Sunday, December 2, 2012

Black Panther 10 Point Platform Applies To All Who Are Oppressed

I am not crazy about the style but I agree in principle with most of it. My comments are in the grey type. The way I see it is that most non rich are oppressed. Blacks and other minorities are oppressed much more. They are like the canary in the coal mine.  We should in principle support the goals of the Black Panthers.

Ten Point Platform

1. WE WANT FREEDOM. WE WANT POWER TO DETERMINE THE DESTINY OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.

My commentary: This is absolutely true but the devil is in the details. These institutions are often corrupt from both the inside and the outside. Many police forces are corrupt and ridding them of that corruption means electing a clean commissioner who will get rid of crooked cops and send the wrong doers to a clean DA who will prosecute them. This will require citizens working to get rid of the slime.

2. WE WANT FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR OUR PEOPLE. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.

This could be done easily. The average corporate CEOs make close to 500 times more in salary alone than the average worker. CFOs, and upper management like presidents and VPs also make  obscene salaries. In Japan CEOs make 11 times more than the average worker. Japan has a weaker economy than the US but lower unemployment.

3. WE WANT AN END TO THE ROBBERY BY THE CAPITALISTS OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of our fifty million Black people. Therefore, we feel this is a modest demand that we make.

Slavery did even more harm than financial compensation cannot cure. Slavery stole the heritage of Africans. That said, I think it is naive to blame the government. The rich were the slavers and the rich control the government. If the Black Panthers want the Government to right these wrongs they need to get rid of the rich who currently own the US government.

4. WE WANT DECENT HOUSING, FIT FOR THE SHELTER OF HUMAN BEINGS. We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.

I think that his is a bit of a blanket statement. Landlords are in the business of rental property to make a profit. Different communities have different landlord tenet laws. Slum lords are real assholes. Perhaps a better solution would be a condo community that is governed and owed by the residents but you can't just take the property. Residents could organize, pool their resources and buy the property in a rent to own arrangement that could benefit both them and the landlord. They could hire a property management firm to run it.

5. WE WANT DECENT EDUCATION FOR OUR PEOPLE THAT EXPOSES THE TRUE NATURE OF THIS DECADENT AMERICAN SOCIETY. WE WANT EDUCATION THAT TEACHES US OUR TRUE HISTORY AND OUR ROLE IN THE PRESENT-DAY SOCIETY. We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of the self. If you do not have knowledge of yourself and your position in the society and in the world, then you will have little chance to know anything else.

The boards of regents vary from state to state. Good luck trying to get that in the South. The goobers down there think the earth is flat. Here's the thing some areas of the country have more assholes than others. Take Israel, they somehow expect that the nut jobs in the Middle East are going to act nice and not fuck with them. Blacks would do better to avoid assholes. If they want to live in a predominately Black community then they need to control those communities. Put Blacks in the school boards and make sure that the curriculum is honest. 

I don't think that reminding young Blacks that they are oppressed will help them. They already know that. Identifying their oppressors so that they can get rid of them and liberate themselves is more empowering than remind them they have been fucked over by the man.

6. WE WANT COMPLETELY FREE HEALTH CARE FOR All BLACK AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE. We believe that the government must provide, free of charge, for the people, health facilities which will not only treat our illnesses, most of which have come about as a result of our oppression, but which will also develop preventive medical programs to guarantee our future survival. We believe that mass health education and research programs must be developed to give all Black and oppressed people access to advanced scientific and medical information, so we may provide our selves with proper medical attention and care.

Good luck with that. The most powerful force in the US is the greedy medical industrial complex.  Nobody's illnesses get properly treated in America. Chris Rock explained it 20 years ago. What the US needs is healthcare like the rest of the industrialized world has. France and Italy do health care for less that half the cost of the US and they do it 100 times better.

The answer would have been to give everyone Medicare and regulate the criminal doctors and health care corporations.

7. WE WANT AN IMMEDIATE END TO POLICE BRUTALITY AND MURDER OF BLACK PEOPLE, OTHER PEOPLE OF COLOR, All OPPRESSED PEOPLE INSIDE THE UNITED STATES. We believe that the racist and fascist government of the United States uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its program of oppression against black people, other people of color and poor people inside the united States. We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against such armed forces and that all Black and oppressed people should be armed for self defense of our homes and communities against these fascist police forces.

The Cops are out of control in many communities but I think making nice with the cops on the beat and trying to persuade them in a calm manner has the potential of cooling down the heat. Cops need to be dealt with politely but firmly. Cameras are a good idea. Citizens need to police the police.  While I would not want to see an arms race between police and the people they are sworn to protect I think we are past the point in many communities where open carry by law abiding citizens will make the cops think twice before violating rights and abusing citizens. Know your rights! Defend your rights! Remember, cops are errand boys for the criminal corporate elite.

8. WE WANT AN IMMEDIATE END TO ALL WARS OF AGGRESSION. We believe that the various conflicts which exist around the world stem directly from the aggressive desire of the United States ruling circle and government to force its domination upon the oppressed people of the world. We believe that if the United States government or its lackeys do not cease these aggressive wars it is the right of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary against their aggressors. 

I agree in part. Mostly I think that the US should stop being the cops of the world.  The corporations want these wars. It is much less about killing brown people than it is about the money the war machine puts into the pockets of the plutocrats. 

9. WE WANT FREEDOM FOR ALL BLACK AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE NOW HELD IN U. S. FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY AND MILITARY PRISONS AND JAILS. WE WANT TRIALS BY A JURY OF PEERS FOR All PERSONS CHARGED WITH SO-CALLED CRIMES UNDER THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY. We believe that the many Black and poor oppressed people now held in United States prisons and jails have not received fair and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be free from incarceration. We believe in the ultimate elimination of all wretched, inhuman penal institutions, because the masses of men and women imprisoned inside the United States or by the United States military are the victims of oppressive conditions which are the real cause of their imprisonment. We believe that when persons are brought to trial they must be guaranteed, by the United States, juries of their peers, attorneys of their choice and freedom from imprisonment while awaiting trial. 

AMEN!!! We incarcerate more people than any other country.  Prisons are an industry. In the town I grew up in there was next to no crime so the cops would harass young people to drum up business. Most of the serious crimes were committed by the cops.

10. WE WANT LAND, BREAD, HOUSING, EDUCATION, CLOTHING, JUSTICE, PEACE AND PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY CONTROL OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 

This is more than a Black thing. The power elite oppresses everyone.  Money is power. 

For further reading on the Black Panther Party, please visit their website at

Friday, November 30, 2012

Fat Bastard's Fat Friendly 13 Days of Christmas For Fatlings & Gluttons

Christmas is the most vulgar and gluttonous days of the year and that is why we fatlings love it. The very symbol of Christmas is a fat man who spends the whole night going from house to house and eating cookies. This make Christmas the fat friendliest holiday of them all. OINK! It's a glorious celebration of greedy gluttony

$easons Greedings From Bigger Fatter Politics

Keeping with holiday tradition I, Fat Bastard would like to present to our readers my fat friendly version of the Twelve Thirteen Days of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me. As our many millions of readers worldwide know, my true love is food so I decided to rewrite this traditional holiday classic to be more glutton and fat friendly. I hope you enjoy this along with your figgy pudding and sugar plums as you celebrate this most greedy and gluttonous time of year...... OINK!

The Twelve Days of Christmas
By Fat Bastard
On the first day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear sauce.
On the second day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Two Doves chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.
On the third day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Three French ticklers,
Two Doves chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.
On the fourth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Four apple pies,
Three French ticklers,
Two Dove chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.

On the fifth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Five golden Ring Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries and French ticklers,
Two  Dove chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce
On the sixth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Rings Ding Jr's,
Four apple pies,
Three French ticklers,
Two Dove chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.

On the seventh day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Ring Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries,
Two  Dove chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.

On the eighth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Eight maids with Milk Duds,
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Ring Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries,
Two Dove Chocolate Bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.

On the ninth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Nine fat lezzies licking,
Eight maids with Milk Duds,
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Ring Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries,
Two Dove Chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.
On the tenth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Ten chefs a-chefin,
Nine Lezzies licking,
Eight maids with Milk Duds,
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Ring Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries,
Two Dove chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.
On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Eleven pipers pissing,
Ten Chefs a-cheffin,
Nine lezzies licking,
Eight maids with Milk Duds,
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Ring Ding Jr,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries,
Two Dove chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce.
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve deep fried drumsticks,
Eleven pipers pissing,
Ten chefs a cheffin,
Nine lezzies licking,
Eight maids with Milk Duds,
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Rings Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French pastries,
Two Dove Chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce!

On the thirteenth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Thirteen pigs a-OINKING,
Twelve deep fried drumsticks,
Eleven pipers pissing,
Ten chefs a cheffin,
Nine lezzies licking,
Eight maids with Milk Duds,
Seven sluts a-swimming,
Six geese a-cooking,
Five golden Rings Ding Jrs,
Four apple pies,
Three French ticklers and pastries,
Two Dove Chocolate bars,
And a partridge in a pear sauce!

Now that you are drooling over all the food, sluts and fat lezzies see more holiday food, recipes and hot fat sluts and lezzies HERE!

  Fat Bastard and Proud FA wishing you a Merry XXX-Mas and a Happy New Year!

Image result for Sexy ElfImage result for Sexy Elf

Ooops! I almost forgot Thinnete and her HOT cousin Skinny Linny

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Spine Surgeons Are Evil and Dangerous

Suffering from an aching back, truck driver Mikel Hehn went to see surgeon Jeffrey Gerdes in 2008. The St. Cloud, Minnesota, doctor diagnosed spinal disc degeneration, commonly treated with physical therapy, and said surgery wasn’t called for.

Unhappy with the answer, Hehn turned to a money grubbing slime Ensor Transfeldt, a surgeon at Twin Cities Spine Center in Minneapolis. Transfeldt performed fusion surgery on Hehn, screwing together three vertebrae in his lower spine.
Mikel Hehn poses in St. Cloud, Minnesota, with the daily medications he takes to combat pain and depression as a result of his spinal surgery. Photographer: Andy King/Bloomberg
Twin Cities Spine Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Photographer: Andy King/Bloomberg
Twin Cities Spine Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Photographer: Andy King/Bloomberg
A home belonging to a surgeon stands in Wayzata, Minnesota. Photographer: Craig Lassig/Bloomberg

Fusion aims to limit painful spine movements. This one didn’t work out. Two years later, the pain in Hehn’s neck, lower back, buttocks and thighs is so bad that he can’t hold a job and seldom leaves home, he said in an interview.

“There’s days when I just can’t take it and the tears run,” said Hehn, 52, who lives in Sartell, Minnesota. He said he takes oxycodone for pain, Soma to sleep, Lexapro for depression and Imitrex for headaches.

Hehn’s surgery generated a $135,786 bill from Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, feeding a national boom in costly fusion surgeries. It also illustrates how spine surgeons have prospered from performing fusions, which studies have found to be no better for common back pain than physical therapy is -- and a lot more dangerous.

The number of fusions at U.S. hospitals doubled to 413,000 between 2002 and 2008, generating $34 billion in bills, data from the federal Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project show. The number of the surgeries will rise to 453,300 this year, according to Millennium Research Group of Toronto.
Unnecessary Surgeries

The possibility that many of these and other surgeries are needless has gotten little attention in the debate over U.S. health care costs, which rose 6 percent last year to $2.47 trillion. Unnecessary surgeries cost at least $150 billion a year, according to John Birkmeyer, director of the Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy at the University of Michigan.

“It’s amazing how much evidence there is that fusions don’t work, yet surgeons do them anyway,” said Sohail Mirza, a spine surgeon who chairs the Department of Orthopaedics at Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire. “The only one who isn’t benefitting from the equation is the patient.”

The Twin Cities Spine bill for Hehn’s surgery was $19,292, his medical records show. The firm received $8,978 after an insurance discount, $7,742 of it for Transfeldt’s services. Hehn’s insurer paid after his bid for workers’ compensation coverage was denied on grounds he wasn’t injured on the job.
Royalties, Consulting Fees

Another beneficiary was Medtronic Inc., which makes products for spinal surgery, including Infuse, a bone-growing material widely used in fusions. Infuse accounted for $17,575 of Abbott Northwestern’s charges, Hehn’s medical bills and insurance records show.
Infuse, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2002, had sales of $840 million last year.

Medtronic paid six of the 10 Twin Cities Spine surgeons -- including Transfeldt -- $1.75 million in royalties and consulting fees in the first nine months of this year. It also makes other financial contributions to the firm.

“Product usage is not a part of any development or consulting relationship” between Medtronic and doctors, said Brian Henry, a company spokesman.

Eleven Twin Cities Spine fusion patients, most of whom tried to get or hold onto coverage benefits through the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals, said in interviews that the surgery did nothing to relieve their back pain, and in several cases left them worse off than before.

Hooked on Morphine

The patients illustrate the costs and risks of fusion surgery. They are not a scientifically representative sample of Twin Cities Spine patients, the majority of whom the firm says are happy with the treatment they receive.

One of the 11 died of a methadone overdose when his pain worsened after surgery and he couldn’t afford prescription painkillers, his mother said. Another patient said he is hooked on morphine to ease the burning sensation in his back where screws and rods were implanted in an operation that cost his insurer $60,000.

Twin Cities Spine performs fusions on patients with conditions the surgery doesn’t treat effectively, said Brian Nelson, an orthopedic surgeon and medical director of a Minneapolis clinic that stresses exercise for back pain. Nelson said he used to perform fusions and has been in the operating room with at least three of the 10 Twin Cities Spine surgeons.

“I have a lot of respect” for the practice and its surgical skills, Nelson said. “But we have a fundamental disagreement. I think there are too many people being fused.”

Risk Warnings

Payments by medical-device makers pose an “irresistible” temptation to tailor treatment to more-lucrative procedures, said Eugene Carragee, chief of spine surgery at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. “There is precious little in human nature to suggest this proposition is unlikely.”

Twin Cities Spine believes in a “conservative course of treatment in the vast majority of cases,” according to an e- mailed statement from Lisa Arrington, the practice’s marketing director. There are some people for whom surgery is appropriate, she wrote, and numerous patients “have experienced successful outcomes from spinal fusion procedures,” regaining functionality. The operations “reduced pain and improved their quality of life,” she said.

The firm declined to comment on individual patients, and did not make the doctors who treated them available for comment. Twin Cities Spine surgeons routinely warn of potential surgical risks, including nerve damage, blood clots and the need for more surgery, according to letters provided by several patients.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Financial relationships with medical companies are disclosed to patients and do not influence whether surgery is performed, according to the statement from Arrington. Royalties are not received by Twin Cities Spine doctors on devices they use in surgery, the e-mail said.

Fusion has helped spine surgeons become the best paid doctors in the U.S. Their average annual salary is $806,000, more than three times the earnings of a pediatrician, according to the American Medical Group Association, a trade organization for doctor practices.

One of the most common causes of back pain is degenerative disc disease, or the breakdown in the soft, puck-shaped cushions between the vertebrae. Pain also comes from a condition called stenosis, or the narrowing of the spinal canal, which can be caused by bulging discs or arthritis.

Narcotics For Pain

British and Norwegian researchers found fusion no better than physical therapy for disc-related pain in three studies, totaling 473 patients, published in the journals Spine, Pain and the British Medical Journal between 2003 and 2006. A 2001 Swedish study of 294 patients in Spine found fusion better than physical therapy that was less structured than the kinds used in the other studies.

Rates of complications from surgery in three of the European studies -- including bleeding, blood clots, and infections -- were as high as 18 percent. None reported complications from physical therapy. The four studies are cited in journals as the only head-to-head, randomized comparisons between the two treatments.

In a U.S. study in Spine in 2007, surgeons reported fusion was successful in only 41 percent of 75 patients suffering from lower-back disc degeneration. Success measures included pain reduction. Two years earlier in the same journal, surgeons found a 47 percent success rate among 99 patients, 80 percent of which were taking narcotics for pain two years later. Both studies compared fusion to artificial disc replacement in trials submitted to the FDA.

Evidence ‘Lacking’

Evidence that fusion is better than a simpler procedure called decompression for stenosis is “lacking,” a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found earlier this year. The study also found that fast-growing complex fusions -- those joining more than three vertebrae -- carried a 5.6 percent risk of life threatening complications, more than double the 2.3 percent rate for decompression, which usually involves cutting away damaged discs or bone pressing on spinal nerves.

Twin Cities Spine performs 3,000 spine surgeries a year, 1,300 of them fusions, and accounts for 75 percent of the spine operations at Abbott Northwestern, according to Daryll Dykes, a surgeon in the practice. More than 4,000 spine procedures a year are performed at Abbott Northwestern, the most of any U.S. hospital, according to its website.

The practice generates big bills. Medica Health Plans, one of Minnesota’s largest insurers, says it pays a median of $26,021 for back surgeries performed by Twin Cities Spine, including hospital and doctor fees. The medians range between $12,814 and $23,546 for all other spine and orthopedic practices in the area, Medica says.

Porsches, Ferrari, Mercedes

One Twin Cities Spine surgeon, Manuel Pinto, 56, earned $1.85 million from the practice in 2007, according to filings in his divorce proceedings that year. He told state superior court in Minneapolis that he and his wife’s assets included two Porsches; a Ferrari 430 coupe; a Mercedes Benz; two other cars; three boats and proceeds from the $1 million sale of a farm where the Pintos bred Lusitano horses.

Pinto’s 7,185-square-foot house presides over a wooded promontory on Lake Minnetonka. Valued at $4 million in 2007, the house has a swimming pool and 50 yards of beach.
In addition to Transfeldt, Pinto is one of the six surgeons who receive payments from Medtronic. The others are Francis Denis, Timothy Garvey, Joseph Perra and James Schwender.
Schwender, 44, earned $1.2 million from the practice and $440,000 from royalties and consulting in 2008, divorce filings show. Schwender bought his lakefront home outside Minneapolis for $2.6 million in 2005, according to real estate records.

‘90 Percent Success’
Twin Cities Spine performed 1,100 lumbar, or lower-back, fusion surgeries in 2009, Dykes said. Of those, he added, 380 patients had degenerative disc disease and another problem such as stenosis, and 282 had degenerative disc disease alone.

Twin Cities Spine doesn’t have any scientifically validated studies on the success of fusion for those in the latter group, Dykes said. He called them “the controversial patients.”
Spinal fusion on back-pain patients is performed as a last resort after less invasive treatments fail, he said. Measuring outcomes has been difficult because researchers, doctors and payers can’t agree on criteria for success, he said.

“Living Well With Back Pain,” a 2006 consumer guide produced by Twin Cities Spine and published by HarperCollins, states that, “With proper patient selection and optimal surgical techniques, the success rate for spinal fusion surgery for back pain is now about 90 percent.”

Two-Level Surgery

A letter from Pinto to patient Robin Washburn in 2005 said surgery offered “a very good chance” of success, adding that a “good to excellent outcome” would mean at least a 70 percent reduction in pain.

Two spinal fusion surgeries later, her back is worse than ever, said Washburn, who is 40 and a 911 dispatcher in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Washburn’s insurer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, paid $80,000 for the two procedures.

“Before it was annoying. Now, it’s pain every day, all day, worse when it’s cold,” she said in an interview.

Ninety-eight percent of Twin Cities Spine’s post-operative patients who responded to a 2009 survey would choose or recommend the group for surgical care, according to Arrington’s e-mailed statement. She said about a third of patients responded to the survey.

Patients that the practice recommended to Bloomberg News for interviews reported being happy with their surgeries. One of them, Jody Rasmusson, 48, of Minneapolis, underwent her second spinal surgery in three years by Dykes in October 2009. One year after the two-level fusion and decompression, the shooting pain in her back and legs was gone, said Rasmusson, a bank customer- service agent. A level is the space between two vertebrae; a two-level surgery means three vertebrae were fused.

Playing Football

Before Robert Gumatz, 60, had a five-level spinal fusion by Dykes in November 2009, the grain-company manager had so much back and hip pain he was losing the use of his legs, he said. He had stopped playing soccer with his kids and taking nightly walks with his wife. A year later, “I can play tackle football if I want to,” said Gumatz, of Oakdale, Minnesota. “I know I’m an exception. I have no pain.”

For 50 years, surgery was a calling at Twin Cities Spine. Led by surgeon John H. Moe, a pioneer in correcting scoliosis, or abnormally curved spines, the group’s doctors rebuilt the twisted backs of
children with polio and other malformations -- vertebra by vertebra.

They traveled at least 90 days a year, often paying their own way, to show doctors around the world how to mend childhood spinal deformities, said David Bradford, who spent 20 years at the practice before becoming chair of orthopedics at the University of California at San Francisco in 1991.

Adapting Fusion

At home, Bradford said surgeons operated weekly at Gillette Children’s Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota, usually for free. “‘It was just what you did; that’s why we became doctors,” said Bradford, now a professor and chair emeritus at UCSF’s spine center. “We weren’t in medicine to make gazillions.”

While senior surgeons continue to research and treat crippling disease, Pinto and other protégés have also adapted the fusion techniques Moe pioneered to surgery for common back pain, said Robert Winter, the firm’s research director.

Twin Cities Spine surgeons published articles on fusion techniques for back pain and presented results at professional meetings. Its financial relationship with Medtronic, the largest maker of spinal implants in the U.S., began as early as 2002, when, according to a deposition by Pinto, he began receiving money from the company, which is based in Fridley, Minnesota.

Medtronic Money

In addition to the $1.75 million it paid the six Twin Cities Spine surgeons this year, Medtronic and three other device companies give the practice a total of $100,000 to $500,000 for a fellowship program, Arrington said. Twin Cities Spine calls it the largest such program in the country and says it has trained 140 spine surgeons.

Medtronic also has disclosed contributing $150,000 in 2008 to a non-profit that Schwender heads to spread the use of minimally invasive surgical devices. The contribution represented 95 percent of the non-profit’s expenses that year, according to the organization’s latest-available tax filings.

In 2004, Pinto was seeing Jean Kingsley, 57, a patient who had had two previous fusion surgeries and was still suffering back pain. Pinto told her, according to a hospital report he wrote, that more “surgical treatment could provide her with some relief of her pain” if her symptoms “were extremely severe, unrelenting” and had “failed extensive conservative care,” which “appeared to be the case.”

Not Negligent

Her third operation, a daylong procedure by Pinto in September of that year, fused 13 vertebrae along her entire spine and was a disaster. Kingsley, of Milaca, Minnesota, returned home paralyzed from the waist down, according to hospital records in a lawsuit she brought against Pinto. A jury in Minnesota state court found earlier this year that Pinto was not negligent in the case.
The judge awarded $46,616 in attorney’s fees to Pinto, which Kingsley said she can’t pay. She has appealed the decision. Her case is a “unique set of events for which even in retrospect there is no obvious explanation that one can prove,” Pinto said in his 2008 deposition, in which he estimated he performed 400 to 500 back surgeries a year.

Abbott and Twin Cities Spine billed a combined $239,000 for the surgery, Kingsley’s records show. Insurer Medica says it paid about a third of that amount after a discount.

Kingsley arrived home in a wheelchair, wore a diaper for two and a half years and had a home health aide visiting to bathe her in bed, she said in a deposition in the case. As her condition improved, she said she was able to move short distances with the aid of leg braces and a walker.

‘I’m Paralyzed’

Today, Kingsley lives alone after the 2008 death of her husband. She said she takes medication for depression and doesn’t do “much of anything,” usually watching television and reading, and lives off Social Security benefits from her husband’s death. “Now I don’t feel any pain,” Kingsley said in an interview. “I’m paralyzed.”

Pinto co-authored a study in Spine in 2009 on 125 of his patients who had, like Kingsley, undergone fusions of four or more vertebrae. The study, which a Twin Cities Spine fellow presented at six surgical conferences around the globe, concluded that patients with extensive degenerative pain “can be successfully treated with surgical intervention.”

The Pinto study showed why back-pain patients should avoid spinal fusions, said Stanford University’s Carragee. The paper tracked progress in only 80 of the 125 surgical patients; “what happened to the other 45 patients?” Carragee asked.

Lifting a Keg

Twenty-seven of the 80 patients needed a second surgery, while about 40 percent of the patients had complications, including 5 percent of the men who suffered permanently diminished sexual function, Carragee said.

“This should make you pretty cautious about doing this kind of stuff,” he said.
Twin Cities Spine, in its statement, said Pinto’s study was the first to report on such extensive fusion surgery for degenerative back pain, an operation it said “is in no way comparable” to less complicated procedures.

Schwender first performed fusion surgery on Catherine Engels in May 2001, after finding she had a herniated disc. She came to see him again on June 4, 2003, complaining of sharp back pain, her medical records show.

Engels, now 50, received Schwender’s support for a workers’ compensation claim, in which she said she injured her back lifting a keg at a liquor store where she worked in July 2000. Schwender said in a deposition that the incident was “a significant contributing factor” to Engels’s back problems.

Constant, Sharp Pain’

The workers’ compensation judge rejected her claim, finding “multiple significant inconsistencies” between her and Schwender’s testimony, on one side, and the medical records submitted by six doctors Engels saw before Schwender, on the other. Two of those doctors said Engels hadn’t attributed her back pain to any specific injury, and others said Engels attributed the pain to lifting patio brick, the judge found.

Schwender operated a second time on Engels in January 2004, removing the screws and rods he’d put in her spine and decompressing the spinal canal. It didn’t help. By then, Schwender told Engels, the rods and screws had shifted and caused permanent nerve damage, she said in an interview. Now she has “constant, sharp pain” down her left leg, treated with drugs and a neurostimulator in her back designed to send out current that interferes with pain signals.

“I went through with fusion thinking it would be the cure- all,” Engels said. “It wasn’t.”

OxyContin, Hydrocodone, Elavil

Dan Bebault was suffering from lower back and leg pain when he visited Twin Cities Spine’s Garvey in May 2006. Garvey discussed surgery with him and told him he’d “likely” be able to return to light work three to six months afterwards, according to Bebault and notes Garvey made on the case. “He pretty much talked me into it,” Bebault said.

The fusion took place in August that year. When Bebault returned to see Garvey five months later, he said, his life was falling apart. The pain had spread to his neck and arms, and OxyContin, hydrocodone and Elavil weren’t helping much. Bebault’s wife had left him after the surgery; he hadn’t worked in four years.

Garvey wasn’t sympathetic, said Bebault, a 53-year-old former machinist who lives in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. “He said my life was like an old country-western song and he didn’t want to hear about it,” Bebault said in an interview at his home. “He said come back if I want more surgery.”

Methadone Overdose

Additional fusion surgery for Bebault’s neck “would be an option,” Garvey’s chart notes from this time say. Bebault, now reunited with his wife and on Social Security disability, decided against more surgery and quells the pain in his back and neck with 120 milligrams a day of morphine, plus occasional vicodin, valium and amitriptyline, an anti-depressant.

He said he feels “withdrawals” when his morphine wears off, shaking and sweating. His surgery cost his former employer’s workers’ compensation insurer $48,633; Garvey’s fee was $5,870.
“The patient is like a piece of meat; everybody’s making money off the guy,” Bebault said.
Garvey did a three-level spinal fusion on Ross Tamminen in April 2006. Six months later, Tamminen, a heavy-equipment operator, reported severe pain again in his back and legs, according to documents from a case in state workers’ comp court.

As a treatment option, Garvey proposed more surgery to examine the fusion site, remove the implants in Tamminen’s spine, and perform decompression. His employer’s insurer denied a coverage request, saying surgery wasn’t warranted, according to court filings.

The rest of the story comes from Tamminen’s mother, Barbara Grove. Denied federal disability benefits and in intractable pain, Tamminen ran out of money for painkillers, she said, and began taking methadone obtained through friends.

He died of an overdose on June 20, 2008, 26 months after spinal fusion. He was 41.

To contact the reporters responsible for this story: Peter Waldman in San Francisco at; David Armstrong in Boston at

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Florida Republicans Admit Voter Fraud

Republicans claim Fla. GOP suppressed Democratic vote

Former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer has been claiming for months that state party members engineered a new law to suppress voter turnout, falsely touting voter fraud concerns to advance their mission. Now, other former Republicans and consultants are backing Greer up, The Palm Beach Post reports.

Greer, who is under a retaliatory indictment and falsely accused of funneling campaign funds from the Republican Party, has been claiming that state Republicans supported a law (HB 1355)—which, in part, curtailed early voting—simply as a means to stymie the Democratic vote.

Staff and consultants "never came in to see me and tell me we had a (voter) fraud issue," Greer told the newspaper. "It's all a marketing ploy."

Former Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, GOP consultant Wayne Bertsch and one unnamed consultant now tell the newspaper that state Republicans and consultants were actively seeking ways to suppress Democratic turnout following the 2008 election.

"I know that the cutting out of the Sunday before Election Day was one of their targets only because that's a big day when the black churches organize themselves," the anonymous longtime GOP consultant told the newspaper.

Lying Republican state officials tried to discredit Greer as a disgruntled former Republican. Greer, in a deposition filed against the party this summer, accused leaders of working to suppress black turnout and made other damning claims.

Crist is also regarded as an enemy of the GOP following his party switch, his decision to back President Barack Obama for re-election this year, and his subsequent attacks on his former party. This past summer, Crist lambasted the Florida GOP for backing new laws that applied more restrictive voter ID requirements.

Republicans dishonestly claim that Greer was not privy to the alleged meetings, that the discussions that he claimed took place never happened, and that the GOP did not seek to suppress turnout—a potentially illegal act but as we all know most Republicans are treasonous liars.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

School Bullying

Proud FA and I were school mates. There was some bullying when Proud and I were in school but not all that much. Back then kids were allowed to work out their differences and sometimes it would require some fisticuffs and when it came to throwing hands Proud FA was a animal and still is. FA Bomaye! FA Bomaye! FA Bomaye! FA Bomaye! FA Bomaye!

Not too many people would fuck with me, Fat Bastard, and nobody would fuck with Proud unless they wanted a knotty hairdo, a busted lip and a concussion. On one particular winter day Proud and I missed the bus so we had to walk home. It was a warm winter day and there was plenty of good packing snow. As luck would have it there was this fucking bully walking ahead of us. He was a new student, a jock who was not aware of Proud's fighting prowess. I, Fat Bastard, am a lover not a fighter but that does not mean I don't enjoy watching a good ass kicking so I decided to start some shit with the new bully. He had called me fat ass and blubber gut and Baby Huey. I wanted to kick his ass but I was not sure if I could take him. I knew Proud could wreck him even though this punk had 4 inches and 40 pounds on Proud.'s not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog! I bagan tossing snow balls at this fucker and he turned around and told us to knock it off. After he turned back around I packed another slushy snowball and hit this jock in the neck. He turned and I could tell he was really pissed he was about to attack and I said sorry man I won't do it again. He said that if I did he'd kick my fat ass. About a minute later I spied a car turd. A car turd is one of those big fucking brown ice chunks that fall from cars. This car turd was the size of a large coconut. Being a fat bastard and having no impulse control I picked up that icy fucker and fired it at the that mouthy dip shit and it knocked him silly. He went on the attack and not wanting to get pummeled I told him Proud threw it.

His eyes flashed with anger as he dove at Proud shouting, "you die you fat asshole!!!!" The fight was on. For a moment he was on top of Proud but Proud quickly reversed the position and the ass kicking was on. Proud was on top and he shouted, "Fat Bastard, gloves!" With Proud sitting on this dickhead's chest he raised up his arms so that I could remove his gloves and with that Proud's famous fists of fury worked their magic as the beat out drum roll of this punk's face. Within a few seconds the blood was flying as Proud delivered one of his legendary beat downs. His fists connected with trip hammer speed and precision. In less than 30 seconds Proud had beaten this punk into submission and semi consciousness. Then to my surprise he said, "Finish him off Fat Bastard. Do it Earthquake style."

Earthquake was our favorite WWF wrestler at the time so as this punk laid there in a daze I dropped a few 350 pound Earthquake bombs on him. I cracked a few of his ribs and he missed the rest of basketball season but it was a lesson well learned. We sent a message to other bullies. That is how to put an end to school bullying. Beat the shit out of the bullies.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fat People Problems

If there is one fatling who speaks honestly and accurately for fat people it's BIG FAT RRRRRRRRRRRRREVEREND BURN!

Go to his channel ans subscribe!