Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chris Chrstie's Approval Rating

Last time I looked Chris Christie's approval rating was 74%. This tells me two things. First it tells me that when somebody tells Republicans in Congress to go fuck themselves almost everybody likes it. It also says what I've been saying all along. Fat hatred is a myth. Chris Christie is by far the biggest fattest and most gluttonous politician in modern history and he is also the most popular. The crybaby whiners in the angry fat girl fat acceptance movement need to pull their heads out of their yeasty crotches and face reality. They may not like fat people and we know that fat girls don't like fat men because fat guys are unable to pork fat girls. They probably also don't like Chris Christie because his wife is semi-hot. Fat guys on the other hand, admire Chris Christie for having a semi-hot and almost not fat wife.

Chris Christie is no dummy. He knows that if he had a fat and stinky wife he would be unable to pork her. Because he doesn't want to screw around the way Gen. David Petreus to on his fat wife he hooked up with a semi hot almost not fat wife. That must drive the angry man hating fat girls in the NAAFA style fat acceptance crazy.

Had that skinny runt Andrew Cuomo gone on the attack for New York the way Christie did for New Jersey nobody would've cared. People love it when a fat guy throws his weight around and that's why everybody marveled at Chris Christie's large and in charge attitudes and actions.

'World's Fattest Man' Loses 644 Pounds

From Yahoo News...

I will make appropriate edits

Fat & Fit Paul Mason lounging in a sexy and majestic pose

Paul Mason today looking gaunt and ghastly. Notice the hanging and sagging skin! Yuck!

Paul Mason, formerly called “the world’s fattest man,” has shed nearly two-thirds of his body weight after gastric bypass surgery in 2010. At his heaviest, the 52-year-old from Ipswich, England tipped the scales at an astonishing  a majestic 980 pounds.
Mason used to be so heavy that he was unable to leave his room. When he needed a hernia operation in 2002, the fire department had break down the front wall of his home and load him into an ambulance with a forklift. At that time, he weighed 784 pounds.
That humiliating ordeal  brave and inspiring act was one of many low points   high points  for Mason, who became “an object of fascinated horror, a freak show exhibit,” reports the New York TimesNow that the 6’ 4” former postal worker is down to 336 pounds, he’s hoping for a second chance at a shitty boring life   normal life
No longer trapped inside his home—and an enormous body—  enjoying his gluttony and his incredible and much envied body Mason has ambitions of launching a jewelry business, learning to drive, going on a vacation, and finding a girlfriend, all of which would have been impossible in the past.

Ate 20,000 Calories a Day

Many challenges are ahead for Mason, but nothing compared to when he was at his heaviest and reportedly needed seven caregivers, working in three shifts around the clock, to cook his meals, change his incontinence pads, and turn him over every three hours to prevent bedsores, according to ABC News.
He estimates that he used to eat about 20,000 calories a day, about eight times the recommended amount for an average man. The surgery shrank the size of his stomach to about the size of an egg, leading to rapid weight loss.
"I have nothing but admiration for Paul's courage, determination, and steadfast aim to get his body once more back in the shape it should be,” says photographer Paul Nixon, who documented Mason’s remarkable transformation in a series of before-and-after pictures. I have nothing but discussed for Paul's cowardice, quitter nature and lack of commitment to keep his body in the shape it should be at close to half a ton, says I, Fat Bastard, leader of the new fat acceptance movement.
“I have watched Paul literally shrink before my eyes,” adds Nixon.
"I have seen this Paul Mason majestic inspiration to fat people everywhere shrink into an emaciated anorexic", adds fat bastard of the new fat acceptance movement.

“A Prisoner in My Skin”

Mason is now seeking another surgery to get rid of the more than 100 pounds of loose skin that he was left with after dropping more than a quarter ton of weight. “I feel like I’m still trapped, with the excess skin…it’s horrendous,” Mason told reporters.
The massive folds of skin hang from his belly like an apron and from his thighs like saddlebags. Mobility in his arms and legs is limited by the weight of the excess skin, making it hard to exercise. Although he’s able to stand, he frequently needs to use an electric wheelchair.
Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has reportedly spent more than $1.5 million on Mason’s medical care but hasn’t authorized the complex skin operation, which would cost about $47,000 if done privately.
He’s been told that he must wait until his weight has been stable for at least two years to prove that he’s a good candidate for the operation, known as an apronectomy.
I can only comment on the above. Did the British government force Paul Mason to have surgery? Is the British medical system so fat phobic that they're not willing to foot the bill for lifestyle choices of fatlings?
As to the excess skin; that was caused by the rapid weight loss so it behooves the same surgeons who caused Paul to lose all that weight to trim off that hundred pounds of flapping and slapping skin or maybe they can just fill it with lightweight Styrofoam so that Paul can at least have the majestic look he once had.
For more information on the butchering of Paul Mason please read the following.   Paul's Ordeal

A Broken Heart Triggered Compulsive Eating

As a child, Mason endured verbal and physical abuse from his father, a military policeman, and was sexually abused, starting at age six, by a female relative, according to the New York Times.
After leaving school, he was employed as a postal worker and became engaged to a woman more than 20 years his senior. After his fiancĂ©e announced, “I don’t want to see you any more—goodbye,” he became a compulsive eater, spending every cent of his and his mother’s social security checks on food.
The bank repossessed their home, but local convenience stores and fast-food restaurants showered him with burgers, fish and chips, French fries and even about $22 worth of candy bars a day, Mason told the NY Times. “They didn’t deliver bags of crisps [potato chips]. They delivered cartons.”
Mason spent his days eating and sleeping. “You’d be awake most of the night eating and snacking. You totally forgot about everything else. You lose all your dignity, all your self-respect. It all goes, and all you focus on is getting your next fix,” he recalled.

Overcoming a Debilitating Food Addiction

After Mason’s mother died, he became so despondent that he considered suicide. Instead, he began seeing a therapist. A major turning point was when the NHS finally authorized gastric bypass surgery, after turning him down three times.
Manuel Uribe of Mexico
By then, his weight had hit an all-time high of 980 pounds—and Mason was dubbed the “world’s heaviest man” by the media. Previously, that title belonged to Manuel Uribe of Mexico, whose weight topped 1,200 pounds at one point. Uribe lost 550 pounds after years of diet, exercise, and medical treatment.
Today, Mason no longer uses compulsive eating to blot out emotional pain. Amazingly, he hasn’t cheated on his diet even once since his surgery. In fact, he actually lost 70 pounds before having the operation.
These days, he eats normal meals that include such items as a piece of toast for breakfast and a baked potato for lunch, and he also sees a therapist twice a week.
“I do look back and think I should have got to grips with myself earlier,” he told theNY Times. “But I think I can use what I’ve gone through as a tool to help other people.” Once he’s more mobile, he hopes to give talks at schools and hold support groups for people grappling with food addiction.

Fat bastard opines:
Food addiction? What a bunch of bull that is! Paul and Manuel enjoyed food. What's wrong with that? Anybody who can eat 20,000 cal a day is a hero in my book and deserves a rousing HIP HIP OINK! 
Paul is not grieving the loss of his mother. Paul was celebrating life and what is a greater giver of life than food and mother? Paul was able to get seven servants free of charge to feed him over 20,000 cal a day and wipe his butt. To me that is something to be admired. Like the old saying goes," if it ain't broke don't fix it." Now we have Paul Mason, an emaciated anorexic with 100 pounds of hanging skin. Wow! Ain't modern medical science wonderful? 
I was discussing this with our good friend the chef and the chef had several suggestions when it came to the excess skin. The chef thought that the skin could be used as a giant sail or wings. His son suggested that the skin can be used to make several leather jackets for normal sized people. That makes a lot of sense. People would bid like crazy on eBay for human skin jacket made from the skin of the world's fattest man. That would more than pay for the cost of the operations to remove the skin.

Manuel Uribe does not have a flapping skin problem because Manuel Uribe elected not to have surgery but instead lost his weight the old-fashioned way. He simply  ate less and moved more.

Uribe Today! Notice no flapping skin!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A New National Anthem? The Stars and Stripes Forever?

The Star Spangled Banner is a shitty song and when it's sung at public events too often the singer hotdogs, grandstands and showboats. When Whitney Houston used to sing it I wanted to yell STFU show off. The song is a war song that was originally an English drinking song. Too often the US has been a war mongering country with it's leaders drunk on power.

We need a national anthem that reflects the views of the founding fathers and not that of drunks and warmongers. We need to keep God out of it because we all know what a war mongering scum God is. The best one I have found so far and the little known lyric of  John Philip Sousa's The Stars and Stripes Forever.

The Stars and Stripes Forever Lyrics
by John Philip Sousa - 1897

Let martial note in triumph float
And liberty extend its mighty hand
A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,
The banner of the Western land.
The emblem of the brave and true
Its folds protect no tyrant crew;
The red and white and starry blue
Is freedom's shield and hope.
Other nations may deem their flags the best
And cheer them with fervid elation
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.

Hurrah for the flag of the free!
May it wave as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray
That by their might and by their right
It waves forever.

Let eagle shriek from lofty peak
The never-ending watchword of our land;
Let summer breeze waft through the trees
The echo of the chorus grand.
Sing out for liberty and light,
Sing out for freedom and the right.
Sing out for Union and its might,
O patriotic sons

Above is the Stars and Stripes Forever with the lyrics.

Here are the same guys from Acoustix singing it on the Mitch Miller Show Sing Along With Mitch. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How Do Obese People Wipe Their Butts?

How do Obese People Wipe Their Butts? How to reach back there.

How Us Fatlings “Reach Back There” by Fat Bastard


It is no secret that many of us fatlings have trouble reaching our butts when we need to wipe but thankfully that will not put most gluttons off their feed. If hygienic toileting is important to you then read on and you will find some valuable tips and tricks for making your trips to the brownie bowel more of a joy and less of a chore.

A good report is only as good as its research so I went to the leading authority on all things poop, The Poop Report. Just like Bigger Fatter Blog is the leading source for all things fat, the folks at The Poop Report are the leading authorities on all things poop. Let’s start with the most obvious question. “How do obese people wipe?” Most people know how Criss Angel walks on water but only fatlings know how fat butts get wiped but even most fatlings do not know all the methods of obese rectal hygiene.


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Some fatlings (jealous fat girls of the old fat acceptance) bristle at the very idea of discussing the challenges we fatling face when it’s time to do the paper work. Dropping a bowl filler can be satisfying but no job is finished until the paperwork is done.

A curious thinling asked the follow question on The Poop Report.

“Dear Poop Report,

How do obese people wipe? I am not trying to be rude…just curious. Also, do they make toilets for people over 300 pounds?”

I, Fat Bastard will answer the second question first. YES!


Many manufactures are making super sized toilets to accommodate the larger butts, heavier weights and the greater fecal volume of fatlings. The Cadillac of super sized toilets is the Great John. This bad boy is so big that it will double as a kiddie pool.

Here is how a jealous fat girl in denial responded to the thinling’s question:

Dee (not verified) —
Fuck you asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 550 pounds and I resent your question. Where do you live? I will come over and sit on your face and shit, and then you can lick my ass clean!!!

A poop expert replied:

Judging from that fat girl’s tone of voice, it sounds to me like she has a lot of trouble wiping. Hence the irritability.

Let’s start with a novel and creative way many fatlings use for wiping their butts in a pubic restroom. Once again the Poop Report provides a wonderful almost zoological report on one clever fatling who uses a men’s room stall like a rubbing post much like a bear uses a tree to leave his scent.

Here is a excerpt from a Poop Report undercover investigation of the fatling who used the stall and a rubbing post.

In talking to the janitors that cleaned the bathrooms at night, I learned that their nickname for Pat was “The Shitter”. You see, Pat was apparently too large to wipe his own ass. Instead he used the stall wall as a rubbing post for his turd-encrusted ass. The poor janitors had to spray down the wall and scrub with disinfectant.

I never looked at Pat the same way again. I would look at him and try to imagine how his arm could reach around his girth for a good wipe. I believe that it was a physical impossibility for him to wipe.

Let’s now move to an oldie but goody, the low tech but tried and true butt wand. Butt wands come in a large variety of styles, shapes sized and colors.

Called the Ample Sponge, these intrepid and robust bad boys are some of the earliest commercially available butt wands. This style butt wand was invented by NAAFA’s founder and owner of Ample Stuff the great Bill Fabrey. Bill had the correct vision for fat acceptance which was based on the accommodation of gluttony and obesity and not denial of its challenges.

Another contender in the growing but competitive butt wand market is the Bottom Buddy. Unlike the ample sponge, the Bottom Buddy uses standard toilet paper that can be easily inserted into the tulip shaped head.

Bottom Buddies come in all sizes. It’s too bad the late Billy Mays is not around to pitch these handy helpers in his famous infomercials. I can hear him now, “It’s not clean until it’s Bottom Buddy clean!”

A variation of the kid’s toy the Super Soaker, the battery powered portable bidet is a favorite of NAAFA fat girls and other fat girls from coast to coast. When you see a fat girl and you think her super sized purse is only for food and the food she takes from the all you can eat buffets, think again. The modern fat girl has given up the Zip Lock bag, sponge and bottle brush long ago and traded it in for the stylish and high tech portable bidet.

Toilet paper, salad tongs and a turkey baster are always a winning combination and can work anywhere. If you run out of battery power or there is a black out, a squirt or two with a turkey baster and a few wipes with T.P. (for your bung hole) wrapped around a set of salad tongs and you will good to go.

Due to mobility issues the crapper can be a foreboding place for many a fatling. That’s why many fatlings skip the toilet all together and head straight for the shower. Some will drop trough in the shower, scoop it up with a pooper scooper, toss it in the toilet and use the potable shower head to hose the poop out their nooks and crannies.

When it comes to the super super super obese the mystery is solved as to how they can wipe their massive butts that are for all intents and purposes a meaty massive flab tunnel in a perpetual state of collapse.

Shit eating dogs or SEDs can be trained to lick clean the butts of uber fatlings. Some people are of the mistaken belief that if you own a shit eating dog you’d only have to feed it once but this is myth. I’ve actually made an interesting observation that may help solve this tricky dilemma. Did you notice that many super super super morbidly people own small, well-trained light brown dogs? Think about it my friend, think about it…..

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies | Daily Wire

That just about covers it. If any of our fatlings have other suggestions or comments please feel free to let us know your thoughts.

This has been a public service of NAFAM and Bigger Fatter Blog, the leader in fat acceptance.
Too fat? Arms too short? You tell me!

COVID 19 Statistics

United States cases
Updated May 16 at 2:40 PM local

Coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics

United States cases
Updated May 16 at 7:50 PM local
From May 16 2:40 pm  to May 16 7:50 pm 1167 Americans have died from COVID-19. That is over 1000 people every 5 hours who have died from COVID-19. That's over 5000 Americans per day who are killed by COVID-19!

Sorry Trump and sorry MAGAts, COVID 19 is not a hoax so shut your filthy lie holes!

The End

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Paula Deen Weight Loss Sellout

Paula Deen Another Weight Loss Sellout
I don't know whether the oink angrily or oink sadly but America's butter Queen Paula Deen is downright skinny and as bad as that is it gets worse. Her husband Grover lost 60 pounds in order to avoid knee surgery – what a wimp! Sadly, it gets even worse both her sons have lost weight to deal with their health problems. This is a sad day for gluttons everywhere. Combined, Paula Deen's clan has lost a total of 174 pounds.

Her husband Grover lost the weight to avoid knee surgery. I guess all is cooking did not trump the pain of a damaged knee joint. The once plump Paula after being diagnosed with diabetes was at first it defiant and fatlings everywhere from but somebody got to her and set of taking drugs for diabetes Paula Deen decided to eat rabbit food and abandon her delicious Southern cooking.

Paula Deen joins a long list of BBW sellouts.

Aretha Franklin selfishly decided that breathing and singing were more important than her food. Shame on you Aretha.

Valerie Bertinelli is another weight loss sellout. She joins the ranks of people like Carrie Fisher, Al Roker, Kirstie Alley, Sharon Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Sarah Ferguson formerly the princes of pork but now princes of York, Jordan Sparks and so many others have disappointed those of us in the gluttony and fat acceptance movement.

See the source image
UPDATE: Valarie Bertanelli has been in full blimp mode since 2016

See the source image
Once HOT-------------------------- Now NOT

Once HOT-------------------------- Now NOT
See the source image
Kirstie Alley Once HOT----------------- Now NOT
HOT                                          NOT
See the source image

We still have Carnie Wilson. Even after two weight loss surgeries that included a gastric bypass and then gastric banding Carnie Wilson still defies the fat haters and she continues to blimp out. OINK OINK OINK.... YOU GO GIRL GLUTTON!

I never thought the Paula Deen butter Queen with sellout but I was equally shocked to find out that another sexy sow Ann Wilson from the Canadian rock band heart has also lost a tremendous amount of weight after having gastric band.

The only fat celebrity that we can really depend on these days is Oprah. Sure, Oprah will get fat and then not so fat and then fat in the not so fat and then fat and not so fat but we always know that like Carnie Wilson, Oprah will always remain a hefty hogs. The jury is still out on Rosie O'Donnell. Let's hope that her heart attack scare won't cause her to eat salad and get skinny. Rosie especially, will look horrible skinny with that great big melon head of hers.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fat People Not As Smart?

A new study finds obese people have 8 percent less brain tissue than normal-weight individuals. Their brains look 16 years older than the brains of lean individuals, researchers said today.
Those classified as overweight have 4 percent less brain tissue and their brains appear to have aged prematurely by 8 years.
The results, based on brain scans of 94 people in their 70s, represent “severe brain degeneration,” said Paul Thompson, senior author of the study and a UCLA professor of neurology.
“That’s a big loss of tissue and it depletes your cognitive reserves, putting you at much greater risk of Alzheimer’s and other diseases that attack the brain,” said Thompson. “But you can greatly reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s, if you can eat healthily and keep your weight under control.”
The findings are detailed in the online edition of the journal Human Brain Mapping.
Obesity packs many negative health effects, including increased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and some cancers. It’s also been shown to reduce sexual activity.
More than 300 million worldwide are now classified as obese, according to the World Health Organization. Another billion are overweight. The main cause, experts say: bad diet, including an increased reliance on highly processed foods.
Obese people had lost brain tissue in the frontal and temporal lobes, areas of the brain critical for planning and memory, and in the anterior cingulate gyrus (attention and executive functions), hippocampus (long-term memory) and basal ganglia (movement), the researchers said in a statement today. Overweight people showed brain loss in the basal ganglia, the corona radiata, white matter comprised of axons, and the parietal lobe (sensory lobe).
“The brains of obese people looked 16 years older than the brains of those who were lean, and in overweight people looked 8 years older,” Thompson said.
Obesity is measured by body mass index (BMI), defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. A BMI over 25 is defined as overweight, and a BMI of over 30 as obese.
The research was funded by the National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Center for Research Resources, and the American Heart Association.