Showing posts with label Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

Did Depression or Did Big Pharma Kill Robin Williams?

NEWS FLASH: The leading cause of preventable death and injury in the US is the medical industrial complex.

American icon and funny man Robin Williams and is dead from an alleged suicide. Robin Williams had a long history of cocaine use. Was he self medicating while blowing coke? Probably? When he was high on coke he sure was funny. Does cocaine use cause suicide? No.

Reportedly Robin Williams had been off cocaine for two decades. It is also reported that Williams suffered from depression which is what led to his alleged suicide. I call bullshit. Chances are Williams was under some sort of medical care and chances are he was put on some sort of anti-depressant drugs or a cocktail of pharmaceutical poisons. Most likely he was prescribed an SSRI drug such as Zoloft, Paxil or Prozac.

According to the FDA and Drug Watch Patients who take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)  such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil(paroxetine) or Zoloft (sertraline) may experience side effects such as violent behavior, mania or aggression, which can all lead to suicide.

Update: Supposedly Robin Williams had Parkinson's disease but this could have been a misdiagnosis. Antidepressants cause the disease Tardive Dyskinisea which mimics Parkinson's disease and since American doctors are so inept they were probably drugging him for that too. 
Here are some more sources that explain the dangers of antidepressants and suicide.

The Proven Dangers of Antidepressants - Peter Breggin

What are the real risks of antidepressants? - Harvard Health ...

Do antidepressants even work as advertised?

New Research on the Antidepressant-vs.-Placebo Debate ...

If you really suffer from depression what can you do that will work?

Vagus nerve stimulation can cure depression but your bribe taking doctor won't prescribe it.

Info on Vagus Nerve Stimulation: 

The FDA has approved vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of depression in adults who:
  • Have chronic, hard-to-treat depression (treatment-resistant depression)
  • Haven't improved after trying four or more medications or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or both
  • Continue standard depression treatments along with vagus nerve stimulation

Vagus nerve stimulation should be a first line of treatment for depression but the FDA is the a whore for big pharma. 

Another effective cure for depression is PEMFT or Pulsed Electric Magnetic Field Therapy


In 2002, Health Canada certified the use of PEMF to treat severe depression. In 2011, the FDA approved a TMS Therapy system [18] for use if the patient failed to respond to antidepressants. This treatment, known as transcranial pulsed electromagnetic therapy uses a strong electromagnetic field that is pulsed into the patients head.[19][20] The treatment usually consists of two 15-minute treatments each day for two weeks.

RELATED: How the drug Seroquel is killing our soldiers.