Showing posts with label Republicans suck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans suck. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Talk to a Republican

There really is no reason to talk to one of these inbred Bible thumping pieces of shit and absolutely no reason to be polite since one cannot have a productive conversation with one of them.

Here are some suggestions of thing to say to a Republican.

Hey, you scripture-spouting hypochristian, you're like all the other born-agains; you're an even bigger pain in the ass the second time around.

Excuse me, you Viagra-depending hypochristian, but if you're the answer then the question must be ridiculous.

I've got bad news, you Civil War-reenacting troll. Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever.

Listen, you trailer-dwelling sociopath, I'd call you intellectually dishonest, but that would imply you have an intellect.

I'm curious, you climate-wrecking blowhard, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

If freedom-loving Americans can't freely mock a heartless, creationism-peddling imbecile like you, then the terrorists have already won.

Listen, you planet-trampling zealot, you're such a disaster, even George Bush's FEMA couldn't screw you up more.

I have only ever made one prayer to God: 'Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it by sending me a hope-hating conservatard like you.

Tell me, you uninformed, Earth-defiling dimwit, do you Tweet your insanity too?

Hey, you sex-outlawing dimwit, I see your wheel is still spinning but the hamster is dead. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Bush Legacy

Here are some undeniable facts from Republicans Suck

Within days of 9.11.2001, BUSH allowed over 100 members of Osama Ben Laden’s family to leave the US without being questioned or interrogated.

Republican President BUSH lied to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction being in Iraq and declared war on Iraq when they had NOTHING to do with 9/11.
It was Republican President BUSH who is responsible for Thousands of American service men and women losing their lives in Iraq… a war which should have never been waged.

It was Republican President BUSH who is responsible for is responsible for over 32,000 American troops being wounded

It was Republican President BUSH who is responsible for over 112,000 Iraqi civilians deaths.

It is REPUBLICANS who are responsible for running up the largest national debt in the history of the US of 10 TRILLION Dollars because of their IRRESPONSIBLE, RECKLESS spending and inept Governing. The money spent didn’t benefit regular Americans at all.

For 8 years, Republicans had control of the Presidency. I can’t think of ONE good thing they did that helped me and my family and the average Joe. Republican supporters will say, “Bush kept us safe”. That is BULL! The biggest attack in the history of the United Stated happened on Bush’s watch.

BUSH DID NOTHING! He didn’t even get Osama Bin Laden..
