Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Trump's Mob Ties

BBC Exposes Trump's Mob Ties

Former Mafia-linked figure describes association with Trump

Protect the FBI and the Rule of Law From Trump And His Traitors

I am all for keeping a close watch on law enforcement including the FBI but when it comes to law enforcement agencies the FBI is very trust worthy because they recruit the best of the best.

Trump and the other traitors are attacking the FBI and Robert Mueller who has shown himself to be a man of honor throughout his entire life whereas Trump has shown himself to be a scoundrel and a known criminal throughout his entire life.


Flynn’s indictment tightens the noose on Trump’s White House

The FBI has kept us safe from terrorists for decades now and there is no telling how many innocent American lives they have saved with their professionalism and diligence. As Americans, we rely on the FBI to solve crimes and help put bad people behind bars but with that said law enforcement agencies rely on us for our trust and our help in solving crimes. Of course we should never give up our rights to law enforcement but that doesn't mean that we should not give law enforcement our trust and cooperation in reporting solving crimes. In spite of there being some bad cops, law enforcement remains and honorable profession made up with mostly honorable and patriotic Americans. The same cannot be said of Trump and his band of thieves, liars, spies and traitors.

A Nation of Laws Not of Men 

The Alt-Righties and many libertarians don't just hate the American government, they hate the very idea of government because they hate the rule of law. They whine about "their rights" but they don't give a rat's ass about your rights. They lack the morals and maturity to even consider that where your rights begin, their rights end. If they want to criticize the FBI that is their right and if they have legitimate complaints about the FBI or any other law enforcement agency it is not just their right to point fingers, it is their duty as citizen to hold law enforcement responsible to the rule of law but when it is a ruse and a sleazy political maneuver  to protect a known traitor and criminal it not only become obstruction of justice it becomes treason.

Treason Abounds!

Leading GOP Strategist Labels Trump and His Supporters Traitors

It is painfully apparent that Trump and his twisted supporters, including some Republicans holding high political office, will refuse to answer Wilson’s question. However, there are many Trump adherents among the religious right who embrace Trump based on his reverence and adoration of Putin because he designated Russia as a Christian nation and is an ardent foe of the LGBT community he enjoys hunting down and meting out punishment on. Other Republicans, primarily those in Congress, are embracing Trump and his love-interest Vladimir Putin because they desperately want to stay in dirty Don’s good graces; at least long enough to push through the mountains of Koch-ALEC legislation necessary to completely dismantle America.

Trumproids know in their black hearts that Russia attacked our political system yet they pretend to deny it. That's TREASON! They also cannot possibly blow off the numerous reports that Putin ordered an attack on this country, or the Russian deputy  minister’s admission that Moscow was in constant contact with Trump’s staff throughout the campaign for the sole purpose of electing Putin’s puppet Trump as president.  A lot more people than Mike Pence, Kellyanne, Conway, Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, Flynn, Carter Page and Paul Manafort should be facing the firing squad or the hangman's noose, Trump's disinformation trolls should be found and executed and Trump's trolls in should be killed along with Putin and every Russian oligarch. 

Trump is a Big Fat Lying Pig!

Oink!! - Demotivational Poster

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bing vs Google

Bing Challenge research study
In an online survey conducted by Answers Research among 1,054 online respondents, the majority of participants chose Bing search results over Google’s.

Bing It On - Bing versus Google Challenge. Would you bet ...

Bing produces better results and that's a proven fact. 

Bing doesn't spy on you and Google does.

Bing has never been fined for breaking the law and violating people's privacy and security.

How and why to switch from Google to Bing | PCWorld


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Uninstall Google Chrome NOW!

Spying is Google's stock and trade and it shitty browser Google Chrome spies on you and it performs as badly as Firefox. Switch to Opera or Safari everything else sucks.

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Google Silently Listens to your Conversation

This issue came to light by Pirate Party founder Rick Falkvinge, who says Google has silently installed black box code into the open-source Chromium browser, meaning it contains pre-compiled code that users cannot see.

Exactly what this black box does is still unclear, but Falkvinge claimed that Google is listening to the conversations of Chromium users through this black box of code.

The 'black box' code enabled a feature that activates a search function on the browser when you say "Ok, Google," however the code enabled the microphone, as well as permitted to capture audios.
"Your computer has been stealth configured to send what was being said in your room to somebody else, to a private company in another country, without your consent or knowledge," says Falkvinge.

Will Trump Have Bannon Killed?

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Trump is about as slimy as slimy gets. He's told over 2000 lies since taking office and he's made a lot of enemies within his own inner circles. One of those enemies is Steve Bannon. Bannon may be a snake but he is not the seasoned and savvy snake that Trump is. Steve Bannon is mostly a weasel with a big mouth and he is one weasel that really pissed of Trump and if that's not bad enough he was disloyal to Trump and if that's not bad enough, Bannon has enough dirt on Trump to not only get him impeached and sent to prison, Bannon has dirt on the entire Trump crime family.

Trump has very little if any honor. I will do anything to save his ass. He will also try to save the Ivanaka, Donald Jr, Eric Trump and his son in law Jarrod Kushner. Trump may try to put a hit out on Bannon. I doubt if Bannon will be shot but suspect Bannon's death will look like natural causes. Bannon would be smart of go into protective custody. Donald Trump is a very dangerous man with some very dangerous people in low and high places.

Usually with the Mafia if a don has suspicion that a contract was being taken out on him that don would order a preemptive hit. Bannon would have a tough time trying to put a hit on Trump unless he has some insiders at the Whitehouse -- perhaps a secret service agent who out of a sense of patriotism and love of country will assassinate Trump? Bannon could possibly buy somebody on the Trump staff but that is unlikely.

Bannon needs to hide even if it is in protective custody. Bannon needs to be careful what he eats of drinks and he should have a Geiger counter to protect himself from a Putin cocktail. A Putin cocktail is polonium. Polonium-210: Why is Po-210 so dangerous? Putin could see this as an opportunity of sink his claws even deeper into Trump and the Trump Whitehouse.


Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now ...

Bannon may have some other major dirt on Trump and Bannon may have already informed people that is something happens to him, Trump was probably behind it.

Trump told Bannon to clam up at the House Intelligence Committee hearing and that is exactly what Sloppy Steve did but Bannon's unwillingness to cooperate caused special prosecutor Robert Mueller to issue a subpoena that will force Bannon to testify before a the grand jury. Bannon won't be able to stonewall the grand jury because he won't be allowed to have a lawyer present during his testimony and he won't be allowed to invoke the fifth amendment and if he lies he gets held in contempt of court and faces fines and prison. Bannon is FUCKED and if Trump doesn't have him killed Trump will also be FUCKED! 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Outgoing Virginia Governor Says He'd Deck Trump If Provoked Him

Outgoing Virginia governor says he'd deck Trump if provoked

FILE - In this Jan. 10, 2018 file photo, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe gestures as he addresses a joint session of the the 2018 session in the House chambers at the Capitol in Richmond, Va. McAuliffe told a national television audience he’d knock President Donald Trump to the floor if the president ever tried to intimidate him. During an interview Thursday, Jan. 11 on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Chris Matthews asked McAuliffe how he would respond if Trump tried to intimidate him during a debate by hovering over him, as he did in a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, a close friend of McAuliffe’s. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

OP ED by Me Fatty O'Bastardo: Every patriotic America loving democracy defending American would take great joy in beating the shit out of Trump but sadly, none of us will get the opportunity to do so. Enter no bullshit Irishman and Virginia  Governor Terry McAulliffe. As an honorary Irishman, I Fatty O'Bastardo, would love to pummel a loud mouthed vulgar punk like Donald J. Trump.  

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Outgoing Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe told a national television audience he'd knock President Donald Trump to the floor if the president ever tried to intimidate him.
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During an interview Thursday on MSNBC's "Hardball," Chris Matthews asked McAuliffe how he would respond if Trump tried to intimidate him during a debate by hovering over him, as he did during the 2016 presidential election with Hillary Clinton, a close friend of McAuliffe's.
"You'd have to pick him up off the floor," McAuliffe said.
When Matthews laughed and asked if he meant he would "deck" Trump, McAuliffe answered with a straight face.
"You want to get in my space ... you punch me, I'm going to punch you back twice as hard."
"But if he ever came over and leaned on me and got in my space, that would be the last time Donald Trump ever did that. I promise you that," he added.
OP ED by me Fatty O'Bastardo: This guy reminds me of Connor McGregor, another Irishman who takes no shit from punks. Had Jeb Bush not been a wimp and hit Trump with a step-in right hook during the Republican primary debates maybe he would be the president today. When Trump was talking shit about Jeb's mother Jeb should have blasted Trump.

McAuliffe, who was a top Democratic fund-raiser before being elected governor in 2013, is set to leave office Saturday. He has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate.
McAuliffe has been a vocal critic of Trump, particularly after Trump said "both sides" shared blame after white nationalists and counter-protesters clashed during a deadly rally in Charlottesville in August.
During the "Hardball" interview, McAuliffe also called Trump "an embarrassment to our country."

OP ED by me Fatty O'Bastardo: When Trump was a kid he was too much of an asshole to attend public school so his father Fred Trump shipped him of to a military style school for spoiled rich brats. Had Trump attended my school, guy like Proud FA would have beat the shit out him and beaten some humility and manners into him. 

Hillary was too reserved and too elite to "lower herself" to belting Trump. She hadn't dealt with a punk and bully like Trump since she was a kid and even if she had slapped the shit out of him it probably would have backfired. Had Jeb Bush belted Trump he probably would have faired well politically although Jeb's punch probably would not have done much damage but it would be a different story had McAuliffe had belted Trump. There would be damage and a concussion to Trump's moth eaten brain. McAullife has big man hands and thick wrists.

Hillary should have knee'd Trump in the balls. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Google IS De-Indexing Blogs?

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Like Wikipedia Google operates under mob rule and a cloak of anonymity. Like Wikipedia, Google censors unpopular speech. Google is run by fascists because only fascists censor.  Google has now qualms about allowing pornography but say something critical of some absurd movement or idea and Google will come down on you with both feet. 

Had I, Fat Bastardo, wanted to monetize my blogs I could have pulled in a few bucks but because I have integrity I didn't want advertising to pop up on my blogs. I would have been OK with ads providing I could decide what companies I would allow but that it not how Google Adsense works. My blogs were kicking ass and taking names as you can see by the numbers below and then over night those numbers plummeted. I can't say why for sure but I have my suspicions. 

The political correctness in the US is running amok and unfortunately there are a lot of nasty little butt hurt tin gods patrolling the Internet and sites like Wikipedia. Google kind of acts like the FCC in that if a small group of assholes complain or if one are two people complain, Google droids, without investigating the validity of those complaints or even giving an explanation or a means of appeal will de-index or remove a blog or place a dishonest warning on it this besmirching and defaming the blog owner like they did with me, Fat Bastardo.

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Butt hurt losers who play this game need to grow the fuck up and they need the shit beaten out of them and so does Google and its pathetic droids and well as its droid command and control.  Perhaps a little cyber version of Robespierre's reign of terror will cause a mass exodus to the other search engines? Perhaps someone at Google will monkey wrench the whole sleazy operation? Something has to be done! 

Fat Bastardo's Explains Further
Graph of Blogger page views Removed Restored and then De-Indexed 
You may be asking what this has to do with fat acceptance. Sometime in 2010 someone, probably on of my readers edited a wikipedia article on fat acceptance and included a link to my blog BiggerFatterBlog Bigger Fatter Blog was created in a reaction to the insanity that is fat acceptance and fat feminism. Bigger Fatter Blog is a parody site that lampoons the fat acceptance.  The parody was so close the the absurdity that is fat acceptance that most people could not distinguish Bigger Fatter Blog from actual fat acceptance sites. 
The hardcore fat acceptance morons and the fat sluts at google knew that I was making a mockery of fat acceptance under the guise that fat men are excluded from the movement by the "man hating angry jealous fat girls" who co-opted the movement and kicked all the men out in favor of fat lesbians and "skinny guys who like porking fat girls because fat girls are easy". Actually, that's true, fat girls really are big sluts.
After being mocked, shamed and exposed for the fraudsters and liars that they are angry fat girls flagged Bigger Fatter Blog and got it removed. Eventually Google restored it for fear of litigation but the did de-index it. Bigger Fatter Blog articles were no longer being crawled. Google assholes that they are, do not investigate charges of wrongdoing but instead like Wikipedia rely on mob rule.  To this day Google manipulates search data. Google and Youtube censor unpopular and politically incorrect speech same as Wikipedia under their own mob rule policies. They don't investigate charges. They allow special interest groups to set the narrative and the agendas.
Graph of Blogger page views Partially De-Indexed
After the de-indexing of Bigger Fatter Blog we started Bigger Fatter Politics and like Bigger Fatter Blog page views soared and like Bigger Fatter Blog page views sharply declined. This happened after someone edited the Wikipedia Fat Acceptance page and included a link to Bigger Fatter Politics and my NAAFA blog. At this point I suspect Wikipedia is wired to some SJWs at Google who need to be fired and black balled.
Graph of Blogger page views
NAAFA.BlogSpot.Com De-indexed

The Internet today is controlled by mob rule and filthy rich oligarchs. The good people are subject to abuse and lies by the trash who now control agenda sites like Wikipedia and the Internet as whole. The post truth era is upon us!

Graph of Blogger page views Deindexed
The most egregious thing that Wikipedia and Google did was de-index Gastric Bypass Kills. I have little doubt that anonymous editors at Wikipedia conspired to de-index Gastric Bypass Kills because as you can see, it was kicking butt and saving lives. The medical industry in the US is as corrupt as the Trump administration and far more deadly. I have little doubt that they bribed people at Google to de-index my blogs. 

BTW, Bing and Duck Duck Go return better results than the highly censored American Google.

A Quick Comment About Twitter's Sleaze Factor and Hypocrisy
If the average Twitter use were to write the vile crap Trump writes, they would be banned. Perhaps the time has come for a star chamber of ethical hackers like the Jester to censor the censor by shutting them down? It seems that lying is tolerating but criticism of ideas isn't.