Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Letter To The ACLU About the Medical Mafia

 I am a blogger who writes and reports the American medical industry and its crime and corruption. Given all the fines against hospital and drug corporations for their crimes and zero arrests or prosecutions I think it is time that action be taken against that segment of the criminally elite ruling class. Fines, whistle blower and class action lawsuits are not protecting Americans from it's biggest killer and thief. Several books could be written about the Medical Mafia but no major publishers would touch. Network investigative journalism is precluded from reporting on this.

With all violations of the rights of American the ACLU is reactive rather than proactive. This approach is a failure. The legal system in the US is impotent. The criminal justice system is more of an industry. Immunity for its police, prosecutors and judges has assured that most American don't have an even chance at finding justice in the courts. This immunity extends to what we peasants refer to the criminal elite ruling class, the people Bernie Sanders calls the donor class and the billionaire class. 

The ACLU seems to concentrate on social issues as it pertains to the rights of members of protected groups e.g. LGBTQ, women and Blacks. Those groups are not the only victims of  cruel injustice and systematic abuse. As a 66 year old disable White male I have very little faith in the courts to solve the problem created by the corporate criminal elite that plague all Americans and that more harshly impact the protected group. It is not just my belief, it's a fact; the biggest threat to unalienable rights of ALL Americans, especially the elderly is what we victims refer to as the Medical Mafia. 

Please fact check the following statements.

The American medical industry is mostly unregulated. There is no federal agency that oversees doctors, medical labs and hospitals.

American hospitals average 10 medications errors per day a day. 10 times a day the average US hospital gives wrong medication to the wrong patient. 

Healthcare acquired infections outpace community infections.

American MDs are the third leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries.

The American medical industry is more than 17% of the US GDP. 

Americans pay 3 times the world average for health care and in spite of that the US is ranked 37th for quality. 

The leading cause of  preventable death and injury in the US is it's medical industry.

The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.

More women die during childbirth in the US than in any other industrialized nation.

70% of medication sold in the US prescription and OTC are manufactured in China and India. These medication are often mis-formulated  and contaminated. There are at least 200 factories making medications in China by slave labor but only 2 FDA inspectors. 

My idea is to stand on the public sidewalk holding a sign that says, patient information. I will hand copies to people. 

My aim is to expose the truth about American healthcare directly to patients as they enter medical facilities. I plan to do this from a public sidewalk. I expect the facility to pretend not to know the law, call the cops and lie to them. I expect to be assaulted by security guards or medical personnel. I expect to be unlawfully arrested. My 4th amendment rights will most certainly be violated as I will be arrested if I don't show my ID and if I remain silent I will also be arrested for for exercising first Amendment protected activity in New York State. It's hard to have faith in the competence of the ACLU of NY while 1st, 4th and 5th amendment rights are routinely violated by the police. Cop: "I need need to see some ID" Peasant is thinking, "You need to go fuck yourself tyrant." Victim remains silent and the cops beat the shit out of him and claim he resisted arrest.  Peasant pleads guilty because his public pretender tells him he's fucked if he doesn't. 

I have no back up so I am asking the New York ACLU to be hiding nearby when I am doing this. I hope they get caught battering me and I hope they get caught in their lies. I want to sting the medical thug and the cops. I want millions in actual and punitive damage. I want to create case law that will punish lying cop callers and cops. I want doctors and their industry to eventually honor their oath.

My hope is that the US Medical industrial complex is properly regulated. My hope is that the FDA becomes a watchdog for the people instead of the lapdog it is for Monsanto and big pharma. 

Our greatest inalienable human right as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence is our right to life. Depending on who is doing the counting, healthcare induced death is the leading cause of death in the US. While it is argued that healthcare is or should be a right, bad healthcare is a death sentence. Like Medicare Part D, Obamacare was another giveaway to the Medical Mob. Remember separate but equal? That was more constitutional than forcing people to buy private insurance of unequal coverage. 

US healthcare needs reform at every level. The first place to start involves the arrest and punishment of as many members of the medical mob as possible but we all know that will never happen. Other countries provide good healthcare for all their people. Italy does it for less than 1/2 than the US and is ranked number 2 for quality. The numbers are similar for Japan and France. France knows a lot about liberty and how to deal with filthy rich tyrants and other oppressors of humanity. 

The problems the ACLU seems to be dealing with are political and societal problems caused by bigots and religion. Bigots rarely create holocausts. When you add up the deaths caused by Hitler and Stalin and you compare them with the deaths over the last 30 years by the Medical Mafia only a hypocrite would turn a bland eye to the numbers. Trying to fight this kleptocratic tyranny with case law and pretending what some ruling by a man in a black costume writes is a victory for the people and the constitution is at best naive. Robespierre said that, people don't judge like courts. He said they throw lightning bolt and kick the oppressors of humanity back into the void. To me it is absurd, have even allowed things to get where they have in all aspects of American society. We are in a fight. The idea that if you ignore a bully the bully will leave you alone. That's BS and even if it were true that bully is going to find another target. I'm not going to be a martyr for this vile country. Jesus turned the other cheek and look how that turned out. The angels weep and evil grows sustained by their worthless tears.

Until the slime who break laws and kill and maim on behalf of corporations pay the price for their wrongdoings nothing will change. We need to make these bastards uncomfortable. We need to punish them. We need to without mercy demolish their insatiable egos. 

Is there any chance that the ACLU will get its hands dirty and go proactive? 

The bottom line is: Black males will be treated worse and murdered by cops at a higher rate than White males. Peaceful protests nor will laws change that. Cop unions need to be gone and the justice industry will remain corrupt as long as it is a for defacto for profit industry whose actors are above the law. In the meantime the theft and carnage of the criminal justice mob pales in comparison to the theft and carnage of the medical mob. Police officers as poorly trained as they are actually do more good than harm and the data proves it. The same can not be said of the the medical mob. If I had to render aid to a dying cop or a dying MD, I'd rush to the cop and ignore the MD because I figure most cops have a hell of a lot more honor and integrity than most MD in spite of all the corruption in their ranks.

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