Showing posts with label sky rocket.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sky rocket.. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bigger Fatter Politics Beginning to Skyrocket
Holy jumping fucking shit balls! The page views just keep on coming!
Angry fat girl flips off the New Fat Acceptance

When lying man hating angry fat girls from the gluttony denying fat acceptance movement flagged Bigger Fatter Blog, Google de indexed it. While it still gets a fuck load hits from all the other search engines I decided to start Bigger Fatter Politics because Google says that it won't censor political speech.,s,FFFFFF00&chxl=1:|May+2008|December+2009|July+2010|February+2012|August+2012&chxp=0,5000,10000|1,0,25,50,75,100&chxr=0,0,10000&chxs=0,676767,11.5,0,t,676767|1,6AA9E6,12,0,l,676767&chxt=y,x&chs=416x180&cht=lc&chco=6AA9E6&chd=s:AAAAAAAAAAAAAACDFGGHIIHOSd7G&chls=3&chm=B,6AA9E664,0,0,0|h,E7E7E7,0,0.5,1,-1|h,AAAAAA,0,0,1,1|h,AAAAAA,0,1,1,1|V,E7E7E7,0,0,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,7,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,14,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,21,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,28,1,-1

Here on Bigger Fatter Politics we present from a food and fat centric perspective. We have even endorsed the Pizza party's candidate for president Belly Boy. We feature greats like the Chef, Rev BLA, Rotunda Hindenberg, Proud FA the Dean of Feederism, Proud Plumpette and Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear.