Bigger Fatter Politics is a fact based news source for all things fat and political. We present news and presidential politics from a fat centric and food centric perspective.
Showing posts with label fat acceptance blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat acceptance blog. Show all posts
Monday, August 10, 2015
NAAFA is a Cult and Obesity and Gluttony is NOT for Everyone
The Cult of NAAFA
To fully understand NAAFA is to understand a dichotomy in logic. Most NAAFA members we've been in contact with claim to eat very little..sensible diets..even vegetarian diets. All NAAFA members I've spoken to claim to exercise regularly.
But these pictures, of NAAFA members at a Fat Acceptance convention, paint a very different picture.
To obtain body size of this nature, simple biology tells us you must ingest far many calories than you expend.
NAAFA wants you to believe that morbid obesity is healthy, normal and desirable. While obesity and gluttony may be desirable and while it is rapidly becoming the new normal only a total fucking idiot or evil scumbag would deny that obesity often has dire health consequences. This sort of intellectual dishonesty is why we started the Bigger Fatter Blog. Fat people are not morons. NAAFA gives the fat and gluttony haters plenty of grist for the mill with their lunacy. Bigger Fatter Blog simply and effectively disarms the fat haters by admitting the obvious truth. Fat people are gluttons. NAAFA and other FA orgs think that there is something wrong with sloth and gluttony. We are here to tell people that gluttony and sloth are acceptable behaviors just as being morbidly obese is and should be an acceptable condition. Everything has its risks. We accept those risks because we think the benefits are worth that risk. If you don't think it is worth the risk we won't judge you like the sicko NAAFA sluts will.
NAAFA promotes a "fat and happy" idealology. I have no doubt that some of these people are indeed having fun and enjoying themselves at a fat acceptance convention. Hell, when Proud FA and I show up with our Godiva chocolates, and selection of fine wine and cheeses they are ecstatic because they know they are going to be in for a good feed and a sexy sausage session with Proud FA.
Believing that one can be truly happy while morbidly obese, with all the health and mobility problems it entails, on a day to day basis is a different story altogether. True fat acceptance accepts the risks of being morbidly obese. Gluttony and obesity is not for the faint of heart. The denial in which cults like NAAFA indulge only weakens the movement because it just is so damn ridiculous and absurd. It also denies the very real risks of the gluttonous life style. True obesity promoters and fat accepters bravely and happily accept these risks.
NAAFA is frequently referred to as a death cult, for very good reason. To be a member of NAAFA, you must unwittingly accept the undeniable health consequences of obesity by drinking their Kool Ade. As widely documented studies prove, obesity can lead to a host of debilitating health problems—including early death—most of which are reversable through weight loss.
From NAAFA's site:
"Because being fat can be both a physically and emotionally isolating experience, NAAFA has helped to create and sustain a fat subculture. " The problem with that statement is Fat people are much more emotionally and socially healthier than size typical people.
This cult would rather you pretend to be part of an elitist group, entitiled to special privileges, rather than confront the obvious truth: Obesity can be an unwanted social stigma. Morbid obesity is dangerous and demeaning to some people who are not meant to be fat. It is not a desirable condition for everyone.
Note: Use of the images on this site constitutes "fair use" under United States copyright law Title 17 , chapter 1 , Sec. 107.
One thing that is striking about NAAFA is the absence of fat men. NAAFA was once a proud advocate for fat people but once that was achieved they became rebels with out a clue and they got into strange politics and began aligning themselves with a fringe element of people calling themselves fat feminists. NAAFA has become the ole girls club as has most fat acceptance organizations.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Obesity and Self Esteem
Fat People Have High Self Esteem No Thanks to Fat Acceptance
Sista doin it for hersef!
A picture speaks a thousand words. Fat acceptance would like you to believe that fat people suffer from low self esteem. Nothing could be further from the truth. A study of 100 pre and post weight loss surgery patients found that the only improvement psychologically for WLS patients was less worry about health issues. In reality that is false hope because statistically WLS actually decreases lifespan and it kills one in 100 patients/victims. I have always known that fat is not a psychological disease whereas anorexia and bulimia are most certainly a brain based psychological disorders. No evidence exists that fat people's emotional and psychological states are any different than the general population. The crazies in the fat acceptance crowd like Kelley Bliss with their "We're all victims of fat hatred" and fat haters like MeMe Roth have confused body image with self image. If fat bodied people really suffer low self esteem, they would not accept being fat and they would maintain a healthy weight. We are not a bunch of weak-willed gluttons. We choose and embrace our size as well as our gormandizing ways.
The following article by Psychologist Roberta Themes PhD further amplifies the position of Bigger Fatter Blog, Bigger Fatter Politics and the New Fat Acceptance.
Pride and Gluttony at Work! |
The Myth Of Low Self Esteem In Overweight People
By Roberta Temes, PhD
Did you know that the idea of a fat person having low self esteem is a myth? Humans come in various shapes and sizes. Every psychological test given to overweight people indicates that if you are fat you are as mentally healthy, or unhealthy, as anyone in the general population. There is nothing about overeating that is associated with poor emotional health. In fact, it is possible that obese people are emotionally stronger than slim people because many slim folks who were interviewed said they'd stay at home if they were obese.. they would not have the psychological fortitude to be seen in public if they were heavy.
There was a time, right here in the USA, when only the most successful folks were heavy and everyone else tried to emulate them. Large bodies were proof of robust health and substantial wealth. But, in America in the 21st century fat is out, thin is in.
Obesity is not a psychological disorder. Obesity is not an eating disorder. Fat people have a genetic predisposition to gain weight called gluttony and if they wish to conform to today's ideal of slimness and if they want to maintain good health, they must counteract their inborn biological impulses. This is possible. Difficult, but possible. Particularly possible if you have a diet buddy or buddies.
Fat Bastardo's comment: It's not hard to lose weight and keep it off but why bother? Food is SOOOOO good. I have a lot of diet buddies. They are greedy gluttons just like me Fat Bastardo.
Our genes may give us the capacity and tendency to eat much and gain much, but it is our environment, our habits, that permit the tendency to flourish. Thankfully, we can change our environment and thus fool Mother Nature. You can be a slim person, after all. You can counteract your inborn biologic capacity.
Our genes may give us the capacity and tendency to eat much and gain much, but it is our environment, our habits, that permit the tendency to flourish. Thankfully, we can change our environment and thus fool Mother Nature. You can be a slim person, after all. You can counteract your inborn biologic capacity.
Fat Bastardo's Comment: Actually we don't have a genetic predisposition to be gluttonous. The old NAAFA saying "fat by nature proud by choice" is gluttony denial with is the epitome of fat hatred. The saying should be "Proud By Nature Fat By Choice." Gluttony is GOOD!
Dr. Jules Hirsch, the famous obesity researcher at Rockefeller University, says that obesity should be treated as a chronic disease for which there is no cure but for which there are management techniques. And those techniques do work. But, it's up to you to apply them every day.
Dr. Jules Hirsch, the famous obesity researcher at Rockefeller University, says that obesity should be treated as a chronic disease for which there is no cure but for which there are management techniques. And those techniques do work. But, it's up to you to apply them every day.
Fat Bastardo comments: Obesity is not a disease because if it were a disease the obesity rate would be the same as 40 years ago as it is now. This is more fat hatred. We fatlings are not sick. We are fat and happy but this calling our chosen lifestyle a disease is pissing me off!
You override your genetic destiny when you eat when you are not hungry or when you eat only low-calorie foods when you are hungry. It's the gene that opens your mouth that is responsible for overeating.
You override your genetic destiny when you eat when you are not hungry or when you eat only low-calorie foods when you are hungry. It's the gene that opens your mouth that is responsible for overeating.
Fat Bastardo comments: I only wish that there was a fat gene but unfortunately that fat gene is quite rare and only the super super morbidly obese have it. Giving a gene credit is an insult to out gluttony.
How do you want to manage your weight? You can do it, you know. You can go for surgery and staple your stomach. You can go to a diet doctor and get lots of pills. You can stop eating solids and go on a liquid diet. You can get group support via the Internet. You can lessen urges by acupressure, acupuncture, or aversion therapy. You can count calories or fat grams. You can use hypnosis. And the list goes on and on. There is no shortage of diet programs.
How do you want to manage your weight? You can do it, you know. You can go for surgery and staple your stomach. You can go to a diet doctor and get lots of pills. You can stop eating solids and go on a liquid diet. You can get group support via the Internet. You can lessen urges by acupressure, acupuncture, or aversion therapy. You can count calories or fat grams. You can use hypnosis. And the list goes on and on. There is no shortage of diet programs.
Fat Bastardo Comments: Here is how I manage my weight. I eat whatever the fuck I want. Like our freind the Chef I too am a big man with a big appetite and I "ain't makin no apologies for it" and that is what separates me from the many run of the mill gluttons who are shameful gluttony deniers!
In my practice everyone who wants to lose weight does lose because we add hypnosis to the mix. Hypnotic suggestions make it easier to stick to whatever program you decide to follow. And it is crucial to follow a program. Talk to others and find out about a program that may be new to you. Remember, any diet program will work if you follow it.
In my practice everyone who wants to lose weight does lose because we add hypnosis to the mix. Hypnotic suggestions make it easier to stick to whatever program you decide to follow. And it is crucial to follow a program. Talk to others and find out about a program that may be new to you. Remember, any diet program will work if you follow it.
Fat Bastardo comments: The good doctor is right and I am living proof I follow something similar to Linda Bacon's HAES Health At Every Size only my plan is called EATT Eat All The Time developed by Dr Otto Grazenheimer and let me tell you... It fucking works great! I also use Dr Varken Oinkin's FATT or Food All The Time.
Related: Why Self Esteem is Myth
These people are really fucking happy and we don't need them portrayed as tragic victims by the fat haters and the fat acceptance loony birds.
Fat chicks know how to party and they are not afraid to flaunt it!!
More fat and happy BBWs flaunting their flab!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Fat Bastardo's Wisdom and Quotes

I, Fat Bastardo get a lot of questions on many subjects. This is because it is generally understood that most fat men are wise. Not only am I, Fat Bastardo the voice of fat acceptance I am also a soothsayer.
Be nice to fat people... we have enough on our plates. - Fat Bastardo -
Relationships are like fat people, most of them don't work out. - Fat Bastardo -
Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn't last long for fat people. - Fat Bastardo -
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
A Rebuttal by CG Brady
Bigger Fatter Politics is the most visited fat acceptance site of all time but when I Fat Bastardo posted a Fat Tax cyber debate between CG Brady and me Fat Bastardo I suspect that the servers at Google melted. One of our long time contributors to Bigger Fatter Politics Dr Gerald "Teddy" Bear took great umbrage at the comments made by CG Brady. Knowing that a fat tax or obesity is not only a hot button issue but a socially important issue, I Fat Bastardo will continue a series of discussion on this subject. The following is a rebuttal from CG Brady.
A Rebuttal to Fat Bastardo's Assertions that Obesity and Gluttony is An Economic Stimulus
Fat Bastardo asserts that gluttony is good for the economy because it creates so much more bussiness and increases sales of nearly every resource. That would be true if we were exporting these resources to other obese country but the greatest consumption by American fatlings is food and medical care. The US medical system is a huge drain on our economy and the biggest perpetrator of fraud of all other American industries combined. In fact Blue Cross Blue Shield reports that 33% of every dollar spent on healthcare in the US goes to cover waste and fraud.
FOOD! Most of the food consumed in the US is consumed by fat people. Do the math Bastardo. 75% of Americans are fat or obese. The average fatling consumes twice as much as the average healthy sized person. Because of this over consumption America is importing more and more food. Trade deficits wreck economies.
Low wages! The food industry in the US is huge but they pay their workers poorly. They millions of low paying food jobs hurts the economy.
Absenteeism! Fat people get sick more often and have more sick days. Lower production hurts the US economy.
Presenteeism! Fat people while at work are simply less productive.
Sloth and Gluttony are Choices
Everything a fatling crams into his or her pie hole is a CHOICE. Sure there are a lot of greedy food companies working hand in hand with the medical and drug industry but is all boils down to one undeniable fact. What you put in your shopping cart, order at a restaurant and eventually shove into your pie hole is a choice. When it comes to feeding themselves fat people are just plain irresponsible.
I see you fatlings in your power scooters rooting around Walmart and when your shopping for your pig food is over you waddle to your car. I see you with a caravan of shopping carts being pushed by your chubby and dirty kids.
When fatlings blame their sloth and gluttony on anything and everything but themselves it certainly calls in to questions their character. Sloth greed and gluttony is what ended the Roman Empire and the US will meet the same tragic fate.
To my detractors:
What anti obesity advocates say is unpopular because the truth hurts. We get accused of being Nazis, fat haters, racists, right wingers, Republicans, tea baggers, evil ect ect ect... but the truth is we are telling the truth and offering opinions based on fact. The very types of people that we get accused of being i.e. Nazis, fat haters, racists, right wingers, Republicans, tea baggers, ect are almost always fat!
It's said but true, many fat people are big babies.
They eat themselves into infirmities and then cry about it and blame everything and everyone.
They eat themselves into ugliness and then go out and hate attractive people.
They eat themselves into immobility and with maniacal hate they launch vitriolic rants against people who are athletic and fit.
A Rebuttal to Fat Bastardo's Assertions that Obesity and Gluttony is An Economic Stimulus
Fat Bastardo asserts that gluttony is good for the economy because it creates so much more bussiness and increases sales of nearly every resource. That would be true if we were exporting these resources to other obese country but the greatest consumption by American fatlings is food and medical care. The US medical system is a huge drain on our economy and the biggest perpetrator of fraud of all other American industries combined. In fact Blue Cross Blue Shield reports that 33% of every dollar spent on healthcare in the US goes to cover waste and fraud.
FOOD! Most of the food consumed in the US is consumed by fat people. Do the math Bastardo. 75% of Americans are fat or obese. The average fatling consumes twice as much as the average healthy sized person. Because of this over consumption America is importing more and more food. Trade deficits wreck economies.
Low wages! The food industry in the US is huge but they pay their workers poorly. They millions of low paying food jobs hurts the economy.
Absenteeism! Fat people get sick more often and have more sick days. Lower production hurts the US economy.
Presenteeism! Fat people while at work are simply less productive.
Sloth and Gluttony are Choices
Everything a fatling crams into his or her pie hole is a CHOICE. Sure there are a lot of greedy food companies working hand in hand with the medical and drug industry but is all boils down to one undeniable fact. What you put in your shopping cart, order at a restaurant and eventually shove into your pie hole is a choice. When it comes to feeding themselves fat people are just plain irresponsible.
I see you fatlings in your power scooters rooting around Walmart and when your shopping for your pig food is over you waddle to your car. I see you with a caravan of shopping carts being pushed by your chubby and dirty kids.
When fatlings blame their sloth and gluttony on anything and everything but themselves it certainly calls in to questions their character. Sloth greed and gluttony is what ended the Roman Empire and the US will meet the same tragic fate.
To my detractors:
What anti obesity advocates say is unpopular because the truth hurts. We get accused of being Nazis, fat haters, racists, right wingers, Republicans, tea baggers, evil ect ect ect... but the truth is we are telling the truth and offering opinions based on fact. The very types of people that we get accused of being i.e. Nazis, fat haters, racists, right wingers, Republicans, tea baggers, ect are almost always fat!
It's said but true, many fat people are big babies.
They eat themselves into infirmities and then cry about it and blame everything and everyone.
They eat themselves into ugliness and then go out and hate attractive people.
They eat themselves into immobility and with maniacal hate they launch vitriolic rants against people who are athletic and fit.
Fast Fat Facts: Economic Costs of Obesity
Healthcare Costs
- Obesity-related medical treatment costs between $147 and $210 billion a year, or nearly 10 percent of all annual medical spending (based on 2006 data). The majority of the spending is generated from treating obesity-related diseases such as diabetes.1 Of the $147 billion, Medicare and Medicaid are responsible for $61.8 billion. Medicare and Medicaid spending would be 8.5 percent and 11.8 percent lower, respectively, in the absence of obesity.2 Obese people spend 42 percent more on healthcare costs than healthyweight people.3
- Childhood obesity alone is responsible for $14.1 billion in direct costs.4
- Annually, the average total health expenses for a child treated for obesity under Medicaid is $6,730, while the average health cost for all children covered by Medicaid is $2,446. The average total health expenses for a child treated for obesity under private insurance is $3,743, while the average health cost for all children covered by private insurance is $1,108.5
- Hospitalizations of children and youths with a diagnosis of obesity nearly doubled between 1999 and 2005, while total costs for children and youths with obesity-related hospitalizations increased from $125.9 million in 2001 to $237.6 million in 2005, measured in 2005 dollars.6
- In California alone, the economic costs of overweight, obesity and physical inactivity are estimated to cost $41 billion a year.7
Decreased Worker Productivity and Increased Absenteeism
- Obesity-related job absenteeism costs $4.3 billion annually.8
- Obesity is associated with lower productivity while at work (presenteeism), which costs employers $506 per obese worker per year.9
- As a person's BMI increases, so do the number of sick days, medical claims and healthcare costs associated with that person.10
Higher Workers' Compensation Claims
- A number of studies have shown obese workers have higher workers' compensation claims.11,12,13,14,15,16
- Obese employees had $51,091 in medical claims costs per 100 full-time employees, costs for medical claims for healthy-weight workers was $7,503. And obese workers had $59,178 in indemnity claims costs per 100 full-time employees; healthy-weight indemnity claims cost $5,396.17
Health and Emergency Safety Costs
- Emergency responders and healthcare providers face unique challenges in transporting and treating the heaviest patients. According to one study, the number of severely obese (BMI ≥ 40) patients quadrupled between 1986 and 2000 from one in 200 to one in 50. The number of super-obese (BMI ≥ 50) patients grew by a factor of five, from one in 2,000 to one in 400.18
- A typical ambulance outfitted with equipment and two emergency medical technicians (EMTs) that can transport a 400-pound patient costs $70,000. A specially outfitted bariatric ambulance that can transport patients weighing up to 1,000 pounds costs $110,000.19
- A standard hospital bed can hold 500 pounds and costs $1,000. A bariatric hospital bed that can hold up to 1,000 pounds costs $4,000.20
Where Is This Money Going and to Whom?
This one is a no brainer. The only people reaping rewards from the gluttony bloom and the fat bonanza are the greedy corporations. Is that good for the US economy? NO!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Kate Harding Dead?
Old Fat Girls Never Die They Just Smell That Way
After the demise of NAAFA the Fatosphere exploded in a flabbalache of angry fat girl fat acceptance blogs. The most famous and the angriest belonged to Kate Harding. When cornered with logic or reality Kate would angrily oink the term douche canoe at her detractors where as those of us in the new Man Friendly Fat Acceptance Movement would just oink.
In 2010 fat acceptances' philosopher queen Kate Harding vanished like a fart in the wind only to leave the fatosphere more splintered and even more chaotic. It seems that Kate has paddled her douche canoe into unknown waters leaving another vacuum in the already vacuous and leaderless old fat acceptance movement.
Rumors continue to swirl. Is it true that Kate went on a diet and is not the dreaded and much maligned size 4 that she was famous in condemning? Is she now merely a butter face? Sid she go the Carnie Wilson route and have weight loss surgery.
Like so many fat girls Kate was unable to admit that your can't have obesity without gluttony. If fat girls like Kate Harding were truly fat accepting then they would be gluttony accepting.
Kate's defection to the other side...
Lean and Elegant Me Me Roth |
Unwilling to accept and embrace gluttony Kate has joined forces with her arch nemesis Me Me Roth. Is Kate now working with the Queen of Lean? Are the rumors true. Has Kate's fat girl jealousy finally made her run to Fatopolis and seek out Me Me as her mother confessor?

Let's be honest, Me Me is one of those women that men want to see and fat girls want to be. She's everything a fat girl is never going to be and while the strident and sputtering Kate Harding continued to rail against the so called fat hating society signs of her defection were emerging.
Here is Kate using every fashion and photographic technique in the book trying to look lean and svelte. FAIL! If Kate were really happy with her size she would be wearing polka dots and be much much fatter. Kate is clearly a dieter.
Our internet reporter and fat feminist Rotunda Hindenburg believes that Kate Harding has been booted from the fatosphere for not being fat enough. She believes that jealous fat girls forced Kate out by black mailing her. Rumors suggest that she was seen with Jenny Craig. She has also been seen eating salads and buying SlimFast.
Who will step up and fill the void? Who has the sweep of a Kate Harding? Who else has the verbiage and language skills to slay the fat haters by calling them douche canoes?
Fatty McFatty Fat Fat Fats! aka Marion Kirby from the Rotund opined.
One of the things that bothered me during the Nightline taping was that I got referred to as the leader of the fat acceptance movement. I planned to address it but then MeMe Roth started talking and, well, you know.
So I’m addressing it here, after a week or so of thinking about it. Here’s what I think:
FA doesn’t really have a central leadership body. There’s NAAFA, but NAAFA doesn’t work for everyone, you know? And they do some great work and I’m proud to know the members that I know but….
It isn’t a body to which I look for leadership.
There’s a bunch of us bloggers. But we’re, as much as I love the internet and the powerful community that we build here, still such a new force in the history of FA.
So who are our leaders?
You are.
Got something to say and want to contact Ms Kirby? Contact me Marion Kirby. All hate mail, particularly fat-phobic rants, is subject to mocking.
Ms Kirby is wrong. Every movement needs a central leadership and the FA movement is no exception. NAAFA has been a dismal failure. NAAFA was doing fine until it lost the leadership and vision of founder Bill Fabrey. The movement then degraded into a gluttony denying lean woman hating man hating farce. It remains that way to this day as malingering malcontents, mostly fat girls, oink their foolish sophistries that make all fat people look like liars and idiots.
If the fat girls ever want the Fat Acceptance movement to enjoy an ounce of credibility they need to realize that gluttony is good and that they are gluttons.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Stats For Bigger Fatter Politics
I, Fat Bastardo am pleased to announced that Bigger Fatter Politics is growing rapidly in readership.
Our numbers are skyrocketing. This sort of growth is unprecedented in the Blogosphere. As many of you know, a group of angry fat girls flagged Bigger Fatter Blog and Google placed a bullshit content warning on it but because this is a political blog Google will not fuck with it. Bigger Fatter Blog still receives a healthy flow of traffic but I did not want our readers and future readers thinking there was something sordid on Bigger Fatter Blog. If you want sordid porn there are plenty of sites like that such as Dimensions.
Thank you for your continued support. Bigger Fatter Politics continues to strive to give your its legendary fat centric slant and food centric slant on the body politic.
A perfect pear! |
For this achievement Bigger Fatter Politics has been given the Dr Bear Perfect Pear Award.
On behalf of our staff and reporters and commentators this is Fat Bastard reminding you all to EAT!
UPDATE: Bigger Fatter Politics Stats As of 10/24/2013
Given these impressive numbers I would warn all politicians especially Republican slime that the power of the independent press can destroy your phony baloney careers. That said, stop taking bribes and stop lying and start giving a shit about America. Independent journalists are not beholding to your corporate masters. Keep that in mind SLIME!
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Due to some help from some fat SEO geeks Bigger Fatter Politics experienced another HUGE spike in traffic.

Due to some help from some fat SEO geeks Bigger Fatter Politics experienced another HUGE spike in traffic.
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Attention all you lying sack of shit politicians, pundits and fat feminists; Bigger Fatter Politics has the power to wreck your careers. Next time you think about lying, Bigger Fatter Politics is watching. With that in mind, you might as well start telling the truth.
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