Sunday, November 8, 2015

Republican 2016 Candidates

It's Ben called a clown show but it's actually more like a perp walk because most of the candidate have a criminal past. The biggest criminals are Christie, Firorina, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush. The only ones who have not been exposed as criminals are Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump.

Jeb Bush... Lawful Evil and Chaotic EVIL

BushToll | Documenting the Bush Legacy of Failure

Ben Carson... Chaotic Evil (Extremely EVIL) Ben Carson's Shady Past

Chris Christie...  Chaotic Evil

Ted Cruz... Chaotic Evil

Carly Fiorina... Lawful Evil

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore said Wednesday he is running for the GOP nomination for president and will make an official announcement the first week in August. Jim Gilmore... Chaotic Evil: Turns out Gilmore filed false information on his campaign disclosure forms, obscuring his ties to the Virginia-based company Windmill International.

Lindsey Graham... Lawful Evil 

Mike Huckabee Chaotic Evil  (Extremely EVIL)

Bobby Jindal Lawful Evil 

John Kasich...  Lawful Evil

George Pataki...  Lawful Evil? Neutral? We do know that he's stupid.

Rand Paul...  Lawful Evil and Chaotic EVIL Occasionally good

Marco Rubio........  Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil 

Rick Santorum..... Chaotic Evil 

Rick Santorum's Skeleton Closet - The Skeleton Closet

Donald Trump... Chaotic Good

Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline

Obama and Keystone

Earlier today, President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline -- another in a growing list of strong moves to fight climate change.

Climate change deniers aka stupid Obama haters and brain dead tea baggers and their polluter allies have fought him every step of the way, and they've already said they'll fight as hard as they can on this too.

Will you stand with the President and fight for actions like this to take on climate change?

The Keystone XL pipeline was a risky plan to transport oil from the Canadian Tar Sands to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Not only would it have made climate change worse, it would have added to the risk of dangerous spills in our heartland. The risk just isn't worth the reward -- because most of the oil would be exported to the world market, it wouldn't have put much of a dent in gas prices or made us more energy independent. And big claims about job creation just never added up.

As the President said this morning, the time to act on climate change is now. Not later, not someday, but right here right now -- and we can do it while creating jobs, saving money, and growing our economy.

We can reduce energy prices and create jobs by supporting the switch to clean energy. Wind and solar power have tripled in the last few years, costs are falling fast, and these booming industries provide hundreds of thousands of Americans with good paychecks. Real infrastructure investments from Congress wouldn't hurt, either. 

President Obama has been fighting hard to stop climate change. Despite constant opposition from climate change deniers and their powerful polluter allies, we've made a lot of progress -- through investments in clean energy, a groundbreaking plan to cut carbon pollution from power plants, and through international agreements with big developing countries like China and India.

There's still a long way to go in this fight. But we can win it -- if everyone who believes in a cleaner, safer future stands up for what they believe.

Stand with President Obama and add your name to join the fight against climate change:

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Voice For Men A Feminist Hoax?

What's the difference between a band of Pygmies and a girl's track team? One a group of cunning runts. Feminists may not be smart but they are indeed cunning. I Fat Bastardo have been battling feminism for years and I thought that I could impart some wisdom to the fledgling men's rights movement so I graciously offered my insight to a Voice for Men via their forum. Here is what happened in the short lived thread Fat Bastardo Here

Either the "men" there are a bunch of whining pussies or they are feminists posing as men and as we know feminssts are whining cunts why wish they were men. Moreover, men who can't handle crazy bitches are crazy bitches themselves.

Fat Bastardo Here

I joined this site so that I can contribute to the debate is what seems like the age old battle of the sexes. I hope to bring some logic and reason to this issue with out pulling any punches.

I use parody to discredit bullshit and this third wave feminism is complete and utter bullshit. When you combine it with political correctness it because a very nasty combination.

I am also a man of science and science literally mean knowledge. Science is the great debunker.

I take feminism to task. I point out its hypocrisies and absurdities. While I think in theory feminism may have some merit, in practice it has been a disaster. Feminists need to be mocked and ridiculed and exposed and that is what I do.

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The Liberal Tea Party Candidate Tea Pain

Teatardation it seems has no particular political stripe these days. There is now a liberal version/wing of the Tea Party. Learn more about them here: Click here for the TeaPain

Tea Pain, that's his real name, is running for president on the liberal Tea Party ticket. It you want straight talking American government, Tea Pain is your man.

We at Bigger Fatter Politics rarely endorse a candidate this early but after a discussion with members of our editorial staff, Rotunda Hindenberg, Jenna Talia and Aisle Blocker we have decided to endorse Tea Pain for POTUS.  We have read Tea Pain's position papers and we at Bigger Fatter Politics believe that Tea Pain is just what America need.

The Seven Tenets of the Liberal Tea Party

We ain't against bigger gub'ment or smaller gub'ment. We're against stupid gubment.

Just because others may not see things our way doesn't mean we don't love America.

A woman's body is hers... period!

American is beautiful. Love is beautiful. Marriage is for everyone.

Guns are for huntin and protectin. #NoGunNonsense.

All faiths including those with no faith are welcome.

We speak the truth but with grace and love.

Tea Pain's Quotes and Tweets:

Conservatives say the problem is Christianity ain't taught in schools. The real problem is Christianity ain't taught in church.

Soon Dr. Carson will be back to his old job of sewing sponges into patients' brains.

Tea Pain wishes he had a dollar for every time he got a full Westpoint scholarship he never applied for.

. Tea Pain luvs ya, Dr. Ben, even though you can't operate on the one brain that needs yore help the most!

  1. Joinin' the Tea Party is like goin' back to the 50s. The 1850s.
  2. Joinin' the Tea Party is like goin' back to the 50s without a Flux Capacitor.
  3. helps explain the deep hidden meanin' behind Ben Carson's mysterious sayins!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Four Famous Doctors

America has four very famous medical doctors and three of them are scumbags.

Rand Paul Treating A Guatemalan Patient for FREE! 

Let's start with Rand Paul. He's a libertarian and libertarians are unrealistic crybabies but in defense of Rand Paul he does do work out of the goodness of his heart by performing surgeries on children in poor countries who have failing eyesight. The other three MDs don't fare as well as Rand Paul.

How Dr. Drew Sold His Cred to Big Pharma - The Atlantic 

Unctuous and unscrupulous Doctor Drew Pinski is truly a criminal asshole. Not only is he a fucking phony son of a bitch he a bribe taker. Like the graphic says Pinsky took bribes from two pharmaceutical companies. Sure, most MDs take bribes but in this case Dr Drew took money to illegally promote the dangerous psych drug Wellbutrin on his radio show. Drew Pinsky promoted the drug for off label use. On his radio show Dr Drew claimed/implied that Welbutrin can cause women to have many many orgasms.

Dr. Drew Wellbutrin Orgasm Scandal - YouTube

Jul 3, 2012 - "...pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay a $3 billion fine in a fraud settlement for illegally marketing drugs and withholding ...

Feds Say Dr. Drew Was Paid By Glaxo To Talk Up ... - Forbes

Our next slime ball is Dr Oz. Dr Oz was called in front of congress for making false claims about weight loss supplements. Dr Oz knew damn well the the crap he was promoting had ZERO benefit but he lied to millions of people by saying that it did. Senator Claire McCaskell put it to Dr Oz like this, "You knew it wasn't true but you said it anyway".

I saved the worst for last. of the four MDs the biggest scumbag is Dr Ben Carson Republican candidate for president. Ben Carson is a liar of whom Mitt Romney would envy. So far not even a Republican has had the guts to tell lies as blatantly false as the lies of Ben Carson. When it comes to crazy Ben Carson makes Michelle Bachmann look sane.


Carson's scumbaggery is epic. Butcher Ben Carson shilled for a criminal nutritional company called Mannatech. Mannatech sells their sham nutritional products through an illegal pyramid scheme which they call multi-level marketing. Dr Ben Crazy Carson had a 10 year business relationship with Mannatech which ended in 2014. During that time Mannatech paid Butcher Ben $7 MILLION dollars to promote their product. When asked at the third Republican debate about his business relationship with Mannatech Carson claimed that he had never done business with Mannatech. That a whopper of a lie

Carson's compulsive lying is not his only problem. The hype that Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon is more bullshit. Carson has been sued 8 times for medical malpractice and his negligent fuck ups left people maimed.

To make himself look like a bad ass and a street wise real Nigga, Ben Carson claimed that he was a gang banger. That too is a lie.

Ben Carson Crashes And Burns As CNN Exposes His ...

Ben Carson has told other lies such as earning a scholarship to West Point. He admitted to that lie. More lies of Ben Carson will be exposed as more people and more of his victims come forward but for now, know this. Ben Carson, like Dr Oz and Dr Drew is a fraudster a criminal and a liar and a prefect Republican.

Ben Carson admits he lied about West Point scholarship ... 

Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship + ...
Ben Carson's Shady Past

Ben Carson's Long History Of Medical Malpractice

Ben Carson
Karly Bailey One of Ben Carson's Victims!

Unless you've been living under a rock then you must know that Dr Benjamin Carson Republican candidate for president is one lying slippery son of a bitch but you may not know that his reputation of being a great neurosurgeon is bullshit as well. Ben Carson is a sloppy and reckless butcher.

Criminal multi millionaire medical quack Ben Carson has faced public allegations of improper medical care from former patients in the past, led mostly by Karly Bailey, whose face was paralyzed as a result of tumor-removing surgery. Her lawsuit is still pending in a Baltimore City circuit court.
“I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t talk, you couldn’t understand me at all,” Bailey toldThe Guardian in early 2015. Her family set up a website called the Karly Bailey Story to help spread the word of Carson’s alleged malpractice, complete with a GoFundMe donation link on the homepage. 

In his greed and recklessness Carson performed an unnecessary procedure and an unnecessary surgery on Mary Perna.  Carson was either too greedy to read the MRI report or he simply operated on this woman out of his well known depraved greed. 

RELATED: Bungling Ben Carson Leaves Sponge in Patient's Brain: CLICK HERE

Perna was suffering from multiple sclerosis and by October of 1994, she had facial pain on the left side of her face and vision problems that “were virtually unchecked,” despite the prescription medication that she was taking.
She was referred to Carson, who performed two glycerine rhizotomy procedures, basically an injection of the chemical glycerol into the brain to reduce nerve pain—but  Perna’s symptoms, and  her pain actually got worse.
Carson then suggested that a more invasive operation be done—a microvascular decompression, which involves a partial removal of the cranium in order to separate a nerve from “adjacent structures.”

RELATED: Why The Hell Is Ben Carson Running For President? He's A ...

RELATED: Ben Carson's Shady Past

Had lying greedy charlatan Ben Carson read the MRI report he would have known that that Perna had lesions on her brain stem as a result of her MS, making the micro-vascular decompression essentially useless. Criminal Ben Carson didn’t review Perna’s MRI before conducting all three procedures.
All in all Ben Carson has been sued at least 8 times for medical malpractice and there is no telling how many out of court settlements he and Johns Hopkins paid off to keep his and Johns Hopkins phony reputation intact.
There you have it folks, Ben Carson's reputation as a brilliant surgeon is total bullshit. To put it in the common parlance; as a surgeon Ben Carson was a fuck up and as a human being he is one evil son of a bitch.