‘Blackmailing’ Lindsey Graham, Author Claims
MSNBC anchor implies that Trump is blackmailing Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham: Trump’s Sexually-Blackmailed Israeli ...
Oct 02, 2019 · But he obviously feels very comfortable with arch-homosexual and likely blackmailed pedophile Lindsey Graham. Maybe that’s because Trump himself is more than familiar with that world. Trump got his start as Roy Cohn’s boy toy, and is still very close to …
Is Donald Trump Blackmailing Senator Lindsey Graham?
The outrageous ‘blackmail’ smear of Lindsey Graham
New allegations surface about Donald Trump blackmailing ...
RUMOR: Sen Lindsey Graham GAY - Blackmailed By Trump ...
Well according to online rumors - they say that Lindsay may be SECRETLY GAY - and Trump could be using that as BLACKMAIL. Here's what is being reported: In an interview with Laura Ingraham, Huckabee responded to Senator Graham’s intervention in a row over Donald Trump’s spurious wiretapping claims.
Lindsey Graham Being Blackmailed Over ‘Serious Sexual Kink ...
Jan 15, 2019 · Lindsey Graham Being Blackmailed Over ‘Serious Sexual Kink’ By Trump Or Russia, Democratic Fundraiser Suggests. Lindsey Graham went from being one of the most vocal critics of Donald Trump to one of his fiercest defenders, and the head of one Democratic Super PAC believes he knows why. Jon Cooper, the chair of The Democratic Coalition, cited an anonymous Republican source who said that the South Carolina senator is being blackmailed …
Lindsey Graham being blackmailed because he’s gay/kinky?
Is Senator Lindsay Graham being blackmailed? - Quora
Having been a Graham watcher for some years, I don’t think he’s being blackmailed. People seem to think that Trump has threatened to out him as a gay man, but here in SC it’s been an open secret for years. Graham denies being gay, he would deny it if Trump said it, and that would be that. I don’t think it would hurt him in South Carolina.
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