Bigger Fatter Politics is a fact based news source for all things fat and political. We present news and presidential politics from a fat centric and food centric perspective.
Showing posts with label NAAFA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NAAFA. Show all posts
Monday, August 10, 2015
NAAFA is a Cult and Obesity and Gluttony is NOT for Everyone
The Cult of NAAFA
To fully understand NAAFA is to understand a dichotomy in logic. Most NAAFA members we've been in contact with claim to eat very little..sensible diets..even vegetarian diets. All NAAFA members I've spoken to claim to exercise regularly.
But these pictures, of NAAFA members at a Fat Acceptance convention, paint a very different picture.
To obtain body size of this nature, simple biology tells us you must ingest far many calories than you expend.
NAAFA wants you to believe that morbid obesity is healthy, normal and desirable. While obesity and gluttony may be desirable and while it is rapidly becoming the new normal only a total fucking idiot or evil scumbag would deny that obesity often has dire health consequences. This sort of intellectual dishonesty is why we started the Bigger Fatter Blog. Fat people are not morons. NAAFA gives the fat and gluttony haters plenty of grist for the mill with their lunacy. Bigger Fatter Blog simply and effectively disarms the fat haters by admitting the obvious truth. Fat people are gluttons. NAAFA and other FA orgs think that there is something wrong with sloth and gluttony. We are here to tell people that gluttony and sloth are acceptable behaviors just as being morbidly obese is and should be an acceptable condition. Everything has its risks. We accept those risks because we think the benefits are worth that risk. If you don't think it is worth the risk we won't judge you like the sicko NAAFA sluts will.
NAAFA promotes a "fat and happy" idealology. I have no doubt that some of these people are indeed having fun and enjoying themselves at a fat acceptance convention. Hell, when Proud FA and I show up with our Godiva chocolates, and selection of fine wine and cheeses they are ecstatic because they know they are going to be in for a good feed and a sexy sausage session with Proud FA.
Believing that one can be truly happy while morbidly obese, with all the health and mobility problems it entails, on a day to day basis is a different story altogether. True fat acceptance accepts the risks of being morbidly obese. Gluttony and obesity is not for the faint of heart. The denial in which cults like NAAFA indulge only weakens the movement because it just is so damn ridiculous and absurd. It also denies the very real risks of the gluttonous life style. True obesity promoters and fat accepters bravely and happily accept these risks.
NAAFA is frequently referred to as a death cult, for very good reason. To be a member of NAAFA, you must unwittingly accept the undeniable health consequences of obesity by drinking their Kool Ade. As widely documented studies prove, obesity can lead to a host of debilitating health problems—including early death—most of which are reversable through weight loss.
From NAAFA's site:
"Because being fat can be both a physically and emotionally isolating experience, NAAFA has helped to create and sustain a fat subculture. " The problem with that statement is Fat people are much more emotionally and socially healthier than size typical people.
This cult would rather you pretend to be part of an elitist group, entitiled to special privileges, rather than confront the obvious truth: Obesity can be an unwanted social stigma. Morbid obesity is dangerous and demeaning to some people who are not meant to be fat. It is not a desirable condition for everyone.
Note: Use of the images on this site constitutes "fair use" under United States copyright law Title 17 , chapter 1 , Sec. 107.
One thing that is striking about NAAFA is the absence of fat men. NAAFA was once a proud advocate for fat people but once that was achieved they became rebels with out a clue and they got into strange politics and began aligning themselves with a fringe element of people calling themselves fat feminists. NAAFA has become the ole girls club as has most fat acceptance organizations.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Jennifer Livingston Another Whining Fat Girl
Jennifer About to Have a Massive Foodgasm! |
People are still opining on this!
The growth of this "fat acceptance" culture in America leaves me legitimately confused. Not only are we expected to treat obese people with respect and never urge them to lose weight, but somehow we should welcome fat people into our standards of what's socially acceptable and beautiful. What kind of idiot believes people should reform standard sof beauty to accept obese or fat people? Humans inherently view slimness as ideal--it's a sign of health, hygiene, and to some extent intelligence. Obesity is an abnormal lifestyle that exists due to excess; it's not natural and never should be treated as such.
That whole debacle over that fat news reporter getting infuriated over some guy telling her to lose weight in the most kind, gentle terms really brought this all full circle. Link here. This guy never called the reporter "fat", "obese", or "overweight" directly; he never attacked her for her weight; he never made his comments public (they were in a private f*cking e-mail, and she CHOSE to make his comment public in an attempt to garner sympathy). All he did was encourage and try to motivate her to lose weight to promote a healthy lifestyle, a lifestyle EVERYONE should aspire to adopt. What we saw was this woman berate him like some sort of bully, misrepresent what he said in the crudest of fashions, and then cry crocodile tears as the public and media rallied behind her. It was pathetic.
I just wish fat people would realize their lifestyle isn't healthy, isn't sustainable, isn't ideal, and isn't admirable; there is no reason to respect an obese lifestyle when it's immoral and dangerous.
Fat Bastardo weighs in:
This is what set the angry fat girl off and caused her journalistic stampede like a herd of angry NAAFA sows on their way to an all you can eat buffet. |
I am in agreement with most of the above. Jennifer Livingston is not only a whiny fat girl but she is also intellectually dishonest which is why the fat accetptance movemet has stalled and otherwise failed miserably in Bill Fabrey's dream of AIDING FAT PEOPLE! Had Jennifer Livingston been honest she not only would not apologized for her sized but celebrated her gluttony and proclaimed that GLUTTONY IS GOOD! Instead Jennifer Livingston cried lied and denied and attacked this thinling man like she was an enraged hippo defending her calf. Once again, Ms Livingston like other fat girls set fat and gluttony promotion back another 10 years. This is just one more example of how fat feminism is fucking things up for fatlings everywhere.
Obesity is more than aesthetics. It's an indicator of a dangerous and disgusting lifestyle. It tells a person that you let immediate gratification dictate your life choices.
Fat Bastardo weighs in:
Here is where I take umbrage. While gluttony is a lifestyle choice and has it's dangers it is not a "disgusting" lifestyle. Gluttony is a great lifestyle. While the fat girls who ruined fat acceptance with chant, "Fat by Nature Proud by Choice those of us in the TRUE FA movement proclaim, PROUD by Nature and FAT by Choice. We can be any size we want and WE CHOOSE FAT. If fat girls like Jennifer can't handle the fat then they need to stop being fat!
Cute. Losing weight is easy. There's nothing self-righteous or egotistical about wanting people to either get in shape or realize they have a problem and stop lobbying for society to accept their laziness.
Fat Bastardo weighs in:
We fatlings are the overwhelming majority. We are society. We make the rules and we set the norms. Thinlings don't dictate to us, WE dictate to them not the other way around! Losing weight is easy but gaining it is fun. We are large and in charge!
I am thrilled that fatlings are the majority and dictating the ideal lifestyle, regardless of it being a lifestyle that is unsustainable, toxic, and guaranteed to lead you to reduced life expectancy. This is a brilliant proposition for advancing society. I am stunned by how incredibly ingenious it is to say "fuck it" and sit by the wayside while obesity skyrockets in the U.S. OINK!
Related: Kenneth Krause the accused fat shamer of Jennifer Livingston stands his ground.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Regarding NAAFA, Feederism and the New American Fat Acceptance Movement: A Firestorm Revisited
Regarding NAAFA, Feederism and the New American Fat Acceptance Movement.
Some time ago a reporter from CNN interviewed Bigger Fatter Blog's Proud FA and part of that interview is on Wikipedia. We will be updating this article when more information becomes available.
Has anyone heard these terms used before? It seems like terms some guy just made up for this article or something. (talk) 00:38, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
- I have heard of the term of "Maintainer" before, specifically on | Growing Guysand | Beefyfrat, but I have yet to have heard "Appreciator" Before.--Fumitol (talk) 01:29, 9 May 2010 (UTC)
Wikipedia also makes reference to Fat Bastard
Relation to fat acceptance movement
Some people involved in the fat acceptance movement argue that fat fetishism undermines social movements towards fat acceptance, through counter-productive objectification and dehumanization of fat people. They argue that often, fat fetishists (specifically feeders) derive sexual pleasure from increasing immobility, disability, or helplessness in the fat person through weight gain. Some people take issue with the coercion which is sometimes involved in fat fetishism.NAAFA draws a distinction between fat fetishism and fat admiration: NAAFA states that "a preference for a fat partner is as valid as any other preference based on physical characteristics",[3] but also condemns feederism as coercive.[2] NAAFA advocating that people "celebrate the current weight of their partner as one aspect of the whole person".[2]
Others in the Fat Acceptance Movement such as Mike (Fat Bastard) Gerard of NAFAM (New American Fat Acceptance Movement) takes a neutral position on feederism and sees no difference between fat admiration and fat fetishism.
NAAFA's condemnation of feederism was weak at best as NAAFA had/has a long standing relationship and productive history with Conrad Blickenstorfer's and his Dimensions Magazine, the internet's leading gaining and feederism site. Blickenstorfer (the Godfather of Feedersim) remianed on NAAFA's board of directors long after NAAFA's anemic condemnation of feederism.
I, Fat Bastard and Proud FA took a lot of heat from the fatosphere for exposing NAAFA's hypocrisy and duplicity. I guess some people just can't handle the truth or admit that their stewardship of the fat acceptance movement is what destroyed it.
The following are some exchanges that occurred between Proud FA, Wolf, Pig and I and some angry NAAFA girls.
- Pig said...
- Angry Sow said...
- You need a fact checker. Conrad has not been involved with NAAFA in over 5 years. It was after that time that NAAFA made their statement against feederism.
- Fat Bastard said...
- Anon, you are full of shit. What NAAFA says officially and what is really going on are two different things.
The fact remains that he was involved heavily (pun intended) with NAAFA for a very long time. When NAAFA condemned Conrad and feederism their membership and donations plummeted. NAAFA's dishonesty and hypocrisy came back and bit them.
They need a rooster in that hen house and Conrad was the rooster they needed.
Here at Bigger Fatter Blog we actively promote gluttony. NAAFA did the same thing but they denied they were promoting gluttony. If Conrad had been allowed to take the helm NAAFA would not be the joke it is today.
Dimension Magazine remains the Cadillac of gaining and feederism. Dimensions is unsurpassed by all the Johnny come lately feeder sites.
The only person to do more for fat acceptance than Conrad was Bill Fabrey. We are now carrying the Bill Fabrey torch. Our position on feederism and gaining remains neutral. We welcome gainers and feeders into the New American Fat Acceptance Movement (NAFAM)
Both Bill and Conrad got it right. Neither Conrad nor Bill need NAAFA but NAAFA needs them. Sadly NAAFA is too stupid to see it.
Angry Sow, you are full of shit. Let's see some proof.
- Pig said...
- NAAFA Defector said...
- I agree Fat Bastard you fat bastard. NAAFA's position on feederism is hypocritical. The conventions have always been a feederist orgy.
Conrad was the best thing that ever happened to NAAFA. The NAAFA position hurt the entire movement. When the angry dykes and the other fat femminists took over it was like letting the inmates run the asylum.
Thank God for you Fat Bastard and your Bigger Fatter Blog. Now we fatlings stand a fighting chance.
- Fat Acceptance Womyn said...
- You should not attack NAAFA, the only group that is actually effective
in standing up for the rights of persons of size. Feederism is a
dangerous practice akin to slavery, in which a man forces a woman to
change her body size for his own gratification. We believe that womyn
have the right to choose their own food according to the principles of
Intuitive Eating, and in harmony with the guiding teaching of Health at
Every Size. It is about liberation, but your acceptance of feederism is
the opposite for womyn because it denies them their right to eat
according to Intuitive Eating.
You need to throw your support under the auspices of NAAFA leadership and reject feederism and perhaps there could even be a position of leadership available to you even though you are a former NAAFA member and have turned against the movement and thus against all womyn of size.
But as it stands right now your movement sounds like just a bunch of feeder apologists rather than a Fat Acceptance movement. You also deny the science behind obesity by insisting on an unproven relationship between calorie intake and weight, failing to comprehend the different metabolic processes of a womyn as she goes through the different stages of her life. All womyn experience this but men do not, and thus it is usually hard for an unenlightened man to understand this and appreciate a sensual woman with real curves.
Fat Acceptance Womyn
- Proud FA said...
- As the Dean of Feedersim all I can say is poppycock.
Perhaps you need a little history lesson about NAAFA. NAAFA was started by a MAN. NAAFA meant National Association AIDING Fat Americans. That man was Bill Fabrey and his vision was correct.
NAAFA hit its stride and was gaining members when a MAN Conrad Blickenstorfer was in charge of the hen house.
Since according to NAAFA there is no such thing as too fat then all a feeder is doing is helping these fat girls reach their metabolic set point and ideal weight.
These feedees have a mind of their own. They choose to be fed by a feeder. I know that you "womyn" think that men should please women but "womyn should not please men. IN the feeder feedee relationship both parties get pleased.
It's funny that there are not female feeders. It seems that you fat girls only want skinny guys like me. DOUBLE STANDARD MUCH??
HAES is bullshit. With the fake food today eating it based on intuition will make you fat. Womyn are really fucking stupid. When I was porking fat girls like you none of them had a clue about how many calories they were eating and when I was feeding them I could tell those sows to within 1/4 of a pound how much they would gain.
Today I am engaged to a skinny woman because I want to have healthy kids. Many FAs end up with skinny woman after they are through sowing their wild oats.
You fat girls screwed Bill Fabrey and you screwed Conrad the two people who did the most for the SA movement. Maybe if you fat girls stopped hating men and skinny girls people would take the SA/FA movement seriously. Right now it's a joke.
ALL fat people are gluttons and you NAAFA womyn are no exception. Embrace your gluttonous nature and realize that gluttony is good and the obese will take you seriously. - PS There are more fat men than fat women so you can take your hormone theory and blow it out your fat asses.
- Wolf said...
- Obesity boils down to calories in, calories out. The human body cannot
work any other way, just ask any doctor who ISN”T a quack and you will
get the same answer. When you eat too much and move too little you get
fat. The people at NAAFA are in denial, big time pig time and intuitive
eating is a sham. The people at NAAFA would have us believe that the
recent rise in obesity is somehow not real and obesity does not endanger
your health. Every thinking individual in this world knows this to be
false and a convenient excuse to remain as a big tub of lard. What they
don’t want to face is that people are gluttonous and that it is human
nature to greedily consume more than your fair share. NAAFA may be good
for fighting fat discrimination or standing up for the rights of fatties
but they sure as hell don’t get it when it comes to why people are
getting fat and why they cannot lose or will not lose weight. Feederism
is a big reason why people are fat and almost everyone practices it in
some form or another. Our love affair with food, its availability and
overabundance makes feederism all too easy. Our overindulgent lifestyle
and our inability to say no to food, greed, and gluttony is evidence of
BTW, none of this matters in the slightest. As the US prints more and more money to prop up its government sponsored entitlements and the dollar inflates beyond control the big global economic cataclysm that is looming in the background will hit us like a tidal wave of reality. Once that happens all the gluttons will be nothing more than food for the savage hordes that will be let lose upon our soft, weak, gluttonous society. We are a fat weak nation of morons who are over dependant on electronic gadgets, petroleum, fast food and soft living and our demise is near. Too bad we are just too busy eating like pigs to notice.
- Proud FA said...
- Wolf,
I am filling in for Fat Bastard because he is still recovering from a fecal impaction and he is heavily medicated.
Calories in vs calories out? Both Fat Bastard and I agree with you 100%. It really is that simple.
There are a lot of weight loss scams and doctors are a big part of it.
Neither Fat Bastard nor I will deny that obesity has many serious health risks but the fact remains fatlings are not going to stop their greedy gluttony. We have no choice but to accept it and therefore Fat Bastard and I created the NEW fat acceptance movement.
You don't see the big picture yet. Obesity is good. Obesity will create many opportunities for other gluttons like the corporate medical industry and health care jobs and these are jobs that can't be off-shored.
NAAFA is comprised of angry man hating fat girls. Fat girls are not the sharpest cheddar so they will deny the laws of physics and buy into the Kelly Bliss and Linda Bacon HAES bullshit.
NAAFA hurts fatlings. Most fatlings are NOT in denial about their gluttony but sadly they are ashamed of it. Given the scientific reality of obesity there cannot be fat acceptance without gluttony acceptance.
We want fatlings to know that gluttony is GOOD! - Fat Acceptance Womyn said...
- I take offense at a lot of what you are saying. I know that NAAFA was
founded by a man, but he was an enlightened man who stood up for the
rights of womyn of size, which does not seem to be on your agenda at
all. Therefore if you are not part of the solution then you are part of
the problem.
Let's face the facts, NAAFA leadership has expanded the rights of persons of size both men and womyn and is a place where womyn can express themselves in a judgment-free zone, unlike in the male-dominated world outside where womyn are judged solely based on their genetic predisposition towards being anorexic. We take a broader view and recognize the rights of ALL humans, whether they are large or small or in between.
It is true that there is no such thing as "too fat" just as there is no such thing as "too tall" or "too short" or "too left-handed". Our bodies naturally attune to their appropriate weight by adjusting the metabolism to what the body intakes, to reach the pre-determined weight. This is why diets fail, since the body merely reduces the metabolism. When one eats to their heart's content they reach their appropriate weight.
However feederism is a subversion of this natural process, in which a man seeks to dominate and control his partner by causing her to eat more than she wants to eat, often under threats of physical violence, or with emotional abuse and ridicule about her weight, or by making her afraid that he will leave her if she does not eat more. This can cause weight gain to increase beyond what the natural amount would be if following Intuitive Eating.
We believe that eating is a personal choice, and should not be forced upon us by men for their fetishes. Womyn have been treated as sex objects for milennia, and NAAFA is the way to end this.
Of course if there were female feeders we would oppose this as well, but of course there are none because only men are capable of such evil. Women are more in tune with the earth, and their bodies, and thus they do not seek pleasure by inflicting pain on others. It's basic science.
As for the preferences of womyn of size, they can pick their mates at will. Who says it even has to be a man? This is just more of the hetero-normative garbage that the media has been spewing for the last 50 years. A womyn needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. But for those womyn who deign to choose men, weight has nothing to do with it. Men should be attracted to womyn based on their personality only, not on such irrelevant factors such as body size. Get it?
It doesn't matter if you marry a thin womyn or not, but I just hope that you do not engage in feederism with her and that if she does I hope she ends the relationship. I also hope that she joins NAAFA.
To respond to Mr. Wolf, the body's calorie intake affects your metabolism. The more calories you intake, the higher your metabolism, which burns more calories in excess of your natural weight. This is why diets only work temporarily and yo-yo diets actually increase weight gain by throwing the natural metabolism out of balance.
Also there are many health benefits of being a person of size, such as a higher chance of surviving a heart attack. Your own "Teddy Bear" has even pointed out that he saw a skinny man die of a heart attack but has never seen a fat man die of a heart attack. This is scientific evidence that cannot be ignored.
Let's just face the facts and agree that the so-called health detriments of obesity are actually caused by the SHAME and tormenting done by the mass media, fashion magazines that give young womyn unrealistic expectations of their body size, and men's unrealistic expectations of womny's body size based on PORNOGRAPHY magazines and the like, are the real culprits here.
Fat Acceptance Womyn
- Fat Bastard said...
You Womyn are always bitching about something.
Our Agenda is the same as Bill Fabrey's and more. Bill set out to AID fat people and he is doing that to this very day with Ample Stuff. We are doing what NAFFA does but does not acknowledge. WE PROMOTE GLUTTONY AND OBESITY for ALL fatlings not just the ones with a vagina. That is the reason for why Google analytics says that Bigger Fatter Blog is the leading fat acceptance site. Bigger Fatter Blog represents fat people of every age, gender, race, color, creed and political stripe.
Fat people are gluttons and this bullshit denial of the obesity gluttony connection has hurt the movement and it has hurt fat people. Most fatling know that they are gluttons but they think that gluttony is a bad thing. Gluttony is the last tabboo. We are here to tell people that GLUTTONY IS GOOD!
The way you fat girls blame lean and skinny women for the fact that you are fat and bitter about it never ceases to amaze me. Stop playing the victims. You fat girls get laid a hell of a lot more than fat guys and you fat girls fuck a lot more and get knocked up a lot more than skinny women. You fat womyn are just a dildo or a tongue away form getting your switches flicked. We fat guys have all sorts of problems getting wood even if we can find a girl who will fuck us. To make matters worse many of us are too fat to fuck a fat girl. In spite of that we fat boys are not a bunch of whiners and we are not out there playing the victim.
Leave it to a womyn to deny the laws of physics and human metabolism. I have lost weight and I maintained that weight loss for 8 months but then I decided to return to my gluttonous ways and I suffered a recent fecal impaction as a result but is was worth it. FOOD RULES! FOOD IS MY GOD and it is your God too!
Food is love.
Before you womyn come here with all your out dated fat feminist NAAFA drivel you may want to read more of this blog.
You are also misrepresenting Dr Bear's work and statements. Dr Bear's work with fat soma-types is cutting edge. If you took the time to read his work on apples vs pears you would not make such misinformed statements regarding his body of work. Dr Bear's work is cutting edge and IMO should be included in every fat studies program here and abroad. IMO Teddy's work is the ONLY credible work published by anyone in the movement. Wann, Bliss, Campos and Portnick are not only unqualified but they are a joke. Teddy understands the science of it. He's the first and the best bariatric nutritionist on the planet. Teddy's mindful diet combined with his pear shape and low testosterone is why he has not had a heart attack. I could never have a BMI as high are Teddy and live more than a few months.
Happy Fat Girl |
Monday, May 20, 2013
Why Fat Acceptance Has Failed
Why Fat Acceptance Has Failed
For anyone who thinks that the FA movement has been a success I have a
bridge in Brooklyn that may interest you. What percentage of the fat and
obese US population is a member of the FA movement. Is it one percent?
NOPE! Is it .5%? Nope it's lower than that. How about .1%? WRONG! Maybe
it's .01%? Not even close? According to the data there are less than
10,000 members of the FA movement in he US. There are three "major"
groups, NAAFA, ISAA and Bigger Fatter Blog aka New American Fat
Acceptance Movement or NAFAM.
NAAFA has been around for over forty years and still nobody takes them seriously. They have been the go to source for the mainstream media to contact when they are presenting a story about obesity or size discrimination but even that is changing because today Fat Bastard and Bigger Fatter Blog is rapidly becoming the go to source on all things fat and it has all happened as a result of the humble blog spot blog. There is a saying in advertising; "It's not the media, it's the message" In a few short years Fat Bastard, Bigger Fatter Blog and its contributors like Rev BLA, Teddy Bear, Belly Boy, The Chef, Rotunda Hindenberg and other too many to mention have sent that message worldwide but more about that later.
Why after over forty years has NAAFA failed to reach the growing legions of lard?
As the waistlines and gluttony of Americans continue to grow with no end is site the size of the fat acceptance movement continues to shrink. Remember when I said it's not the media but rather the message? Fatlings are not buying the NAAFA brand because they know it is bullshit and more than that it is an insult to the intelligence fatlings everywhere.
The biggest flaw in the NAAFA message is the denial of the laws of physics. More specifically it is their denial of the gluttony/obesity connection. I think if one of their heroes suck Paul Campos, Kelly Bliss or Linda Bacon told them that there earth was flat they'd believe. In fact there are more flat Earthers that there are people who take NAAFA seriously. Perhaps that is because the flat Earthers have more credibility.
NAAFA style Fat Acceptance is an all girls club.
That would be fine but there are more overweight men than women. Men are bigger gluttons and there are more of them but men are woefully under represented in today's out dated and silly FA movement. Maybe NAAFA should change its name to NAAFAG. or National Association of Angry Fat American Girls because that's what they are. The NAAFIAN lie a lot and one lie they have told is that Fat Bastard is a misogynist because he has been critical of the fat feminist invasion of the FA movement. Like all straight men Fat Bastard loves lesbians. In fact girl on girl action is his favorite form of porn albeit they are usually skinny chicks.
Fat Bastard loves women. His stance against WLS is very pro woman because most WLS victims are fat girls.
NAAFA's anti diet stance

Susan Power: Lesbian, Feminist, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Guru and no Fat Bastard you can't convert her even with your "educated" tongue.
To NAAFA dieting is a mortal sin and people like Richard Simmons, Jenny Craig, MeMe Roth and Susan Powter are evil incarnate. Susan Powter must really throw them for a loop because Susan Powter is a rug munching man hating feminist just like them with the only difference being is Susan Powter is not a glutton.
Fat people do go on weight loss diets and lose weight. Fat Bastard himself has lost weight and maintained that weight loss for over a year with no effort. NAAFA and site like Big Fat Blog will not allow any diet talk.... AND they call MeMe Roth a Nazi? Not allowing diet talk is like having a church that won't let in sinners. What do they fear? If their arguments were sound you'd think that they would relish the opportunity to exploit these teaching moments.
The exclusion of feederism and the hypocrisy
For a long time the leading feederism site Dimensions Magazine and NAAFA were joined at the hip as well as the genitals. This was probably the golden age of fat acceptance but NAAFA, bowing to the even angrier man hating rug munching fat feminists pressured NAAFA to condemn feederism and fat female heterosexuality. The feederism movement is growing in leaps and bound with very busy sites popping up all over the world. The same cannot be said about the fat acceptance movement which remains in a steep nosedive.
Feederism and fat acceptance belong together. Feederism is a pillar of real fat acceptance. The celebration of gluttony is another pillar. If you want to read rational and intelligent discussions of fat acceptance you can find them here on Bigger Fatter Blog or on Dimensions Magazine. If you go to sites like Big Fat Blog or FierceFreethinking Fatties
all you will read is the same tired malingering, stale arguments and
dishonesty that has been the hallmark of NAAFA and its dwindling loony
Real Women Have Curves?
Talk about misogyny! Sheeeesh! Not only is that statement chauvinistic and demeaning to all women it's not even true because if it were true Kelly Bliss would not be a real woman. She'd be a refrigerator with legs and a fat balding head.

Curves or a refrigerator with legs and a head showing male pattern baldness? You tell me?

MeMe Roth on the other hand has some dangerous curves.
I often wonder if MeMe Roth were a man instead of a gorgeous woman if the angry fat girls would be so hateful, vile and catty when talking about her. Dr Oz also talks about the gluttony/obesity connection, childhood obesity and gluttony and the heath consequences to those who choose a gluttonous lifestyle. Fat girls probably get all hot over a skinny guy like Dr Oz. Fat girls see a woman like MeMe Roth and they see red. They never attack MeMe's message and if they gave it some thought they would have some valid arguments but instead they attack MeMe personally. That sort of demagoguery is bad to fat people and bad for the FA movement.
Deep down these fat girls know that MeMe Roth is woman men want to see and the woman that most fat girls including them want to be, so they hate her. She reminds them over everything they can never be such as educated, desirable and classy.
NAAFA has been around for over forty years and still nobody takes them seriously. They have been the go to source for the mainstream media to contact when they are presenting a story about obesity or size discrimination but even that is changing because today Fat Bastard and Bigger Fatter Blog is rapidly becoming the go to source on all things fat and it has all happened as a result of the humble blog spot blog. There is a saying in advertising; "It's not the media, it's the message" In a few short years Fat Bastard, Bigger Fatter Blog and its contributors like Rev BLA, Teddy Bear, Belly Boy, The Chef, Rotunda Hindenberg and other too many to mention have sent that message worldwide but more about that later.
Why after over forty years has NAAFA failed to reach the growing legions of lard?
As the waistlines and gluttony of Americans continue to grow with no end is site the size of the fat acceptance movement continues to shrink. Remember when I said it's not the media but rather the message? Fatlings are not buying the NAAFA brand because they know it is bullshit and more than that it is an insult to the intelligence fatlings everywhere.
The biggest flaw in the NAAFA message is the denial of the laws of physics. More specifically it is their denial of the gluttony/obesity connection. I think if one of their heroes suck Paul Campos, Kelly Bliss or Linda Bacon told them that there earth was flat they'd believe. In fact there are more flat Earthers that there are people who take NAAFA seriously. Perhaps that is because the flat Earthers have more credibility.
NAAFA style Fat Acceptance is an all girls club.
That would be fine but there are more overweight men than women. Men are bigger gluttons and there are more of them but men are woefully under represented in today's out dated and silly FA movement. Maybe NAAFA should change its name to NAAFAG. or National Association of Angry Fat American Girls because that's what they are. The NAAFIAN lie a lot and one lie they have told is that Fat Bastard is a misogynist because he has been critical of the fat feminist invasion of the FA movement. Like all straight men Fat Bastard loves lesbians. In fact girl on girl action is his favorite form of porn albeit they are usually skinny chicks.
Fat Bastard loves women. His stance against WLS is very pro woman because most WLS victims are fat girls.
NAAFA's anti diet stance
Susan Power: Lesbian, Feminist, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Guru and no Fat Bastard you can't convert her even with your "educated" tongue.
To NAAFA dieting is a mortal sin and people like Richard Simmons, Jenny Craig, MeMe Roth and Susan Powter are evil incarnate. Susan Powter must really throw them for a loop because Susan Powter is a rug munching man hating feminist just like them with the only difference being is Susan Powter is not a glutton.
Fat people do go on weight loss diets and lose weight. Fat Bastard himself has lost weight and maintained that weight loss for over a year with no effort. NAAFA and site like Big Fat Blog will not allow any diet talk.... AND they call MeMe Roth a Nazi? Not allowing diet talk is like having a church that won't let in sinners. What do they fear? If their arguments were sound you'd think that they would relish the opportunity to exploit these teaching moments.
The exclusion of feederism and the hypocrisy
For a long time the leading feederism site Dimensions Magazine and NAAFA were joined at the hip as well as the genitals. This was probably the golden age of fat acceptance but NAAFA, bowing to the even angrier man hating rug munching fat feminists pressured NAAFA to condemn feederism and fat female heterosexuality. The feederism movement is growing in leaps and bound with very busy sites popping up all over the world. The same cannot be said about the fat acceptance movement which remains in a steep nosedive.
Feederism and fat acceptance belong together. Feederism is a pillar of real fat acceptance. The celebration of gluttony is another pillar. If you want to read rational and intelligent discussions of fat acceptance you can find them here on Bigger Fatter Blog or on Dimensions Magazine. If you go to sites like Big Fat Blog or Fierce
Real Women Have Curves?
Talk about misogyny! Sheeeesh! Not only is that statement chauvinistic and demeaning to all women it's not even true because if it were true Kelly Bliss would not be a real woman. She'd be a refrigerator with legs and a fat balding head.
Curves or a refrigerator with legs and a head showing male pattern baldness? You tell me?
MeMe Roth on the other hand has some dangerous curves.
I often wonder if MeMe Roth were a man instead of a gorgeous woman if the angry fat girls would be so hateful, vile and catty when talking about her. Dr Oz also talks about the gluttony/obesity connection, childhood obesity and gluttony and the heath consequences to those who choose a gluttonous lifestyle. Fat girls probably get all hot over a skinny guy like Dr Oz. Fat girls see a woman like MeMe Roth and they see red. They never attack MeMe's message and if they gave it some thought they would have some valid arguments but instead they attack MeMe personally. That sort of demagoguery is bad to fat people and bad for the FA movement.
Deep down these fat girls know that MeMe Roth is woman men want to see and the woman that most fat girls including them want to be, so they hate her. She reminds them over everything they can never be such as educated, desirable and classy.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Chris Chrstie's Approval Rating
Last time I looked Chris Christie's approval rating was 74%. This tells me two things. First it tells me that when somebody tells Republicans in Congress to go fuck themselves almost everybody likes it. It also says what I've been saying all along. Fat hatred is a myth. Chris Christie is by far the biggest fattest and most gluttonous politician in modern history and he is also the most popular. The crybaby whiners in the angry fat girl fat acceptance movement need to pull their heads out of their yeasty crotches and face reality. They may not like fat people and we know that fat girls don't like fat men because fat guys are unable to pork fat girls. They probably also don't like Chris Christie because his wife is semi-hot. Fat guys on the other hand, admire Chris Christie for having a semi-hot and almost not fat wife.
Chris Christie is no dummy. He knows that if he had a fat and stinky wife he would be unable to pork her. Because he doesn't want to screw around the way Gen. David Petreus to on his fat wife he hooked up with a semi hot almost not fat wife. That must drive the angry man hating fat girls in the NAAFA style fat acceptance crazy.
Had that skinny runt Andrew Cuomo gone on the attack for New York the way Christie did for New Jersey nobody would've cared. People love it when a fat guy throws his weight around and that's why everybody marveled at Chris Christie's large and in charge attitudes and actions.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Kate Harding Dead?
Old Fat Girls Never Die They Just Smell That Way
After the demise of NAAFA the Fatosphere exploded in a flabbalache of angry fat girl fat acceptance blogs. The most famous and the angriest belonged to Kate Harding. When cornered with logic or reality Kate would angrily oink the term douche canoe at her detractors where as those of us in the new Man Friendly Fat Acceptance Movement would just oink.
In 2010 fat acceptances' philosopher queen Kate Harding vanished like a fart in the wind only to leave the fatosphere more splintered and even more chaotic. It seems that Kate has paddled her douche canoe into unknown waters leaving another vacuum in the already vacuous and leaderless old fat acceptance movement.
Rumors continue to swirl. Is it true that Kate went on a diet and is not the dreaded and much maligned size 4 that she was famous in condemning? Is she now merely a butter face? Sid she go the Carnie Wilson route and have weight loss surgery.
Like so many fat girls Kate was unable to admit that your can't have obesity without gluttony. If fat girls like Kate Harding were truly fat accepting then they would be gluttony accepting.
Kate's defection to the other side...
Lean and Elegant Me Me Roth |
Unwilling to accept and embrace gluttony Kate has joined forces with her arch nemesis Me Me Roth. Is Kate now working with the Queen of Lean? Are the rumors true. Has Kate's fat girl jealousy finally made her run to Fatopolis and seek out Me Me as her mother confessor?

Let's be honest, Me Me is one of those women that men want to see and fat girls want to be. She's everything a fat girl is never going to be and while the strident and sputtering Kate Harding continued to rail against the so called fat hating society signs of her defection were emerging.
Here is Kate using every fashion and photographic technique in the book trying to look lean and svelte. FAIL! If Kate were really happy with her size she would be wearing polka dots and be much much fatter. Kate is clearly a dieter.
Our internet reporter and fat feminist Rotunda Hindenburg believes that Kate Harding has been booted from the fatosphere for not being fat enough. She believes that jealous fat girls forced Kate out by black mailing her. Rumors suggest that she was seen with Jenny Craig. She has also been seen eating salads and buying SlimFast.
Who will step up and fill the void? Who has the sweep of a Kate Harding? Who else has the verbiage and language skills to slay the fat haters by calling them douche canoes?
Fatty McFatty Fat Fat Fats! aka Marion Kirby from the Rotund opined.
One of the things that bothered me during the Nightline taping was that I got referred to as the leader of the fat acceptance movement. I planned to address it but then MeMe Roth started talking and, well, you know.
So I’m addressing it here, after a week or so of thinking about it. Here’s what I think:
FA doesn’t really have a central leadership body. There’s NAAFA, but NAAFA doesn’t work for everyone, you know? And they do some great work and I’m proud to know the members that I know but….
It isn’t a body to which I look for leadership.
There’s a bunch of us bloggers. But we’re, as much as I love the internet and the powerful community that we build here, still such a new force in the history of FA.
So who are our leaders?
You are.
Got something to say and want to contact Ms Kirby? Contact me Marion Kirby. All hate mail, particularly fat-phobic rants, is subject to mocking.
Ms Kirby is wrong. Every movement needs a central leadership and the FA movement is no exception. NAAFA has been a dismal failure. NAAFA was doing fine until it lost the leadership and vision of founder Bill Fabrey. The movement then degraded into a gluttony denying lean woman hating man hating farce. It remains that way to this day as malingering malcontents, mostly fat girls, oink their foolish sophistries that make all fat people look like liars and idiots.
If the fat girls ever want the Fat Acceptance movement to enjoy an ounce of credibility they need to realize that gluttony is good and that they are gluttons.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Old Man Hating NAAFA
Founded by Bill Fabrey in 1969, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
(NAAFA) is a non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to ending
size discrimination in all of its forms. NAAFA's goal is to help build a
society in which people of every size (except for slender and athletic women. We hate those bitches!) are
accepted with dignity and equality in all aspects of life. NAAFA will
pursue this goal through advocacy, public education, and support. To
support this effort, we will need lots of Twinkies. And Boston cream
donuts - we just love those! It's the closest thing we can get to male
semen. Oh, and venti caramel macchiatos to wash it all down. Thanks for
your support!
Anyone want to hazard a guess at what the female
percentage is in this organization? I'm guessing >90% twat. An obese
guy knows that no one gives a fuck about him, least of all women. He
either learns to accept that he will be forever ostracized or he loses
the weight. An obese female on the other hand wants to make everyone
accept her - all 300lbs of her.
Angry fat girl! |
The most dreadful thing about NAAFA and much of the fatosphere is the gluttony denial. Everytime one pigs out they have to lie and deny when in reality...GLUTTONY IS GOOD!
There are a lot of guys who will pork BBWs and SSBBWs so what are these fat girls so pissed off? Fat porn is huge these days. A simple Google search proves that. Fat girls are sluts.
Fat girl porn sites are flooding the internet. Men are not rejecting these hot and horny hoggers. Actually it is quite the contrary. Since fat girls are easy guys are porking them keft and right.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Fat Bastard VS Pattie Thomas Ph.D. in a NO HOLDS BARRED Debate!
Fat Bastard Challenges Pattie Thomas Ph.D. to a Debate
Fat Bastard VS Pattie Thomas Ph.D. in a NO HOLDS BARRED Debate!
Fat Bastard's Mighty Gauntlet |
I, Fat Bastard have thrown down the gauntlet an have challenged fat psychologist/sociologist Pattie Thomas, Ph.D. to a no holds barred debate right here on the NAAFA blog spot. I, Fat Bastard, left the following missive on Ms Thomas's blog FattyPatties. Let's see if she has the courage to debate me, Fat Bastard.
Note: For our less erudite readers. People with degrees have letters after there names such as BS and we all know what that means. MS mean More of the Same The letters Ph.D readers means Piled Hire and Deeper accept with a Ph.D. they make you write a doctoral thesis
Here's some background on this sociologist/psychologist sow and gormandizing girl glutton from Psychology Today
Pattie Thomas, Ph.D., is a medical sociologist and co-author (with her husband, Carl Wilkerson, MBA) of Taking Up Space: How Eating Well and Exercising Regularly Changed My Life, a sociological memoir about living as a fat and disabled woman in a society that stigmatizes both. Thomas is one of a growing number of multi-disciplinary scholars who are addressing the cultural stereotypes, stigmas, myths, and oppressive practices based upon persons who do not fit ideal body sizes. One of the seminal authors in the first anthology of this movement, The Fat Studies Reader, Thomas has been actively pursuing social justice for persons of size and supporting the concept of Health at Every Size(r) for over 10 years. She currently teaches Sociology at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thomas and Wilkerson also write and create multimedia about coupling when both members of the dyad are disabled. They bring to that project experience as a couple as well as both the sociological and organizational knowledge that they have drawn upon to create a life together.
Now for Fat Bastard's curriculum vitae
I Fat Bastard am willing to give total support the organization that I am in, with the experience and
capability that I have, in order to achieve organization’s goals and create mutual benefits.
Bloat County College of Of Food Science, Hamburger City, IA
Bachelor of Arts, Food Sciences magna cum laude, May 1989
Western Egg Sandwich University, McDonalds, IL
Ph.D., Culinary Psychology and Biological Belching, December 1991
Ovine University, Gourmand, TX
Ph.D., Food Psychology and Advanced Gluttony, May 1993
Fat Kid's Memorial Hospital, Chicago IL
Department of Junkfoodinology, Supervisor: Dr. Gerald "Teddy" Bear
KFC University Medical School, Chicago, IL
Department of Foodiatrics, Advisor: Dr. Belly Boy Research Associate
Perform genetic analysis of mutations causing hormone-independent signaling
of the human gluttony receptor.
IHOP College, FlapJack Heights, IL
Adjunct instructor
Taught Introductory Foodology with laboratory/kitchen (food biology, genetics panniculus growth and evolution).
Taught undergraduate Pignetics with laboratory. Developed course outline and objectives,
selected specific food to eat, selected required fast food restaurants, wrote and presented menus, and administered Hiemlich maneuvers and CPR, developed, judged and graded pie eating contests and pig out projects.
American Glutton Society postdoctoral fellowship
Postdoctoral traineeship, Farting Biology Training Grant, University of Chicago
Rotunda Hindenberg Pork Beast Institute Pre-doctoral Fellowship
Founder of NIFAM New International Fat Acceptance Movement and NAFAM New American Fat Acceptance Movement.
Created a simplified HAES eating plans. EATT (Eat All The Time) and FATT (Food All The Time).
Assisted Reverend Big Lard Ass in instituting the Grazenhiemer Method for Advanced Gluttony.
Working to develop a Chair Aerobics and Combined Eating Program called EFE or Eating For Exercise.
On the board of directors for Reach Back There, a company that is developing a butt wiping device for fat folks who "can't reach back there"
On the board of directors for King Size Coffin a bariatric casket company.
On the board of directors for Vein O Rooter a medical device company that makes vascular augers.
On the board of directors for Mammoth Image Diagnostics that makes medical imaging equipment for SeaWorld and other Aquatic and Land Whale facilities.
Here's the challenge I Fat Bastard issued to this "womyn":
Mrs Thomas,
I would debate you but one cannot debate a censor.
The immutable scientific facts remain:
Obesity dramatically shortens lifespans.
The behaviors that lead to obesity are a choice.
This is in the spirit of fat acceptance because in the New Fat Acceptance we embrace gluttony and sloth. Our philosophy is simple; gluttony is good and it is a good choice.
I, Fat Bastard broke ranks with the old and dishonest and negative fat acceptance many years ago only to embrace and honest gluttony affirming fat acceptance that encourages fatlings to step out of their gluttony denial and not only embrace their fat but their gluttony as well.
We have returned to a more enlightened time when NAAFA meant National Association Aiding FAT Americans.
If you have the intellectual courage and honesty to debate me then leave a post on We don't censor! We have the courage to defend our beliefs!
Fat Bastard
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Fat Olympics List Of Events
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Welcome To The Fat Olympics |
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Fat Bastard |
While I, Fat Bastard was watching the Olympic games I noticed that there were very few fat athletes. We may see some fat sumo wrestlers, a weight lifter or a shot putter or two but 99% of the athletes are thinlings not fatlings. As the defacto leader of the Fat Acceptance Movement and President of NAAFA I, Fat Bastard will be hiring Mitt Romney to organize the the first Fatty Olympics after he loses to Obama.
Pie eating
There will be two events here. The volume event is where athletes eat as many pies as they can in an hour. This will be called the Pie A Thon.
The speed event gives the athletes 10 minutes to eat as many pies as possible.
The Buffet Event
This event requires more than eating. Athletes will be given 4 plates they will load those plates from a buffet and the contents well be measured for calorie content.
Heart rate

The athletes using drugs or exertion will crank up their rate. The one who have the highest heart rate without dying wins.
Blood Pressure
The highest BP wins!
The Diabetic Amputation Races
Leg amputees will ambulate with and without the use of a cane or walker will move 40 feet in the sprint and 40 yards in the marathon.
Power Chair Demolition Derby
This event will pit all power chairs from the nimble Travel Scoot to the mammoth Bariatric Bounder.
Drop a Deuce
By weight athletes will be judged on who can take the biggest dump.
Perfect Pear Perfect Apple
Judges will decide who has the best Apple and best Pear shape
Meat Skirt
Judges will pick the best panniculus.
Cannon Ball and Belly Whopper
This one is simple. Who displaces the most water wins!
Most Meds

The one on the most meds wins.

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman
I am not qualified to comment on this with much authority so I will make some indirect observations.
Some of the sows in the FA movement like to draw parallels between the plight of Blacks and Jews with the "plight" of the fat and gluttonous and frankly the parallels that these people draw is offensive. Being Black is not a choice. Being fat is. If you can't hack being fat then don't be fat! You have a choice. Trayvon had no choice and neither did the Jews who were marched into the ovens. We CAN draw parallels between the plight of the Black and the Jew because both groups went through a holocaust and both groups are hated by ignorant bigots. We fatling are merely in opposition to the moralists who think that gluttony is a sin. The NAAFA girls who would compare our plight with that of Blacks, Jews or American Indians really need to seek out the help of Jenny Craig and Richard Simmons. They are not fit to be fat and call themselves members of the regal fat community.
There is a holocaust and it is happening to ALL of us. It is called a Medical Holocaust. Knowing about it could save your life! CLICK HERE to find out about the Medical Holocaust
Craig A Sonner scumbag and douche bag at law |
UPDATE! The scumbag lawyer representing Zimmerman is Craig A Sonner. His phone number is (407) 260-6853
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Home Made Twinkie: A Good Twinkie Recipe
In my last article I, Fat Bastard, lamented the coming demise of the Twinkie. Many of us gluttons are in pre mourning. There have been Twinkie riots in some states and I will be contacting NAAFA in hope of organizing an occupy Hostess demonstration. If we fatlings hold a sit in the cops will need a crane and a Caterpillar D-9 bulldozer to move us. What are they going to do when there are 1000's of us oinking loudly and angrily in a deafening din?
This could unite the splintered fat acceptance movement. When this hits the fatosphere, groups like NAAFA, Big Fat Blog and Fierce Free Thinking Fatties will be waddling side by site with those of us in NAFAM and NIFIM in an unstoppable flabbalance of epic proportions.
Here are some cheers we will be chanting.
We are fat! We are mean! We don't want not Lean Cuisine!
2 4 6 8 we do not regurgitate. Then we will burn MeMe Roth in effigy.
Last night Thinnette baked up 6 pans of these DIY Twinkies and while they were not exactly like the genuine article they were pretty damn good. The Chef is also working on his own special chocolate Twinkie but like the Belly BurgerTM this will have a copyright and patent and will only be sold in stores and online.
Get ready to drool fellow fatlings. Here's the top secret recipe Thinnette found on MSNBC via Wiki Leaks.
This could unite the splintered fat acceptance movement. When this hits the fatosphere, groups like NAAFA, Big Fat Blog and Fierce Free Thinking Fatties will be waddling side by site with those of us in NAFAM and NIFIM in an unstoppable flabbalance of epic proportions.
Here are some cheers we will be chanting.
We are fat! We are mean! We don't want not Lean Cuisine!
2 4 6 8 we do not regurgitate. Then we will burn MeMe Roth in effigy.
Last night Thinnette baked up 6 pans of these DIY Twinkies and while they were not exactly like the genuine article they were pretty damn good. The Chef is also working on his own special chocolate Twinkie but like the Belly BurgerTM this will have a copyright and patent and will only be sold in stores and online.
Get ready to drool fellow fatlings. Here's the top secret recipe Thinnette found on MSNBC via Wiki Leaks.
Recipe: Twinkies
Todd WilburSecret Ingredients
- Non-stick spray
- 4 egg whites
- One 16-ounce box golden pound cake mix
- 2/3 cup water
- Filling
- 2 teaspoons very hot water
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups marshmallow creme (one 7-ounce jar)
- 1/2 cup shortening
- 1/3 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
You will need a spice bottle, approximately the size of a Twinkie, ten 12 x 14 -inch pieces of aluminum foil, a cake decorator or pastry bag, and a chopstick.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Fold each piece of aluminum foil in half twice. Wrap the folded foil around the spice bottle to create a mold. Leave the top of the mold open for pouring in the batter. Make 10 of these molds and arrange them on a cookie sheet or in a shallow pan. Grease the inside of each mold with a light coating of non-stick spray.
Disregard the directions on the box of cake mix. Instead, beat the egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl combine cake mix with water and beat until thoroughly blended (about 2 minutes). Fold egg whites into the cake batter and slowly combine until completely mixed.
Pour the batter into the molds, filling each one about 3/4 of an inch. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean.
For the filling, combine salt with the hot water in a small bowl and stir until salt is dissolved. Let this mixture cool.
Combine the marshmallow creme, shortening, powdered sugar and vanilla in a medium bowl and mix well with an electric mixer on high speed until fluffy.
Add the salt solution to the filling mixture and combine.
When the cakes are done and cooled, use a skewer or chopstick to make three holes in the bottom of each one. Move the stick around inside of each cake to create space for the filling.
Using a cake decorator or pastry bag, inject each cake with filling through all three holes.
Serving Size
Serves 10
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