Monday, April 1, 2013

Anti Fat Legislation

Yea Fat Bastard!
As leader of the new fat acceptance movement I, Fat Bastard have decreed that at least 95% of the female population needs to maintain a BMI between 18 and 20. Males, because they don't make a big fuss about being fat can be as fat as they want. There is also a practical sociological reason for this. It is possible for skinny guy to have sex with a fat girl but it is impossible for a really fat guy have sex with a fat girl. It is possible for skinny guy have sex with a skinny girl. Sociologically speaking that guys are the most discriminated against of all fatlings but thankthe Belly God for food and Internet porn.

Let's be honest here, men are pigs and many of us would screw us snake if we could get low enough so it's no wonder that men will pork fat girls. Hell, men screw sheep! Any port in a storm I say.
The only reason God made women is because sheep can't cook. There is a problem with men porking. Fat girls like to get knocked up but the problem with that is fat girls are bad mothers and they give birth to defective babies. Why waste medical resources on high-risk pregnancies and autistic children who will always be fucked up? We fat guys require healthcare services for our gout, diabetes, COPD, joint disorders, sleep apnea, cardiac conditions and all other comorbid maladies that come with obesity. We are more deserving.

The main reason is, even though most men today are big fat lummoxes we still want to get laid but just not with a fat girl. Sure, we can rely on Internet porn and Rosy Palm and her five sisters but that requires too much effort on our part. We have to lift up our bellies and grab hold of our tally whackers as we whip the Bishop, choke the chicken, jack the jalopy, comb the fish or bop the baloney. That's a lot of work.  Throughout history when it comes to sex men have always done all the work.

We like reverse cowgirl so that we don't have to look at her face incase she is a butter face. Unfortunately, there are very few skinny girls, even butterfaces left and most of them have high standards. We fat guys prefer  women with low standards. We already have huge bellies crushing us. We don't need a 250 pound fat girl who would rather be with skinny guy playing ride the salami with us. Who would you want sitting on your face a size 4 Nancy Wilson or a size 44 Ann Wilson. Who do you think has a fresher, tastier and yeast free muff?

Sure, it's much worse for a skinny woman being married to a fat guy. I can't even imagine how revolting it must be for petite woman having a grunting sweating lummox like me trying to bone her. I think I'd rather have someone defecate on me. Having a big fat girl grunting and sweating stinking all over me is terrifying and it is terrifying for even the most intrepid skinny guy. A fat lummox on top of a petite woman has to be like being water boarded with urine but the fact remains that men are in charge and hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. I'd rather have skinny chick ruling the world.
America can't afford to have a bunch of mentally defective kids growing up and becoming adults. We can't have a future generation being incubated in the toxic wombs of fat girls. We need legislation to protect the unborn even before they are conceived.

Nobody gets hurt because men are fat.
We actually cost the healthcare system far less in the long term because we die sooner and we are jolly. Fat women, particularly the pear-shaped ones only die about 10 years sooner than the average lean woman but over the course of their lives they end up costing the healthcare system considerably more even though they die sooner than lean women.  We fat guys have the good sense to die soon.
Supreme Fat Acceptance Leader, Fat Bastard

As leader of the fat acceptance movement I, Fat Bastard am petitioning our political leaders. I have sent emissaries to some of the great fat politicians of our day. We have contacted the drugster Rush Limbaugh, Karl the Pillsbury dough boy Rove, Dick Morris, Mike Huckabee and Chris fat in the can Crisco Christie and asked them to push for this legislation.

We've also started political action committees called FATPAC and EATPAC that are receiving large donations from KFC, Papa John's pizza, the Cheesecake Factory, and the Heart Attack Grill.

Please call your Congressman and asked him to support this wonderful legislative pork. I thank you, the fat acceptance movement thanks you and my right hand thanks you.
It's either this or...... this.

I can hear the fat admirers already. They have had it too good for too long. Fat admirers make up less than 5% of the population. With 75% of women fat or obese, fat admirers have had a field day. This is also created tumultuous relationships among fat women. Fat admirers are like rock stars. They have fat girls throwing themselves down. This disparity has turned fat admirers into bigger pigs than ordinary man. With regular lean man it's either feast or famine when it comes to getting laid but it's mostly famine. But for the fat admirer getting laid as much as you want is a given.

It's time to even the playing field. Regular guys and fat guys have been at a huge disadvantage. While there may be no muff too tough for most fat admirers regular guys like a well-kept and hygienic muff. With the leader in a population feminine hygiene will improve and there will be more competition among any girls and less competition between men. That's good for everyone. Currently skinny girls have had a monopoly on prime pussy. We have antitrust laws for business and corporations we should also have antitrust laws for sex.

To further drive this point home I'll be posting some more pictures of hot slender women. Here's some thinspo!

Fat Bastard out.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

US Foreign Policy Is Godly

An Angry Jealous God Says...

"I have wiped out many nations, devastating their fortress walls and towers. Their cities are now deserted; their streets are in silent ruin. There are no survivors to even tell what happened. I thought, 'Surely they will have reverence for me now! Surely they will listen to my warnings, so I won't need to strike again.' But no; however much I punish them, they continue their evil practices from dawn till dusk and dusk till dawn." So now the LORD says: "Be patient; the time is coming soon when I will stand up and accuse these evil nations. For it is my decision to gather together the kingdoms of the earth and pour out my fiercest anger and fury on them. All the earth will be devoured by the fire of my jealousy. "On that day I will purify the lips of all people, so that everyone will be able to worship the LORD together. My scattered people who live beyond the rivers of Ethiopia will come to present their offerings. (Zephaniah 3:6-10 NLT)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How The Federal Reserve, the Bankster and Congress Fucked Us

Watch the whole video and them comment.

This is another example of why finacial gluttony is not good. Think of it as a buffet that doesn't have enough bread and soda to fill up the gluttons.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

TSA Body Scanner Images

Fat admirers will be sorely disappointed to find that you won't find any of BBWs and SSBBWs from leaked images from TSA scanners. For some reason when the TSA selects a person to send through a scanner they only pick a thinling and 90% of the time that thinling is either a woman or a child. I will not be showing any of leaked images of children because it is immoral and it is also against the law. If any of our readers have any pictures of fat men of fat women from TSA scanners please post link in the comments box.

After an exhaustive Internet search I could find no BBW TSA scanner images.

There are two possible explanations or why we don't see any fat people on TSA scanner images. The first explanation is it there are no fat admirers working for the TSA. TSA agents are just regular perverts who likes look at normal sized women naked. The other explanation is much more ominous. Perhaps these dangerous radiation emitting scanners are unable to penetrate blubber and fat folds of BBW's so the TSA did not even bother to scan fat and obese people.


Ok you TSA Nazis let's see you body scan these hot and sexy BBWs.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Justin Bieber Drives 100 MPH and Spits in Neighbor's Face
A face we'd all love to punch!

Let's not mince words here, Justin Bieber is a total fucking asshole. The question now is how would you like to see this privileged little cocksucker punished?

From TMZ

The man -- a 47-year-old successful businessman and father of 3 -- went onto Justin's Calabasas property and screamed, "You can't drive like this!"  The man told deputies, Justin responded by saying , "Get the f**k out of here," and then he spit in the guy's face and said, "I'm gonna f**king kill you."

Read more:
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We all know that Bieber will get the star treatment and a slap on the wrist so if you could sentence him what would you want his punishment to be? I have some suggestions.
1. Crush one of his nuts with a mallet.
2. Put him on Bully Beatdown and have a girl beat the crap out of him.
3. Hit him in the face with a brick so he will STFU.
4. Karate chop him in the throat. (It will improve his singing.)
5. Waterboard the little bitch!
6. Throw him in a mosh pit.
7. Have the Rock lay the smackdown on his candy ass.

8. Have a fat girl or two sit on his face and make him eat his way out.
9. Put him in a room with a snarling dog.

10. I'll leave the 10th one up to our reader's fertile imaginations.
This is once again an example of thin privilege and White privilege. Had this been a fat guy like Ruben the stud Studdard, a guy who really can sing, the cops would be tazering the shit out out of him, pepper spraying him and beat the crap out of him.

On a happy side note...

Ruben Studdard has a hot and skinny wife. This truly is the natural order of things! Skinny women should only be with fat guys!


Justin Bieber will be prosecuted! CLICK HERE!

Rumor has it Justin Bieber is set to be prosecuted for spitting on his neighbor.

According to TMZ, the 19-year-old singer will likely be facing criminal charges after allegedly spitting on and threatening his neighbor, who recently complained about Bieber's reckless driving. The Calabasas, Calif., resident and father-of-three is unhappy with the way Bieber and his friends, including Lil Twist, drive around their gated community.

Reportedly, Bieber took out his Ferrari at 8 A.M. for a 100mph spin through the neighborhood on March 26, which upset the man. When he went over to Bieber's property and yelled, "You can't drive like this!" in the morning, the "As Long As You Love Me" singer responded with, "Get the f--k out of here. I'm gonna f--king kill you," and then spit in his face. The neighbor, a successful businessman, filed a battery report and is not backing down.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that investigators will refer the case to the L.A. County District Attorney for review after the investigation is completed, and the department will recommend that criminal battery charges be filed against Bieber.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Heart Attack Grill Diet Plan

Are you sure this will work nurse?

A program that you can stick to! We understand that nothing can be more depressing than failing to follow through with a new diet. That's why we prescribe great tasting high calorie meals including the Double Bypass Burger, Flatliner Fries, Full Sugar Coke, Butterfat Shake, and no-filter cigarettes! University studies have proven that diets which include these types of food are much more likely to become a life-long habit.

No more Yo-Yo effect! Doctors agree that continually cycling body weight up and down is one of the very worst things a person can do to themselves. That's why our program is focused upon keeping your weight in an extremely stable, gradual, and constant upward slope.

Affordable! While other diet centers continue to charge exorbitant fees, the Heart Attack Grill program is focused upon remaining affordable. Always keeping the patient's budget in mind, you'll have the comfort of knowing that all your meals are absolutely free once you achieve the 350 pound goal weight. Imagine the joy of knowing you've finally achieved something.

A program that you can stick to! We understand that nothing can be more depressing than failing to follow through with a new diet. That's why we prescribe great tasting high calorie meals including the Double Bypass Burger, Flatliner Fries, Full Sugar Coke, Butterfat Shake, and no-filter cigarettes! University studies have proven that diets which include these types of food are much more likely to become a life-long habit.

DISCLAIMER: Government agencies and various politically-correct busy bodies insist that we state: “The American Medical Association has denied Dr. Jon the right to continue practicing medicine in the United States. His nurses are not certified by the state of Nevada.”

"Wow, I've gained 20 pounds in just two months. The Heart Attack Grill Diet really works!"