Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fat Bastardo Advice To Andrew Cuomo

 More Career Saving Advice For Andrew Cuomo

Of course I'm gonna break your balls. Millionaires deserve all the ridicule and humiliation I can muster.

Now it has come out that you reached up some woman's skirt. That was slick. Democrat women have morals. You could have gotten away with that with a pig like Joni Ernst, Laura Ingraham, Kellyanne Conway or Kimberly Guilfoyle but who in their right mind would want to go near those STD factories? You were trying for very attractive classy women with morals. What were you thinking Andrew? The probably had husbands or boyfriends. 

There's an old saying. It's not the face fuck it's the fuck you face. Maybe you should have gone for a butter face but even then you can't just reach under her skirt until you get the green light. Have you been hanging around with that loser Matt Lauer? 

Would you not be satisfied with one or two concubines? Is this about conquering women for you? 

Let's say all 7 are lying or exaggerating. The best thing for you to do is sit down with all 7 publicly and challenge them and go through both sides of the story. No asshole lawyers-- just you and them. 

You probably are a dirty old man and a child in an adult's body. Mario probably didn't give you any man lessons. 

Maybe you are trying to prove something to yourself because your wife played you for a fool and cheated on you but maybe you were a dick to her or didn't have enough wedding tackle to light her fire and satisfy her. 

Your career is probably over as a politician. Man up and move on.  

Some of the women I know would have slapped the shit out of you especially the one you sexually assaulted by reaching up her dress. Did she slap the shit out of you? What made you think reaching up a woman's dress is OK? Do you think is was OK with the woman's mother and father? Your mother was an advocate for women.

You fucking Attorney General yet you sexually assaulted a woman. Had some poor working stiff done that, he'd have been arrested. A real man would admit is transgression and turn himself in and ask the judge for mercy. If I were the judge and because of your charmed life I'd throw the book at you. If you showed some contrition and made atonement I'd merely order that you get therapy and if you offended again I'd have you chemically castrated. 

Why do you rich fuckers think the rules of common decency don't apply to you. Your worth million.

Look at this like the common creep would. You played grab ass and you finally got caught. Pay your debt and move on. Make the rest of your life count for something. Honor your family by manning up. No BS!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Chip Roy Texas Nazi Congressman

One of my readers sent this Fax to Congressman Chip Roy 

This fax will probably not make it to that punk congressman Chip Roy. You may want to think about your morals and destination of your chartered soul if you are working for him. You may also want to stop turning a blind eye to his crimes, hire a whistle blower lawyer, compile evidence of his crimes and get rich in the process.

"There's old sayings in Texas about find all the rope in Texas and get a tall oak tree. You know, we take justice very seriously, & we ought to do that. Round up the bad guys." -- here's Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX)

There's a saying in NY that says, "Hey Vinny take a baseball bat and knee cap that rat bastard." Think about coming to Brooklyn and running your racist lie hole.

Everything's big in Texas, the crime rate, the gun violence, the greed, the arrogance, the bigotry, the murder rate, the COVID deaths and the Asshole Quotient. Leave it to a dumb fuck lying sack of shit Texan to inject immigration, Chinese governance (Trump's products are made in China) and blowing the dog whistle for lynching non whites. I'm not some bleeding heart goody two shoes liberal thinking I can shame you. You're a Republican who was elected by some of the most depraved trash on the planet. You have no shame. You were born destined for hell.

BTW Dum Dum, speech has limits. Implying that asylum seekers and Asians are bad people who should be lynched is a crime. FWI, Mexicans and Asian are more law abiding than the trash that votes for the likes of you and Ted Cancun Cruz.

My highscool principal was a Marine and back when I went to school they didn't make a federal case out of it if two students got into a fight. In fact, one day I had to beat the shit out of a punk like you and when it was all said and done, I got a wink and a nod from my principal after a scolding and the punk got a knotty hair-do a mild concussion. Consequences make bad people act good. The punk I pummeled stayed in line. However, when we graduated he got married and became a wife beater.

With more and more Texas dumb fucks dying from gluttony and COVID there may not be enough scumbags left to vote you into office again. The US is well over 550,000 official deaths according to Worldometers and if we factor in the under counting in Florida, Texas and the BuyBull Belt the actual deaths are probably closer to 3/4 of a million. With the anti maskers, anti vaxxers and the new and deadlier variants COVID will continue to decimate people of your ilk and when it becomes endemic it will continue to do a steady burn in Republican districts. Continue lying to these fools. COVID really is rounding up the bad people. The greedy, the prideful, the gluttonous, the lustful, the wrathful, the fat out of shape slothful fat waddling Baptists and the envious are all getting it worse.

Since you are a Republican then it is safe to assume you have no humanity or morals but in case you do and if you want to avoid hell you need to start by denouncing the Anti-Christ aka Donald Johann Drumpf whose grandmother Elizabeth Christ Trump died on June 6 1966. You probably won't and perhaps you think eternity in hell is an unfair punishment for what you've done in your pathetic life but it is the correct punishment for the likes of you whose sins are by choice. You can start by reciting this prayer. It's a start. There is no salvation through grace. That's Baptist bullshit. Southern Baptists are depraved. Their hymnal originally had 666 songs. Don't believe me? Here's the hymnal.

You vile Rethuglican mobsters have no idea how short-sighted you are. Your base is dying and if you tell the to behave responsibly and morally (They can't.) you will be called a RINO. Sucks to be you.


Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offend you and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell but most of all because I offended you my Lord who art all good and deserving of my love. I firmly resolve with the help of thy grace to do penance and amend my life. Amen
Racist Roy got roasted on Twitter

GOP Nazi Chip Roy Rants About China In Asian American Violence Hearing

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) kicked off a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the recent spike in hate crimes and violence against Asian Americans with some comments that drew fierce blowback. Roy began by acknowledging the Tuesday shooting in Atlanta that killed six Asian women as tragedy, but then pivoted to criticize the hearing and declare he believes in justice in unrelated situations as well.

"There's an old saying in Texas about 'find all the rope in Texas and get a tall oak tree,'" he said. "You know, we take justice very seriously."

California Rep. Ted Lieu (D) said Roy's comments "glorified lynching."

Roy later defended his comments, telling Mediaite:

"Apparently some folks are freaking out that I used an old expression about finding all the rope in Texas and a tall oak tree about carrying out justice against bad guys. ... I meant it. We need more justice and less thought police. We need to stop evil doers – such as those who carried out the attack in Atlanta this week, or cartels abusing little children, or those who kill our cops on the streets. We should restore order by tamping out evil actors… not turn America into an authoritarian state like the Chinese Communists who seek to destroy us. No apologies."

His defense echoed other remarks that angered lawmakers during the hearing. Though the focus was on racist violence and discrimination against Asian Americans, Roy ranted against the Chinese government. "I think the Chinese Communist Party running the country of China, I think they are the bad guys," he said. Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) argued that using the hearing for irrelevant criticism of China's government was another example of rhetoric that could encourage anti-Asian sentiment in general in the U.S.

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Let informed people be jurors

White Supremacist Propaganda Has Doubled Since Trump

Op Ed: Educating bigots is futile. Killing them is easy. Just saying. Had moral Germans started picking off Nazis in the 1930's there would be no holocaust. There would be a whole lot more Jews and per capita Jews have done more for humanity than any other group. Imagine were humanity would be if those Jews survived and millions of bigots were killed in their place. Am I advocating the killing of right wing human trash? No. Would I oppose the eradication of right wing trash through executions and sterilizations? No.

For the bleeding hearts who say there is good in everyone, you all need to go fuck yourselves. 

If you know of a bigot you should do everything in your power to legally destroy that person and make their life a living hell. Cancel them. Provoke them and capture it on video and get them arrested and fired. 

You may be tempted to do unlawful things to them. That's up to you and I don't want to put my own morality on to you. If you bashed one of them with a baseball bat for instance and I were on your jury I would vote to acquit you but that is not me endorsing violence. It is me upholding true justice.

COVID is killing a lot of  Trumpers and that's good and I would not want to see that stop and besides I would not waste my breath on those turds. I would just keep telling them what they already believe. Vaccines are dangerous, COVID is a Democrat hoax, Jesus will protect them and masks are an infringement on their rights. The truth is, I like Trumpers, dead ones.

The spread of white supremacist propaganda across the United States nearly doubled over the last year, according to a new report released Wednesday by the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism.

Researchers who track the distribution of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ fliers, posters, stickers and other paraphernalia by members of far-right and white supremacist groups found that there were a total of 5,125 such cases in 2020 — an average of 14 per day — the highest number ever recorded by the ADL.

“White supremacists appear to be more emboldened than ever,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the ADL, said in a statement. Greenblatt suggested that “the election year, the pandemic and other factors may have provided these extremists with additional encouragement.”

According to the report, hate propaganda appeared in every state in the country in 2020 except for Hawaii, with the most activity taking place in Texas, Washington, California, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Though white supremacist literature is designed to intimidate a variety of groups, including nonwhite immigrants as well as Black, Muslim and LGBTQ communities, the ADL found that anti-Semitic propaganda in particular increased by 68 percent over 2019, with 283 incidents specifically targeting Jews.

A volunteer repaints a pride mural on the side of a business in Bellefonte, Penn. on Jan. 9, 2021. The mural was defaced with graffiti from the white supremacist group Patriot Front, which was behind the majority of white supremacist propaganda in the U.S. last year, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League. (Paul Weaver/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
A volunteer repaints a pride mural in Bellefonte, Pa., on Jan. 9 after it was defaced with graffiti from the white supremacist group Patriot Front. (Paul Weaver/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

While white supremacist groups will post photographs of their propaganda online to further increase its exposure, the report focuses specifically on content observed in the physical world. For example, the report found that there were at least 130 white supremacist banner drops, mostly over highway overpasses, in 2020, compared to 53 in 2019.

According to the report, at least 30 white supremacist groups were involved in disseminating propaganda in 2020, but 92 percent of all activity could be traced back to just three groups: Patriot Front, New Jersey European Heritage Association and Nationalist Social Club. Patriot Front, a Texas-based group that was formed in 2017 following the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., was responsible for 4,105 propaganda incidents last year, or 80 percent of the nationwide total.

The ADL report notes how Patriot Front uses “its own iteration of ‘patriotism’ to promote its white supremacist and neo-fascist ideology,” eschewing traditional white supremacist language and symbols in favor of phrases like “America First,” “United we stand” and “Reclaim America” on stickers, posters and fliers printed in red, white and blue.

Jessica Reaves, editorial director at the ADL’s Center on Extremism, told Yahoo News that the dissemination of propaganda by such groups, which is often done discreetly and unannounced, is indicative of the lasting impact of the Unite the Right rally, which left white supremacists fearful of being exposed to their employers, schools and others.

“The vast majority of white supremacists want to stay hidden,” Reaves said, suggesting that propaganda has emerged as a substitute for organized, in-person events. It helps them maintain some visibility while maintaining anonymity.”

Reaves speculated that coronavirus lockdowns may have contributed to the massive spike in propaganda seen in cities and towns across the country in 2020, allowing white supremacists to more freely distribute their materials without being seen. “The goal is for it to just appear,” she said.

Reaves also suggested that school closures and the move to remote learning during the pandemic may account for the significant decrease in propaganda incidents on college campuses, which dropped by more than half in 2020, according to the ADL report.

Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists march with tiki torches through the University of Virginia campus the night before the
Neo-Nazis, alt-right members and white supremacists march the night before the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 11, 2017. (Zach D Roberts/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

“Propaganda gives white supremacists the ability to maximize media and online attention while limiting their risk of exposure or arrest,” Oren Segal, vice president of the ADL’s Center on Extremism, said in a statement. “The literature helps to bolster recruitment efforts and spreads fear.”

Federal law enforcement officials have identified white supremacists as the deadliest domestic terrorist threat now facing the U.S. Earlier this month, Yahoo News reported that the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence division had circulated an internal report warning that it expects threats from white supremacists and other right-wing extremists to persist and potentially escalate this year.

But while Reaves said that the rise in propaganda is “cause for concern,” as it means white supremacist “ideology is reaching more and more people,” she emphasized that she and her colleagues have not observed a direct correlation between white supremacist violence and fliers promoting their message.

“I can certainly see why it’s extremely unnerving to find these fliers out there,” but, she said, “I don’t want people to perceive these fliers as an imminent threat.

“My goal is to make sure as many people as possible understand what these things look like.”


Read more from Yahoo News:

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

50% Of Trumpers Refuse To Get Vaccinated


Poll: 50% of unvaccinated Trump voters say they will 'never' get inoculated for COVID. How Biden hopes to change their minds.

Last week, all the living former U.S. presidents, Democratic and Republican, joined together for an ad campaign touting the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines — except Donald Trump.

At the same time, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that a full 50 percent of unvaccinated 2020 Trump voters now say they will “never” get vaccinated for COVID-19, up 6 percent from last month.

According to the survey of 1,629 U.S. adults, which was conducted March 4-8, no other unvaccinated group is nearly as likely to say they will “never” get inoculated: not Biden supporters (8 percent), not Black Americans (33 percent) and not Hispanic Americans (22 percent), all of whom have moved in the opposite direction and become less hesitant over time.

Asked Monday if President Biden “want[s] to see President Trump” — who is also the only president who chose to keep his own vaccination private — help persuade his supporters by getting “involved in this messaging,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki did not mince words.

“Well, if former President Trump woke up tomorrow and wanted to be more vocal about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, certainly we’d support that,” Psaki said. “Every other living former president ... has participated in public campaigns. They did not need an engraved invitation to do so.”

The growing concerns about Trump’s lack of involvement in America’s vaccination campaign underscore a looming challenge for the Biden administration: how to ensure that vaccines don’t become the latest public-health precaution to fall prey to partisanship and polarization, much like masks before them.

In recent days, the White House has begun to publicly acknowledge that it might have trouble reaching conservatives, who could become even more hesitant the harder Democrats push. “We recognize as a Democratic administration with a Democratic president that we may not be the most effective messenger to communicate with hard-core supporters of the former president,” Psaki said at Friday’s press briefing when Yahoo News asked about the administration’s plans. “We have to be clear-eyed about that.”

But according to a source familiar with the White House’s plans to address vaccine hesitancy among conservatives, who was granted anonymity to discuss strategy, Team Biden is still finalizing plans on who to enlist in that effort.

By nearly every measure, America’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout is rapidly improving. All of the available data from clinical trials and real-world studies has shown the approved vaccines are safe and extremely effective. The U.S. is now administering an average of 2.4 million doses each day, up from 900,000 a day when Biden took office; 21 percent of the population has received at least one shot, which ranks among the highest rates in the world. All told, the U.S. has administered more than 107 million doses to date, nearly a third of the global total given so far. By May, Biden announced last week, providers will have enough supply to vaccinate every adult in America.

But there’s a problem, or there will be soon: Not every adult in America plans to get vaccinated — particularly the adults who identify as Republicans. In order to end the pandemic and resume normal life, experts say, the U.S. needs to maximize the number of people it inoculates. Yet while vaccine acceptance in general is rising as the rollout gains steam, hesitancy among Republicans is actually hardening. In fact, demand for the vaccines may already be waning in conservative states such as Alabama, South Carolina and Louisiana.

According to the Yahoo News/YouGov poll, most Americans (54 percent) say they’ve either gotten vaccinated (22 percent) or plan to get vaccinated in the future (32 percent). Nearly three-quarters of Democrats (74 percent) say the same. But even though Democrats (28 percent) and Republicans (26 percent) say they’ve already gotten jabbed in roughly equal numbers, the share of Republicans who are currently unvaccinated and plan to remain that way (35 percent) is three times as large as the corresponding share of Democrats (just 12 percent).

Nurse Jaime Navetta gives the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to Tianji Yu during opening day of the Community Vaccination Site, a collaboration between the City of Seattle, First & Goal Inc., and Swedish Health Services at the Lumen Field Event Center in Seattle, Washington on March 13, 2021. (Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images)
A nurse gives the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to a man in Seattle on Saturday. (Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images)

The combined number of Americans who plan to forgo vaccination means that tens of millions of citizens may be helping to undermine U.S. progress toward herd immunity, lengthening the pandemic and leaving the country vulnerable to future outbreaks. That’s why convincing the skeptics to do otherwise is so important.

Over the weekend, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said it would be a “game changer” if Trump used his “incredible influence” among Republicans to help reach a demographic that Biden may not be able to reach alone.

“If he came out and said, ‘Go and get vaccinated. It’s really important for your health, the health of your family and the health of the country,’ it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listen to him,” Fauci told “Fox News Sunday.”

So far, Trump has limited his promotion of COVID-19 vaccines to a single public quip.

“So everybody, go get your shot,” Trump said during his Feb. 28 speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

John Bridgeland, co-founder of the Covid Collaborative, a coronavirus education initiative that co-created the recently released presidential PSA, agreed in an interview with Yahoo News that Trump could help much more than that.

“If President Trump were to convey to his supporters that the vaccine is safe and effective, that he played a key role and his administration played a key role in moving this vaccine in record time, and that trials showed safety and efficacy, and that he himself and the first lady got the vaccine, that will help improve the larger context in which people are making their individual decisions as to whether to get vaccinated,” said Bridgeland, who served as domestic policy chief under former President George W. Bush.

Yet Bridgeland added that engaging with local leaders is just as important as nurturing national “atmospherics” when trying to persuade hesitant communities.

“At one level, creating the atmospherics, the larger context, that’s an environment that is more conducive to people getting the shot,” Bridgeland explained. “Then [we have to get] extremely local with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, faith-based leaders — places that have direct trusted influence on these millions of Americans that are going to make an individual choice that will help us get to herd immunity or not.”

It’s unclear if the White House has reached out directly to Trump’s team; Psaki dodged a question on the subject at Friday’s briefing, and the current administration has been reluctant to credit or communicate with Biden’s predecessor. Equally unclear is whether the norm-busting Trump would even agree to participate in such a campaign.

Yet Trump probably shouldn’t expect an “engraved invitation” anytime soon. The White House source told Yahoo News that officials there are basing their strategy in part on findings by veteran Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who recently published data in the Washington Post showing that hesitant conservatives trust local health officials far more than national politicians, Trump included. Likewise, the Biden administration has been working with outside groups such as Bridgeland’s to identify leaders who might sway conservatives.

According to the Post, the 19 participants in Luntz’s focus group “blamed their hesitation on factors like the unknown long-term effects of new vaccines” and “accused politicians and government scientists of repeatedly misleading them this past year — often echoing Trump’s charges that Democrats used the virus as an election-year weapon and overhyped its dangers.”

The participants rejected direct efforts by prominent Republican politicians (including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy) to persuade them, adding they would trust their spouse or doctor more than Trump. Instead, the group responded positively to apolitical, data-driven pitches from Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under President Barack Obama, who emphasized that it took two decades of research to develop the vaccine and that nearly every doctor who has been offered a dose has accepted it.

Asked Monday how he planned to reach reluctant Republicans, Biden sounded as if he’d been briefed on Luntz’s findings. “I discussed it with my team, and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to MAGA folks is what the local doctor, what the local preacher, what the local people in the community say,” Biden explained. “I urge all local docs and ministers and priests to talk about why it is important to get that vaccine.”

Initially Psaki seemed to be caught off guard when asked Friday about hesitancy among Republicans, redirecting her response toward nonwhite communities hard-hit by the virus and neglecting to reveal specifics about conservative outreach.

Asked again Monday afternoon, however, Psaki offered up a more substantive framework — a sign that Biden’s effort to reach conservatives is finally ramping up.

The new focus on hesitant Republicans comes as the West Wing becomes increasingly confident in its vaccine rollout. To help deliver an accurate message about vaccine safety and efficacy to conservative communities, the White House has already partnered with groups such as the National Rural Health Association, the National Farmers Union, NTCA - the Rural Broadband Association, the Country Music Association Awards and NASCAR.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, U.S., on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021. (Elijah Nouvelage/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Former President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando on Feb. 28. (Elijah Nouvelage/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Bridgeland’s group — which has met weekly with Biden staffers since the transition began in December and works closely with key members of the White House COVID team — is co-chaired by several bipartisan bigwigs, such as former George W. Bush administration staffer and Idaho Sen. Dirk Kempthorne, Democratic presidential candidate Deval Patrick, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Trump ally.

Christie’s vaccine advocacy was particularly effective with Luntz’s focus group — not chiefly because of his proximity to the former president but rather because of his personal experience attending a superspreader event at the White House and subsequently spending a week in an intensive care unit with COVID-19.

“We really shouldn’t be all marching in lockstep like lemmings to go and do what the government tells us to do,” the former two-term governor told Luntz’s focus group, according to the Post. “They’ve screwed up too many times for us to do that. But I really do believe the facts that I’ve learned, and the experiences I’ve had, should make at least everybody ... think hard” about getting vaccinated.

According to Bridgeland, stories like Christie’s “are so critical to get.” In the coming weeks, Psaki said Monday, Americans should expect “earned media partnerships with trusted messengers” as part of “a big public campaign run out of HHS” with funding from Biden’s recently passed $1.9 trillion stimulus package.

According to the White House source familiar with operations, Biden’s team sees Dr. Francis Collins, the geneticist and devout Christian who leads the National Institutes of Health, as a “significant asset.” In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Collins a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and he frequently appears on faith-based outlets such as the Christian Broadcasting Network. On Tuesday, Collins and Fauci will meet with evangelical leaders at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

U.S. President Joe Biden departs after delivering remarks in the State Dining Room of the White House on March 15, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
President Biden in the State Dining Room of the White House on Monday. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

The same source adds that the White House’s health equity task force is intimately engaged with vaccine-hesitant communities and is developing specific plans to reach religious and rural Americans.

With vaccine eligibility and availability set to skyrocket in the weeks ahead, one of Biden’s biggest challenges will be ensuring that the pace of vaccination — particularly on the right — keeps up.

“The president’s goal is to vaccinate all Americans, not just those who voted for him,” Psaki said Monday. “Right now, the phase we’re in is that demand for the vaccine still outstrips supply. We won’t be in that phase forever.”

My Op Ed: As I have said in other articles, the more Trumpers who die the better off America will be. Democrats should be happy about this. I know I am. When all of us humans are vaccinated, we will have normalcy and we won't get sick and die. If a MAGAt sneezes of coughs the virus on us we won't die nor will be spread it. They will spread it to their own kind.

To understand how evil and death deserving MAGAts are think about the fact that their adoration of Trump will allow them to put their family members and other Americans at risk. Sure, Trumpers are stupid and ignorant but they are far more evil than they are stupid and ignorant. Let COVID-19 kill as many of them as possible. 


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Last updated: March 19, 2021, 05:39 GMT

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Make the World A Better Place By Destroying All The Evil People

 Let's not kid ourselves, God is evil if it exists. Mark Twain put it best when he said that God gave his angels pain free lives unearned while subjecting us to all the biting maladies of being sentient corporeal beings and when he tortuously sucks the life force out of us one of two things happens, our souls are tortured in hell for all eternity or are forced to massage God's insatiable ego for all eternity.

The theist will tell you to suck God's celestial cock and kiss his ass during our short stint here as a way to avoid eternal torture while the atheist tells us, Yeah life sucks and there is no rhyme or reason for it and there's nothing you can do about it and that you can't prove there is anything responsible for it and there's nothing you can do about it so make the best of  it.

The atheist will equivocate on the concept of good and evil but some of them will admit that there are bad people. Mental health professionals are a bit more forthcoming when it comes to evil people and they have given them somewhat detailed and varied explanations called the personality disorders. People will the cluster B disorders to a lot of damage to humanity. There is no cure for them and there is a general agreement among mental health professionals that the best way to deal with these people is to avoid them at all costs while allowing them to prey on the uninformed and vulnerable victims when the moral thing to do with them is to destroy them. Evil is insidious and unrelenting. Evil destroys our sanity and physical health. Evil stalks us. Evil plagues us. Evil tortures us. Evil breaks us. Evil camouflages itself as good and demands that we serve it. The theist dishonestly tells us that evil somehow exists independently of  all powerful and all knowing God who has mysterious reasons for not destroying it. The atheist will turn a blind eye to it and tell you, that's the way the cookie crumbles without acknowledging the fact that some people are born lucky such as Donald Trump while others are fuck. The mental health community will tell the victim of venomous fate that it's all about the victim's perception and if that doesn't work for you, here are some happy pills to make you numb.

There may not be much that were can to about our fate and the evil in our lives but we can do a little something. We can fight the evil. We can beat, discredit and expose God for the evil that he is. We can make the lives of all the evil people horrible.

It would seem that God needed a fix. Since our suffering is his pleasure he created COVID-19. He created Trump supporters to spread it but once we humans figured what it is, we were able to take counter measures and his MAGAts haven't. God doesn't care that most of the COVID-19 deaths going forward are his evil agents. God is not the sharpest cheddar. God is so drunk with lust and power that he is blinded to the fact that COVID-19 is killing mostly evil people. Sadly the good people who are still brainwashed by God are trying to enlighten the anti-vaxxers and and anti-maskers who have been created by God to torture others. We should be making certain that Trumpers continue to drink the Kool Ade and continue to suffer and die. Whether you think the MAGAts are pure evil or not is beside the point. They are dangerous and the do evil things. They have no redeeming value. Help them be gone. 

COVID-19 will remain endemic for many years to come before God comes up with something worse to unleash upon us. The COVID-19 hot spots will be mostly in the Bible belt where COVID-19 deaths and cases will continue to be under counted and under reported. 

Don't let the slight lull in cases and deaths fool you. COVID-19 is killing American at around 1200 per day and the spring break surge is about 3 weeks away. The Bible is about to get another dose of what it deserves.

Last updated: March 16, 2021, 17:48 GMT

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Last updated: March 17, 2021, 15:39 GMT

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