Monday, August 10, 2015

NAAFA is a Cult and Obesity and Gluttony is NOT for Everyone

The Cult of NAAFA

To fully understand NAAFA is to understand a dichotomy in logic. Most NAAFA members we've been in contact with claim to eat very little..sensible diets..even vegetarian diets. All NAAFA members I've spoken to claim to exercise regularly.

But these pictures, of NAAFA members at a Fat Acceptance convention, paint a very different picture.
To obtain body size of this nature, simple biology tells us you must ingest far many calories than you expend.

NAAFA wants you to believe that morbid obesity is healthy, normal and desirable. While obesity and gluttony may be desirable and while it is rapidly becoming the new normal only a total fucking idiot or evil scumbag would deny that obesity often has dire health consequences. This sort of intellectual dishonesty is why we started the Bigger Fatter Blog. Fat people are not morons. NAAFA gives the fat and gluttony haters plenty of grist for the mill with their lunacy. Bigger Fatter Blog simply and effectively disarms the fat haters by admitting the obvious truth. Fat people are gluttons. NAAFA and other FA orgs think that there is something wrong with sloth and gluttony. We are here to tell people that gluttony and sloth are acceptable behaviors just as being morbidly obese is and should be an acceptable condition. Everything has its risks. We accept those risks because we think the benefits are worth that risk. If you don't think it is worth the risk we won't judge you like the sicko NAAFA sluts will.

NAAFA promotes a "fat and happy" idealology. I have no doubt that some of these people are indeed having fun and enjoying themselves at a fat acceptance convention. Hell, when Proud FA and I show up with our Godiva chocolates, and selection of fine wine and cheeses they are ecstatic because they know they are going to be in for a good feed and a sexy sausage session with Proud FA.

Believing that one can be truly happy while morbidly obese, with all the health and mobility problems it entails, on a day to day basis is a different story altogether. True fat acceptance accepts the risks of being morbidly obese. Gluttony and obesity is not for the faint of heart. The denial in which cults like NAAFA indulge only weakens the movement because it just is so damn ridiculous and absurd. It also denies the very real risks of the gluttonous life style. True obesity promoters and fat accepters bravely and happily accept these risks.

NAAFA is frequently referred to as a death cult, for very good reason. To be a member of NAAFA, you must unwittingly accept the undeniable health consequences of obesity by drinking their Kool Ade. As widely documented studies prove, obesity can lead to a host of debilitating health problems—including early death—most of which are reversable through weight loss.

From NAAFA's site:

"Because being fat can be both a physically and emotionally isolating experience, NAAFA has helped to create and sustain a fat subculture. " The problem with that statement is Fat people are much more emotionally and socially healthier than size typical people.

This cult would rather you pretend to be part of an elitist group, entitiled to special privileges, rather than confront the obvious truth: Obesity can be an unwanted social stigma. Morbid obesity is dangerous and demeaning to some people who are not meant to be fat. It is not a desirable condition for everyone.

Note: Use of the images on this site constitutes "fair use" under United States copyright law Title 17 , chapter 1 , Sec. 107.

One thing that is striking about NAAFA is the absence of fat men. NAAFA was once a proud advocate for fat people but once that was achieved they became rebels with out a clue and they got into strange politics and began aligning themselves with a fringe element of people calling themselves fat feminists. NAAFA has become the ole girls club as has most fat acceptance organizations.


  1. Gross. My eyes! *severely traumatised*

    1. Women that fat can also put a hurt on your nose. All their nooks and crannies hold a lot of funky smelling stuff.

    2. This is so true Fat Bastardo. Before you can pork one of them you have to soak them in a hot tub and add a lot of bleach.


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