While the Republicans busy creating more lies and molesting more children President Obama has increased Domestic oil production. While Americans are back to work drilling for black gold and refining it Republicans are still drilling the assholes of children and refining ways to cover it up.
The natural gas reserves in the US are second only to the gas that comes out of Rush the drugster Limbaugh and the other pedophile Republicans. President Obama took a page from T Boone Pickens Plan and has upped the production and exploration of natural gas while Republicans have upped their dicks up each others ass.
The wind blows but Republicans blow harder and more often. The Obama Administration approved the nation's first-ever offshore wind project, and is supporting development of the world's largest wind farm in Oregon.
Rush Limbaugh clearing his palate with some smoke before he has sex with a child. |
Republicans blow smoke and they blow little boys.
Obama has increased solar energy. Under President Obama, electricity generation from solar has more than doubled between 2008 and 2011.
Obama Is Expanding Nuclear Energy
President Obama and his Administration are supporting the construction of the first new nuclear power plant in decades, which will provide clean electricity for nearly 1.4 million Americans.Over the past three years, the Obama Administration has invested in grants at more than 70 universities for research and development of nuclear technologies to improve reactor design and safety.
Increasing the Use of Biofuels
The Obama Administration has promoted the use of cleaner fuels in our vehicles, increased the level of ethanol that can be blended into gasoline, and implemented a new Renewable Fuel Standard that will save nearly 14 billion gallons of petroleum-based gasoline in 2022.The only way to stop a pedophile is by killing it! List of GOP Pedophiles
Let's rid the planet of these hypocrites!
Nearly Doubling Fuel Efficiency for Cars
The Obama Administration and automakers agreed on new fuel efficiency standards that will nearly double the fuel economy of cars and light trucks to 54.5 mpg by 2025.Once fully in place, the Obama Administration's fuel efficiency program will reduce oil consumption by 2.2 million barrels a day, and will save families more than $8,000 at the pump over the life of a vehicle but in the mean time Republican perverts pump gallons of semen into children.