Showing posts with label Fat Acceptance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fat Acceptance. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fat Guys vs Fat Girls

Where should I begin?

Fat men are jolly.
Fat girls are bitchy.

Fat men don't judge lean men. In fact we like hanging around them so that we can get their rejects. Fat girls hate skinny chicks and see them as "the competition". Fat girls rarely hang out with skinny girls. Fat girls usually travel in pods like whales.

Fat men are unabashed gluttons. Fat girls are gluttony deniers.

Fat men accept their obesity and gluttony.

Fat girls are lie about their gluttony and they lie to themselves about how they really look.

Men have low standards. There are a lot of men who would pork a fat girl but damn few women who would fuck a fat guy.
Click here to read the Confessions Of A Fat Girl Dating A Skinny Guy

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fat Girls Hate Themselves

In spite of the BBW and SSBBW talk and all their other tired affirmations fat girls don't believe their own hype and it shows. As I have mentioned on the NAAFA blog, obesity and gluttony does not serve women because they clearly have demonstrated that they cannot handle the fat or the food. This becomes apparent in their incessant whining regarding their perceived victimization by the "fat" hating world. The world doesn't hate you fat bitches because you are fat, the world hates you because your attitude stinks more than the funk between your legs and under your fat folds. YUK!

It's interesting that we fat boys don't have that problem. Society loves fat men and it is not just in the US -- love and reverence for fat men in universal. Fat men are regarded as large and in charge and that is because we are. Fat men command respect and not just because of our fat, mostly it is because of our positive fattitude. Fat woman are regarded as fat and mouthy and that is because they are. When ever there are 3 or more fat girls there is often trouble.

The following two images or a fat girl posing are prime examples of self-hatred.

In the above frame this so called SSBBW is wearing welders goggles. If you have ever worn welder's goggles you would know that you can barely see anything. Subconsciously this SSBBW is telling herself that she want to remain blind to her fat and gluttony. That is the true symbolism here.

I, Fat Bastard, have never minced words and I am not going to start now. Fat girls are stinky. With all that funk between their folds a fat girl can really stink up the joint. Sometimes us fat guys get accused of being smelly but what folks smell emanating from us is our manly musk. The odor emitted by fat girls smells like a mix of rotten fish and pig shit.

The only women I know that can handle the fat, the food and the gluttony are the big fat hyper masculine manly diesel dykes. Who work hard to emulate fat men and like fat men big fat diesel dykes prefer slender feminine women.

Since most of you fat girls are pathetic fag hags (because you know that a manly man like me, Fat Bastard or the Chef would want your nasty asses) I would suggest that you get hooked up with Mr Three Dollar Bill himself Richard Simmons and one of his weight loss programs like Deal a Meal, Sweatin to the Oldies or Get Down the Pounds and lose the fucking blubber and control your fattitude but in the meantime .... STFU

My name is Richard Simmons. I like to squawk an squeal.
I love when guys undo their pants and deal me a meal.
I get so much exercise dropping to my knees.
I'm just glad that semen is so low in calories. - Richard Simmons -

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My How We Have Grown Fat

The biggest guy in 1903 would be a skinny runt today! Today the average fatling is fatter than the fattest guy was in 1903. OINK! In a mere 100 years Americans have reached gargantuan proportions. The American obesity epidemic bloom is inspiring! OINK! OINK! OINK!


PIG Prestige Integrity and Guts
We we we we we we at Bigger Fatter Politics would like to thank our men and women in blue for ushering in the big fat era of greedy gluttony. Now America has another good reason to call them pigs. BACON BACON I SMELL BACON OINK OINK OINK

Fattest Jobs for Men

Public Safety

(58 percent obese): This job includes more than just the police officials; security or anyone involved with government--whether it is at the local, state or national level. Although the positions are important to keep our citizens safe, the job itself often involves sitting on their behinds in a car while eating donuts and does not allow for a lot of movement other than beating a suspect.


Private household occupations

(37.7 percent obese): Telecommuting and working from home have been on the upswing due to exceedingly high gas prices. Those who work from home may be saving money on gas, but the truth is these jobs often involve little more than sitting in front of a computer screen. It probably doesn't help much that the fridge is no more than a few rooms away.

Motor vehicle operators

(35.9 percent obese): They may help us get from point A to point B, but the fact remains, motor vehicle operators are stationary throughout their work day. In fact, one study of bus drivers in the Philadelphia found that male bus drivers had higher body mass indexes (BMI) than the national average in all age demographics.

Computer equipment operators

(33.1 percent obese): This should come as no surprise. If your job revolves around computer equipment, it also revolves around inactivity. What's more, a study conducted by Statistics Canada found that adults who spend over three hours a day sitting in front of a computer are more likely to be obese.



Health assessment/treating occupations

(41.2 percent obese): The clean, sterile surroundings in which health assessment employees work give off the perception of a healthy environment. The truth is your doctors, nurses MRI technicians, pharmacy aides, medical assistants, and lab analyzers aren't doing much as far as healthy movement goes. These positions require long, odd hours that can make evening or weekend workouts difficult.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fat Porn

Fat Porn

Those of us in the new fat acceptance movement frequently discuss the role of fat porn in the fat acceptance movement. While we have no official policy on pornography and generally see it as free speech we are concerned about its political and social implications within the fatosphere. There seems to be great conflict among members of the fat acceptance movement when it comes to pornography. There are two basic factions within the old fat acceptance movement. There are the angry and jealous fat girls who crave the male sausage and embrace their slutty behavior. We think that this represents the majority view of most fat girls. Then there is the view of the angry man hating fat feminist types who condemn pornography of all types. In their minds, anything that can give a man pleasure has to be a bad thing.

Fat pornography and its extreme popularity is something that the old and often wrong fat acceptance movement cannot explain or explain away. They treat it like it's a turd in a swimming pool. The reason for this is pretty simple. The angry jealous fat girls of the fat acceptance movement would like you to believe that most men would rather bone a skinny girl than pork a fat girl but unfortunately the facts shoot down their arguments and assertions. The vast majority of pornography today is fat porn. The numbers don't lie but angry fat girls do. Some may argue that the reason there is so much more fat porn then there is size typical porn is that there are simply more fat girls. That is an obtuse and dishonest argument. The popularity of fat porn is not based on the fact that 70% of women are fat are obese. Fat porn is popular because it simply receives more views than skinny porn. The porn industry may be one of the last bastions of peer capitalism left. If fat porn did not sell then the pornographers would not be making it. These guys are in it for the money and blubber sells.

Those who say that fat girls are bigger sluts than skinny girls will not be getting arguments from me. It's a proven fact that fat girls are sluts. Because they are disinhibited when it comes to food and have a basic hedonistic nature so it only follows that they're going to be more slutty. Fat girls have much higher self-esteem than skinny girls and that is why you see so many fat girls flaunting their flab.

Hire a fork lift to carry this landwhale over the threshhold!
A lot of men get married to a chubby girl hoping that she might lose some weight but invariably she keeps packing on the pounds. The husband looks around and he sees that a lot of his friend's wives have also blimped out. That being the case, he doesn't see a lot of options so he begins viewing fat porn in order to desensitize himself from the repulsion he feels when he's with his ever growing wife. He figures a man can screw a sheep then maybe he can force himself to screw his fat wife. He views fat porn in order to create in himself a Pavlovian response. While he will not lose his preference for skinny chicks he is now able to pork his fat wife and he will only need three or four beers to do it. He can focus in on something that still resembles something womanly about her and if he cannot find something visual that is not gross and disgusting he can always close his eyes and imagine one of the BBW images he has seen that has been photo shopped into something that still resembles some semblance of femininity and womanliness.

He also hopes that his blubbery wife will go the route of Kelly Osbourne, Valerie Bertinelli, Carrie Fisher, Star Jones, Jordan Sparks, Kirsty Ally and many of the other celebrities who decided to de-blimp. In the meantime he has porn. He will start out incrementally and look at skinny girls and then move on to voluptuous girls. Then he will go to Rubenesque women and then extremely Rubenesque women and he will incrementally go up from a 25 BMI to a 26, 27, 28, 29, until he reaches the realm of obese and becomes desensitized to stretch marks, fat rolls, thunder thighs, under tit sweat, pillow arms, double and triple chins and all the other physical attributes that go along with obesity.
 Eventually the husband will no longer need an airsick bag when he thinks about his wife after he incrementally desensitizes himself using the great abundance of fat porn. Because I, Fat Bastard prefer skinny chicks these fatlings in this above artistic photograph still make my cock so limp that I couldn't get it up if I had a crane. Those sounds for me are a real buzz kill but there are guys like my best friend the Dean ofFeederism, Proud FA who could pork all four of them and still want more. Call me old-fashioned but I like it when a woman has one pair tits on the front of her and not three or four pairs on her back. Other guys like proud FA seem to have a better imagination and are able to find something feminine and womanly about that girls.

Let's discuss the double standard. There is a lot of porn for women. Women, especially fat girls, enjoy beefcake. You will never see any fat male porn but there is a veritable plethora of fat female porn and muscular male porn that is targeted not only to gay men but to women. There is a clear double standard here. We know that fat girls view lot of beefcake porn. We also know that fat girls routinely reject fat guys but somehow this is considered politically correct. Clearly, fat girls are very sexist and clearly they are not as accepting of a man's blubber as they are of their own blubber. Pot kettle black anyone?

If fat male porn was popular among gay men or women we would be seeing a lot of but the truth is in the fact remains that fat male porn has no audience whereas the audience for fat female porn is enormous. So the next time you hear a fat girl whining about the Shallow Hals of the world tell her to shut the fuck up and eat a pie. Fat men are not beefcake, hell they are not even lard cake. Women simply re not attracted to fat guys but you don't hear fat guys bitching about it and calling fat girls shallow. We already know that they are shallow so why bother stating the obvious?

Is porn empowering or degrading to fat girls. Who knows? I guess the answer will depend on the mood they are in when they are asked the question.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Who Reads Bigger Fatter Politics?

I was astounded to see how many people have switched to Google Chrome. I installed Google Chrome a few years ago and it crashed like a mother fucker but I may switch back as Firefox is sucking with its memory leaks and crashes although I like its features.

I would ask my readers to help me, Fat Bastard link this blog to further increase its readership. As leader of NAAFA my team and I have ushered in a more honest and relevant fat acceptance movement. As a result of this honesty, Bigger Fatter Blog has a a higher readership than ALL other fat acceptance sites COMBINED! Numbers on our NAAFA site are skyrocketing. Our NAAFA site has is entirely dedicated to fat acceptance, obesity and gluttony promotion whereas Bigger Fatter Politics is news, politics and current affairs presented from a fat and glutton centric perspective with a fat bias our readers have come to know and love.   Visit our NAAFA blog HERE

We have a fucking lot of readers and here's the data to prove it. Here are last month's numbers.|Macintosh|Android|iPhone|BlackBerry|Linux|iPad|iPod

718,835 (28%)
Internet Explorer
515,525 (23%)
515,072 (22%)
49,303 (14%)
Mobile Safari
14,387 (6%)
11885 (2%)
5456 (<1%)
994 (<1%)
677 (<1%)
352 (<1%)

UPDATE: Bigger Fatter Politics continues to dominate!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dr Conrad Murray on Trial for the Death of Michael Jackson

Many of us in the fatosphere are still reeling over the tragic death of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. In a few days the trial of one of his killers Dr Conrad Murray will begin. We can only speculate on what his defense will be and those of us in the new and enlightened Fat Acceptance movement believe in the presumption of innocence. In this article I, Fat Bastard will speculate as to what defense the Murray's lawyers will employ. If I were his lawyer here is what I would do.


Michael had seen a lot of doctors in his past. I would blame all of them for his drug addictions for adding to his weakened condition and then his death. This one won't fly on it's own but it could open the door for reasonable doubt and it could prove helpful in the penalty phase if Dr Murray is convicted.

This next one will fly because there is a lot of truth to it. Three of the agents of Mr Jackson's tragic death are DA Tom Sneddon, media whore Nancy Grace and media whore Diane Diamond. Their unfounded accusation, vicious attacks and zeal to smear with their lies wounded this gentle man so deeply and weakened him so greatly that it killed him and the medications only sped up the process.


 Even though Michael was sober and not using drugs the defense can make that charge but the main charge they will make will be to blame the fact that Michael was dangerously underweight. This one has some legs. The following article appeared on Bigger Fatter Blog shortly after Michael's death.

Anorexia's Role in the Death of Michael Jackson

It is well known that people of low body weights have a lower tolerance for drugs. Any first year medical student knows that but it would seem that Jackson's physician Dr Conrad Murray was absent from class on the day that was taught. Joe Jackson patriarch of the Jackson family has called for a second autopsy and now Dr Murray has lawyered up after an examination by the Los Angeles County coroner's office failed to determine what killed the 50-year-old pop music icon. Dr Murray's lawyer/mouthpiece maintains that Murray is cooperating with he police.... and pork is the other white meat. Give me a break! Just like in the case of Anna Nicole Smith, sleazy doctors, hangers on and a deadly dose of Demerol most likely caused this tragic death and ended the come back of the beloved King of Pop.

Facts about Demerol (Meperidine hydrochloride):

1. Has received MAO inhibitors within the past 14 days.

2. Is allergic to narcotic analgesics or to any of the ingredients of the medication.

Side effects of Demerol:

The major hazards of meperidine, as with other narcotic analgesics, are respiratory depression, circulatory depression; respiratory arrest, shock, and cardiac arrest have occurred.

Demerol is usually only used for a short time. Repeated or high doses may cause drug levels to build up in the body and cause serious side effects such as seizures and shaking. Caution is advised if this medication is used for conditions which require long-term or high-dosage treatment (e.g., sickle cell anemia, burns, cancer).

Dr Murray has to be either a moron or a murderer. The autopsy will show that a huge dose of the prescription drug Demerol was what stopped the heart of MJ and broke the hearts of his million and million of fans. Speculation has started already about Jackson's use of pain medications. He may have been addicted to pain killers. Addiction to pain killers does not kill people unless they take an over dose. There are many chronic pain patients who lead very healthy lives who are addicted/dependent on drugs like Vicodin and its natural cousin morphine. Most chronic pain patients are addicted to pain medications. Jackson was probably in chronic pain and now the media whores and vultures in the media like that foaming at the mouth pit bull Nancy Grace want to paint the recently deceased Mr Jackson as some sort of pill popping junkie. Did these shit bums every consider the toll all the years of dancing have taken on the 50 yearold's frail and battered body? Of course not. They haven't because that would require some thought, integrity and compassion and they are vile scumbags.
Media whore Nancy DisGrace
Another ugly media whore is Diane Dimond. Contact her HERE! 

If you want to see Diane Dimond get exposed for the hack she is click HERE!

Certainly there were drugs involved but that does not make up for the fact that Michael Jackson the King of Pop was severely anorexic. OK Fat Bastard but how does this apply to the new fat acceptance? Fellow fatlings and fat admirers, here's how I got there. Even as a kid MJ was rail thin.
Jacko as an anorexic teen.
Notice his stick-like legs

Even in the 90's Jacko was far below an 18.5 BMI (Body Mass Index) 18.5 is the lowest healthy BMI. At the time of his trial for pee pee touching the King of Pop weighed under 100 pounds. So what Fat Bastard, how does this apply to fat acceptance? Here is how it applies. Michael Jackson had been dangerously underweight for nearly all of his career but where was the press? The press make great sport of thin female celebrities who are thin and perhaps borderline underweight but they were strangely silent when it came to the most famous MAN on earth. This pretense of concern to skinny female celebrities is revolting and the epitome hypocrisy. Here is one of the thin actresses the jealous fat girls in press love to pick on and call anorexic.

The lovely Victoria Beckham

UPDATE: According the the coroner's report Michael Jackson weighed 108 pounds when he died. Jackson stood five feet ten inches tall. That means his BMI Body Mass Index was 15.5. Compared to Michael Jackson, the actresses that the jealous fat girls portray as anorexic are porkers.

It is now suspected that the drug Diprivan was found in Jackson's home. Diprivan is a power anesthetic that is not approved for home use. Your local pharmacy does not carry this drug and your doctor could not prescribe it to you. Diprovin has to be administered intravenously. It is used to knock people out for surgery.

From the FDA website: Diprivan Injectable Emulsion is an intravenous sedative-hypnotic agent for use in the induction and maintenance of anesthesia or sedation. Intravenous injection of a therapeutic dose of propofol produces hypnosis rapidly with minimal excitation, usually within 40 seconds from the start of an injection (the time for one arm-brain circulation). As with other rapidly acting intravenous anesthetic agents, the half-time of the blood-brain equilibration is approximately 1 to 3 minutes, and this accounts for the rapid induction of anesthesia.

Bigger Fatter Blog is not just fat acceptance, obesity and gluttony promotion. We are also the leading voice in the NEW size acceptance movement. We at BFB are not mean to skinny folks. While my best friend Proud FA only porks fat girls and the only women that I can bone are skinny ones so there is no way I, Fat Bastard, and Proud FA are going to get on the bash skinny women band wagon. We barely bash founder MeMe Roth. Victoria Beckham is not even underweight. Michael Jackson WAS dangerously underweight and no one said anything. Here's some news for you jealous fat girls; manorexia is a real thing. That's right, men suffer from anorexia too. In your hateful zeal to attack thin actresses you completely forgot about MJ and all the emotional reasons he for why may have starved himself to death. His blood is on your jealous skinny woman hating man hating hands. Before you silly fat hens go saying that a drug overdose was what really killed Michael Jackson consider this. If Michael Jackson had been at a clinically normal weight he most likely could have handled the shot of Demerol his reckless personal physician Dr Murray gave him. Hell I could have taken ten times the dose they gave MJ and not felt a thing. Poor emaciated Michael, like all skinny people had such a low and slow metabolism his frail and battered body could not handle the dosage of medication he was given.

The lovely Jessica Stroup

Jealous fat girls of the man hating press using PhotoShopped (see the proof) images are trying to say that Jessica Stroup and Shenae Grimes of 90210 are "dangerously thin" and have an eating disorder. YOU STUPID IGNORANT JEALOUS BITCHES, compared to Michael Jackson who really was dangerously thin Jessica and Shenae are fat! How dare you jealous vain bitches waste paper writing such trash just because you won't accept and embrace your own obesity and gluttony and pay homage to the belly God the way true fat accpetors do. In case you haven't heard GLUTTONY and OBESITY are GOOD! I hope MeMe Roth steals your husbands.

Rest in Peace Michael Jackson and thank you for your wonderful music. You brightened an often bleak world. You will be missed. In the meantime Proud FA, the many readers of Bigger Fatter Blog and I would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Jackson family. Good bye Michael. The world mourns your passing.


                                  Altered Jessica Stroup image Unaltered Brooke Hogan image

Normal human bodies are about eight heads high. Brooke Hogan in this picture measures about eight heads high despite the fact that she has the Hulkster's big head. Jessica Stroup in this altered image is only 5 and one half heads high. This is proof that jealous fat girls in the media alter images of normal sized actresses to make them look anorexic. Measure them for yourself.

To prove we at Bigger Fatter Politics did not alter these images here is a link to the website of the man hating NAAFA inspired yeast beast who altered them.

  • The body width = 2 1/3 heads
  • The body height = 8 heads
  • Distance between nipples on chest = 1 head
  • Width of calf muscles together at lower arc = 1 head
  • Bottom of the knees = 2 heads from ground level
For an amplified version of the chart below click this link.

You jealous fat girls are sooooo transparent!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fat Acceptance Terms

Lexicon of Fat Acceptance Terms

According to an Sarcastic Antifat Acceptance Blogger

Anorexia: A very common condition that results in the deaths of MILLIONS of women each year. The primary cause is skinny models, and Hollywood waifs.

Bing Eating: A term that is used to describe a non existent condition.

Comment Section: A section of a blog where adherents post loud praise for the fat acceptance blog author’s post .

Dan Savage: The most evil man alive!

Diet: An extreme form of calorie restriction that occasionally results in temporary weight loss. This activity poses a high risk or causing anorexia.

Diet Industry: An evil Cabal of Jews, Trilaterialists, and late night infomercial advertisers who are attempting to dominate the world through manipulating health studies to encourage the sale of hoodia, and frozen meal entrees.

Douchehound: An intellectual term that Kate Harding uses to describe those who she particularly disagrees with.

Exercise: Strenuous physical activity, often engaged in by fat acceptance types, for example: playing with Cats. However, exercise has not been shown to result in weight loss. In fact many Fat Acceptance adherents exercised 2 hours a day with no results while eating nothing but lettuce, and found that no weight loss occurred.

Fashion Industry: A conspiratorial organization that is hell bent on forcing women of size to wear frumpy clothing, and to promote anorexia by utilizing uber-skinny models.

Fat and Fit: A scientific fact proven by the next to last place finishes by “fat girl on a bike” in many competitive triathlons.

Fat Hate Bingo: A method in which valid arguments are answered by shouting “Bingo” in a juvenile fashion.

Genetic Set point: If one eats intuitively (i.e. what ever the heck you want), your body will eventually reach its’ genetic weight set point. Note: sometimes a genetic set point will shift; typically upward do not be alarmed.

Intuitive Eating: Eat whatever the hell you want!

Kate Harding: A feminist prophet who offers obscenities of wisdom to those who willing to ignore science and accept her angry faith.

Lifestyle Change: See Diet. There is no known difference.
MeMe Roth: The most hated woman in the world. The most evil web site in the entire universe. It is highly inadvisable to link to

Obesity Epidemic: An over exaggerated media catch phrase. Simply saying “booga, booga” makes it go away.

Real Women: Overweight women who are sexier than skinnier women. This should be an obvious fact when discussing this subject on a fat acceptance blog. Remember, that all women are real women when discussing the subject with non fat acceptance types.

Second (2nd) Law of Thermodynamics (calories out must equal calories in): Physics is sexist!

Straw Men: A valid argument against fat acceptance.

Troll: Someone who posts a comment on a fat acceptance blog who does not match the author’s ideology EXACTLY.