Friday, December 14, 2012

Kate Harding Dead?

Old Fat Girls Never Die They Just Smell That Way

After the demise of NAAFA the Fatosphere exploded in a flabbalache of angry fat girl fat acceptance blogs. The most famous and the angriest belonged to Kate Harding. When cornered with logic or reality Kate would angrily oink the term douche canoe at her detractors where as those of us in the new Man Friendly Fat Acceptance Movement would just oink.

In 2010  fat acceptances' philosopher queen Kate Harding vanished like a fart in the wind only to leave the fatosphere more splintered and even more chaotic. It seems that Kate has paddled her douche canoe into unknown waters leaving another vacuum in the already vacuous and leaderless old fat acceptance movement.

Rumors continue to swirl. Is it true that Kate went on a diet and is not the dreaded and much maligned size 4 that she was famous in condemning? Is she now merely a butter face? Sid she go the Carnie Wilson route and have weight loss surgery.

Like so many fat girls Kate was unable to admit that your can't have obesity without gluttony. If fat girls like Kate Harding were truly fat accepting then they would be gluttony accepting.

Kate's defection to the other side...
Lean and Elegant Me Me Roth

Unwilling to accept and embrace gluttony Kate has joined forces with her arch nemesis Me Me Roth. Is Kate now working with the Queen of Lean? Are the rumors true. Has Kate's fat girl jealousy finally made her run to Fatopolis and seek out Me Me as her mother confessor?

Let's be honest, Me Me is one of those women that men want to see and fat girls want to be. She's everything a fat girl is never going to be and while the strident and sputtering Kate Harding continued to rail against the so called fat hating society signs of her defection were emerging. 

Here is Kate using every fashion and photographic technique in the book trying to look lean and svelte. FAIL! If Kate were really happy with her size she would be wearing polka dots and be much much fatter. Kate is clearly a dieter.

Our internet reporter and fat feminist Rotunda Hindenburg believes that Kate Harding has been booted from the fatosphere for not being fat enough. She believes that jealous fat girls forced Kate out by black mailing her. Rumors suggest that she was seen with Jenny Craig. She has also been seen eating salads and buying SlimFast.

Who will step up and fill the void? Who has the sweep of a Kate Harding? Who else has the verbiage and language skills to slay the fat haters by calling them douche canoes?

Fatty McFatty Fat Fat Fats! aka Marion Kirby from the Rotund opined.

One of the things that bothered me during the Nightline taping was that I got referred to as the leader of the fat acceptance movement. I planned to address it but then MeMe Roth started talking and, well, you know.

So I’m addressing it here, after a week or so of thinking about it. Here’s what I think:
FA doesn’t really have a central leadership body. There’s NAAFA, but NAAFA doesn’t work for everyone, you know? And they do some great work and I’m proud to know the members that I know but….

It isn’t a body to which I look for leadership.

There’s a bunch of us bloggers. But we’re, as much as I love the internet and the powerful community that we build here, still such a new force in the history of FA.

So who are our leaders?

You are.

Got something to say and want to contact Ms Kirby? Contact me Marion Kirby. All hate mail, particularly fat-phobic rants, is subject to mocking.

Ms Kirby is wrong. Every movement needs a central leadership and the FA movement is no exception. NAAFA has been a dismal failure. NAAFA was doing fine until it lost the leadership and vision of founder Bill Fabrey. The movement then degraded into a gluttony denying lean woman hating man hating farce. It remains that way to this day as malingering malcontents, mostly fat girls, oink their foolish sophistries that make all fat people look like liars and idiots.
If the fat girls ever want the Fat Acceptance movement to enjoy an ounce of credibility they need to realize that gluttony is good and that they are gluttons.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christie 2016

That skinny transvestite slut Ann Coulter got it right when she said, "If Chris Christie is not the candidate in 2012 we will lose this election."  Even a crazy bitch like Ann Coulter was able to see the forest for the trees on this one. The fact that Christie is a moderate doesn't seem to bother Ann. Her Adam's apple quivers at the thought of Chris Christie making a waddle for the White House.

I have said many times that the greatest presidents have been the fattest. Bill Clinton was fat while president and Hillary is porking up for the 2016 run/waddle for the president. If the Republicans run another bean pole like Romney they will once again lose the fat vote.
Bill Clinton was not the only president who was a fat chick magnet. Big Bill Taft's famous mustache rides got him the female vote. This guy's face got more ass than a toilet seat.

William Howard Taft was by far and away our greastest President. Not only was he a chair buster he was an even bigger trust buster than Teddy Roosevelt.
So loved was William Howard Taft that scientists of the day bred a special horse just for him and fat guys like him.
Because the T-shirt had not yet been invented, ladies you rode Taft's famous mustache and meat face received a commemorative campaign button

Teddy Roosevelt was also a fat guy and when people thought he was shouting "BULLY!! BULLY!!!" he was really shouting Belly Belly. Christie could learn a thing or two from both Taft and Roosevelt.  First, SIZE matters but more than that Christie can learn and even more valuable lesson from Teddy Roosevelt. When Republicans would not back TR for the third run for the presidency he TR started the Bull Moose party. Christie would be wise to start the Pizza Party. Who wants a smelly bull moose when you can have a hot delicious pizza topped with triple cheese, pepperoni and sausage with some mushrooms for the health nuts?

Teddy Roosevelt and Taft: Men of girth are men of worth!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fattest States in U.S. by 2030

OINK OINK OINK the obesity rate in the US will soon top 60%. OINK OINK HOORAY America!!


Fattest states in U.S. by 2030

The United States is in the midst of an obesity epidemic, with more than 35 percent of adults and almost 20 percent of children considered obese. While recent studies suggest the problem may have reached its plateau, a new study from Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation suggests things are only going to get worse over the next two decades.

The report, "F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future 2012" analyzed existing data to project the obesity rates for each U.S. state by 2030. And the future looks bleak: 13 states could have adult obesity rates above 60 percent, 39 states could have rates above 50 percent, and all 50 states could have rates above 44 percent. Even the current thinnest state in the country - Colorado, with an obesity rate of almost 21 percent - is expected to have its rate climb to nearly 50 percent by 2030. Which states will be the fattest by 2030?

Take that MeMe Roth and all you fat haters. This is a proud moment for America. Gluttony is GOOD!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ronald Post Too Fat To Execute

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — At about 450 pounds, Ohio death row inmate Ronald Post is so fat that his executioners won't be able to find veins in his arms or legs for the lethal injection, and he might even break the death chamber gurney, his lawyers say.

If the state is forced to use a backup method that involves injecting the drugs directly into muscle, the process could require multiple doses over several hours or even days and result in a grueling and painful end, they say.

Post's case is not without precedent: In 1994, a federal judge in Washington state ruled that convicted killer Mitchell Rupe, at more than 400 pounds, was too heavy to be hanged because he might be decapitated. After numerous court rulings and a third trial, Rupe was sentenced to life in prison, where he died in 2006.

Glutton Avoids Death Penalty

Thursday, December 6, 2012

When Greedy Gluttony Is Not Good

Greed is Good,  Gluttony is Good and Greedy Gluttony is Even Better but NOT Always!

While those of us in the fat community eat eat eat eat eat without shame and reckless abandon to pridefully pack on the pounds to satisfy our lust for food must of us still have the good manners to share our num nums with other fatlings. We fat gluttons are noble creatures. Food centrism dictates that. Eating is a joyous social event for most gluttons. We eat until we are full and leave the rest for the next glutton. Maybe we get more than our money's worth at the all you can eat buffet but we eat and the Warren Buffet and are adherent to the Buffet buffet rule which is don't take more than you can eat. We do not stockpile warehouses full of food.  Big folks with big appetites take their fair share of food. While we may eat 3 or 4 times more than a leanling, we are not eating 10 or 20 or 30 or 40  or in the case of the American CEO, a vulgar 500 times more. We take advantage of fat privilege the same as thinlings take advantage of thin privilege. Only jealous fat girls squawk about thin privilege and only jealous skinny stick boys squawk about fat privilege.

We all need to squawk and oink about  corporate greed and coroporate privilege. As fatlings nothing is more upsetting to us than seeing people starving especially if they are kids. Those who accuse us fat gluttons or taking food out of the mouths of babes need to STFU. Our food lust is fueling this economy and creating food innovation. Corporate gangsters are hoarding trillions of dollars while a billion people in this shit hole of a world starve.

When I look at the image of that starving tyke what I see is a fuck you God moment and a fuck you corporate America moment.

For 28 dollars a month you can sponsor a child at Child Fund please click the link and sponsor a child. Leave the demise of the corporate thugs to the professionals.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jovan Belcher, Murder Suicide, Gun Nuts and Bob Costas

The fact is if the guy did not have a gun Jovan Belcher and his girlfriend would be alive today. The gun nuts are going nuts over Bob Costa's remarks but the gun nuts are a paranoid bunch. We are a gun culture. Gun nuts find Consta's comment offensive. If a gun nut wants to disagree that's one thing but to be offended shows him to be a gun nut who is probably too unstable and paranoid to own a gun.

Appearing as a guest on The Dan Patrick Show on Tuesday, Costas said he is not out to repeal the Second Amendment, and he wishes he had more time to explain his position than the 90-second segment afforded him. The gun nuts are still calling for Costa's head. I think think it is because they have small dicks.
Gun Nut, pedophile and Draft Dodger Ted Nugent

Let's take this a step further. There are over 80 million Americans on psychotropic drugs, the same drugs that are almost always involved in mass shootings. Should they be allowed to have guns? The phonies at the NRA would say yes.

The gun nuts are a lying bunch because they will never give you a straight answer regarding restrictions they would support if any. They are too dishonest to say where they would draw the line. Gun nuts are irrational and they lie. There are other weapons besides firearms. What about hand grenades, stinger missiles, flame throwers, cannons, howitzers, nerve gas, rocker launchers, bazookas, or A-bombs?  In their weak minds the notion of restricting any of the above is a left wing commie assault on 2nd amendment. Most of these genitally challenged losers cannot even recite the 2nd amendment.  A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed - 2nd amendment to the constitution of the United States.

Where are the gun nuts and the whores at the NRA when weapons like blow guns, pepper spray, switch blades, cross bows, butterfly knives ect... are illegal in some areas? These gun nuts and the NRA are not about the 2nd or any other part of the constitution. They are about guns and that's all that ever enters their pea brains and eventually come out of their ignorant mouths which are often interchangeable with their assholes.

More: Belcher reportedly kissed, apologized to girlfriend after killing her

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Old Man Hating NAAFA

Founded by Bill Fabrey in 1969, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) is a non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to ending size discrimination in all of its forms. NAAFA's goal is to help build a society in which people of every size (except for slender and athletic women. We hate those bitches!) are accepted with dignity and equality in all aspects of life. NAAFA will pursue this goal through advocacy, public education, and support. To support this effort, we will need lots of Twinkies. And Boston cream donuts - we just love those! It's the closest thing we can get to male semen. Oh, and venti caramel macchiatos to wash it all down. Thanks for your support!
Angry fat girl!

Anyone want to hazard a guess at what the female percentage is in this organization? I'm guessing >90% twat. An obese guy knows that no one gives a fuck about him, least of all women. He either learns to accept that he will be forever ostracized or he loses the weight. An obese female on the other hand wants to make everyone accept her - all 300lbs of her.
The most dreadful thing about NAAFA and much of the fatosphere is the gluttony denial.  Everytime one pigs out they have to lie and deny when in reality...GLUTTONY IS GOOD!

There are a lot of guys who will pork BBWs and SSBBWs so what are these fat girls so pissed off?  Fat porn is huge these days. A simple Google search proves that. Fat girls are sluts. 
Fat girl porn sites are flooding the internet. Men are not rejecting these hot and horny hoggers. Actually it is quite the contrary. Since fat girls are easy guys are porking them keft and right.

The angry NAAFA fat girls need to get over themselves.

Now for a cleanse of the palate.