Saturday, June 7, 2014

FDA Corruption

The FDA's Long History of Corruption 

Going as far back as the 1950s -- and likely even much earlier than that -- the FDA has made it routine practice to ignore and even deny the dangers associated with drugs and medical devices when approving them. In the case of the Upjohn Company, for instance, which unveiled the antibiotic drug Panalba back in 1957, the FDA ignored many years of complaints about the drug's safety in order to protect the company's profits.

At the time, data showed that as many as 20 percent of patients taking Panalba had suffered severe allergic reactions to the antibiotic, and yet the FDA did nothing. Even Upjohn's own research studies on Panalba showed that the drug was less effective and less safe than alternative drugs on the market, and still the FDA did nothing, effectively sheltering Upjohn's enormous profits from Panalba, which represented 12 percent of its overall profit earnings.

Sadly, the same is true today, as the drug industry and the FDA essentially work in tandem to get dangerous, but highly-profitable, drugs and medical devices to market. It is a win-win situation for both groups as the FDA gets kickbacks in the form of exorbitant new drug and medical device application fees, and the drug industry rakes in billions of dollars for blockbuster drug and device products that would never have been approved had science and facts been legitimately factored into the equation.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Annette Bosworth Arrested

By Dirk Lammers

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - South Dakota authorities on Wednesday arrested defeated U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth and charged her with multiple counts of perjury and filing false election documents, saying she fraudulently attested to gathering voter signatures when she was really on a Christian mission trip to the Philippines.
South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley charged Bosworth with six counts of perjury and six counts of filing false documents related to election campaign laws. The arrest warrant was served a day after Bosworth lost the Republican primary with just 6 percent of the vote.
"The election complaints received by the Secretary of State involve conduct that is serious, deliberate, and must be addressed in order to preserve the integrity of our elections," Jackley said in a statement. "Because this is a federal elected office, I have and will continue to discuss the investigation with federal authorities."
Jackley said the 42-year-old Bosworth was given notice of the warrant Wednesday morning and turned herself in to the Minnehaha County Jail. She was immediately released.

As another example of the insanity that passes for political discourse in today's Republican Party, we present Baptist pastor and former talk-show host Jody Hice, candidate for the House seat vacated by Georgia Rep. Paul "lies from the pit of hell" Broun in his unsuccessful Senate bid.  Mr. Hice first drew attention with his campaign to install Ten Commandment displays in public buildings -- later expanded to prohibit federal judges from ruling on church-state issues when rebuffed by the courts. Other explicitly theocratic issues championed by this Tea Party darling include stripping Muslims of their First Amendment rights, forcing women to seek their husbands' permission to enter politics, accusing homosexuals of "conspiring" to sodomize children and blaming the Sandy Hook massacre on "kicking God out of the public square." He recently warned that the so-called "blood moon" signalled "world-changing" events.  Rather than being dismissed as a fringe crank, Tice polled in first place in the GOP primary,  narrowly edging the more mainstream conservative Mike Collins, who he will again face in a runoff

At a press conference Wednesday afternoon, Bosworth called the charges "a political intimidation scheme" against her by Jackley, who was initially appointed to his position by former Gov. Mike Rounds in 2009. Rounds defeated Bosworth and three other Republicans Tuesday night to capture the GOP nomination for the seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Tim Johnson.
"We still believe this is a political persecution," Bosworth said in a prepared statement. She did not take questions.
Jackley said the charges are not politically motivated.
"The Attorney General does not have the luxury of talking a walk or a pass on tough issues," said Jackley, who was re-elected to his post in 2010. "Ms. Bosworth's conduct and statements regarding her petitions speak for themselves."
Read more click here

The Boost Your Metabolism Myth

Like so many things in the weight loss industry this too is bullshit.

1. There is not pill that will safely or significantly increase your basal metabolic rate and frankly why increase your BMR. If you are hell bent on losing weight because you are a jealous fat girl, simply eat less. Boosting your metabolism make about as much sense as putting fuel in your car and then letting the care idle so that you can burn it.

Fact: The most a Basal Metabolic Rate can vary in individuals of the same age, weight and gender is 35 calories per day.

2. Increasing muscle mass increases metabolism. The claim in that a muscular 200 pounder burns more calories than a fat out of shape couch potato. This is more weight loss industry hocus pocus. I fit person has more efficient cardio than an out of shape fatling. At rest the fitling has a much slower resting heart rate that the fatling. 2 of the biggest users of calories are the heart and lungs.  A fitling may have a resting heart rate of around 60  beats per minute or less where all the fatling's typical heart rate is at least 80 beats per minute. A fatling is burning more calories 24/7 than the fitling.

Let's take an every day task like climbing a flight of stairs. The fitling will ascend those stairs and his heart rate will barely go up but the fatling's heart will go into the 140 beats per minute range and stay high for quite a while. That burn a fuck load of calories!

Let the fitlings take the stairs. We fatlings have elevators and escalators and for flat surfaces we have moving floors and power chairs.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Obesity and Self Esteem

Fat People Have High Self Esteem No Thanks to Fat Acceptance

Sista doin it for hersef!

A picture speaks a thousand words. Fat acceptance would like you to believe that fat people suffer from low self esteem. Nothing could be further from the truth. A study of 100 pre and post weight loss surgery patients found that the only improvement psychologically for WLS patients was less worry about health issues. In reality that is false hope because statistically WLS actually decreases lifespan and it kills one in 100 patients/victims. I have always known that fat is not a psychological disease whereas anorexia and bulimia are most certainly a brain based psychological disorders. No evidence exists that fat people's emotional and psychological states are any different than the general population. The crazies in the fat acceptance crowd like Kelley Bliss with their "We're all victims of fat hatred" and fat haters like MeMe Roth have confused body image with self image. If fat bodied people really suffer low self esteem, they would not accept being fat and they would maintain a healthy weight. We are not a bunch of weak-willed gluttons. We choose and embrace our size as well as our gormandizing ways.

The following article by Psychologist Roberta Themes PhD further amplifies the position of Bigger Fatter Blog, Bigger Fatter Politics and the New Fat Acceptance.

Pride and Gluttony at Work!

The Myth Of Low Self Esteem In Overweight People
By Roberta Temes, PhD 

Did you know that the idea of a fat person having low self esteem is a myth? Humans come in various shapes and sizes. Every psychological test given to overweight people indicates that if you are fat you are as mentally healthy, or unhealthy, as anyone in the general population. There is nothing about overeating that is associated with poor emotional health. In fact, it is possible that obese people are emotionally stronger than slim people because many slim folks who were interviewed said they'd stay at home if they were obese.. they would not have the psychological fortitude to be seen in public if they were heavy.

There was a time, right here in the USA, when only the most successful folks were heavy and everyone else tried to emulate them. Large bodies were proof of robust health and substantial wealth. But, in America in the 21st century fat is out, thin is in.

Obesity is
 not a psychological disorder. Obesity is not an eating disorder. Fat people have a genetic predisposition to gain weight called gluttony and if they wish to conform to today's ideal of slimness and if they want to maintain good health, they must counteract their inborn biological impulses. This is possible. Difficult, but possible. Particularly possible if you have a diet buddy or buddies.

Fat Bastardo's comment: It's not hard to lose weight and keep it off but why bother? Food is SOOOOO good. I have a lot of diet buddies. They are greedy gluttons just like me Fat Bastardo.

Our genes may give us the capacity and tendency to eat much and gain much, but it is our environment, our habits, that permit the tendency to flourish. Thankfully, we can change our environment and thus fool Mother Nature. You can be a slim person, after all. You can counteract your inborn biologic capacity.

Fat Bastardo's Comment: Actually we don't have a genetic predisposition to be gluttonous. The old NAAFA saying "fat by nature proud by choice" is gluttony denial with is the epitome of fat hatred. The saying should be "Proud By Nature Fat By Choice." Gluttony is GOOD! 

Dr. Jules Hirsch, the famous obesity researcher at Rockefeller University, says that obesity should be treated as a chronic disease for which there is no cure but for which there are management techniques. And those techniques do work. But, it's up to you to apply them every day.

Fat Bastardo comments: Obesity is not a disease because if it were a disease the obesity rate would be the same as 40 years ago as it is now. This is more fat hatred. We fatlings are not sick. We are fat and happy but this calling our chosen lifestyle a disease is pissing me off!

You override your genetic destiny when you eat when you are not hungry or when you eat only low-calorie foods when you are hungry. It's the gene that opens your mouth that is responsible for overeating.

Fat Bastardo comments: I only wish that there was a fat gene but unfortunately that fat gene is quite rare and only the super super morbidly obese have it. Giving a gene credit is an insult to out gluttony.

How do you want to manage your weight? You can do it, you know. You can go for surgery and staple your stomach. You can go to a diet doctor and get lots of pills. You can stop eating solids and go on a liquid diet. You can get group support via the Internet. You can lessen urges by acupressure, acupuncture, or aversion therapy. You can count calories or fat grams. You can use hypnosis. And the list goes on and on. There is no shortage of diet programs.

Fat Bastardo Comments: Here is how I manage my weight. I eat whatever the fuck I want. Like our freind the Chef I too am a big man with a big appetite and I "ain't makin no apologies for it" and that is what separates me from the many run of the mill gluttons who are shameful gluttony deniers!
In my practice everyone who wants to lose weight does lose because we add hypnosis to the mix. Hypnotic suggestions make it easier to stick to whatever program you decide to follow. And it is crucial to follow a program. Talk to others and find out about a program that may be new to you. Remember, any diet program will work if you follow it.  

Fat Bastardo comments: The good doctor is right and I am living proof I follow something similar to Linda Bacon's HAES Health At Every Size only my plan is called EATT Eat All The Time developed by Dr Otto Grazenheimer  and let me tell you... It fucking works great! I also use Dr Varken Oinkin's FATT or Food All The Time. 

Related: Why Self Esteem is Myth

Mark011-1.jpg Mark in his element! picture by mzichlin
These people are really fucking happy and we don't need them portrayed as tragic victims by the fat haters and the fat acceptance loony birds.

Fat chicks know how to party and they are not afraid to flaunt it!!

More fat and happy BBWs flaunting their flab!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Nazis vs Doctors

It's hard to put an exact number on how much wealth the Nazis stole from the Jews before they killed them but it was a huge number. Essentially the Nazis stole from the Jews and then maimed and killed them. All told the Nazis killed at least 6 million of them. A lot of politically correct people like to say that Hitler killed 6 million Jews. He didn't. Germans and Catholic priests of the Ustase killed the 6 million Jews along with Gypsies and homosexuals. The death toll exceeded 6 million from 1938 to 1945 totaling 7 years of carnage.

The carnage caused by the US medical industry has that beat. The Nazis, fascists and the Ustase combined killed slightly less than a million a year. Death on that scale is called a holocaust. The American medical industrial complex kills over 1 million people per year that that figure is based on what gets reported as medical industry induced death. When it comes to preventable deaths the medical industrial complex kills more Americans than smoking and gluttony combined. The medical industry's doctors alone are the third leading cause of preventable deaths and once again, that is based on what gets reported. To put that into perspective guns kill around 50,000 Americans each year and most of those deaths are accidental shootings and suicides. There are about 100 million gun owners in the US and only 700,000 doctors.

Click Here for unbiased gun facts.

Not even the most brazen gun nut will argue that we have too many gun deaths and that preventing gun deaths of all kinds is a good thing. Unfortunately not too many doctors really give a shit that they are killing people at a higher rate than the Nazis did.  Wayne Lapierre nut job than he is and his NRA is doing more to prevent gun deaths than the medical industry and its doctors are doing to prevent medical deaths.

The Piety and the Hypocrisy of it Astounds

Every few months some nut with a gun shoots up a school or a mall and the simple minded knee jerk reaction from the left starts and then come the equally stupid reactions from the right starts and in the end there is a stalemate and in a month or so another nut with a gun goes on a shooting rampage. The corporate media foams at the mouth and the talking heads spew the same tired bullshit, lefties and righties try to score political points and nothing gets down.

In every shooting massacre there is a common thread... prescription psychiatric medications which include the deadly SSRI drugs, psycho stimulants, Chantix, Lunesta and Ambien ect... Somehow the media never mentions the drug connection.

Related: Medical Care In the US is the Deadliest

The fact is there are far less gun owners now than there were 40 years ago. There are million more people on psychiatric medications and now there are gun massacres every few months but for greed some reason the news media won't point out those facts. They also won't point out that we have been in a medical holocaust for the past 40 years and that the death toll caused by the medical industrial complex and its flunky doctors have killed more people than, Stalin's Hitler's Mao's purges combined.

Click here to read a free copy of Death By Medicine

Medical journals report that pharmaceutical-based medicine is one of the leading causes of death & injury in developed countries.

These articles explain so you can avoid becoming a victim.

a blue dot impersonating a bullet Death By Medicine - scientific studies show medical treatment may be the leading cause of death. 
"A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows ... The total number of iatrogenic deaths [that means deaths caused by medical treatment] ... is 783,936 [per year]. It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States."
blue line image
a blue dot impersonating a bullet Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure & Kill Millions of Humans? Are We the Real "Guinea-pigs"? . . . Medical journals report that pharmaceutical drugs injure millions and kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. This article examines how drug companies: i) use flexible unscientific tests to make their products look "safe"; ii) can then use those flexible tests as a legal defence to avoid punishment.
blue line image
a blue dot impersonating a bullet Myths of Modern Medicine: The Increase in the Human Life Span - due to Medicine or Political Social Reforms? This article explains that the great increase in human life span in the developed world (during the 19th and 20th centuries) was due to political social reforms like better sanitation systems, improved hygiene and nutrition. It wasnot due to pharmaceutical drugs or other medical interventions.
blue line image
a blue dot impersonating a bullet Myths of Modern Medicine: The Decline of the Infectious Diseases mostly occurred before commercial vaccines, immunisations and drugs were developed for them. This page contains numerous graphs and diagrams that illustrate the statistics and trends.
blue line image
a blue dot impersonating a bullet A History of Western Medicineexcerpts from a book by the medical historian Hans Ruesch. From antiquity to modern times, an explanation of the major advances in human medicine and how they came through the scientific, clinical and ethical study of humans. Furthermore, of how medical progress was often stalled and led astray for many centuries due to misleading results from unscientific methods of research.

death by medicine medical damages

Let's Talk Costs

Nobody in Washington gives a shit about the human costs. It's all about money to them but if you Google "Let's Talk Costs Blue Cross Blue Shield" you find that the medical industry steals 1/3 of every dollar Americans pay for health that through waste and fraud. Waste is fraud. And this is based on what waste and fraud gets reported. That 1/3 figure comes to $750 BILLION per year. That's more than we spend on national defense.

Conclusion: The American Medical Industrial Complex kills and steals more than Hitler's Nazis.

If you are too lazy to fact check me here's a start.

Medical errors kill enough people to fill four jumbo jets a week." says The Wall Street Journal

"200,000 to 400,000 deaths per year from preventable harm in hospitals" reports "A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care" published in the Journal of Patient Safety September 2013.

"It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient's death, the numbers come out worse." laments Scientific American Yet, with the notable exceptions of The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American and a tiny handful of other sources, the Main Stream Media is silent on this critical issue.

"When there is a plane crash in the U.S., even a minor one, it makes headlines. There is a thorough federal investigation, and the tragedy often yields important lessons for the aviation industry. Pilots and airlines thus learn how to do their jobs more safely.

The world of American medicine is far deadlier: Medical mistakes kill enough people each week to fill four jumbo jets. But these mistakes go largely unnoticed by the world at large, and the medical community rarely learns from them." The WSJ goes to the say in their excellent article titled "How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us."

With 200,000 - 400,000 deaths per annum Medical Errors are now the 3rd leading cause of death right behind Heart disease with 597,689 deaths per annum and Cancer with 574,743 deaths per annum.

But the CDC does not even mention Medical Errors in their report on the leading causes of death

Doesn't the CDC have a responsibility to tell you that occasionally seeking conventional medical treatment will kill you faster than driving your car (34,080 deaths by auto accident 2102), day in and day out every day of your life?  

Why the cover up?

Search Results

  1. Medical care is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.
    This means that doctors and hospitals are responsible for more deaths each year ... Leave it to the medical industry “Public health” to downplay the effects of ...
  2. Pharmaceutical Companies Accused of Criminal Actions
    Joseph Mercola
    Dec 31, 2011 - Death by Medicine—An Update ... In fact, the drug industry now tops all other industries in the total amount of fraud payments for actions ...
  3. Exposing Pharmaceutical Drug Damages & Drug Deaths to ...
    Millions of people are affected by Pharmaceutical Drug Damages & Deaths; ... are based on unscientific data … that protect industry and allow the existence of ...
  4. Death by Medicine - 2 - Life ExtensionDeath by Medicine
    Life Extension Foundation
    Table 3: Estimated 10-Year Death Rates from Medical Intervention ... to advise on clinical trial research also serve as consultants to the pharmaceutical industry.
  5. "The Drugs Don't Work": How the Medical-Industrial ...
    Naked Capitalism
    Sep 23, 2012 - They hoodwinked the FDA and the New England Journal of Medicine and took advantage of the public trust which ultimately caused the deaths ...
  6. Medical Error | Avoidable Deaths in the United States
    Apr 9, 2013 - Estimates of the number of deaths attributed to medical errors each year have been varied, but this ... Medical Error in the Health Care Industry ...
  7. [PDF]

    Death by Medicine -
    by G Null - ‎Cited by 38 - ‎Related articles
    researchers have authored a paper titled “Death by Medicine” that presents compelling evidence .... between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry.
  8. Medical Errors - A leading cause of Death
    This web page is being developed at the request of several people who have been researching problems with the drug industry and conventional medical ...
  9. Big pharma's excuses for the monopolies on medicine won't ... › OpinionPharmaceuticals industry
    The Guardian
    Feb 22, 2013 - ... South Africa in 2001 at the pharmaceutical industry trying to stop the .... As the UN reports a decline in Aids deaths and HIV infection rates, ...
  10. US HealthCare Industry is the 3rd Leading Cause of Death ... › ForumsDaily Paul Liberty Forum
    Daily Paul
    Jan 8, 2011 - 10 posts - ‎9 authors
    This makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the ... Because the healthcare industry, including the FDA, is owned by "Big ...

Friday, May 30, 2014

Censorship and Public Broadcasting

It has been my experience that the left censors and the right lies and censors. Since I switched Bigger Fatter Politics comments to Disqus I Fat Bastardo and my investigative journalists have encountered the usual lying but more troubling than lying is the Nazi style censorship. Privately owned websites can censor and most of them do but government funded sites like those overseen by public broadcasting aka PBS cannot censor but they do. Here is what one group of public radio stations is forbiding:

Your submissions may not infringe upon others' use and enjoyment of the SCPR Web sites.

Do not post any material or links to material that is libelous, defamatory, false, obscene, violent, abusive, threatening, harassing, prejudicial, employing profanity, or is otherwise in violation of the law or SCPR's guidelines. (If you see a violation of this policy in an SCPR discussion space, please report it on our Contact form.)

Nearly everyone of these forbidden criterion is the based on the judgment of some Nazi censor. Let's look at a few example:

Prejudicial: Mohammed was a pedophile. Anyone during anytime who would marry a six year old and begin fucking her when she was 9 is a pedophile but some PBS affiliates won't allow you to say that.  

Profanity: What is profanity? Shit but not poop? Intercourse but not fuck? Penis but not cock? Fellatio but not cock sucking?

Obscene: A priest molested a boy and got away with it or a priest rammed his cock down the throat of a boy and fucked his ass until he bled?

False: Obama is a gay Muslim or John McCain is a liar and a known wife beater?

Violent: We need to kill bin Laden or we need to kill the traitorous criminal elite who kill more innocent people than the terrorists?

Abusive: I respectfully disagree with you statement or you are a lying sack of shit?

Harassing: There are many contradictions in the Bible but I respect your faith or the Bible is a big fucking pack of lies and you are an idiot to believe it.

Your submission may be removed by us at our discretion, for any reason.

We will remove from the site any comment that violates our guidelines. In instances of willful abuse, we reserve the right to take whatever action we determine appropriate, including the termination of access privileges and legal action.

Some time ago Google censored and de indexed Bigger Fatter Blog based on complaints from angry jealous fat girls who hate men and hate the fact that I have proven that fat people gluttons. That is what they found offensive. Finally Google, not wanting to be sued removed the warning on my Bigger Fatter Blog and re-indexed it.

Google is a corporation and they have no obligation to protect freedom of speech and is at liberty to censor what ever they choose. There is no doubt about that. It's different with public broadcasting which is publicly funded.

I will be contacting free speech champion Larry Flint to inform him of this blatant violation of free speech.

It's no secret that the US is no longer a functioning democracy and President Jimmy Carter said as much while Ron Paul called American government corporatism and a mild form of fascism.

I am not the only one concerned about the disturbing censorship trend in public broadcasting.

If you have been a victim of 89.3 KPCC or other public broadcasting censorship please contact them and complain. Report your experience  to the ACLU of Southern California and see if they will file suit against PBS.

  1. Censorship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...
    Jump to Broadcast censorship - It can issue fines if, for example, the broadcaster employs ... foul language, and the coarsening of public entertainment in ...
  2. Did Public Television Commit Self-Censorship to Appease ...
    Democracy Now!
    May 30, 2013 - Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal say plans for their new documentary to air on public television have been quashed after billionaire ...
  3. Don't Let The Koch Brothers Censor Public Broadcasting!
    Citizen Koch," a documentary on how Citizens United has warped American politics, was promised funding by public television, but executives withdrew support ...
  4. Censorship In America - Laws › ... › Censorship LawsFreedom Of Speech
    Censorship in America is the act of altering, adjusting, editing, or banning of ... A Public Broadcast is defined as a transmission of media through the usage of ...
  5. Don't Censor Public Broadcasting - New York Times
    The New York Times
    Feb 6, 1992 - It's not surprising that the Republican Party's right wing finds public broadcasting "too liberal." Public television and radio reach out to diverse ...
  6. Censorship on public television by the Editors - Jump Cut
    Jump Cut
    At the same time, these sources, and the major outlet for film and video, public television, directly and indirectly censor work they disagree with politically.
  7. Did Public Television Commit Self-Censorship to ... - YouTube
    May 30, 2013 - Uploaded by democracynow - Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal say plans for their new documentary to air ...
  8. Public Broadcasting Censorship Sparks Fiery Exchange at ...
    Sep 18, 2013 - Directors threw caution to the wind Monday at the IFP 2013 Film Week, engaging in a heated on-stage debate during the “When ...
  9. Jane Mayer: How Far Did PBS Go to Avoid Offending a ...
    The New Yorker
    May 27, 2013 - Public television's attempts to placate David Koch. ... of their new owners, either through executive mandates or through self-censorship.