Monday, March 14, 2016

How Fat Acceptance Killed Itself

For a long time I have said that fat acceptance, the angry jealous fat girl gluttony denying kind wasn't dead but that is just smelled that way. Fat acceptance has been in its death throes for about 8 years and like fat people it died slowly e.g. a stroke here, diabetic blindness there, a heart attack here, cancer there, a diabetic amputation here, clogged arteries there. It would appear that third wave fat acceptance has been mercifully removed from life support and has finally died.

The last bastion of fat acceptance was a very retarded site called Fierce Free Thinking Fatties. There certainly was not free thinking or free expression allowed on that site. If you didn't agree that diets are bad and everybody is mean to fat people and that being fat has no health risks they would not allow you to express your opinion let alone state medical facts.

Everyday the owner of Fierce Non Thinking Fatties would post an article whining about fat people and the cruel cruel world they are forced to live in. WTF!! 75% of Americans are fat slobs. Fat people are being mean to fat people?! It's true that fat girls are meant to fat guys but hell, fat girls are mean to everyone. That's just how those miserable yeast beasts are. The owner or someone else associated with Fierce Big Stinking Fatties would post an article often accompanied by the words "trigger warning." Only a crazy cunt would say something like that.

As their leader, some fat ass calling himself Shannon spouted deadly delusions daily. He would name each day of the week. For instance he would call Monday, Metamorphosis Monday and I suppose with all that extra flab and body parts those piggies were actually morphing into something other than human. If I, Fat Bastardo were to rename Monday I would call it Meat Face Monday. They call Friday, Frankly Friday and I'd call it Fat Ass Friday. They call Wednesday Wishful Wednesday but I would call it Wipe My Fat Ass Wednesday... You get the idea.

UPDATE: Fierce Free Thinking Fatties is now off line!

The last post to appear on Fierce Fatties was on February 23 2015. Nearly four months and no new articles. What happened? Did the owner finally grow a pair, develop a conscience and realize he was full of shit? Did he buy the farm and no I am not talking about Pepperidge Farms?

The other bastion of blubber was Big Fat Blog. The last article there was posted on February 24 2013.

Kate Harding has crawled back into her hole.

Kelly Bliss is missing in action.

Joy Nash of fat rant fame is no longer posting her tiresome Youtube diatribes.

This is what happens to a movement that squelches speech and is fueled by insanity and paranoia. It eventually ossifies, collapses under its own weight of stupidity, ignorance and bad ideas and eventually it dies. This is what has happened to 3rd wave fat acceptance. Sorry fat girls, MeMe Roth did not kill fat acceptance with her truth and logic. Like a gormandizing glutton on a year long food binge, fat acceptance killed itself.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Gay Republicans: A Retrospective

Marco Rubio On The Far Upper Right


When we think of gay Democrats we think or Barney Frank and that's about it. If a Democratic politician is gay he'll make no bones about it. Democrats like gays but damn few of them are gay. It's a different story when it comes to Republicans. The Republican party has more gays than the Barbra Streisand fan club and the American Guild of Interior Decorators combined and Republicans hate gays. There have been two on the debate stage who get so flustered over straight alpha male Donald Trump that they both throw hissy fits. Even that flit boy Glenn Beck said he wanted to stab The Donald non stop.... Calling Dr Sigmund Freud! Rubio and Cruz were so flustered over Mr Trump that I thought for a moment they would start slapping this with their purses. Kasich being a straight beta male knew his subordinate role and stayed out of it.


There are so many prominent closeted gay Republicans that have been outed by their scandalous behavior (Former Republican Pedophile House Speaker Dennis Hastert comes to mind.) one must wonder how many more remain in the closet. It also seems that the more these Republicans invoke Jesus and the Bible the more egregious their deviant behavior is. Their own Apostle Paul referred to homosexuals as dogs which reminds me of a joke. What did the gerbils say when the two Republican senators walked into the pet store? Arf Arf Arf!! That said I leave you with the story of mega gay hating rich Conservative preacher Ted Haggard.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Delighted Snickers: by America's Greatest Christian Mrs Betty Bowers

I suspect that this will be a rather uncomfortable time at the Pastor Ted Haggard tax-free mansion. You see, Reverend Haggard is a vociferous spokesperson against gay marriage and, until yesterday, his wife probably had no idea she was actually in one.

Oh, I can hear some of you gals used to being around florists and Governors of New Jersey -- and Texas -- cackling. You think I'm selling the woman's intuition for pushily obvious queenery short. But if Haggard's unblinking congregation could sit and listen to such a liturgical Liberace week after week and not realize they were in the presence of someone who makes Barry Manilow in a full-length mink look butch, they really need to re-calibrate their ability to detect prescription-strength doses of flamboyance. Because if you can't tell that Haggard is not just gay, but marabou mules wearing gay, you must have bought your refurbished Gaydar at the same kiosk Tom Cruise got his E-meter.

But before everyone piles on with protestations of shock and awe, allow me to pause for praise where it is due for this man Harper’s claimed to hold more sway over the political direction of evangelicalism than any pastor in America. It is quite clear that Ted Haggard is a man with admirable devotion to the Christian/GOP cause. After all, it must take enormous willpower for a meth-crazed sodomite to remove a penis from his mouth long enough to denounce homosexuality.

Haggard famously claimed that "the only difference between me and George Bush is that Bush drives a Ford and I drive a Chevy." And from what I can tell, this may be the only honest thing the man has said. Let's compare, shall we? 

Against gay marriage? 


Fondness for sniffing illegal white powder? 


Association with gay male prostitutes? 

Jeff Gannon meet Mike Jones

But I guess it is no more difficult to be a homosexual who purports to dislike homosexuality than it is to be a strike-first warmonger who purports to follow the Prince of Peace. Indeed, if only lying were a car, instead of a way of approaching the world, maybe one of them would have finally traded it in for something else by now.

But Mr. Haggard shows no more knack for honesty than he does for picking discreet prostitutes. As an evangelical preacher, he is clearly too used to getting up in front of people who believe anything he says to lie convincingly to those still fettered by thought. Indeed, his lying skills are so uproariously amateurish that, frankly, I think he needs some lessons from a pro like Dick Cheney, a man who can say, "I'm not currently saying this" and mean it. 

For example, Haggard claims he visited the man he previously had never met simply to get a "massage." The chaste, innocent purpose of this endeavor must explain why he used a pseudonym. (As Marge Davis asked, "Well what is it that they are massaging is what I want to know!"). 

Haggard is also claiming that he purchased a "first time customers only" introductory sample of crystal meth (meth dealers are notorious for their promotions). But threw it away. This must be our GOP version of the implausibility of "not inhaling," but, in typical Republican fashion, seems rather more blatantly wasteful. Did he not think of the consequences of this lie? Why, poor Nicole Richie is probably combing the side of every road out of Denver for that tiny baggie as I type this. But the talent-free waif searches in vain. Anyone who listens to Haggard's insistent voice messages can tell that this was someone jonesing for a fix, not a mildly curious man given to impromptu middle-age hard-drug experimentation like another 50 year-old might finally try a Mojito. Listen to the recordings: we're talking "Lindsay Lohan down to her last kilo" desperate here. 

It's become almost an axiom of American unctuousness that the more preening the public scold, the more inevitable the public scald. A public paradigm usually has a private paramour. Once pompous glutton William Bennett set himself up as an arbitrator of our virtues, it was only a matter of time before the arbitrariness of his own virtues was laid out like a losing twosome in blackjack. 

While this type of cynical scorn of one's own words might strike the naive as galling, there has always been a disconnect between private men and their public protestations. But for the miracle of vote tampering and activist Supreme Court judges, evangelicals would have been as essential to Mr. Bush's election as they like to assume. And every pandering appearance near a cross or coded reference to scripture stuck like a clumsy, phosphorescent Post-It into a State of the Union address reminds us that the President is keenly aware of this perceived debt. But David Kuo, in his book Tempting Fate, tells us that such overt supplication is done with patronizing perfunctoriness. Evangelicals are actually mocked behind their backs at the White House. 

The Bush White House might have found this revelation embarrassing if people like Haggard didn't routinely prove that Evangelicals don't take anything they say seriously either. 
Jim Bakker got caught with his secretary while she still had her own breasts. Jimmy Swaggart got caught in a motel on a urine-stained mattress littered with unsavory streetwalkers. And Paul Crouch had to pay off his gay lover. (Mr. Crouch, appears to have been forgiven, if only because even those most strongly against homosexuality understand the urge to look for sexual outlets that don't involveJan Crouch being naked.)

Mark Foley campaigned against legalizing gay marriage. Almost inevitably, we then find out that this was probably only because he would never tie the knot with someone old enough to legally marry. Haggard, perhaps in response to how Foley's crude, after-the-fact attempts to link his unacceptable homosexual indiscretion to a perfectly acceptable addiction, was rather smart to have a sex scandal prepackaged with an even better addiction. Well played!

Not to be outdone, Republican candidate for Florida Governor, Attorney GeneralCharlie Crist, much like Ted Haggard, has not allowed his actual participation in homosexuality to get in the way of speaking out against the idea of homosexuality. And, frankly, I'm not sure what more readily impugns his boyfriend Bruce Carlton Jordan's character: being a convicted thief or working for that crazy sex kitten Katherine Harris. But what can you expect from the state that gave us not only the odious Miss Harris but also aquamarine appliances? 

While Jesus was appallingly lax in neglecting to mention His disgust with homosexuality, He did take Republicans (for some reason, called Pharisees back then) to task for being hypocrites. As any modern Republican can tell you, Jesus, of course, had it all backwards. Homosexuality is to be despised. And lying (even about despising homosexuality) it just a quirk, something you tell people to get their money or vote. Ask Ted Haggard's best buddy James Dobson.

Our First Gay President

Republicans have been working overtime to subvert the will of their own voters with their dirty tricks campaign on Donald Trump and the other non establishment candidate Ben Carson. Like all the other Republican dirty tricks so far this one will most likely blow up in their faces and speaking of things blowing up in the faces of Republicans, it would seem that Rubio has had more than a few things blowing up in both his face and ass over the years.

Marco Rubio has a legitimate shot at becoming America's first gay president if the Republicans succeed in torpedoing Trump the only real manly man in the race. Cruz who seems and bit light in the loafers himself is not a natural born American whose father has ties to Fidel Castro.

When young Florida State Representative Rubio was broke and in debt, Zionist billionaire Norman Braman to Rubio) set up a part-time college teaching job for Rubio and also gave Rubio's wife a no-show job. (here) Bubble Boy was quickly fast-tracked to Speaker-of-the House, and then U.S. Senator.

Note: Rubio also admitted, on late night TV, that he attended "foam parties" -- here

Rubio's gay lust was evident in the debates as he kept trying to goad alpha male Donald Trump into spanking him.

Let's face it folks, the GOP is gayer than the movie Twilight. 

They have David the Shitter Vitter, former House speaker gay pedophile Dennis Hastert, Larry the toe tapper Craig, Ted the faggart Haggard, Robert Allen, a Florida State Representative, who was arrested for offering to perform fellatio to an undercover cop in the men’s room of a park for $20, Mark Foley.... the list goes on and on.

What can we expect from a Rubio presidency?

1. The White House dog will be a pink poodle and instead of barking it will say "bowzie wowzie"

2. Bobby Trendy will be the White House interior decorator.

3. Marco will order the Secret Service agents to dress like the Village People.

4. It will be revealed that Marco's wife is a drag queen.

5. There will be lots of "mandates".

6. Rubio will be Putin's bitch. Putin is a hyper-masculine homo. Rubio will will refer to him as Vlad the Impaler.

7. Richard Simmons with head the White House counsel on physical fitness.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Scalia's Successor

Oink! - Demotivational Poster

Now that Scalia is taking a dirt nap Obama's constitutional duty is the pick a nominee. I had some thoughts. I was thinking he'd nominate Shotgun Joe Biden, Barney Frank or some lesser known jurist but when I received this Email from Florida Congressman Alan Grayson I knew who I was going to want to see on the US Supreme Court. It's a no brainer. Elizabeth Warren is the obvious choice and here's why.

1. Elizabeth Warren is squeaky clean. (There are no clean conservatives, they simply do not exist. Look at what a disaster that scumbag Clarence Thomas is.)

2. Elizabeth Warren is brilliant! She as the ability to arrive at the obvious very quickly.

3. She's a woman of the people and unlike any CONservative she's not mobbed up with the 1%.

4. Even if  the criminal Republican scum block her nomination they will get bloodied up in the process. 

Grayson's argument is even more persuasive.
Dear Mr Bastardo,

Please spread this missive on your extraordinary news service.

Dear Mr. President, please appoint Elizabeth Warren to the Supreme Court, before the end of the week.

Why Elizabeth Warren? She started waiting tables at the age of 13, a year after her father was driven into poverty by a heart attack followed by huge medical bills. She later taught children with disabilities. She was a Harvard Law Professor for almost two decades – in fact, the only one there with tenure who had attended a public university. Her scholarly work is renowned; she is one of the most frequently cited law professors of all time.

She has been an indefatigable watchdog over the capital markets for almost a decade, going back to her extraordinarily valuable work on the Congressional Oversight Panel for the federal bailout program. She created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, even though the Senate Republicans wouldn’t let her run it. She electrified the nation with her “you didn’t build that” speech. And she has been a tireless and effective U.S. Senator.

Fourteen Senators and 17 Congressman have been appointed to the Supreme Court. So it wouldn’t be the first time this happened.

One more thing: Senator Warren is an outstanding writer and communicator, something that the Supreme Court badly needs. (Justice Scalia recently attacked a colleague for a writing style “as pretentious as it [is] egotistic.”) In my opinion, the two best judicial writers of my lifetime are Justice Hugo Black, a former Senator, and Judge Abner Mikva, a former Congressman. (I worked with Mikva; I know what I’m talking about.) Serving in either House of Congress is a very effective lesson in communication.

Would obstructionists in the Senate filibuster an Elizabeth Warren appointment, or vote against her? Maybe. But that seems like poor form against one of their own, for a place as clubby as the U.S. Senate.
And the President should appoint Warren right now, before the end of this week. That would make it a “recess appointment,” and Justice Warren could take office immediately. The obstructionists in the GOP couldn’t do anything about it.

One last reason why Elizabeth Warren should be on the U.S. Supreme Court:
She’s earned it. She deserves it. And she’ll be so, so good at it.
Rep. Alan Grayson

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cam Newton vs Peyton Manning

Class Act!

I used to think that the alleged bias against Black athletes was exaggerated and I would suspect some people in the media of playing the race card. There still may be a whisper of truth in this but the facts clearly point to White privilege.

 I'm quickly becoming a Cam Newton fan and not just for his athleticism. Cam is an exciting player but beyond some of people may call his hot dogging, showboating and grandstanding, off the field Cam Newton is a class act. One cannot say the same for Peyton Manning. Like that other asshole Ben Rothlisberger, Peyton Manning is probably a rapist. Around the time Rothlisberger raped that girl Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress got sentenced to two years in prison for accidentally shooting himself in the leg with a gun and around the same time Michael Vick did time in prison for killing dogs. While Michael Vick may be an asshole and may have gotten what he earned raping women is a hell of a lot egregious than killing dogs.

KING: Peyton Manning's squeaky-clean image was built on lies

I Hate Peyton Manning | And you should, too.

 I never liked Peyton Manning and when he mobbed with that Republican creep John Schnatter the founder of Pappa Johns Pizza I knew Peyton Manning was a complete and total fucking asshole. Phonies stick together. Schnatter passes himself of as an Italian and had he pulled that shit in an Italian neighborhood somebody would have kicked his ass. Like Manning Schnatter may also be a criminal. In any event his pizza is a crime

 We can debate as to who is the better quarterback Manning or Newton but at this point who cares? If you want my opinion, Newton is a superior athlete and if he remains healthy he will be in the ranks of Super Joe Montana, Dan Marino, Johnny Unitas, Joe Namath, Tom Brady although Brady is an asshole, Roger Staubach, Terry Bradshaw, John Elway, Bart Starr ect.. while Manning, in spite of his achievements, will not be in the foot ball hall of fame and even if his high priced lawyers get him off on rape charges the fact that he uses HGH will take care of that.

For those of you who will accuse Peyton Manning's rape victim of being a gold digger; first of get cancer and die and secondly the woman Manning raped is no gold digger. Dr. Jamie Naughright is a respected scholar, speaker, professor, and trainer of some of the best athletes in the world

Dr. Jamie Naughright is a respected scholar, speaker, professor, and trainer of some of the best athletes in the world.
 Dr. Jamie Naughright one of Peyton Manning's Rape Victims

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Another Ted Cruz Lie


Now do you see why so many people want to kick this Canadian liar in the throat while wearing hockey skates?

BushToll | Documenting the Bush Legacy of Failure

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Letter From Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz sent me the following email

Ted Cruz Personal Email – May Include Privileged Communication
Mr Bastardo,

Do you have a few minutes to read my email? 

I hope you will stop what you are doing for just a moment and let me explain... 

The results of the first two states are in, and it's clear that we are down to a two person race -- me vs. Donald Trump! 

You also know -- the winner will take on Hillary Clinton. 

BushToll | Documenting the Bush Legacy of Failure

Friend, let me be blunt. I can't beat Hillary, Clinton. Hell, I can only beat my meat but Donald can.

That is why I am asking you -- one of my closest and most loyal supporters -- will you redouble your support for me today and convince my donors that I have a snowball's chance in hell of beating Trump? I want to walk away with some serious money from this. 

I need you now more than ever, and let me tell you why. 

When I first announced my campaign, Heidi, my Wall Street handler and I committed that we would pretend to run an issues oriented, positive campaign. Unfortunately, my friend, Donald Trump, didn't make that same commitment. He's actually calling me out on my bullshit like when I insulted everyone living in New York. 

While Donald continues with personal attacks outing my many lies -- and vulgar profanities -- I do not intend to respond, because like Jeb Bush's I'm a big pussy but that won't stop Donald either. Clearly Donald has made me his bitch and I'm loving it.

He has so rattled me that is feel a surge in my balls. Our cheating victory in Iowa caused Donald to spank me good and hard in New Hampshire. And now he has decided to continue his scorched tushy campaign in an attempt to burn my sissy ass so bad that I will run to my true home Canada and sit my blistered butt on a hockey rink. 

I can't fault Donald for's the only way he can distract voters from his record:
  • Support for humane single payer healthcare;
  • Support for women's rights;
  • Support for bank bailouts in order to prevent an economic depression;
  • Support for Obama/Bush bipartisan stimulus; and
  • Enthusiastic embrace of civilization and progress 

Without your help, he might get away with it...and if he does, say hello to President Hillary Clinton. 

That's why I need your immediate help. 

As I write this email to you, I'm being briefed that our Iowa and New Hampshire campaigns have taken a significant toll on my campaign budget. As of today, I'm still $490,700 short of my mid-month budget for February. You see even the corporate donors are bailing on me.

With South Carolina voting next in just days -- I can't afford to come up short. I end up doing that with my Goldman Sachs wife Heidi all the time.  That's why I'm turning to you again. Will you help me make up the difference by fucking her like a real man with a real cock? 

You can make a HUGE impact on this campaign and help me win this copulation with an IMMEDIATE contribution -- no matter how small because compared to me a flea has a bigger dick and bigger ejaculation. 

There is great strength in numbers and my slut wife loves gang bangs. 

With your personal contribution, you'll also be sending a big message to Donald Trump that my tearing others down and misleading voters is the best way to unite the depraved conservative base and make America great again. 

Friend, I'll distort the record on Donald's truth barrage about me and con the red state inbred sucker and secure the Republican nomination, pocket millions more in my futile attempt to DEFEAT HILLARY, but I can only get there with your continued help. 

This is our time!

Together, we will reignite liberty in America. 

For liberty,

Ted Cruz