Thursday, March 14, 2013

Don't Drink Diet Soda

No self respecting glutton will drink diet soda simply because soda made with sugar tastes a lot better but not only that, it's a lot better for you! Personally, I prefer Jones soda or Jolt Cola because they are made with pure cane sugar and pure cane sugar taste much better than high fructose corn syrup and there are some people who will tell you that cane sugar is healthier than high fructose corn syrup. There is no good reason to drink diet soda but if you insist on drinking diet soda avoid drinking diet drinks that contain aspartame a.k.a. NutraSweet. This stuff is poison. This is nothing new. Any self respecting glutton will tell you that diet foods suck but some suck more than others and the worst of the worst are foods that contain aspartame.

When I go to McDonald's or some other glorious fast food restaurant I often see BBWs buying the usual glorious glutton fair but too often I see them washing down that double cheeseburger and fries with a Diet Coke. We all know a lot of fat girls really don't want to be fat so they think that he diet drink will somehow counteract the calories in the double and triple cheeseburgers, french fries and desert. If you're going to insist on drinking diet soda at least avoid the ones that contain aspartame.

When it comes to soft drinks I, fat bastard him of gourmandizing gluttonous gourmet. I prefer Jones soda and the old standby Yoohoo. I have even been known to procure some Fox's Sure Bet chocolate syrup and make myself a New York City style egg cream. You won't catch me drinking any form of diet soda.

You're probably asking,."Okay fat bastard I understand the fat gluttony part but where's the political part?" If you watch the following videos by fat boy Alex Jones and others the answer to that part of your question will become abundantly clear. If you're too lazy to click and watch the video here's the Reader's Digest version. Aspartame will make you sick. It can cause cancer and it can affect your brain and a very adverse way. Aspartame is also an addictive substance. G.D. Searle the company that made aspartame knew that it was a dangerous substance and they lied to the FDA to get it approved. The main scumbag who got aspartame approved was war criminal Donald Rumsfeld. Maybe now you will take your chubby little finger and click on to the videos. In the meantime throwout all your diet soda and replace it with soda made with real sugar.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Liberty, Tyranny and Unalienable Rights

Mississippi Anti Bloomberg Law Strikes A Blow For Gluttony

That skinny runt New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has tried to create a regulation banning big gulp sodas and other delicious sugary drinks. In response to that assault on gluttony and gluttons rights state of Mississippi pass the anti-Bloomberg Law. Mississippi is proud to be the fattest state in the union and rightly so. Mississippians know that gluttony is good. Mississippi is also a very slothful state because it took them until 2009 to ratify the 13th amendment that abolishes slavery.  Now that might sound bad but if you're proud of your slothfulness why would you want to do away with slavery? Slothful gluttony is Southern heritage just as much as is fatback, cracklings, sweet tea, funnel cakes, french fries and gravy and pulled pork barbecue.

Gluttony is a human right but not only is gluttony and human right gluttony is right. Gluttony is good. They say that a clock is right twice a day and often wrong Mississippi got it right this time.

Southern pride plays a big part in this. The state of Mississippi is the most obese state in the union running neck and neck with Louisiana. Southerners are proud of their gluttony and sloth in spite of sellouts like Paul Deen who is now the disgraced Butter Queen. Mississippi is proud of its slothful and gluttonous heritage.

Let's give Mississippi a big pig cheer. Oink oink HOORAY! Oink oink HOORAY! Oink oink HOORAY! Oink oink HOORAY! 

Click HERE for the Top 10 Fattest States

Top 10 Fat States: Where Obesity Rates Are Highest 1. Mississippi: Once again, this is the fattest state. About 32.5 percent of its adult residents are obese, which means a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30. (That translates to more than 197 pounds on a 5'8" person.) 

2. Alabama: It has an obesity rate of 31.2 percent, and an additional 35.3 percent of Alabamans are overweight (a BMI of between 25 and 29.9). Plus, it's among the top 10 most physically inactive states.  

3. West Virginia: With an obesity rate of 31.1 percent, this state also has the highest percentage of adult diabetes in the nation, at 11.6 percent.

4. Tennessee: While residents are becoming more physically active, their stats still aren't great. The obesity rate is 30.2 percent, and an additional 36.7 percent are overweight.

5. South Carolina: With a 29.7 percent obesity rate and a 35.8 percent overweight rate, it's not surprising that South Carolina is also among the 10 states with the highest rates of adult diabetes and high blood pressure.

6. Oklahoma: Oklahoma's obesity rate jumped by 1.4 percentage points, to 29.5 percent. Not surprisingly, the prevalence of adult diabetes also rose significantly.

7. Kentucky: Kentucky is the second-least physically active state, which may partly explain why its obesity rate is 29 percent. An additional 38.4 percent of residents are overweight.

8. Louisiana: Its obesity rate is 28.9 percent, but that actually may be a tiny decline from last year. And it was one of four states to show a significant decrease in physical inactivity.

9. Michigan: Its obesity rate rose more than a percentage point to 28.8 percent, while the prevalence of diabetes and physical inactivity also rose.

10. Arkansas and Ohio: Both states clocked in with a 28.6 percent obesity rate, though Arkansas has more overweight people. And Ohio has a lower prevalence of physical inactivity, at 25 percent to Arkansas's 28.8 percent.

Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat!

Mine eyes and seen the glory of the coming of the food.
Eating lots of goodies puts me in a good mood.
People like Mike Bloomberg are skinny and so rude.
The buffet line marches on.

Glory glory hallelujah
Fast food don't cost that much moolah
Glory glory hallelujah
The food is marching on

Read More About Mississippi's Anti Bloomberg law.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Antibiotic Resistance Poses 'Catastrophic Threat'

If you are still dumb enough to have weight loss surgery your odds of dying within the first 30 days may now be greater than the usual one in 50. For decades idiot doctors have been overprescribing antibiotics as a result more and more people are dying from a antibiotic resistant bacteria. The surgical site infection rate in the US is 20% growth surgeries but it's much higher for gastric bypass. So when the greedy idiot surgeon with his idiot procedure mangles your intestines and stomach and causes leaks you are now much greater risk that the antibiotics they give you will not work. You will suffer an agonizing death and then you will die.

This is just one more reason for why should never have any form of weight loss surgery and especially any form of gastric bypass.

So you big fat cowardly idiot glutton, what are you going to do now, be a weak willed glutton and rely on some greedy bastard doing a barbaric procedure on you or you going to screw up the courage and find little ambition to feed yourself in a responsible manner? OR accept your fat, embrace and eat like the pig you are and die happy?

Deadly MRSA Infection being treated with maggots!
Antibiotic Resistance Poses 'Catastrophic Threat' To Medicine, Says Britain's Top Health Official

Reuters  |  By Kate Kelland  Posted: 03/10/2013 11:10 pm EDT  |  Updated: 03/11/2013 9:47 am EDT

By Kate Kelland

LONDON, March 11 (Reuters) - Antibiotic resistance poses a catastrophic threat to medicine and could mean patients having minor surgery risk dying from infections that can no longer be treated, Britain's top health official said on Monday.

Sally Davies, the chief medical officer for England, said global action is needed to fight antibiotic, or antimicrobial, resistance and fill a drug "discovery void" by researching and developing new medicines to treat emerging, mutating infections.

Only a handful of new antibiotics have been developed and brought to market in the past few decades, and it is a race against time to find more, as bacterial infections increasingly evolve into "superbugs" resistant to existing drugs.

"Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. If we don't act now, any one of us could go into hospital for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can't be treated by antibiotics," Davies told reporters as she published a report on infectious disease.

"And routine operations like hip replacements or organ transplants could be deadly because of the risk of infection."

One of the best known superbugs, MRSA, is alone estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the United States - far more than HIV and AIDS - and a similar number in Europe.

And others are spreading. Cases of totally drug resistant tuberculosis have appeared in recent years and a new wave of "super superbugs" with a mutation called NDM 1, which first emerged in India, has now turned up all over the world, from Britain to New Zealand.

Last year the WHO said untreatable superbug strains of gonorrhoea were spreading across the world.

Laura Piddock, a professor of microbiology at Birmingham University and director of the campaign group Antibiotic Action, welcomed Davies' efforts to raise awareness of the problem.

"There are an increasing number of infections for which there are virtually no therapeutic options, and we desperately need new discovery, research and development," she said.

Davies called on governments and organisations across the world, including the World Health Organisation and the G8, to take the threat seriously and work to encourage more innovation and investment into the development of antibiotics.

"Over the past two decades there has been a discovery void around antibiotics, meaning diseases have evolved faster than the drugs to treat them," she said.

Davies called for more cooperation between the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries to preserve the existing arsenal of antibiotics, and more focus on developing new ones.

Increasing surveillance to keep track of drug-resistant superbugs, prescribing fewer antibiotics and making sure they are only prescribed when needed, and ensuring better hygiene to keep infections to a minimum were equally important, she said.

Nigel Brown, president of the Society for General Microbiology, agreed the issues demanded urgent action and said its members would work hard to better understand infectious diseases, reduce transmission of antibiotic resistance, and help develop new antibiotics.

"The techniques of microbiology and new developments such as synthetic biology will be crucial in achieving this," he said. (Editing by Jason Webb

The same greedy medical industry that has a vested interest in making people obese also have a vested interest in making them sick so that they can develop new and expensive antibiotics.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Japan is the Fat Friendliest Country on Earth

I think I'm turning Japanese. I think I'm turning Japanese. I really think so. The Japanese have always had great reverence for fatlings and the following video shows just how great fat boys in Japan have it. The Japanese are the greatest people on earth!

Japanese women are generally skinny and really sexy and they love fat boys like me, Fat Bastard.

We fat boys spend a lot of time in doctor's offices and hospitals and too often we are looked after by fat angry hairy nurses who only like skinny guys. Nurses in Japan are all skinny and HOT!
Angry Jealous American nurse on right.
I'd beat the shit out of Godzilla if they'd let me live in Japan. I, Fat Bastard love Japan. What a country! What a great culture! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gitmo and Waterboarding Revisited

What's the difference between the US and the Third Riech? They spoke German and our thugs speak English.

If some rouge state drops a nuke on us it will be because we earned it. It's only a matter of time. When you fuck with people long enough they will strike back. Let's hope that they have more compassion and only go after the criminals.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fat Phobic vs Fat Friendly Psycho Therapist

We sent our investigative reporter Rotunda Hindenberg to several psycho therapists and marriage counselors to see how fat freindly or fat phobic they are. They first one was a female therapist Dr Rebecca Izhot. Here is what Rotunda's hidden microphone recorded.

Dr Izhot

Dr Izhot:  Hi there Rotunda I'm Dr. Izhot. It's so nice to meet you. Please make yourself comfortable. Then I get you a glass of water some coffee or a bottle of pop?

Rotunda: Yeah you got some Dr Pepper? Got any Doritos?

Dr Izhot: I do have some diet Dr Pepper but I don't have anything to snack on, sorry.

Rotunda: (Grunting sounds)

Dr Izhot: So Rotunda what brings you here?

Rotunda: My husband refuses to have sex with me. He told me that I'm too fat to pork.

Dr Izhot: How do you feel about that Rotunda?

Rotunda: It makes me furious. I can't believe how shallow men are. He should love me for who I am.

Dr Izhot: Rotunda let me stop you right there. I could keep you coming back and allow you to obsess about the situation but I went to give it to you straight. Like it or not men like fit and attractive women. Sure there are men who have fetishes for really obese women but most men want their mate to be healthy. They do not want to risk impregnating an unhealthy woman who will give birth to a defective child. This is not something men consciously choose. It's in their DNA.

If you want your husband to find you attractive then I was suggest that you decide what's more important to you. Is it more important for you to be a healthy mate and mother, to be desirable to your man or to indulge your gluttonous desires? The question is quite simple. What is stronger, your love for your husband and your responsibility to be healthy or junk food? You need to decide Rotunda because obviously you are in great conflict over this. You want to have both, that's obvious but you can't have both unless you find a different sort of man who finds morbidly obese women attractive.

If you would like to come back for some weight-loss counseling and other behavioral therapies that can help you change your attitude and put you on track to a healthy lifestyle I would be more than happy to help you but if you're like most fat women who have been spurned I men and all you want to do is turn this into a man bashing contest that we will both be wasting each other's time. Please give this some thought. Here's my card.

Rotunda: SKINNY SLUT!!!!!!

At this point Rotunda storms out. 

The next therapist Rotunda visits is a man. His name is Dr. Paternoster. As a name suggests he is a fatherly type. He's a kindly old man who appears to be about 70 years of age.

Dr. Paternoster: Hello I'm Dr. Paternoster and you must be Rotunda Hindenberg. How are you today Rotunda?

Rotunda: Gasping for breath Rotunda responds. I had to walk up three flights of stairs to get to your office that's how I am.

Dr. Paternoster: That's how it is in one of these old Victorian homes that has been converted to office space. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Won't you please have a seat. Is it Miss or Mrs Hindenburg? Is there a Mr. Hindenburg?

Rotunda: I prefer Ms. Yes I am married but I kept my maiden name.

Dr. Paternoster: I see. Before we start the session I'd like to get a little background information on you such as family and other vital statistics such as date of birth and age. What is your date of birth?  Are both parents living? How many siblings do you have and what are their ages and genders? 

Rotunda: Both my parents are living. Their names are Carl and Bertha Hindenburg. I have two brothers Carl Junior and Denny. My sister's name is Wendy. She's the youngest. She's married to a guy named Dave Thomas. Carl Junior is engaged and Denny is divorced.

Dr. Paternoster: Do you have any significant illnesses? Do your parents or siblings have any significant illnesses?  

Rotunda: Hmmm.... Let's see. My father has hay fever. My mother has diabetic neuropathy, arthritis and she's had several toes amputated. Like me, Wendy is diabetic and we both have sleep apnea. Carl Junior and Denny have a mild case of psoriasis. 

Dr. Paternoster: What can I do for you Rotunda? What seems to be bothering you the most?

Rotunda: It's my husband Dr. He he won't have sex with me.  He says I'm too fat. I am hoping that you can give me some sort of incantation like in the movie Shallow Hal that will make him attracted to me. Can you do that?

Dr. Paternoster: I wish it were that simple but sexual response is a very complex thing. Males have to be aroused in order to perform in a sexual manner. Could it be that your husband suffers from erectile dysfunction?

Rotunda: I don't think so Dr. I caught him jerking off to porn.

Dr. Paternoster: Do you think you might have an addiction to pornography? 

Rotunda: I don't know but my guess is he's a shallow man who doesn't like a real woman like me. 

Dr. Paternoster: I'm not sure what you mean by that. What kind of women in your estimation are there?

Rotunda: there are real women like me, you know, ones with curves and then there are skinny ones. You know, the ones that men all want. 

Dr. Paternoster: Ms Hindenberg, please help me understand something. Why do you think that skinny women are not real women? In other words what makes you more real than them? Can you please clarify that for me?

Rotunda: Real women have curves. Real women have a BMI that starts at it least 25 and the higher their BMI the more real they are. So as you can see, I'm a real woman. I think that any man who is not attracted to a big woman is probably gay. I think that my husband is gay because he likes supermodels and skinny Hollywood actresses. Any real woman know that they are not real women.

Dr. Paternoster: Actually Rotunda, your husband, barring an addiction to Internet porn is quite normal. The majority of men are attracted to slender women.  Another significant percentage of men are attracted to voluptuous women but only a small percentage are attracted to obese women. This seems to cross all cultures.

Rotunda: What about the Venus Willendorf?  What about that?

Dr. Paternoster: What about it? 

Rotunda: The Venus of Willendorf proves that real men prefer real women.

Venus de Milo

Dr. Paternoster: If we were to follow that logic then the Venus of Milo proves that men like normal sized women with no arms. Surely you're not suggesting that one piece of prehistoric art dictates the entire sexual tastes of all mankind? The weight of evidence suggests when women are depicted in art that they are usually not fat. 

I employ a type of therapy the challenges certain assertions made by patients. The aim here is for patients to see the world in a rational way and to react to the world in a rational way. I am getting the impression so far that your husband is turned off by your appearance. Let me guess. I believe that when you married your husband you were shall we say, chubby but as time went on you continued to gain weight and eventually you cross the point to where your husband and most other men would find you attractive but out of love your husband still made love to but now you have reached such proportions that he finds your appearance revolting. Ms. Hindenburg your husband is not going to change. What he is feeling and reacting to is hardwired. You need to decide what's more important you, your current hedonistic lifestyle or your husband and your health.

If you would like I can refer you to a good bariatric clinic that uses diet and behavior modification to put fat people on track to lose weight and reform their lifestyle. We can continue here working on your fattitude and get some of the silly notions out of your head but you have to make that decision. Obviously the path that you are on is not working for you or your husband. I would be happy to see you both in couples counseling if you so desire.

Rotunda: MEN ARE EVIL!  

....stay tuned for part two to find out if our intrepid rotunda finds a fat friendly psychotherapist!