Friday, March 5, 2021

God Is Evil And That's Why There's Republicans

Nearly 50% of the US is evil. It didn't simply become evil. Most of that evil is concentrated in the Bible belt and it needs to be eradicated but first let's define God. God is no this all powerful all knowing entity. God is pure evil. God created evil, pain and suffering for his pleasure. God is the collective consciousness of earth and perhaps more. God gave the tortured humans rules to follow and the good one follow those rules and the bad ones don't. This is a sick game God plays because he is entertained by evil and suffering. He created a win win situation for the most evil people. Rich people and that is why he told the lie that only the poor people can go to heaven. Why? Because if he hadn't the good people would have killed the greedy rich bastard. God wanted the rich to suck his dick as well so he gave them a loop hole called salvation through grace. Agonizing death deserving cock sucking Republicans can be evil fucks their whole lives and end up in avoiding eternal punishment in hell but is a good person who doesn't believe in God continues not to believe in God, he will be tortured for all eternity. At least that is what we have been told. 

Evil and human suffering is what fuels God. Disease is not enough for God anymore. Man's inhumanity to man is his favorite fetish. The system of predator and prey, aging and death just isn't doing it for God. When the all knowing saw that humanity was circumventing God's maladies and reducing pain with medications God started wars and many of his wars such as the Crusades are all about him. His other wars are about territory, wealth, power and hunger. War to God is like people going to a boxing match and watching a brutal fight. As barbaric as that is, the barbarism God sees is far worse than two consenting adults kicking the shit out of each other and having a referee stopping if is gets too brutal. 

The Bible talks of God testing people so that he can see what they would do. He makes bets with his buddy Satan and even had Satan tempt Jesus/Himself.  (Jesus is god or so he said)

Republican don't have a choice in the matter. People don't choose to be evil. The either are or they're not. If Republicans we all exterminated God would starve. If there is divine justice and God is merely a punk, exterminating all the evil people will destroy him. It's time for the sheep to go on the attack.

Jean Meslier, 1664-1729, French Catholic Priest & Closet Atheist, Vicar of Bue in Champagne, France, My Testament, Thoughts and Feelings of the Author About the Religions of the World

We need to root out pockets of evil all over the world. We are doing it the Middle East but those attacks should be extended to fully occupied mosques. Jehovah and Allah are the same evil God and the mobs that worship them feed their evil. Jean Meslier said, "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entails of the last priest." 

COVID-19 is making a very small dent in the collective evil in the US. God didn't know that COVID-19  would kill off mostly his boot licking slime. 

Last updated: March 05, 2021, 20:50 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases:




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