Showing posts with label Proud Plumpette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proud Plumpette. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bigger Fatter Politics Beginning to Skyrocket
Holy jumping fucking shit balls! The page views just keep on coming!
Angry fat girl flips off the New Fat Acceptance

When lying man hating angry fat girls from the gluttony denying fat acceptance movement flagged Bigger Fatter Blog, Google de indexed it. While it still gets a fuck load hits from all the other search engines I decided to start Bigger Fatter Politics because Google says that it won't censor political speech.,s,FFFFFF00&chxl=1:|May+2008|December+2009|July+2010|February+2012|August+2012&chxp=0,5000,10000|1,0,25,50,75,100&chxr=0,0,10000&chxs=0,676767,11.5,0,t,676767|1,6AA9E6,12,0,l,676767&chxt=y,x&chs=416x180&cht=lc&chco=6AA9E6&chd=s:AAAAAAAAAAAAAACDFGGHIIHOSd7G&chls=3&chm=B,6AA9E664,0,0,0|h,E7E7E7,0,0.5,1,-1|h,AAAAAA,0,0,1,1|h,AAAAAA,0,1,1,1|V,E7E7E7,0,0,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,7,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,14,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,21,1,-1|V,E7E7E7,0,28,1,-1

Here on Bigger Fatter Politics we present from a food and fat centric perspective. We have even endorsed the Pizza party's candidate for president Belly Boy. We feature greats like the Chef, Rev BLA, Rotunda Hindenberg, Proud FA the Dean of Feederism, Proud Plumpette and Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Angry Fat Wife Fights Back!

Rhonda Rotundi fights back for the whole world to see on the EVIL My Fat Spouse forum. She left the following message on their forum and it will be about as welcome and a turd in a swimming pool.
Rhonda Rotundi who is known in fat acceptance circles as Proud Plumpette

Hello there. My name is Rhonda. My hub calls me Raunchy Rhonnie because I gave the nastiest farts and jokes he's ever smelled or heard.

I am the fat spouse of a very bitter man. Instead of getting a divorce he cheats and he talks smack about me to the kids.

My aim is to get fatter and piss him off more!
This guy is a tool. Hell, he's a whole tool shed. I'm gonna get so fat, he'll have to have two divorces; one to me, one to the belly.

I am proud to gain the pounds, and this My Fat Spoues site is a load of horse shit.
Most fat people don't wanna lose weight because they like food. DUH. They love food. And yes, they love it more than their families. Trying to make your spouse lose weight is not only shallow and cruel, but it's also beating a dead horses shit, that came from a dead horse that was covered in shit.
You guys are assholes. I'm gonna gain weight, and I'm here to tell all the other fat spouses in the house to pack on the pounds and stick it to the man. Or woman. You know, whichever you're married to. If they can't act like a decent, civil human being to someone who measures up as more that one, than they don't deserve a normal sized spouse!

I would like my readers to know that Rhonda AKA Proud Plumpette has struck a blow for fat spouses and gluttons everywhere. I would love to see her give Jillian Michaels an MeMe Roth a good fat girl style chewing out as only a fat feminist can!
Fat Feminist brandishing her most effective weapon!