I’m sure the man hating loons of the old and irrelevant and maladroit NAAFA style fat acceptance will cry traitor at this article I am about to write. OK girls, let’s hear your simpleminded, predictable and nonsensical diatribes. Our faithful readers will give them the drubbing they deserve. Fat Bastard will shoot down your half baked boneheaded logic with one brain tied behind his back. Bring it on you crazy bitches.
Unlike the crazy hate mongering paranoid yeast beasts of NAAFA and the old fat acceptance those of us in the new fat acceptance don’t think that everyone is out to get fat people and then again men and even sissified fat men don’t go through life with the tragic victim mentality so typical with fat girls.
As we all know Americans have taken the lead in most everything. We won the space race and now we lead the world in consumption. Americans are by far the world’s greatest consumers. I can proudly say that Americans are the worlds biggest and greediest gluttons. Our greedy gluttony has made the US the engine of the world’s economy and that is a good thing. Greed and gluttony are good but can we have too much of a good thing? I didn’t think so but unlike people like Kate Harding the numbers don’t lie. I am pleased as punch that 73% of Americans are fat or obese but it really does appear that we are rapidly reaching a tipping point. In my opinion and in the opinion of many other experts America may actually be getting too fat. The bottom line is, we soon will not have enough thinlings to serve the needs of the fatlings.
Lets start with the military, national security and combat readiness. Fatlings rely on cheap gasoline for their gluttonous SUVs. With our military getting too fat to fight soon the US will not be able to assure a secure and affordable supply of petroleum. This will impact more negatively on fatlings than on thinlings. Thinlings will do as the do now. They will buy smaller fuel efficient cars, motor scooters and they will walk. The following excerpts from the latest Pentagon report illuminates this frightening problem.
Pentagon Report Shows Obesity In U.S. Military Doubled Since 2003
Fatling Soldier
Julie Farby – AHN Reporter
Washington, DC (AHN) – A new Pentagon study finds that the number of troops diagnosed as overweight or obese has more than doubled since the start of the Iraq war, another example of the stress and strains of continuing combat deployments.
According to the report, “Stress, fat spouses and return from deployment were the most frequently cited reasons for gaining weight. The largest increase in diagnoses of overweight and obese troops came in the last five years.”
Proud FA commentary: I live in a military town and I pork many military wives and as the readers of Bigger Fatter Blog, NAAFA and Bigger Fatter Politics know, I used to only pork fat women.
The report, published in the January edition of the Defense Department’s Medical Surveillance Monthly Report, raises concerns about military’s ability to meet increasing levels of demand.
The number of service members diagnosed as overweight increased after 2003, according to the study, and today nearly one in 20 are diagnosed as clinically overweight.
The weight-gain trend is not the only trend to develop within the military after six years of war and back-to-back deployments. Other trends include steadily rising suicides and divorce rates among soldiers and Marines and increased prescription drug use in the Army.
“Overweight/obesity is a significant military medical concern because it is associated with decreased military operational effectiveness,” the study said.
Is our police force becoming too fat to serve and protect?

Officer Rotunda Watts enjoying a snack.
The thin blue line is quickly becoming the thick blue line as portly pig police pack on pounds.
Motor officer Heapo Calorie
Officer Don Donutto
The thinlings are fighting back because as we know thinlings pay more in taxes than fatlings so they are pissed. Folks, it hurts to say this but it needs to be said. Thinlings are taking punitive measures to get rid of obese cops.