Thursday, May 3, 2012

Domestic Energy Production Up Under Obama

While the Republicans busy creating more lies and molesting more children President Obama has increased Domestic oil production.  While Americans are back to work drilling for black gold and refining it Republicans are still drilling the assholes of children and refining ways to cover it up.

The natural gas reserves in the US are second only to the gas that comes out of Rush the drugster Limbaugh and the other pedophile Republicans. President Obama took a page from T Boone Pickens Plan and has upped the production and exploration of natural gas while Republicans have upped their dicks up each others ass.
The wind blows but Republicans blow harder and more often. The Obama Administration approved the nation's first-ever offshore wind project, and is supporting development of the world's largest wind farm in Oregon.
Rush Limbaugh clearing his palate with some smoke before he has sex with a child.

Republicans blow smoke and they blow little boys.
Obama has increased solar energy. Under President Obama, electricity generation from solar has more than doubled between 2008 and 2011.

Obama Is Expanding Nuclear Energy

President Obama and his Administration are supporting the construction of the first new nuclear power plant in decades, which will provide clean electricity for nearly 1.4 million Americans.
Over the past three years, the Obama Administration has invested in grants at more than 70 universities for research and development of nuclear technologies to improve reactor design and safety.

Increasing the Use of Biofuels

The Obama Administration has promoted the use of cleaner fuels in our vehicles, increased the level of ethanol that can be blended into gasoline, and implemented a new Renewable Fuel Standard that will save nearly 14 billion gallons of petroleum-based gasoline in 2022.
Use of Biofuels in Transportation President Obama has made an Administration-wide commitment to increasing biofuel research and development, including support for the construction of commercial-scale, next-generation bio-refineries.

The only way to stop a pedophile is by killing it! List of GOP Pedophiles

Let's rid the planet of these hypocrites!

Nearly Doubling Fuel Efficiency for Cars

The Obama Administration and automakers agreed on new fuel efficiency standards that will nearly double the fuel economy of cars and light trucks to 54.5 mpg by 2025.

Once fully in place, the Obama Administration's fuel efficiency program will reduce oil consumption by 2.2 million barrels a day, and will save families more than $8,000 at the pump over the life of a vehicle but in the mean time Republican perverts pump gallons of semen into children.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Obesity And Gluttony Is Good For The Economy

Here are some of the top reasons for why gluttony and obesity is GOOD for the economy.

We fatlings are the biggest consumers of food!

We fatling eat more -- A LOT MORE. we are 73% of the population and we eat 90% of the food. If we were to all eat at the levels of thinglings food consumption in the US would be cut by at least 70%. This would devastate the junk food industry. If every fatling reformed there would be massive layoffs in the fast food and junk food industry.

We fatlings are the biggest consumers of fuel.

You won't catch any self respecting fatling driving a Toyota Prius or a Smart Car. We drive vans and Escalades. Hell many of us can't fit in some compact puddle jumper and besides fat people like to ride in style.

We fatlings are the biggest consumers of health care.

Without our obesity induced maladies the health care industry be a shadow of what it is today.  Giant diagnostic imaging machines would become obsolete. The manufacturers of bariatric gurneys and beds, diabetes, and C-PAP supplies would see their business shrink are the waistlines of Americans shrink.

Cardiologists and their suppliers would take a huge hit.

Orthopedic surgeons would take a hit. Joint replacement sales would plummet.
Joe the Plumber would become unemployed.

As we fatlings know all too well many double and triple flushers just won't go down the crapper and frequently we need to call Joe the plumber to stop by and work his magic.

Fatlings shit bigger turds and big turds clog toilets. Clogged toilets require the skills of  guys like Joe the Plumber.

The clothing industry would suffer.

If the X-L - 4X-L sizes were to vanish the clothing industry would lose half its jobs.

The end of obesity would signal a bigger economic collapse since the great depression and the Bush depression combined!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

School Bullying And How To Stop It


School Bullying

Proud FA and I were school mates. There was some bullying when Proud and I were in school but not all that much. Back then kids were allowed to work out their differences and sometimes it would require some fisticuffs and when it came to throwing hands Proud FA was a animal and still is.

Not too many people would fuck with me, Fat Bastard, and nobody would fuck with Proud unless they wanted a knotty hairdo, a busted lip and a concussion. On one particular winter day Proud and I missed the bus so we has to walk home. It was a warm winter day and there was plenty of good packing snow. As luck would have it there was this fucking bully walking ahead of us. He was a new student, a jock who was not aware of Proud's fighting prowess. I, Fat Bastard am a lover not a fighter but that does not mean I don't enjoy watching a good ass kicking so I decided to start some shit with the new bully. He had called me fat ass and blubber gut and Baby Huey. I wanted to kick his ass but I was not sure I could take him. I knew Proud could even though this runk had 4 inches and 40 pounds on Proud and 40 pounds. I bagan tossing snow balls at this fucker and he turned around and told us to knock it off. After he turned back around I packed another slushy snowball and hit this jock in the neck. He turned and I could tell he was really pissed he was about to attack and I said sorry man I won't do it again. He said that if I did he'd kick my fat ass. About a minute later I spied a car turd. A car turd is one of those big fucking brown ice chunks that fall from cars. This car turd was the size of a large coconut. Being a fat bastard and having no impulse control I picked up that icy fucker and fired it at the that mouthy dip shit and it knocked him silly. He was on the attack and not wanting to get pummeled I told him Proud threw it.

His eyes flashed with anger as he dove at Proud shouting, "you die asshole!!!!" The fight was on. For a moment he was on top of Proud but Proud quickly reversed the position and the ass kicking was on. Proud was on top and he shouted, "Fat Bastard, gloves!" With Proud sitting on this dickhead's chest he raised up his arms so that I could remove his gloves and with that Proud's famous fists of fury worked their magic as the beat out drum roll of this punk's face. Within a few seconds the blood was flying as Proud delivered one of his legendary beat downs. His fists connected with trip hammer speed and precision. In less than 30 seconds Proud had beaten this punk into submission and semi consciousness. Then to my surprise he said, "Finish him off Fat Bastard. Do it Earthquake style.

Earthquake was our favorite WWF wrestler at the time so as this punk laid there is a daze I dropped a few Earthquake bombs on him. I cracked a few of his ribs and he missed basketball season but it was a lesson well learned. We sent a message to other bullies. That is how to put an end to school bullying. Beat the shit out of the bullies.



Gun Rights and the Second Amendment

Yeah yeah yeah I get it. people like Ted Nugent are assholes and the NRA is not as much about the the second amendment as they are pimps for gun sales but that does not nor should it negate the 2nd amendment.

I agree with with those who say the the second amendment gives more teeth to the first amendment. President Obama sees it that way too in that he did not sign an assault weapons ban. I think he would like to see the people take out some corporate thugs who have infiltrated our government.
With the current state of this country and the abuse and theft by the banksters and the medical industry charlatans fatlings especially need to arm and lock & load. Because of our size we can better handle the  higher caliber weapons.
Fatling demonstrates the advantage of a stable firing platform!

Red white and blue. These colors don't run, they waddle and I encourage all fatlings to waddle down to their local gun shop and buy some guns and ammo.
Here a hot hefty huntress stalks prey to cook and feed her hungry belly.
Guns, girls and gluttony, how much more American can you get?

This is not longer a left  vs right issue. This is a civil rights issue that should unite the left and the right against a common enemy. Watch this video and you will see what I mean.

Chicks are impressed buy fat guys with guns. We make them feel safe and protected.

Read more from Ted Nugent and Ann the man Coulter

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Glucophage Warning!

Glucophage Is Deadly

By Thomas Smith
December 23, 2002

The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that as many as 106,000 deaths occur annually in US hospitals due to adverse reactions to prescription drugs that are properly prescribed by physicians that use them as directed by the drug companies.

Even worse, the National Council for Patient Information and Education reported that an additional 125,000 deaths occur annually due to adverse reactions to drugs that the physician never should have prescribed. In these deaths the doctor did not follow the instructions on proper administration of the drugs. For example, Glucophage, a diabetic oral hypoglycemic, should never be prescribed for patients with Kidney disease or Congestive Heart Failure because it can cause fatal Lactic Acidosis in these patients. A warning label is prominently placed on the medication container to warn of this potential misuse.

However, JAMA reported that almost 1/4 of the patients who had been prescribed Glucophage had Kidney damage or Congestive Heart failure or both.

The annual death toll from synthetic prescription drugs, both from the correctly prescribed and the incorrectly prescribed, amounts to about 231,000 deaths every year. To put this into perspective, this is the equivalent of a world trade center disaster every week for over a year and a half or the crash of two fully loaded 747 aircraft every day of the year. 

Here is a complete list of Glucophage side effects. LINK One of which is weight loss!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Obama Wins The Fat Vote Romney Flounders And Insults Fat People

Romney got caught buying votes with food. Sure, trading food for the fat vote works but it is illegal. President Obama is not only talking the talk but he is also walking/waddling the walk.
A beefed up Obama looking more and more presidential!

Anyone can buy food and pass them out to hungry gluttons but President Obama is putting that food where his mouth is and beefing up for the fat vote.  Fatlings respect that and getting fat is legal. Bribing people with food for votes is illegal.
Ronmey also has a smelly pedophile draft dodger problem in the form of has been rocker and chicken hawk  NRA mouth piece Ted Nugent.

Romney's problems with fatlings do not end with his food for votes, dog abuse and his relationship with Ted the draft dodging stinky pedophile draft dodger Nugent he is also facing a cookie gate scandal. Mitt was given some great cookies from a great local bakery an he dissed them. Not only did he diss the baker who is probably a fatling but he dissed all cookie eating fatlings. What a fucking douchebag.
Obama chowing on pizza! Does it get anymore American than that?
Mrs Obama joins him in his fast food feast!

Obama continually puts his food where his mouth is as he packs on the pounds and beefs up for the general election and he does it eating an all American diet. YUMMY!
Romney does not eat food. We at Bigger Fatter Politics would like to thank fellow fatling Newt Gingrich for exposing the money eating job exporting dog abuser Mitt Romney.
Romney eats like a pussy!
Obama eats like a real man!!

Romney never actually puts food in his mouth! Obama feeds his face like a real man! Maybe Romney does not know how to eat real American food. Obama is making short work of this philly cheese steak while Romney pretends to nibble on a fried rat's asshole.

Eating habits can tell you a lot about a person. Obama is not a finicky eater. He is an aggressive eater and he know what he likes and he goes for it. This reflects in his decision making. He didn't pussy foot around about killing  bin Laden or saving the auto industry. He went for it. He's a power eater and Americans admire that.
Obama is ballsy like the honey badger and Romney is a two faced mealy mouthed flip flopping snake and we know what happens when a snake crosses paths with the honey badger.

CG Brady Clobbers Diet Charlatans and Their Politics of Exploiting Fatlings

The following is part of a letter written lambasting a sleazy company and medical group selling HCG injections for weight loss. HCG is a hormone that is supposed to cause weight loss. The problem is, there is no evidence that it works. The truth is it is a scam perpetrated on fatlings who want to but their way thin.  HCG for Weight loss is a SCAM!

 With all due respect...

 MDs should stick to addicting people to drugs and DCs should stick to healing spines.

 You charlatans ignore several things when it comes to weight loss. The first thing you ignore is that none of your hocus pocus works. The other thing you ignore are the laws of physics and then you ignore reality.

 1. If the medical snake oil you sell worked we would not have an obesity epidemic.
 2. The so called SAD (Standard American Diet) diet is the same that people ate in the 70's except not the portions are 40% bigger. A simple accounting of calories will correspond with the increase in the average weight of Americans.

 3. The most the BMR can vary in individuals of the same age weight and gender is 35 calories a day.
 4. The most weight an adult female can maintain on 2000 calories per day is 140 pounds and then she'd have to be in a coma. That is an immutable scientific reality. She can CHOOSE to eat large amounts of nutrient dense foods with the correct amount of protein and fiber or she can pig out. I will not deny that the food industry and the medical industry have a vested interest in getting people fat and "addicted" to junk food but when you understand the psychology of gluttony you will see that most fat people remain blissfully ignorant about basic nutrition and or they feign ignorance. Proposing half baked barely tested theories only salves them and gives them more excuses and mechanisms for denial.

 I don't know what you are selling but it sounds like BS. Medical science today is an oxymoron. Nearly every medical study is biased and often sponsored by big pharma. As you may know the FDA is beyond corrupt and any study that looks into curing obesity is really a search for an expensive and dangerous pill or a justification for butchering a fat person's perfectly health digestive system.

Big people have bigger appetites. That's a no brainer. They get hungrier so they eat more. They fall for that low carb crap, they do OK for 10 days and after their liver is depleted of glycogen and they are entering ketogenic psychosis their brain cells are screaming for carbs. Then they think they are carb addicts. The repeat the induction phase and lose more muscle and then they binge on carbs again. BTW, Atkins died from heart disease and that Agatston got much of the nutrition wrong in his South Beach Diet book. He's also on statin drugs.
 It sounds like you are selling tests and some bullshit pills. What you need to be selling is reality. I could take 30 fatlings, feed them properly and their clinical indicators would return to normal in less than a week and they would lose weight. It's been done time and time again. They don't need a test or a pill.  They need an  adjustment... a fattitude adjustment. I know they are pathetic but that doesn't mean they should be exploited for their ignorance.

The following was CG's response to the claim that PCOS causes obesity.

 It's funny that you mention PCOS as a cause because there are more overweight men than women. That's reality unless gluttonous men are growing ovaries like they are growing man titties.

The following was CG's response to the claim that fructose, grains and MSG are obesogenic. It they were I, Fat Bastard would be promoting them.

 Fructose has a GI of 20.  Wheat has been a staple for 3000 years. MSG has been around and was used more when people were not obese. Use of MSG has been on the decline for decades.

I hope you are now debunked. Stop being such  charlatans.