Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Al Roker Pooped His Pants At White House

It has recently been revealed that the once roly-poly celebrity and weatherman Al Roker crapped his pants at the White House in 2002. Al Roker or the Roque as he's referred to by his fans claims to have accidentally pinched a loaf in his boxers while visiting Pres. George W. Bush in 2002. The Roque blames gastric bypass surgery for causing an inability to control his bowels and of course that is a reasonable explanation because many people who get gastric bypass surgery are unable to control their bowel function. Then again, it could simply have been a very large wet fart.

Here Al Roker is queefing a fart!

"And I probably went off and ate something I wasn't supposed to. And as I'm walking to the press room … I gotta pass a little gas here. I'm walking by myself. Who's gonna know? Only a little something extra came out," - Al Roker-

I don't know the Roque's political stripe nor do I know about the stripes in his BVD's but another explanation could be that he was sending a message to President Bush. There are a lot of people who would like to leave former President Bush and his criminal vice president Dick Cheney a big smelly turd and with the incomplete digestion caused by ghastly bypass surgery that renders those BMs are most foul the wisecracking weatherman may have been sending President Bush a not-so-subtle message.

Perhaps the wily weatherman Al Rocher wanted to make a stink at the White House to send a message to Bush in protest of the invasion of Iraq and to show the Bush regime the inhumanity of biological and chemical weapons. Since most gastric bypass patients wear adult diapers I find it a bit suspicious that a man as smart as the Roque would not be wearing a Depends diaper. Logical truth of this is quite clear; Al Roker was sending the White House a message.

I can't finish this article without asking the question who's better the rotund Al Roker or the skinny and emaciated Al Roker. I will not offer an opinion on this, but instead I will let my readers decide.


Our Internet reporter, Rotunda Hindenburg filed a freedom of information request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and forced Secret Service to turn over this photo of Al Roker's poop. Big Al was not honest when he said that the mess in his pants was a result of a rogue fart.



What ended up in the newsman's pants was an extremely large stool that clearly could've been a threat to the President's safety and national security. We will work diligently to discover why this incident has been spun and played down. Not only do I smell turd I also smell a cover-up so I've contacted Alex Jones from Prison Planet and he has agreed to sniff around and get the poop on the poop.

Alex Jones, "You can't sweep something this big under the rug and closing the lid on something like this will not make it go away. Sources tell me that this is a mutant stool created by secret underground government lab in Flushing New York."

More on Fecal Gate  Fecal Gate begs bigger questions

By John Commode and Jean Papier

Sometimes, you just have to use your hand. Give it a good shake, and do what you think is right. You're allowed to stink, even if you're a Washington DC reporter. In fact, it's encouraged. And just because your job description doesn't say you should report the fact that  rectal sewage gushes into the Main Stream Media every day because a mammoth stool caused your ass  to jam, you probably should anyway.

It seems Fecal Gate may  be a case of covering up a controversy after all, though apparently it's too soon to say so definitively. 

Thankfully there are independent news sources like Bigger Fatter Politics were not afraid to venture into the putrid muck and report on the politics of the day. The mainstream media will try to polish this turd but with journalists like Fat Bastard of the award-winning bigger fatter politics and scatology experts like Alex Jones from Prison Planet shady government figures will be held accountable from the White House to the outhouse. 

Deadly dung or benign BM? 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Feisty Fatty Foils Fuzz: Police Pester Paunchy Patriot

As part of our Portly Patriot series Bigger Fatter Politics is featuring patriotic porkers who stand up to the tyranny that is coming to America and the rest of the world. I was once of the belief that the police leave us fatties alone but my readers have adroitly pointed out that fatties are just as likely to suffer from police brutality and harassment. Click Here for the BILL OF RIGHTS

If you watch the above video in its entirety you will see that the police targeted this resourceful fat man. It's obvious that he has been a previous victim of police misconduct. He saw what the police were up to and he caught it all on video. Had he not have the protection of video recording the police he probably would've been Tazered and brutalized. Once the sow discovered that she was on video and she would be unable to make her bogus charge stick she backed down.

What attracted her to this car in the 1st place?

Let's look at the facts. Here's a fat guy in a car at a convenience store. That's what the cop saw when they pulled up. The fatties friend when in the convenience store and bought him coffee and some doughnuts. Cops can smell doughnuts a mile away. They smelled doughnuts in this car in this is why they're looking for any excuse they could to pull them over illegally and confiscate his doughnuts.

Wrong advice for dealing with the police.

Nothing calms a crazy cop better than a doughnut

I have suggested that all fatties and even siblings carry a bag of doughnuts with them at all times in order to calm out-of-control police down but them if they cause more trouble than it prevents so I would go back to my original advice and how all motorists to carry a Dunkin' Donuts free doughnut cart and when presenting your papers to the Gestapo hand them a free doughnut card along with your license registration and insurance card.

This video has received nearly 1 half  million views on YouTube so there is no doubt police have watched this. They're now going to think twice before they fuck with a fat guy.

Go Fuck Yourself Harry Reid!

The US congress has reached and all time low in the eyes of the American people but it has reached an all time high among Jerry Springer fans.  U.S. Congress can't pass the farm bill and they can't vote on funds for the victims of hurricane Sandy but there sure are great when it comes to histrionics. When House Speaker John Boehner told Sen. Harry Reid to go fuck himself it was a classic Springer moment. It's always nice to tell somebody to go fuck themselves but it also matters where you do it. When you publicly drop the F bomb you want to do in a place where has the most impact. Of all the places in the world to drop the F bomb what better than the White House? Not only will Jerry Springer fans appreciate John Boehner's timing so will fans of Johnny Knoxville's Jackass. Like so many Republicans John Boehner is a consummate jackass.  Say what you want about House Speaker Boehner. So what that he drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney and who really cares that he's a big crybaby? Anybody who can drop the F bomb in the White House and gets away with it has to be admired. Pres. Obama probably remained stoic and Sen. Reid dodged the cheap shot as though it was coming from a punchdrunk fighter who was already too out on his feet to know that the fight was lost before he even stepped into the ring. Badly outclassed by a skilled professional Harry Reid, Boehner's desperation showed as Reid skillfully sidestepped the lawmaker's histrionic verbal haymaker.

This happened at the White House right in front of Pres. Obama during a closed-door meeting regarding the fiscal cliff. Normally when two adversaries become combative the president likes to sit them down and have them work out their differences over nice cold glass of beer but that wouldn't work out because the senator is a Mormon and Mormons don't drink alcohol and the speaker of the house is a hard-core alcoholic and it would be wrong for the president to give a mean drunkard like John Boehner alcohol.

Perhaps Pres. Obama needs someone who was on both sides of this issue and that would be Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo. Mike Crapo is a Republican, a Mormon and a drunk. He could bring a fresh perspective to this and maybe he could be John Boehner's sponsor in Alcoholics Anonymous and maybe John Boehner can sponsor Crapo in Hypocrites Anonymous.

I use the boxing analogy because Sen. Harry Reid is one tough hombre. Sen. Reid actually is a boxer and throughout his career as a boxer and a senator he has shown that he can go the distance and take a punch. The man has heart and tenacity but more than that he has guile. This little fight is like Tyson versus Holyfield. As disgusting as it was when Mike Tyson bit off a piece of Evander Holyfield's ear and spit it out, it sure made for great theater. Both Tyson and speaker Boehner were both desperate men with no chance of winning against superior opponent. What Boehner did was more like crapping your pants in the middle of the ring in order to get disqualified rather than biting off a piece of his opponent's ear. Drunkards are quite used to crapping their pants.

Can you picture Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama telling some doofus like Mitch McConnell to go fuck himself? Democrats don't behave that way. Joe Biden would never use the exact words," go fuck yourself". The vice president would employ some Irish diplomacy so that the persons fucking themselves would enjoy it before they realized that they were indeed fucking themselves.

John Boehner may be a pathetic smudge of a man but who in their right mind would want his job even though some of the biggest ass clowns in Congress are gone now. Allen West and Joe Walsh are gone and somebody had to fill their ass clown shoes and since Boehner already has a red nose, who better than the drunken weepy ass clown Ohio?

Let's say that John Boehner got into cussing contest with his fellow Republican Joe Walsh. I think it would go something like this.

Boehner: Go fuck yourself!

Walsh: No! You go fuck yourself!

Boehner: No! You go fuck yourself!

Walsh: No! You go fuck yourself!

Boehner: No! You go fuck yourself!

Walsh: No! You go fuck yourself!

Boehner: No! You go fuck yourself!

Walsh: No! You go fuck yourself!

Mouth Wide Open And Wearing a Pearl Necklace

I suppose, is Bill Clinton told anybody the growth of themselves it would probably go something like this, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

If Ronald Reagan had said it it would probably go something like this, "well… There you go again, fucking yourself".

President Obama would probably say if he were inclined to use it have language, "yes you can go for yourself".

Other classy Republicans who said things like that. Dick Cheney probably couldn't speak for more than 10 minutes without using the F bomb. George W. Bush likes flipping the bird.

Harry Reid clearly outclassed this bum but when it is all said and done this political theater was less like a boxing match and more like the WWE.

More about Boehner fucking himself HERE

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Out-of-Control Cop Punches Defenseless Special-Needs Girl

Now that you have seen the video and and witnessed this brutality you think in addition to the bias against this girl was not just that she was special needs but also because she was fat?

What do you think should happen to the cop who hauled off with all his might and knocked her out cold?


Our readers have informed me that cops do target fat people. In the above video cops mistake a pregnant woman for be fat and they kick her in the belly. She needed and emergency C-section.

Here two more pregnant women are tazed and beaten.  Obviously they were mistaken for being fat.

We need more fat cops. Feed them donuts and they will calm down.

This demonstrates the power of the doughnut. The police officer protecting handcuffed man from the other police officer is clearly a doughnut lover. He loves doughnuts and he knew that the suspect in custody had some doughnuts and that is why he protected the handcuffed suspect from police brutality.

It would probably be wise for fat people who are increasingly becoming victims of police brutality to carry doughnuts with them and if not carrying actual doughnuts they would be wise to carry with them a Dunkin' Donuts gift card for a box of free doughnuts. They can hand it to the officer along with  license, registration and insurance card.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Steven Hawking Dead?

“I believe the simplest explanation is, there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful.” 
― Stephen Hawking

Some fucking douche bag started a rumor that Steven Hawking is dead. He's not dead. Most of you know that Steven Hawking suffers from ALS. ALS is one of God's most horrible creations and it is no surprise that he would give this disease to a guy like Hawking whose brain hold the secrets of the universe and whose knowledge would advance humanity a thousand years.

Stephen Hawking and others like him may hold the secrets to warp drive and time travel. That means that we as humans can travel to distant parts of the galaxy in the blink of an eye we go back in time and get rid of all the fucking assholes like Mohammed and Jesus Christ who have poisoned the collective consciousness of humanity.

Stephen Hawking was not the only super genius who is plagued by disease. Albert Einstein suffered from dyslexia. Abraham Lincoln, the emancipator of the slaves suffered from depression as it his wife Mary Todd Lincoln. John F. Kennedy suffered chronic back pain and eventually one of God's agents killed him. The same thing happened to Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John Lennon.

I don't agree with Hawking that there is no God. I believe the evidence for God abounds and I think the ancients realized that and the religious texts that are parroted by Judaism and Christian texts seem to point to a God or some force that is cruel and destructive to living things, especially humans. Hawking cannot explain the system of things that seems to be created exclusively for our suffering seasoned with a small amount of joy to make the suffering feel worse.

Hawking has waffled on the existence of God and I suppose for him it's part of wishful thinking but the fact remains there is an intelligence responsible for the system of things and that intelligence is malevolent. When Epicurus said that pleasure is good and pain is evil he was right and anything else is just rationalization, intellectual dishonesty and bullshit.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chris Christie Lambastes Boehner And His Republican Henchmen

Chris Christie Crucifies Congressional Creeps

Gov. Christie chews  up and spits out house speaker John "crybaby" Boehner as he shames shameful Christians.

This is one more example of how greedy the red state Bible Belt Christians really are. Republican Congressman from New York and New Jersey did not hesitate to vote for aid for hurricane Katrina victims in Mississippi and Louisiana. Hurricane Sandy was far more devastating than Hurricane Katrina.

It's becoming more and more clear that the Bible thumpers are hateful bunch. These morons still fighting the Civil War and as we all know the Civil War was fought mostly to free the slaves who were enslaved by these heartless and cruel Christians.

As leader of the new fat acceptance movement, I, Fat Bastard, once again demonstrate that fat large and in charge guys like Gov. Christie make great leaders. The good folks in New Jersey are happy to see Chris Christie throwing his weight around. Unfortunately, Gov. Christie is the exception that proves the rule in that he is a Republican who actually cares more about people and he does his party.

I said in an earlier article that like that other fat guy Teddy Roosevelt, Christie would be wise to start his own political party. If you know your history you will know that Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican who started the Bull Moose Party. Christie would be wise to appeal to the Italian vote by starting a pizza party. As you know the state of New Jersey has a lot of Italian-American citizens and one look at Chris Christie and you know that he knows his pizza.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Google Censoring and De-indexing,

If you landed on Bigger Fatter Blog page you will see that there was a warning and the warning said that some readers found the content on this blog objectionable. What they objected to was the fact that this blog pokes fun at the silly jealous angry girls in the pathetic fat acceptance movement. I suspect that a jealous angry batgirl is in charge of the censoring and the indexing of blogs and various YouTube channels. There is nothing objectionable on bigger fatter blog. Any images used on bigger fatter blog fit Google's moderate search criteria.


While investigating Google's censorship I found that many bloggers are experiencing the same thing. Google basically has a monopoly on information that is found on the Internet. I have to give it to Google though, they are to information as Walmart is to merchandise, you really don't want to go there but you know that you probably going to find what you need.

There are other search engines. I use duck duck go, Bing, Yahoo, and dog pile. Ask Jeeves and Ask suck fucking canal water.

All monoliths eventually fall in Google will be no exception. Not so long ago the premier browser was Mozilla Firefox and now Mozilla Firefox is a piece of shit. According to my steps Internet Explorer is now the preferred browser of my readers. Google is way too big for its britches and it is in sore need of a comeuppance. Google gives bloggers and vloggrer no real way to have a reconsideration of their decision. Google is bound by the same terms of service that which we bloggers agree to follow. If an ACLU type happens to be reading this please contact me about taking some sort of legal action against Google, not for infringement of my First Amendment rights because I understand that I have no First Amendment rights when it comes to Google but Google is in breach of contract. Google has pulled this kind of shit with a lot of other bloggers and some of those bloggers had monetize their blogs and Google basically said fuck you to all of them and costs them money. They also cost themselves money but Google is so fucking big and so fucking arrogant that they don't give a shit. Google has become part of a corporate global nanny state. Google, whores that they are grants censorship requests from many countries including and especially the United States which as we all know has become a fascist corporate dictatorship. We all know that the Bill of Rights has been used as a piece of toilet paper since implementation of the unconstitutional Patriot Act. We are now in a police state. Ron Paul described what is going on in America is a mild form of fascism that came about as a result of corporatism.

I'm not gun nut but more and more I am seeing just how important the second amendment is. I heard a gun nut say that the Second Amendment gives teeth to the First Amendment and up until recently I would've thought that to be a bit overly dramatic but now I agree.

With Google censoring we are also looking at a situation where the first and fourth amendment kind of blend together. A lot of people who use the Internet are losing their privacy and a lot of information is being searched illegally because today the fourth amendment means nothing with warrantless searches and now the government can detain people indefinitely simply on the suspicion that they might be a terrorist. I would ask that you go to YouTube before they take these videos down and type in the words police brutality or filming the police or police misconduct and what you will find will shock you. You will see things that you thought only went on in the former Soviet Union, China, Iran, and Nazi Germany. Whether you want to admit it or not we are in a police state. Maybe the police in your hometown of the good guys and maybe the TSA agents at your airport art a bunch of sick power-hungry perverts but that is not the case in most of America. There was a time when the only people who were abused by the police were the poor in the minorities but today police are abusing middle-class and you will also find that they are even abusing clergy. When you type police brutality into YouTube you will find many instances of the police abusing news reporters. You will see things that will shock you and make you want to go out and buy a rifle capable of penetrating the bulletproof vests. You'll see police brutalizing our returning veterans and you won't see just a few incidents of that you will see many and keep in mind for every one that you see that is been captured on video there are 1000 that have not been captured on video.

Google, is quickly becoming the information police. Google has an obligation as an American company to be compliant with the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America but instead Google bases its censoring decisions on the whims of people who don't like what someone else is saying. Basically Google will censor anyone if enough people suck Google's collective cock. If I were running Google or at least the YouTube and blog part of Google and people complained about a blog content or YouTube content I would tell those people to go fuck themselves and take a good long suck on the cock of their whore and master Jesus Christ. I would tell the Muslims who piss and moan about people who are critical of Islam to bend over like a praying to Allah and have a camel fuck them in the ass because that's what those butt lifters want all along.

Bigger Fatter Blog does not need to have any redeeming social value to exist and besides redeeming qualities are matter of judgment. In my judgment bigger fatter blog has a lot of redeeming qualities. Bigger Fatter Blog gives that people the honest facts about obesity and weight loss. Bigger fatter blog is a soft place for people of all sizes to fall in order to make sense of the obesity epidemic. Bigger fatter blog is frequented by young women from the pro-ana movement who get a chance to see the silliness of what they do compared to the silliness of the idiots who are members of the Fatosphere. I know for a fact the bigger fatter blog has helped people suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia and induced forms of anorexia. Bigger fatter blog has helped a lot of fat people to know that diets are okay and weight loss for most people is a beneficial thing. Because Google be indexed bigger fatter blog and because they placed a warning thousands of people will be reading it and that means that a good share of those people may not get the information they need for their eating disorder simply because some sick fat ugly stinky yeasty smelly jealous man hating fat girl doesn't like the things that I and my contributors write.

Unfortunately, Google has the most user-friendly platform but in my opinion Tumblr is a close second. Posterus has a nice look, but it doesn't seem to get into the Google crawl. Wordpress is in my opinion, a cumbersome train wreck of a blogging system.

I hope in time that Bing and the other search engines gain more and more market share and I would like to see Google moved to the bottom of the list along with search engines like ask Jeeves.


Bing Search: Microsoft's entry into the burgeoning search engine market. Better late than never.
Yahoo! Search
Yahoo! Search: The 2nd largest search engine on the web (as defined by a September 2007 Nielsen Netratings report.
AltaVista: Launched in 1995, built by researchers at Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Laboratory. From 1996 powered Yahoo! Search, since 2003 - Yahoo technology powers AltaVista.
Cuil: Cuil was a search engine website (pronounced as Cool) developed by a team of ex-Googlers and others from Altavista and IBM. Cuil, termed as the 'Google Killer' was launched in July, 2008 and claimed to be world’s largest search engine, indexing three times as many pages as Google and ten times that of MS. Now defunct.
Excite: Now an Internet portal, was once one of the most recognized brands on the Internet. One of the famous 90's dotcoms. The Walt Disney Group's search engine is now also an entire portal. Family-friendly!
HotBot was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine. Now, just a front end for and MSN.
AllTheWeb: Search tool owned by Yahoo and using its database, but presenting results differently.
Galaxy: More of a directory than a search engine. Launched in 1994, Galaxy was the first searchable Internet directory. Part   of the Einet division at the MCC Research Consortium at the University of Texas, Austin
AOL Search Now powered by Google. It is now official.
Live Search
Live Search (formerly Windows Live Search and MSN Search) Microsoft's web search engine, designed to compete with Google and Yahoo!. Included as part of the Internet Explorer web browser.
Lycos: Initial focus was broadband entertainment content, still a top 5 Internet portal and the 13th largest online property according to Media Metrix.
GigaBlast was developed by an ex-programmer from Infoseek. Gigablast supports nested boolean search logic using parenthesis and infix notation. A unique search engine, it indexes over 10 billion web pages.
Alexa Internet
Alexa Internet: A subsidiary of Amazon known more for providing website traffic information. Search was provided by Google, then Live Search, now  in-house applicaitons run their own search.
Accounting For resources and information on Ifrs and Accounting.
Bit Torrent
Btjunkie: An advanced BitTorrent search engine. It uses a web crawler (similar to Google) to search for torrent files from other torrent sites and store them in its database. It has over 1,800,000 active torrents.
Demonoid: A BitTorrent tracker set up by a person known only as Deimos. The website indexed torrents uploaded by its members. Taken offline after legal threats to its Hosting Company by CRIA.
FlixFlux: From its website, "The ultimate torrent site for films, combining bittorrent search results with film information, making it easy to find new film releases."
isoHunt, a comprehensive BitTorrent search engine, P2P file search and community. Over 930,000 torrents in its database and 16 million peers from indexed   torrents. Avg: 40 million searches  per month.
Mininova: Successor to - a search engine and directory of torrent files. Anonymous uploads, no IP address logging of users, no porn. over 550,000 torrents in the database, over 4 Billion downloads.
The Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay (aka "TPB"): Based in Sweden where torrent trackers are not illegal. No content is filtered or removed as long as it is clearly labeled.
TorrentSpy: Tracks externally hosted torrent files and provides a forum to comment on them. Integrates Digg-like user-driven content site ShoutWire's feed into its front page.
Torrentz Search Engine
Torrentz: Tracks nearly 7 million torrents in a searchable portal.
Amatomu: The South African Blogosphere, sorted. Amatomu searches blogs with a distinct focus on South Africa.
Bloglines is a web-based news aggregator for reading syndicated feeds using the RSS and Atom formats. Sold to in 2005.
Blogperfect: Google Powered Blog Search
BlogScope: Search & analysis tool for the blogosphere being developed as part of a research project at the University of Toronto. Itcurrently tracks over 23.5 million blogs with 275.6million posts.
IceRocket: An Internet search engine for searching blogs.
Sphere connects your current articles to contextually relevant content from your archives as well as from Blog Posts, Media Articles, Video, Photos, and Ads from across the Web.
Technorati catalogs over 112 million weblogs. Known as a kind of gauge for blog popularity as epitomized by its byline of "What's percolating in blogs now". A supporter and contributor to open source software.
Free Book Search - Comprehensive book searching portal with more than 30 search engines in its archive, the site searches hundreds of digital libraries and also scours the net for hidden books.
Google Book Search
Google Book Search The power of Google to find books. Google's entry will not let you see  full text if the copyright is still active in your jurisdiction.
AliBaba - Claims to be the world's largest database of suppliers. Based in China, it is a marketplace of export and import, offers search, company directory, catalog, trade leads and more.
Bankers' Almanac provides intelligent reference data solutions to the banking industry for payments, due diligence, risk assessment and financial research. contains more than 400,000 listings within about 65,000 categories. Search results are preceded by four types of paid links.
Hoovers: A Dun & Bradstreet Company, maintains a database of over 23 million companies. Some information is provided free, other information is  available to paid subscribers. Good for company stock information.
Kompass: 2.3M companies in 70 countries referenced by 57.000 product & service keywords 860.000 trade names and 4.6M executive names. A guide for worldwide sourcing.
Lexis Nexis
Lexis Nexis: LexisNexis claims to be the "world’s largest collection of public records, unpublished opinions, forms, legal, news, and business information". Searchable archive of newspapers, public records & more.
ThomasNet - Powered by the Thomas Register
ThomasNet: Powered by the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers (The Big Green Books published since 1898). Catalogs over 650,000 American companies in 67,000 categories.
Email A mini-portal with a number of tools for searching email addresses. Find current, former email addresses, extract them from the web.
Nicado: Free to register, Search email addresses. The Nicado search engine allows registered users to search the Nicado database using an email address or telephone number.
TEK search engine is an email-based search engine developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The search engine enables users to search the Web using only email. It is intended to be used by people with low internet connectivity.
AskMeNow: S3 - Semantic Search Solution for mobile telephones. AskMeNow offers a consumer mobile search utilizing proprietary technology & natural language based interaction.
Autonomy: IDOL Server (Intelligent Data Operating Layer), K2 Enterprise (Formerly Verity), Ultraseek
Dieselpoint: Search & Navigation. Dieselpoint provides advanced full-text search with data navigation capability. It gives users highly relevant results not possible with either traditional search engines or SQL databases.
dt Search
dtSearch Engine (SDK), dtSearch Web. dtSearch provides simple to use but very powerful tools which create and maintain full text indexes of documents and data. Terabytes of text can be searched.
Endeca's search and information access solutions help enterprises find, analyze, and understand information. This is the Guided Navigation experience.
Exalead: exalead one: Enterprise. Exalead - Internet search engine, image search engine, video search engine ... WebImagesWikipediaVideoMore » · Advanced search. 8 billion pages indexed to date.
Expert System Sp. A.
Expert System Sp. A. (Cogito) is a pioneer in developing semantic technologies to understand and manage unstructured information. Expert System's semantic approach enables rapid classification of information.
Fast Search & Transfer
Fast Search & Transfer: Enterprise Search Platform (ESP), RetrievalWare (formerly Convera)
Funnelback is an Internet and Enterprise search engine company offering a suite of search solutions,   hosted solution for the web and a fully customisable enterprise solution for searching behind the firewall.
Google Search Applicance
Google Search Appliance:Make it as easy for employees to find information inside your organization as it is to find information on Deploy a Google Search Appliance.
Microsoft Office SharePoint
Microsoft's SharePoint Search Services: Microsoft Search Server (MSS) is an enterprise search platform from Microsoft, based on MS Office SharePoint Server. MSS shares its architecture with Windows Search.
Northern Light Search: Search articles from over 800 online news feeds and over 1,000 industry authority blogs.
Opent Text / Hummingbird
Open Text (Hummingbird):Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software solutions supporting +/- 20 million seats across 13,000 deployments in 114 countries and 12 languages worldwide.
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g, a standalone product from Oracle, enables a secure, high quality, easy-to-use search across all enterprise information assets.
SAP Trex
SAP NetWeaver Search and Classification (TREX) finds information in both structured and  unstructured data. TREX provides SAP applications with services for searching and classifying large collections of documents.
SAIC Teratext
TeraText Suite: Most data resides in semi-structured, primarily textual documents, not in structured, organizational repositories. Teratext is designed for text-rich data repositories.
Vivisimo Clustering Engine developed by scientists based upon a mathematical algorithm and deep linguistic knowledge to find relationships between search terms and bring them to light. (Web search: Clusty)
ZyLAB Technologies
ZyIMAGE Information Access Platform for government and corporates does capturingarchivingsearchingsecurity, and context-specific content-management.
Omgili (Stands for "Oh My God I love it!"
Omgili (Oh My God, I Love It!): Find out what people are saying. Personal experiences, solutions to problems, ideas and opinions.
Cheatsearch - Find game cheats Finds Game Cheats from all over the web. Searches all of the most popular cheat sites and forums to find cheats for any game.
Genie Knows
Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search.
Wazap is a vertical search engine, video game database and social networking site that distributes gaming news, rankings, cheats, downloads and reviews.
ChaCha Search is a search engine that pays human "guides" to answer questions for users. This is a technique known as social searching.
Eurekster is a New Zealand company, with an office located in San Francisco, California, that builds social search engines for use on websites, the search engines are called swickis (search+wicki).
Mahalo is a web directory (or human search engine) - the project is in beta test. It differentiates itself from algorithmic search engines by tracking and building hand-crafted results for searches.
Rollyo is a Yahoo!-powered search engine which allows users to register accounts and create search engines that only retrieve results from the websites and blogs they want to include in their search results.
Trexy: Search trails are the click pathways you create while searching and finding information on 4,000+ search engines. Record and share your "search trails". Easier searching of the "deep web".
Wink: Wink People Search: Over 333,304,647 people on social networks and across the Web. Find people using name search, location, school, work, interests, and more.
Accoona: A search engine that uses artificial intelligence. In addition to traditional searches, it allows business profile searches, and its signature "SuperTarget" feature. Partnered with China Daily, a large Chinese portal.
Alleba: Philippines search engine and highly organized directory of Filipino websites.
Ansearch: Australia/NZ/UK/US. Ansearch Ltd is involved in various online media activities, including the search engine and the Soush online media network
Araby: Middle East - Arabic language search engine owned by the Maktoob Group, which owns the world's largest online Arab community; (Arabic only)
Baidu: China - The Google of China, Baidu is doing what no other Internet company has been able to do: clobbering Google and Yahoo in its home market.
Daum: Korea - Daum is a popular web portal in South Korea which offers many Internet services including search, a popular free web-based e-mail, messaging service, forums, shopping and news.
Guruji India - an Indian Internet search engine that is focused on providing better search results to Indian consumers, by leveraging proprietary algorithms and data in the Indian context.
goo: Japan - an Internet search engine and web portal based in Japan, which crawls and indexes primarily Japanese language websites. goo is operated by the Japanese telecomm giant NTT.
Miner Hungary - a vertical search engine for searching blogs, videos and other Hungarian content on the internet. indexes about 129.000 blogs. Slovenia - a Slovenian search engine and web portal created by Interseek. It's the most visited website in Slovenia. It uses a technology created by Interseek written entirely in Java
Naver: Korea - The undisputed number 1 search engine in Korea with over 16 million visitors and 1 billion page views per day.
Onet: Poland - Polish language web portal and search.
Onkosh: Middle East - Arabic language search.
Rambler: Russia -offers proprietary web search (Rambler Search), e-mail, rating and directory, media, ecommerce and other services to the Russian-speaking websurfer.
Rediff: India - India's leading internet portal for news, mail, messenger, entertainment, business, mobile, ecommerce, shopping, auctions, search, sports and more.
SAPO: Portugal - Portuguese language search based in Portugal and focused on Portugal.
Search.CH Switzerland - a search engine and web portal for Switzerland. Founded in 1995 as a regional search engine, later many other services were added: phonebook, SMS service. Acquired by the Swiss Post.
Sesam: Norway, Sweden - Based in Norway and focused on Norway and Sweden.
Walla (in Hebrew)
Walla!: Israel - Search the web in Hebrew with an Israel focus.
Yandex: Russia - Yandex (Russian: Я́ндекс) is a Russian search engine and one of the largest Russian Web portals. Yandex was launched in 1997.
Bixee (India)
Bixee (India): Comprehensive jobsearch for India.
Career Builder
Career Builder: The career builder website.
Craig's List
Craig's List: is a centralized network of online communities, with free classified ads (with jobs, internships, housing, personals, services, community, gigs, resume, and pets categories) and forums.
CV Fox | Find resumes (CV's) from all over the World Wide Web
CV Fox: A search engine that is designed to hunt down and retrieve resumes (CV's) from all over the Internet. Free to use, has become a popular tool with professional recruiters. is the #1 technology job board. For technology experts in areas such as Information Technology (IT), software, high tech, security, biotech, and more. Recently purchased (Canada) - High-paying jobs in Canada directly from employers' websites. Seach new full-time jobs at 71000+ employers across Canada.
Hot Jobs (Yahoo): Find a job, post your resume, research careers at featured companies, compare salaries and get career advice on Yahoo! HotJobs.
Incruit (Korea)
Incruit (Korea): Incruit claims to be the first Korean match making site between job seekers and companies and claims the first Korean Internet résumé database  (June 1. 1998). A job 'meta-search' that scours job boards, newspapers and multiple sources with one search interface. (Poland) (Poland): Run by an American/Polish team of MBA's, Poland's leading job portal. Partially owned by European Media Group "Orkla Press" from Scandinavia.
JobsDB (Asia/Pacific)
JobsDB (Asia/Pacific): An Asia/Pacific focused job and recruitment site with databases dedicated to each country in the Asia/Pacific region.
JobPilot (Owned by Monster): A European job site now owned by Focused on European jobs with branches in a number of European countries.
Jobserve: UK based job search focused originally on IT Contracting work, but now covering multiple areas. Resume database, large number of job postings. The world's largest resume database and online job search.
Naukri (India) (India): An India-focused job search engine. A job search engine that allows you to search jobs worldwide.
Simply Hired - Job search engine. Search over 5 million job listings and thousands of jobs sites to find a job you love.
StepStone (Europe): European online recruitment site based in Scandinavia with operations and subsidiaries througout Europe.
The Ladders (USA) Job search for professional jobs in the most comprehensive source of $100K+ jobs on the internet.
Canadian Law List
Canadian Law List: List of Canadian lawyers. Another LexisNexis company
FindLaw: Search FindLaw'sdatabase of 1,000,000 lawyers to find attorneys in your area. All Topics in FindLaw are geared for the Public, by Subject Area.
The Lawyers List
The Lawyers' List: Search for lawyers all across the United States.
Lexis Nexis
LexisNexis: Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only. and LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
LexisNexis owned portal for searching for lawyers and things legal (Canada)
Géoportail: French Geographic portal. French language only.
Google Maps
Google Maps: Provides directions, interactive maps, and satellite/aerial imagery of the United States as well as other countries. Can also search by keyword such as type of business.
MapQuest (AOL) was founded in 1967 as Cartographic Services, a division of R.R. Donnelley & Sons & became an independent company in 1994. MapQuest was acquired in 2000 by America Online, Inc.
Via Michelin
Michelin (Via Michelin): The European map specialists' webpage includes standard map features with good European coverage.
LiveSearch Maps
Windows Live Maps: Enter an address, click enter... be sure to check out "Bird's Eye View". You can see a close-up aerial view of nearly any US Address and many foreign ones. Amazing.
Yahoo Maps
Yahoo Maps: Maps, directions, reverse-directions satellite view but no 'bird's-eye-view'.
Bioinformatic Harvester
Bioinformatic Harvester: From the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Bioinformatic Harvester crawls and crosslinks dozens of bioinformatic sites and serves 10's of thousands of pages daily.
Entrez (Pubmed)
Entrez (Pubmed): The life sciences search engine.
EB-Eye Bioinformatics Search
EB-Eye - EMBL-EBI's (European Bioinformatics Institute): Open-source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Very fast access to the EBI's data resources.
Genie Knows
Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search.
GoPubMed: Knowledge-based: GO - GeneOntology - Searching sorted - Social network and folsonomy for sciences.
Healia: The health search engine. From the site, "The high quality and personalized health search engine".
KMLE King's Medical Library Engine
KMLE (King's Medical Library Engine): Full American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary comprehensive resource including tens of thousands of audio pronunciations and abbreviation guides.
MeSH - Medical Subject Headings (GoPubMed): Knowledge-based.
SearchMedica: Professional Medical Search
WebMD: A source for health information, a symptom checklist, pharmacy information, and a place to store personal medical information.The leading US Health portal, it scores over 40 million hits per month.
Brainboost: Now Type in a question in natural language, get an answer.
Clusty - The Clustering Search Engine
Clusty: The clustering search engine powered by Vivisimo.
Dogpile: Brings together searches from the top search engines including Google, Yahoo!  Search, Live Search,, About, MIVA, LookSmart, and more.
Excite: Now an Internet portal, was once one of the most recognized brands on the Internet. One of the famous 90's dotcoms.
HotBot was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine. Now, just a front end for and MSN. Metasearch bringing together results from the top search engines.
ixquick: Eliminate Big Brother! The Ixquick metasearch engine permanently deletes all personal search details gleaned from its users. Based in the Netherlands, results come from 11 search engines.
Kayak: Metasearch for travel - search 140 travel sites all at once for the best deals and buy tickets and make reservations direct.
Krozilo is a virtual web browser,  similar to My Yahoo!, iGoogle, Pageflakes, Netvibes, and Microsoft Live. Krozilo uses AJAX and DHTML, so does not  require installation.
Mamma: "The Mother of All Search Engines" - was one of the web's first metasearch engines (1996). Now owned by Copernic Inc. of Montreal, Canada, is a tier 2 search engine.
MetaCrawler is a metasearch engine that blends the top web search results from Google, Yahoo!, Live Search,,, MIVA, LookSmart and other popular search engines.
MetaLib is a federated search system developed by Ex Libris. MetaLib conducts simultaneous searches in multiple resources such as library catalogs, journal articles, newspapers and the web. 
Mobissimo is a travel meta-search website. Like other travel meta-search websites, Mobissimo does not sell directly to the consumer but consolidates travel offerings for a referral fee.
Myriad Search: Ad-free search  lets users select results from Ask Jeeves, Google, MSN, and Yahoo! Select search depth and place bias on the search results from the major search engines.
Sidestep: Searches over 200 travel-relates websites for airfares & the best deals on airfare. Find cheap airfares, discount hotels, car rentals and cruise deals to popular travel destinations worldwide.
Surfwax offers a variety of tools for finding, saving, and sharing information on the Internet, including Nextaris, the law-article research site LawKT, the SurfWax meta-search and SurfWax Scholar services.
Turbo 10 - Search the Deep Net is a metasearch engine which uncovers information in the Invisible Web. Turbo10 can access information from 800 online databases and searches 10 databases simultaneously.
WebCrawler was used to build the first publicly-available full-text index of a subset of the Web. WebCrawler® brings users the top search results from Google, Yahoo!, Windows Live, Ask and other popular search engines.
YouTube: Owned by Google, the web's largest media site. This search will search through the videos of YouTube only. The famous book searching portal also searches for audiobooks. This same search will also find MP3 files.
FindSounds: Search engine to find any kind of sound file: WAV, MP3, AIFF, AU - search by sample rate and quality... a great place to find those sound effects.
MetaCafe: Search videos hosted by MetaCafe. If you are a producer of videos, you can get paid for videos - the more viewers, the more cash.
Musgle: Music Search (mp3, wav, etc.): Based upon a JavaScript that automatically inserts a clever boolean search string into Google to return catalogs of hidden MP3 and Music files.
PBS provides resources to air its standard programming & also provides its audience with multiple online archives of specific video programs. All video archives can be searched for any spoken word pronounced in them.
Picsearch: Search the web for images. An image search service with more than 2,000,000,000 pictures.
Podscope: "Introducing: the first search engine that can find podcasts according to the words spoken during them!". Finds audio and video files based upon actual content!
SpeechBot was a search engine for audio & video. It was created by HP Research, but unfortunately, is now offline.
Singing Fish
Singing Fish: An audio and video search engine, now AOL media search.
Singing Fish
StrimOO: Video search engine. Find videos on Youtube, Metacafe, Dailymotion and more with one search.
TV Eyes
TVEyes: TVEyes makes Radio & TV searchable by keyword, phrase or topic - just as you would use a search engine for text. TVEyes is the first company to deliver real-time TV and Radio search.
Veveo VTap
 Veveo / VTap: a video search platform for mobile phones. Vtap is an offering from Veveo and it currently works on Apple Iphones as well as Microsoft Mobile-powered phones. Search and hack nearly a million webcams for free on the net. This  search uses Boolean scripting to uncover cams - public & supposedly 'private'. :-)
Google News
Google News: News by Google. Search and browse 4,500 news sources updated continuously.
MagPortal: Find individual articles from many freely accessible magazines by browsing the categories or using the search engine. You can mark articles or find similar articles with several useful tools.
NewsLookup Search thousands of news sites by source region and media type. News headlines updated continuously.
LexisNexis: Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only.
Topix is a news aggregator which categorizes news stories by topic and geography. It was created by the founders of the Open Directory Project. Knight Ridder, Tribune Company and Gannett own 75% of
Yahoo! News
 Yahoo News: Use YahooNews to find breaking news, current events, the latest headlines, news photos, analysis & opinion on top stories, world, business, politics...
DataparkSearch Engine is a full-featured open source web-based search engine released under the GNU General Public License and designed to organize search within a website, group of websites, intranet or local system.
Egothor is an Open Source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. It can be configured as a standalone engine, metasearcher, peer-to-peer HUB, etc.
gonzui is a source code search engine for accelerating open source software development - a source code search engine that covers vast quantities of open source codes available on the Internet.
Grub started back in 2000 with a simple concept of distributing part of the search process pipeline: crawling. Their website claims, "We want to help fix search."
ht://Dig is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a domain or intranet. ht://Dig is meant to cover the search needs for a single company, campus, or web site.
The iSearch PHP search engine allows you to build a searchable database for your web site. Visitors can search for key words and a list of any pages that match  is returned to them.
Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Full-text search & cross-platform. Apache Lucene is an open source project available for free download.
The Lemur Toolkit is a open-source toolkit designed to facilitate research in language modeling and information retrieval. Lemur supports a wide range of industrial and research language applications.
mnoGoSearch: Web search engine software.
Namazu is a full-text search engine intended for easy use. Not  only does it work as a small or medium scale Web search engine, but also as a personal search. (Namazu means "Catfish" in Japanese.)
Nutch is an effort to build an open source search engine based on Lucene Java for the search and index component. The fetcher ("robot" or "web crawler") has been written from scratch solely for this project.
OpenFTS: OpenSource Full Text Search is an advanced PostgreSQL-based search engine  that provides online indexing of data and relevance ranking for database searching.
Sciencenet: For scientific knowledge based on YaCy Technology. Current search engines are based on popularity and/or sponsored links. This makes it difficult for scientists/students/teachers. Sciencenet is the solution.
Sphinx is a free software search engine designed with indexing database content in mind. It currently supports MySQL and PostgreSQL natively. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
SWISH-Enhanced (Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced) is a fast, powerful, flexible, free, and easy to use system for indexing collections of Web pages or other text files.
Terrier is software for the rapid development of Web, intranet and desktop search engines.A modular platform for the rapid development of large-scale Information Retrieval applications.
Wikia Search
Wikia Search: Jimmy Wales and Wikia aim to create a an open source Internet search engine, to which the community can contribute.
Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, with bindings to allow use from PerlPythonPHPJavaTclC# and Ruby (so far!)
YaCy is a scalable personal web crawler and web search engine. One YaCy installation can store more than 10 million documents, but in a community of search peers YaCy can provide a search index of unlimited size.
 Zettair is a compact and fast text search engine designed and written by the Search Engine Group at RMIT University. It was formerly known as Lucy.
AnyWho - Part of AT&T, mostly a telephone directory and reverse phone number directory. Explode is an easy way to find friends and those with common interests, no matter what social network or service they use. is the best place to start a people search, as they have a huge number of tools all in one place to find whomever you seek.
InfoSpace: From their webpage, "The yellow pages and white pages directory from InfoSpace is the most convenient way to find people and businesses."
Linked In
LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site used for professional networking. As of March 2008, it had more than 20 million registered users. An easy way to search for business people or professionals.
Spock advertises itself as, "The world's most accurate people search. Sign up to find people you know."
Wink is a free people search engine that helps you find people at social networks, blogs, and across the Web.
Zabasearch: Honestly free people search. All US postal addresses & telephone numbers revealed free. 3-times more listings than white pages phone directory.
 ZoomInfo: Founded in 1999, ZoomInfo is a Web-based service that extracts information about people and companies from millions of published resources.
Answer The majority of their results come from their own site.  Used to be offers free access to millions of topics from the world's leading publishers.
Ask Jeeves was designed to allow users to get answers to questions posed in everyday, natural language. was the first such commercial question-answering search engine for the Web.
AskMeNow: Questions answered from your mobile telephone. From their site, "We thought it would be cool if we could get simple answers from our phone anytime, anywhere — so we built AskMeNow."
AskWiki Beta is a preliminary integration of a semantic search engine that seeks to provide specific answers to questions using information from Wikipedia  articles.
Brainboost: Now Type in a question in natural language, get an answer.
eHow is an online knowledge resource with more than 140000 articles and videos offering step-by-step instructions on "how to do just about everything"
Lexxe processes natural language queries and delivers results in clusters by topic. Queries can be keywords, phrases or short questions.
Lycos iQ is a community driven "human search" site by Lycos Europe GmbH. Users on iQ can post questions and answers in a similar manner to sites such as Yahoo Answers, Google Answers and
Powerset is betting on the wisdom of the crowds with a new online community site called Powerset Labs. The company hopes the site will get people to help build and improve its search engine.
Windows Live QnA: Ask any question and get answers from people in the know. Try it. Real answers. A little late to a crowded market, but Windows is there now too.
Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven knowledge market website launched by Yahoo! that allows users to ask questions of other users and answer other users' questions. Over 60 million users.
Real Estate
For Sale By Owner .com Search homes being sold by their owners without the intermediation of realtors - save on commission. Comprehensive Property Search for UK houses for sale, estate agents, house prices and guides on buying and selling property and mortgages advice.
Inman News: Real Estate News search.
Properazzi is an online real estate search engine. Launched in March of 2007 by Yannick Laclau, it allows users to search and view property listings for Europe. The official site of the National Association of Realtors. Search listed properties all across America.
Rightmove: Find property online, search a wide range of property for sale in various areas in the UK, London and Overseas with Rightmove.
Trulia: Find property online, agents can list their properties free, a robust real estate portal for homebuyers and sellers.
Zillow provides free real estate information including homes for sale, comparable homes, historical sales, home valuation tools and more.
Skoolz - College and University Search
The College Search Searches the webistes of colleges and universities worldwide, not just the USA. If it is on a university website somewhere, this search engine will find it.
Skoolz - College and University Search Search colleges and universities. Use this search to search only the websites of colleges - to find courses, information, professors, curricula, etc.
Google University Search
Google University Searchallows you to search a specific site - one school at a time. The list  of schools is comprehensive. Skoolz searches them all at once, Google University Search allows them to be searched one at a time.
Scirus - Scientific Search
Scirus: The most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web. Over 450 million scientific items indexed at last count. Search journals, scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents, more...
Google Product Search
Google Product Search: (Formerly Froogle) use Google to search for the best deals on products when you are shopping.
Kelkoo - A Yahoo! company
Kelkoo: A Yahoo! company. Also powers Yahoo!Shopping in several countries.
MSN Shopping
MSN Shopping: Comparison shopping made easy: Offering 33,155,627 products from over 8,000 stores — all in one place — and over 470 pages of shopping advice to help you make the right choices.
My Simon
MySimon: Price Comparison Shopping
Nextag Comparison Shopping. Product directory and search. Shows popular searches - what others are searching for.
PriceGrabber "Comparison Shopping beyond compare" Comparison shopping and search engine.
PriceRunner: Price Comparison website and search engine
RetailMeNot: From the people who brought you "BugMeNot", check here before you buy for discount coupons and promo codes. Why pay retail when you can find coupons at RetailMeNot? A shopping directory and search owned by eBay.
Shopwiki: Shopping directory and search cataloguing some 241,416,304 products, and counting...
Shopzilla (Owned by Bizrate) helps shoppers find, compare and buy anything, sold by virtually anyone, anywhere. 20 million unique visitors according to ComScore. BizRate reviews stores and products. is a discovery shopping search engine as opposed to a comparison search. The search database includes over 150 Million products from over 500,000 online stores.
Source Code
Google Code Search
Google Codesearch: Searches public source code using a variety of parameters. searches for javascripts, ajax, DHTML and JavaScript snippets from all over the web. The fastest way to find a JavaScript. Useful for web developers and webmasters.
JExamples analyzes the source code of Java open source projects such as Ant, Tomcat and Batik and loads them into a java examples database for easy searching. Enter the name of a Java API Class and click Search.
Koders Searces some 766,893,913 lines of open source code. Securely searches private source code. Create and share a custom code index that is easily searched from Visual Studio, Eclipse or any browser.
 Krugle Code Search Engine can turn your company's code and related development assets into a searchable, shareable asset.
PHP Classes
 PHP Classes Repository: Find the PHP class you need at PHP Classes. The leading PHP site for coders. Everything PHP!
Google Groups
Google Groups: Formerly Deja News, Google Groups lets you post on usenet forums without using a mail client via their easy-to-use web interface.
Grokker Visual Metasearch
Grokker visual Meta Search Engine lets you choose which sites to search and presents the results in multiple views - outline view, map view.
Kartoo visual Meta Search Engine searches multiple search engines and presents its results in a visual map. 

Shame on you Google.