Friday, July 19, 2013

President Carter: "America has no functioning democracy"

I, Fat Bastard have always liked Jimmy Carter and not just because he grew peanuts but because he was a man of honor. In the 2012 elections we had a choice between a coproratist (Romney) and a bitch for the corporatists (Obama) Different bullshit but the same results... the dismantling of the American democracy.

Pres. Jimmy Carter defends Snowden, also says: "America has no functioning democracy." Could only find this on German news sites, not American (

Here is the translation directly from Google:
Ex-President Carter: "The invasion of privacy has gone too far"

The Obama administration tried to placate Europe's anger over spying programs. Not as ex-President Jimmy Carter: The Democrat attacked the U.S. intelligence sharply. The disclosure by whistleblowers Snowden was "useful."

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was in the wake of the NSA Spähskandals criticized the American political system. "America has no functioning democracy," Carter said Tuesday at a meeting of the "Atlantic Bridge" in Atlanta.

Previously, the Democrat had been very critical of the practices of U.S. intelligence. "I think the invasion of privacy has gone too far," Carter told CNN. "And I think that is why the secrecy was excessive." Overlooking the NSA whistleblower

Edward Snowden said Carter, whose revelations were long "likely to be useful because they inform the public."

Carter has repeatedly warned that the United States sharply declined due to excessive restriction of civil rights, their moral authority. Last year he wrote in an article in the "New York Times", new U.S. laws "never before seen breach our privacy by the government" allowed the.

Carter was the 39th President of the United States, who ruled from 1977 until 1981. During his tenure, he tried to align U.S. foreign policy that is more about human rights - after his retirement from active politics for his humanitarian work, he received the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize .

In Atlanta, he also expressed his overall pessimistic about the global situation. There is currently no reason for him to be optimistic, Carter said, referring to the situation in Egypt, which had fallen into a military dictatorship. He also lamented the growing political divide in the United States, the excessive influence of money in U.S. election campaigns and the confusing American election rules. The ex-president whose "Carter Center" operates worldwide including election monitoring, announced skeptical whether the United States, the standard that applies when reviewing the Center of elections might be fulfilled.

As a bright spot, however, Carter called the triumph of modern technology that would have caused some of the countries of the Arab Spring of democratic progress. Exactly these developments but are endangered by the c as major U.S. Internet platforms such as Google or Facebook lose credibility worldwide.

How Will the Asshole Politicos Spin This?

This will be a tough one for all the leftie and rightie losers and your pathetic false paradigm. Here we have the most liberal president ever criticizing the same president (Obama) that the righties and the lefties say is a liberal. Obama is apoltical.

The fact is lefties, Obama has ended democracy in the US simply by ramping up the already unconstitutional policies of the the Bush/Cheney regime.

Keep the fight between the left and right going while the corporate gansters usher in their form of facism. When it happens the righties will blame the lefties and the lefties will blame the righties. Let's hope that another country liberates us from this tyrrany and this police state.

Do you think that  any of the corporate media will cover this? Here is a chance for Fox to bash Obama but their money men won't allow this. You won't be seeing this story on CNN or CNBC either.

Thomas Paine and Jessie James are old freinds
Robin Hood is riding on the road again.
We were born in a revolution and we died in a wasted war
It's gone that way before

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Boycott Florida

There are a lot of reasons to boycott Florida.

1. Rick Scott is the criminal governor of Florida. The moron voters elected him in spite of his extensive criminal past at Columbia HCA.

2. The Casey Anthony verdict. A retarded child hating jury acquitted a slime slut pig whore that everyone knew was guilty as sin.

3. The George Zimmerman verdict: A bunch of racist moron aquitted another child killer.

4. Florida oranges suck. They have thick skins and when you peel them the fruit is small and bitter.

5. They cheated in the 2000 election that put the Bush/Cheney regime into power.

6. Florida is famous for voter suppression.

7. The cost of vacationing there is way way way over priced.

Click her to see how people worldwide are boycotting Florida.
Florida is not a safe place to take your family for vacation as long as Florida law permits a citizen to shoot or kill you for merely looking suspicious, and to do it with impunity. Boycott Florida tourism until this dangerous law is overturned. If the murder of Trayvon Martin isn't enough to get lawmaker's attention, maybe a loss in revenue to the state would be.

Over a thousand signees from South Korea, Italy, and the 49 other U.S. states chimed in to express their discontent with the Sunshine State:

"Florida, clean up your act or I won't be back!"

"Ever thought of seceding? You and Texas would make a lovely couple..."

"Why in the world would we vacation in a place that allows people to kill someone so casually?"

"Clearly the legislative, executive and judicial branches of of state and local government in Florida are not interested in either justice or public safety. I'm never going there again."

Once 2,000 signatures are collected, the message will be sent to the Florida House, Senate, and Governor Rick Scott.

Florida has been a cesspool of coruption for many decades and its largest city is no exception. Perhaps the most important book documenting the moral occification of Miami Florida is Miami A Survivor's Tale by critically acclaimed author and lawyer Frank Abrams and published by Black Mountian Press.

What People are Saying:

"Flailing the air with the sharp-wit of coconut machete words, Frank Abrams cuts the head square off Miami, nestles it under his arm, and boldly walks through the Headless City, talking to himself. Everywhere people stare, eyes dumbed down, as plaintiff cries, barking dogs, gunshots and real estate developers drown together in a sunburned stew of history gone awry. Frank's unique perch as a 1950s-era home boy haunted by a strange calling to get the hell out and his career as a lawyer to the most unusually downtrodden folk in America, give grace and substance to this mass of anecdotes about survival in the City That Never Weeps. No one has captured this history quite like Frank Abrams. Promises unkept, hurricanes unleashed, fraud that makes Baby Doc look like the Pope, drugs and pussy galore, road rage and riots amore, the explosion of multi-cultural egomania -- it's all in this fast-paced manuscript which, at its core, tells the simple story of one family's struggle to survive Miami, ladeeez and gentlemen and children of all ages, as it vanishes before their very eyes." - Peter B. Gallagher, award winning Poet and Writer

Publisher: the Black Mountain Press, Asheville, NC ISBN 9780970016515Library of Congress Control Number: 201394263

Click Here to buy a pre-publication copy with a 25% discount!

Another Big Reason To Boycott Florida
Stand Your Ground Marissa Alexander click here

Coming Soon the Twinkie Report:

Bigger Fatter Politics is conducting exhaustive research on the Twinkie situation. Keep watching Bigger Fatter Politics for more news on Twinkie Gate.

Friday, July 12, 2013

$$$ Free Money For Fatlings $$$

$$$ FREE Money For Fatlings $$$

CHA CHING! $$$$ Compliments of Uncle Sam $$$$

One of the nicest things about porking fat women is that many of them are simply too fat to work. That means that they are home all day just waiting for a feeding and a fucking from yours truly. One secret that the old fat acceptance with their victim mentality will not tell you is that you can get free money, housing and medical benefits simply for being too fat. When I hear the vitriol from the angry hens like Kelly Bliss in the old fat acceptance movement I hasten to remind them just how fat friendly society and Uncle Sam have become. Fat Bastard is currently on SSDI and SSI due to the disabling condition of his disability but little did he know that simply being fat would qualify him for disability long before the heart disease, diabetes and bad knees kicked in. Cha Ching! This is another example of how the old fat acceptance through their intellectual dishonesty and their warped ideology have dropped the ball and further harmed fat people. At the next NAAFA convention, if there even is one this year Fat Bastard and I will be serving a HUGE plate of crow to NAAFA's big wigs pig wigs.

Bon Appetite NAAFA!
Gluttonous Fatlings are indeed becoming a protected and special class. Unlike Blacks who had to march and be killed just to receive basic human rights, all fatlings need to do is get fatter they have already become the majority. Fatlings did not even need a dynamic leader and martyr like Dr Martin Luther King. The only debts of gratitude that is owed by the fat community is big thank you to the food industry for serving our needs and never forgetting that the customer is always right, the medical community for all the advances that enable fat people to grow fatter and fatter and fatter and to Uncle Sam for accommodating the needs of all fat Americans regardless of color, creed or national origin and Bill Fabrey of Ample Stuff. USA USA USA USA! May the Belly God Bless America!

Social Security Disability and Morbid Obesity $$$ or Get Fat Get a Check!

There was a time when Morbid Obesity was specifically listed in the social security impairment book, or blue book, as a disabling condition. Individuals filing for social security disability (SSD) or supplemental security income (SSI) benefits were evaluated according to a social security height/weight chart and, if their statistics met the blue book definition of obesity, they could be awarded benefits based on that condition alone.

All that changed in 1999, when Social Security no longer recognized obesity as an inherently disabling condition. The logic was that many obese individuals are able to lead productive lives and hold gainful employment. Today, you can still be awarded disability benefits for obesity, Cha Ching but only if you can demonstrate through medical records that your obesity is causing other physical symptoms severe enough to prevent you from working.

In other words, you must show, not only that you are obese, but that you are unable to work, either due to the existence of other related medical conditions such as arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes, decreased pulmonary function (extreme difficulty breathing), etc., or due to the fact that your obesity is in itself so severe it limits you from performing work and other activities of daily living, such as driving a car, bathing, walking, etc. Cha Ching!
If your obesity is aggravating (or the cause of) medical conditions such as asthma, cardiac arrhythmia, edema, arthritis, etc., then you would file for disability based on the condition that is listed in the blue book (not obesity).

If you are morbidly obese but do not suffer from any other serious medical condition, you may still qualify for SSD/SSI benefits in the form of a medical vocational allowance, commonly referred to as a Med-Voc. A Med-Voc allowance is awarded to individuals that can show that their condition, while not listed in the blue book, is so severe that it prevents them from performing any form of gainful employment. Cha Ching! Med-Voc allowances rely heavily on a physician’s statement of your residual functional capacity (RFC), a form detailing exactly what activities you can and cannot perform in light of your medical condition.

RFC assessments are made by physicians who provide input on SSD and SSI cases for the social security administration. However, a claimant can obtain such an assessment from their own physician and submit this. Fat freindly doctor and Cha Ching! If you are planning on filing for disability based on obesity alone, you should ask your physician to fill out an RFC for you, or you may be asked to attend a consultative exam (CE) with a social security doctor, who will assess your impairment and the extent to which it limits your physical activity.

In the case of morbid obesity, an RFC will most likely be required by the disability examiner evaluating your claim, and it’s better to have the form completed by your own Fat Friendly treating physician than one that works for the social security administration (SSA).

Note: an RFC form is freely available from this site and can be downloaded at the bottom of the homepage for

Just take in the majesty of this man and all other gluttonous fatlings. If some fat phobic jock or some Goody Two Shoes like anorexic kill joy MeMe Roth complain that tax dollars are being spent to accommodate simply say to them, "Shut the fuck up douche bag!" I knew Kate Harding was good for something.
Fat Bastard Being Fat and Majestic!

See the source image
Obligatory Sexy Porkable Poker.

Afternoon delight is about ice cream and man cream. I love it. When they don't have to work they have plenty of time to play. There are millions of these hot sexy SSBBWs waiting at home for a fat admirer to deliver the sausage.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bigger Fatter Politics Is Kicking ASS! it is ranked #704,640 in the world, a low rank means that this website gets lots of visitors. This site is worth $4448 USD and advertising revenue is $100 USD per day. it has 3249 visitors and 6324 pageviews per day. Currently, this site needs more than 211.78 MB bandwidth per day, this month will needs more than 6.41 GB bandwidth. Its seo score is 63.2%. IP address is, and its server is hosted at Mountain View, United States. Last updated on Mon, 08 Jul 2013 02:11:05 GMT.

I Fat Bastard would like to take this opportunity to thank, The Chef, Proud FA, Belly Boy, Dr Bear, Rotunda Hindenberg, Womynia, Coach Gaines, Jenna Talia and Lynn Gweenie for the growth and success of Bigger Fatter Politics and making is the most successful fat centric news source on the net.

UPDATE:  Bigger Fatter Politics Continues to Sky Rocket!

SEO Score is 63.2% for

This is an amzingly high SEO score for a website let alone a blog. Much of the credit certainly goes to me, Fat Bastard but if it were not for out readers and fan base of greedy gluttons Bigger Fatter Politics would go the way of the rest of the fat acceptance blog that are here today and gone tomorrow.  We thank you for your support! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back Fat Tits or Back Boobs

Sometimes a picture is worth more than 1000 words.

Pranking Pesky Telemarketers

I think we can all agree the telemarketers really suck. Not only what they do is annoying it is also an invasion of privacy. 99% of them work some sort of a scam and seemingly with impunity as they rip off Americans. As that bad as that is it gets worse. Most of these pests call at mealtime and for a fat person all time is mealtime.

Obviously, the authorities are doing nothing to protect Americans from these telecommunication predators but people are fighting back by frustrating and otherwise screwing with these scumbags. The following videos are some interesting and funny examples of telemarketers being pranked.

I think we all have tried the do not call list only to find out that it's a bunch of bullshit. The time has come to declare war in these annoying ass clowns by stringing them along and otherwise wasting their time.

Watch the videos and then leave a comment regarding your experience with these shysters and fraudsters.

The next time one of these scumbags call you... FUCK WITH THEM!

This one is crude and sophomoric.

This one is quite quite clever.

This majestic fatling masterfully handles a pesky telemarketer.

Fat Mothers Jump Start the Economy

Obese Mothers are Good for the Economy                                     Growing Obesity Increases Perils of Childbearing

With Doctors and hospitals starving to make ends meet in this tough economy the more challenging pregnancies faced by fat women and their is a ray of sunshine to the starving medical industry. It's simple economics. When medical care is more complicated and more specialists need to be brought is on a case costs go up... WAY up and so do profits!

Here is an excerpt from an article that appeared  the NY Times  that explains the good news for our struggling health care industry. Click here to read the entire article.

As Americans have grown fatter over the last generation, inviting more heart disease, diabetes and premature deaths, all that extra weight has also become a burden in the maternity ward, where babies take their first breath of life.  

About one in five women are obese when they become pregnant, meaning they have a body mass index of at least 30, as would a 5-foot-5 woman weighing 180 pounds, according to researchers with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And medical evidence suggests that obesity might be contributing to record-high rates of Caesarean sections and leading to more birth defects and deaths for mothers and babies. 

Hospitals, especially in poor neighborhoods, have been forced to adjust. They are buying longer surgical instruments, more sophisticated fetal testing machines and bigger beds. They are holding sensitivity training for staff members and counseling women about losing weight, or even having bariatric surgery, before they become pregnant.

At Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, where 38 percent of women giving birth are obese, Patricia Garcia had to be admitted after she had a stroke, part of a constellation of illnesses related to her weight, including diabetes and weak kidneys.

 Is it possible to be too fat?

If you are an OBGYN the answer is a resounding NO! Here are the impressive numbers on C-sections alone that clearly show that the fatter a pregnant woman is the more revenue the health care industry can make.

Body Mass Index   vs   Percentage of Caesarian Births    

       20 - 25                    11%        

       25 - 30                    18%                

       30 - 35                    25%             

     35 - 40                    33%                  

     Over 40           43%                     

Very obese women, or those with a B.M.I. of 35 or higher, are three to four times as likely to deliver their first baby by Caesarean section as first-time mothers of normal weight, according to a study by the Consortium on Safe Labor of the National Institutes of Health

There you have it fellow fatlings; another example of how obesity is good for the economy. I, Fat Bastard only wish that fat haters Mrs Obama and Ms Roth would see that. AND once again, GLUTTONY IS GOOD!