Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Medicare Victim's Healthcare Nightmare

OpEd: The American Medical Mafia is an even greater source of death and evil that the Nazis. The Family Guy was asked what he would do if he were in a room with Stalin, Hitler and a doctor. He was given a gun with only to bullet and asked what he would do. Family Guy said that he would shoot the doctor twice.

When a disabled person turns 66 in kleptocratic America the lose SSI which causes the to lose Medicaid. Medicare advantage is worthless. As my conditions continue to worsen, my only alternatives are to suffer for lack on proper health care or hope that I get hit by a bus. That is how it is for us peasants. Italy does heath care at 1/3 the cost of the US and Italy is ranked number 2 for quality. The victims of the American Medical Mafia pay 3 times the world average for really shitty healthcare. The state of American healthcare would make Hitler cringe. Your silence is evil! 

The government lapdogs of the ruling class all have gotten enough in bribes and kickbacks from their corporate masters to live out the rest of their days well.  If they had and morals left. the little lapdogs would bite the hands that have been feeding them.

Fat Bastard, the corrupt corporate media refuses to report on this. Please publish this email.


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