Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another Reason Why Fat Girls Make Horrible Mothers

In these videos all the nannies are fat. On our other site I posted data regarding the high rates of C-sections and birth defects and autism caused by fat girls' fat but that's good for the economy but these fat girls are child abusers.

In most cases the nanny abusers are fat and the moms are skinny. We know how jealous fat girls can be. We know how lazy fat girl moms are.

In defense of these fat nannies; Child care is not easy. It requires a lot of moving and it cuts into their television and eating time.

Here another hungry, fat and angry sow beats the crap out of a baby!

I, Fat Bastard, have taken a lot of flak from the angry man hating fat girls in the NAAFA style fat acceptance movement. Fat men don't abuse children and skinny women with the rare exception of Casey Anthony rarely abuse children but child abuse among fat girls is epidemic.

For the fat admirers reading this I would tell them to continue to pork these sluts but when in doubt... PULL OUT or put a helmet on that soldier. You don't want to get an angry sow knocked up.



Why I Stopped Being A Republican


One would think that a fat guy like me would be a Republican and for many years I was. As a fat man I like greedy gluttony and I liked Reagan but while the country's political spectrum has changed mine hasn't. Today we have a president who is indeed as Conservative and Ronald Reagan.

I Fat Bastard would have considered voting for Ron Paul and I would have been undecided had Ron Paul not been screwed in the Republican primaries.


Based on facts Romney is more liberal than Obama. He may talk like a Conservative but Romney is no Conservative. Who really knows what he is other than a whore?


Santorum: Romney "doesn't have a core"

No real Conservative can vote for Romney. Only a whore with no core would vote for a whore with no core.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Spam...The Kind You Can't Eat

Warning parody ahead.

Everybody likes a pound or two of fried spam and a dozen eggs along with some Texas toast and jelly, a big stack of flap jacks and a big glass of OJ. Everybody hates the kind of spam that shows up on blogs or in our emails.

Bill Gates on spam...

"But spam is worse than irritating. It is a drain on business productivity, an increasingly costly waste of time and resources that clogs corporate networks and distracts workers. Among consumers, it spreads scams, pornography and even computer viruses. Worse, spammers prey on less sophisticated e-mail users, including children, threatening their safety and privacy."
-Bill Gates (Jun 03)

Less than .1% of people click on spam but that is enough to keep spammers in business.  Do your best to educate new computer users not to click on spam links. 

I would encourage all the gun nuts to hunt down spammers and shoot them in the balls.

This sexy BBW can probably cook up a a nice spam breakfast in her kitchen.

I, Fat Bastard, could enable a spam bot here on Bigger Fatter Politics but that would require captcha and captcha is a pain in the ass for commentators so I will continue to remove spam manually.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Theater Shooting


Why is it that these crazy fuckers always end up killing innocent people? I get it you crazy fucks, there is a lot to be pissed off about and there are a lot of evil people that need a bullet in the head so why don't you think it out?  This douche bag that killed totally strangers was smart enough to know that none of the people who he shot were not his enemies.

James Holmes is/was a total fucking asshole as was McVeigh. At least with the school shooting like Columbine the shooters took out some scumbag bullies but Holmes and McVeigh didn't kill any scumbags.

I really doubt if there was anyone in that Colorado theater who deserved to die or needed to be killed. Why did this turd go on a shooting spree? Did he really have a break with reality? I think not. Reports are emerging that he may have had an accomplice. A wittiness reports that a person in the front row took a cell phone call and then exited a door and came back in dressed in body armor and a gas mask. He tossed out a tear gas grenade and then began firing his AR-15 riffle.

AR-15 Assault Rifle

Colorado theater shooter James Holmes

This asshole was pissed about something so why couldn't he direct that anger at people who really are evil? Why is it that crazy people always end up killing mostly innocent people? Maybe some greedy Romney types got killed at the WTC attacks but most of the people who were killed were innocent.

It goes without saying that the shooting, wounding and killing of the 72 victims in that Colorado movie theater is a tragedy but here's another tragedy. There are people who are not innocent and do deserve a round from an AR-15 in their black hearts. Osama bin Laden was one of them. There are other people more evil than bin Laden and they are right here in the US.

My advice to people like James Holmes and Tim McVeigh, stop killing innocent people when there are so many truly evil people out there. If James Holmes has gone to the boardroom of a large bankster run bank or a pharmaceutical company and unleashed his fury on a bunch of billionaire scum he's be a hero to many people here and abroad. 

Next time one of you gun toting psychos want to go on a killing spree, leave the innocent people alone and kill some people who need killing.


James Eagan Holmes has been described as a shy and well-mannered young man by a neighbor, who claims the Colorado shooting suspect was heavily involved in his local Presbyterian church.

Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/james-holmes-colorado-shooter-described-as-normal-christian-boy-amid-mental-health-investigation-photo-78623/#BAoJk3LSsLM0CAph.99

Related: The Role Prescription Psych Meds Play In Murders and Suicides Click Here

In the cases of these random shootings there is a common thread and that is the use of prescription psychiatric medications. In the 70's and 80s we had much higher murder rates and millions more gun owners but we did not have the wide spread drugging of our young men and boys. These types of shootings began with the use of drugs like Paxil, Seraquel, Prozac, Lyrica and the psycho stimulants. While correlation may not be causation in this case it is well known that these drugs make people violent and suicidal.

James Holmes is a Christian

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Belly Boy's Possible New Look

Over the the past few weeks Belly Boy's faithful man servant, James the Butler has been keeping us abreast on Belly Boy's medical vacation in Thailand. Belly Boy is one of the millions of medical tourists who goes to Asian countries for the latest cutting edge medical treatment.

Artists from the OMG SoySauce company's advertising department have interpolated and extrapolated images on Belly Boy and through advanced computer imaging came up with this image of what Belly Boy will look like if his medical treatment is a "success".

Belly Boy is having testicular re-invigoration therapy to beef up his testicular atrophy or shrinking nut sack. He is also undergoing some secret weigh loss procedure and treatment for a broken femur. It seems that Belly Boy slipped on some lady boy cream in his hospital room. I can only guess but I suspect that the lady boys are being brought in as an adjunct treatment for his homosexuality/bisexuality syndrome.

This is one of the Thai lady boys that has been helping Belly Boy with his therapy. With the electro shock therapy and a fall on the lady boy cream Belly Boy's favorite soup will no longer be Cream of  Sum Yung Gi.

Belly Boy will return soon and resume his work as Bigger Fatter Politic's internet reporter. We see Belly Boy as the Anderson Cooper of cyber journalists. He came from blue blood, wealth and privilege but he is a man of the people. Like Anderson Cooper rumors have been swirling about Belly Boy's sexuality. Anderson Copper has come out. Belly Boy has come in.

Anderson Cooper turned gay by Kathy Griffin shock therapy. Belly Boy turned straight by electric shock and Thai lady boys.

Folks, let give Belly Boy a hardy Boom Shakka Lakka...

Boom Shakka Lakka Ain't no perjury
Boom Shakka Lakka testicular surgery
Boom Shakka Lakka lady boy moaners
Boom Shakk Lakka  Belly Boy boners

Belly Boy shouts YO kickin it old school heads to his bariatric limo with a posse of eight lady boy hos in tow to meet up with his homeboy Brodus Clay, gets on the cell and calls his mama.... Yo Mama!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

SEC Documents Indicate Romney Committed Perjury


Political junkies are abuzz today with the latest Romney flip-flop, but this time it’s a little more serious. This morning, The Boston Globe reported that although Romney has said that he retired from Bain Capital in 1999, SEC filings by Bain claim that Romney remained the “sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President” of Bain until 2002. And we’ve got the documents to show it.

Check out this excerpt from Romney’s 2001 Public Financial Disclosure Report, which he signed.

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Now, check out this bit from the Securities and Exchange commission document filed by Bain Capital in 2002, signed by Romney:

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So which is it? Did Romney lie to the American people about having left Bain three years before he actually did or did he lie to the SEC when he signed the 2001 filings? The Boston Globe stated that the discrepancy is important because “[Romney] has said his resignation in February 1999 meant he was not responsible for Bain Capital companies that went bankrupt or laid off workers after that date” and because Bain is the main source of Romney’s wealth.

The answer might be in the details. Politico published a statement from Bain Capital this afternoon:

“Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 … Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney’s departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999″

Which, apparently, is why Romney’s name is on the SEC filings three years after he “retired.”

Discrepant details or not, this is not good news for Romney. Lying to the SEC is considered a felony; lying to American voters is, well, just not right.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Quick Salute To The World's Fattest Astronomer 'Dr" Gerald Teddy Bear


Teddy has a lot of strings to his bow. He's political activist, fat rights crusader, cartoonist, bariatric nutritionist, educator,  and astronomer.

Phases of the moon Oreo style!  This cookie is for you Teddy! OINK!